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Environmental conditions and productivity changes in the southeastern Okhotsk Sea have been reconstructed for the last 20 ka using planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records and calcium carbonate, organic carbon and opal content data from two sediment cores. Species variability in benthic foraminiferal and diatom assemblages provides additional palaeoceanographic evidence. AMS radiocarbon dating of the sediments and oxygen isotope stratigraphy serve as the basis for the age models of the cores for the last 20 14C kyr and for correlation between environmental variations in the Okhotsk Sea, and regional and global climate changes. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the two cores (depth 1590 and 1175 m) varied with time, so that we could recognise seven zones with different species composition. Changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages parallel major environmental and productivity variations. During the last glaciation, fluxes of organic matter to the sea floor showed strong seasonal variations, indicated by the presence of abundant A. weddellensis and infaunal Uvigerina spp. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages changed with warming at 12.5–11 and 10–8 14C kyr BP, when productivity blooms and high organic fluxes were coeval with global meltwater pulses 1A and 1B. Younger Dryas cooling caused a decline in productivity (11–10 kyr BP) affecting the benthic faunal community. Subsequent warming triggered intensive diatom production, opal accumulation and a strong oxygen deficiency, causing significant changes in benthic fauna assemblages from 5.26–4.4 kyr BP to present time.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon (14C) provides a measure of the mean age of carbon (C) in roots, or the time elapsed since the C making up root tissues was fixed from the atmosphere. Radiocarbon signatures of live and dead fine (<2 mm diameter) roots in two mature Amazon tropical forests are consistent with average ages of 4–11 years (ranging from <1 to >40 years). Measurements of 14C in the structural tissues of roots known to have grown during 2002 demonstrate that new roots are constructed from recent (<2‐year‐old) photosynthetic products. High Δ14C values in live roots most likely indicate the mean lifetime of the root rather than the isotopic signature of inherited C or C taken up from the soil. Estimates of the mean residence time of C in forest fine roots (inventory divided by loss rate) are substantially shorter (1–3 years) than the age of standing fine root C stocks obtained from radiocarbon (4–11 years). By assuming positively skewed distributions for root ages, we can effectively decouple the mean age of C in live fine roots (measured using 14C) from the rate of C flow through the live root pool, and resolve these apparently disparate estimates of root C dynamics. Explaining the 14C values in soil pore space CO2, in addition, requires that a portion of the decomposing roots be cycled through soil organic matter pools with decadal turnover time.  相似文献   

Spillway scour lakes and basins in northwestern Saskatchewan were cored to determine when the spillways were abandoned. The cores contained the target contact of organic muck (gyttja) overlying inorganic sand or silty-clay rhythmites. New AMS radiocarbon dates on terrestrial macrofossils, in conjunction with previously published and unpublished data from the area, indicate that the spillways were abandoned between 9.07 and 9.59 14C kyr BP (10,220-10,810 cal yr BP). Of great interest is whether the channels are associated with northwestern drainage from glacial Lake Agassiz. The radiocarbon ages recording spillway abandonment are consistent with previous work, which claims that overflow through the northwestern outlet ended ∼ 9.5 14C kyr BP (10,700 cal yr BP); this is consistent with shifting drainage to the southern outlet at this time. The scarcity of dates from the northwestern outlets and other outlets of Lake Agassiz underscores the need to establish a tighter chronological control on outlet switching before outburst flooding from Lake Agassiz can be assumed to be the trigger for abrupt climate change.  相似文献   

In southwest France, thick humic acid loamy soils have developed from Quaternary silty alluvial deposits. On these soils, most forest lands have been converted to continuous intensive maize cropping and the loss of C upon conversion to intensive agriculture has been shown to be significant. The objective of this study was to determine if a study of natural 13C abundance in soil organic C makes possible an improved modelling of organic carbon turnover in the cultivated horizons of soils in this landscape in southwest France. A chronosequence study is realized by comparing C pools and C-13 natural abundance of three forest sites and 14 adjacent agricultural sites, whose ages of cultivation ranged from 3 to 32 yr. 13C ratio is found to increase with time of cultivation. The fraction of C coming from the maize crop increases during the first decades of cultivation, and reaches a plateau thereafter. This equilibrium level is reached after a few decades of cultivation. The decrease of the initial C pool is fitted by a simple model assuming that about half of this pool is mineralized during the first yr of cultivation whereas the other half decreases at a slower rate. Therefore, a general bi-compartmental model is proposed for describing the soil organic carbon dynamics in these soils after forest clearing and intensive maize cropping.  相似文献   

Ocean circulation models indicate that freshwater runoff from the North American continent during the last deglaciation may have had an effect on North Atlantic Ocean circulation, and thereby have altered regional climate. One such example is a flood from Lake Agassiz, which has been proposed by previous workers to have caused the onset of the Younger Dryas at around 12,850 calibrated years B.P. by entering the North Atlantic through the Gulf of St. Lawrence. We present two radiocarbon ages from terrestrial organic sources in the Champlain Valley that we associate with the pre-Champlain Sea proglacial lake phases; a musk-ox bone with an AMS age of 11,362 ± 115 14C years B.P. (13,438-13,020 calibrated years B.P.), and a wood fragment with an AMS age of 10,901 ± 76 14C years B.P. (12,995-12,793 calibrated years B.P.). These ages together with a glacial lacustrine varve estimate suggest that the initiation of the Champlain Sea may not have occurred until after the onset of the Younger Dryas. If the Lake Agassiz flood event occurred before the opening of the Champlain Sea then the floodwaters would have been diverted down the Champlain and Hudson valleys to the North Atlantic. Another possibility is that the Agassiz flood may have been contemporaneous with the opening of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is also possible that there may have been a large enough flood produced by meltwater originating in the Champlain Valley and St. Lawrence Lowlands at the inception of the Champlain Sea to have affected ocean circulation without the influence of Lake Agassiz.  相似文献   

The Dry Holocene Megathermal in Inner Mongolia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paleoclimate since 14 kyr BP (14C age) was reconstructed based on a 16.22-m-long sediment core collected from Lake Yanhaizi, a saline lake located near the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon in Inner Mongolia. Coarse sediments were deposited there during a shrinkage phase of the lake when sand dunes reactivated. These sediments have low organic carbon contents but high maturity indices, indicating that they were deposited in an arid environment. By contrast, based on high organic contents and low maturity indices, fine sediments were deposited during periods of high lake stand in a humid environment. It was in general dry between 8.0 and 4.3 kyr BP. The above dry and wet phases are consistent with those recovered from the arid-semiarid transition zone elsewhere, but are unlike the widely perceived humid Holocene Megathermal reported in east China and the newly reconstructed record in the alpine Retreat Lake in Taiwan. The discrepancy may be due to a relative insensitivity to humidity changes in these two areas since they have both been under the total influence of the summer monsoon. On the other hand, much enhanced evaporation over higher monsoon precipitation at Lake Yanhaizi reduces the effective humidity in the warm climate near the northern boundary of the summer monsoon. This also accounts for the fact the high-temperature Holocene Megathermal, as revealed in the Okinawa Trough and the northern South China Sea, is correlated to the dry phases at Lake Yanhaizi. Conversely, the 4-2-kyr BP coldest period in the Holocene corresponds to a wet phase at Lake Yanhaizi.  相似文献   

Late Pinedale (Wisconsinan) and Neoglacial deposits mantle most valley floors above the timberlane in the Wind River Mountains. Although these tills are generally assigned ages by radiocarbon, relative topographic position, weathering characteristics, and soil morphology, they are rarely superposed. This paper describes a sequence of moraines in Titcomb Basin where early Neoglacial till (now called Indian Basin Till) is superposed on a moraine of late Pinedale age, providing important information on relative ages for the two tills. Late Pinedale deposits radiocarbon date at ca. 8000 yr. B.P., from bog bottom organic materials. Time of onset of Neoglaciation is unknown, while the termination of the Indian Basin advance is placed at ca. 3000 yr. B.P. Differences in soil profile morphology, particle size, mineralogy and chemistry are described and discussed with respect to relative age assignment. While profile morphology and particle size differences appear important in differentiating the two soils, differences in clay mineral composition appear to have greater utility in discriminating post-Indian Basin soils from post-late Pinedale soils.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the palaeoecological changes associated with the last ice age, subsequent deglaciation and human occupation of the central Andes. Location Lake Pacucha, Peruvian Andes (13°36′26″ S, 73°19′42″ W; 3095 m elevation). Methods Vegetation assemblages were reconstructed for the last 24 cal. kyr bp (thousand calibrated 14C years before present), based on pollen analysis of sediments from Lake Pacucha. An age model was established using 14C accelerator mass spectrometry dates on bulk sediment. Fossil pollen and sedimentological analyses followed standard methodologies. Results Puna brava replaced the Andean forest at the elevation of Lake Pacucha at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Deglaciation proceeded rapidly after 16 cal. kyr bp , and near‐modern vegetation was established by c. 14 cal. kyr bp . The deglacial was marked by the range expansion of forest taxa as grassland taxa receded in importance. The mid‐Holocene was marked by a lowered lake level but relatively unchanged vegetation. Quinoa and maize pollen were found in the latter half of the Holocene. Main conclusions Temperatures were about 7–8 °C colder than present at this site during the LGM. The pattern of vegetation change was suggestive of microrefugial expansion rather than simple upslope migration. The mid‐Holocene droughts were interrupted by rainfall events sufficiently frequent to allow vegetation to survive largely unchanged, despite lowering of the lake level. Human activity at the lake included a 5500‐year history of quinoa cultivation and 3000 years of maize cultivation.  相似文献   

In southwest France, sandy spodosols have developed from Quaternary sandy eolian deposits. On these soils, numerous forest lands have been converted to continuous intensive maize cropping. A chronosequence study is realized by comparing organic C pools and 13C natural abundance of one forested and 6 agricultural sites, whose ages of cultivation range from 4 to 32 yr. 13C ratio is found to increase with time of cultivation. After 3 decades of intensive maize cropping, about half of the initial organic C content in the forest topsoil layer has disappeared. The fraction of C derived from maize crop increases during the first decades of cultivation, but its level is significantly lower than those observed in other soils, which indicates a high mineralization rate of organic C. In this context, soil characteristics associated to intensive agricultural practices lead to a rapid and large loss of C, whereas inputs from maize seem to have only a very small long-term contribution.  相似文献   

Chronology is a necessary component of paleoclimatology. Radiocarbon dating plays a central role in determining the ages of geological samples younger than ca. 50 ka BP. However, there are many limitations for its application, including radiocarbon reservoir effects, which may cause incorrect chronology in many lakes. Here we demonstrate temporal changes in the radiocarbon reservoir age of Lake Xingyun, Southwestern China, where radiocarbon ages based on bulk organic matter have been reported in previous studies. Our new radiocarbon ages, determined from terrestrial plant macrofossils suggest that the radiocarbon reservoir age changed from 960 to 2200 years during the last 8500 cal a BP years. These changes to the reservoir effect were associated with inputs from either pre-aged organic carbon or 14C-depleted hard water in Lake Xingyun caused by hydrological change in the lake system. The radiocarbon reservoir age may in return be a good indicator for the carbon source in lake ecosystems and depositional environment.  相似文献   

We applied AMS 14C dates, Mg/Ca estimated sea surface temperature (SST), planktonic foraminiferal abundance, coarse component and X-ray diffraction mineral composition analyses for an International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) sediment Hole U1467C in the Maldives inner sea, to reveal factors that affected the depositional process in the Maldives inner sea over the past 30 kyr. We found that the linear sedimentation rate (LSR) in Holocene (6.8 cm/kyr) was obviously higher than that in glacial period (3.45 cm/kyr); the average SST during the Holocene was 2–3°C higher than that in glacial stage. High abundance of planktonic foraminifera occurred during the glacial period, which was consistent with the variation of pelagic biogenic component. Reef-sourced material showed apparent high percentage during the Holocene (43.5%), in contrast to the low values during the glacial stage (20.7%). Terrigenous matter, only accounting for a small percentage in carbonate platform, was relatively high during the glacial period than that in the Holocene. We therefore conclude that reef-sourced material, dominated in the glacial-interglacial sediment sources, was mainly affected by sea level and climate changes. During glacial stage, sea level low-stand and weakened weathering in Maldives limited the input of the eroded material into the inner sea, resulting in low LSR; while the Holocene high sea level accompanied with rapid growth of the reef atoll and enhanced weathering, brought more reef-sourced material to the inner sea, leading to increased LSR and lowered abundance of planktonic foraminifera. The sea level and climate-controlled reef-sourced material changes are the key to understand the sedimentary process of the Maldives inner sea. Our study will shed some light on the evolution of glacial-interglacial sedimentary process of carbonate platform.  相似文献   

Potential carbon release from permafrost soils of Northeastern Siberia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Permafrost soils are an important reservoir of carbon (C) in boreal and arctic ecosystems. Rising global temperature is expected to enhance decomposition of organic matter frozen in permafrost, and may cause positive feedback to warming as CO2 is released to the atmosphere. Significant amounts of organic matter remain frozen in thick mineral soil (loess) deposits in northeastern Siberia, but the quantity and lability of this deep organic C is poorly known. Soils from four tundra and boreal forest locations in northeastern Siberia that have been continuously frozen since the Pleistocene were incubated at controlled temperatures (5, 10 and 15°C) to determine their potential to release C to the atmosphere when thawed. Across all sites, CO2 with radiocarbon (14C) ages ranging between~21 and 24 ka bp was respired when these permafrost soils were thawed. The amount of C released in the first several months was strongly correlated to C concentration in the bulk soil in the different sites, and this correlation remained the same for fluxes up to 1 year later. Fluxes were initially strongly related to temperature with a mean Q10 value of 1.9±0.3 across all sites, and later were unrelated to temperature but still correlated with bulk soil C concentration. Modeled inversions of Δ14CO2 values in respiration CO2 and soil C components revealed mean contribution of 70% and 26% from dissolved organic C to respiration CO2 in case of two permafrost soils, while organic matter fragments dominated respiration (mean 68%) from a surface mineral soil that served as modern reference sample. Our results suggest that if 10% of the total Siberian permafrost C pool was thawed to a temperature of 5°C, about 1 Pg C will be initially released from labile C pools, followed by respiration of~40 Pg C to the atmosphere over a period of four decades.  相似文献   

Accumulation rates of individual species (SpecAR) and relative abundances (percentages) of benthic foraminifera of an AMS 14C-dated high resolution sediment core from the Norwegian Seas (water depth: 2707 m) provide a record of the faunal fluctuations from the last glacial maximum across the Weichselian deglaciation to the Holocene. During glacial times, the total foraminifera accumulation remains at a very low level (< 100 specimens cm−2 kyr−1) and is dominated by two endofaunal species: Oridorsalis umbonatus (Reuss) and Siphotextularia rolshauseni (Phleger and Parker) and reworked specimens of the genus Elphidium. The following deglaciation period exhibits an increase of the AR of the total fauna at 14 kyr B.P. The species distribution is marked by the last appearance of S. rolshauseni and the first postglacial appearance of suspension feeding Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi (Schwager) 13 kyr B.P. The absolute maximum of benthic foraminiferal AR (2750 spec cm−2 kyr−1 occurred near 9 kyr B.P. at the end of the deglaciation. This maximum also marks the re-appearance of the agglutinating species Cribrostomoides subglobosus (Sars). The post-glacial interval is characterized by a twofold reduction of the total accumulation of benthic foraminifera. The species distribution shows two new species: Ammobaculites agglutinans (d'Orbigny, at 6 kyr B.P.) and Epistominella exigua (Brady, at 3.5 kyr B.P.). The total AR indicates benthic activity during glacial times was at a low level. It was significantly higher during the Holocene with an abrupt increase of benthic foraminiferal abundance from 10 to 9 kyr B.P. The Stepwise re-invasion into the postglacial deep-sea environment maybe related to specific habitat preference.  相似文献   

Cryptoendolithic lichens and cyanobacteria living in porous sandstone in the high‐elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys are purported to be among the slowest growing organisms on Earth with cycles of death and regrowth on the order of 103–104 years. Here, organic biomarker and radiocarbon analysis were used to better constrain ages and carbon sources of cryptoendoliths in University Valley (UV; 1,800 m.a.s.l) and neighboring Farnell Valley (FV; 1,700 m.a.s.l). Δ14C was measured for membrane component phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and glycolipid fatty acids, as well as for total organic carbon (TOC). PLFA concentrations indicated viable cells comprised a minor (<0.5%) component of TOC. TOC Δ14C values ranged from ?272‰ to ?185‰ equivalent to calibrated ages of 1,100–2,550 years old. These ages may be the result of fractional preservation of biogenic carbon and/or sudden large‐scale community death and extended period(s) of inactivity prior to slow recolonization and incorporation of 14C‐depleted fossil material. PLFA Δ14C values were generally more modern than the corresponding TOC and varied widely between sites; the FV PLFA Δ14C value (+40‰) was consistent with modern atmospheric CO2, while UV values ranged from ?199‰ to ?79‰ (calibrated ages of 1,665–610 years). The observed variability in PLFA Δ14C depletions is hypothesized to reflect variations in the extent of fixation of modern atmospheric CO2 and the preservation and recycling of older organic carbon by the community in various stages of sandstone recolonization. PLFA profiles and microbial community compositions as determined by molecular genetic characterizations and microscopy differed between the two valleys (e.g., predominance of biomarker 18:2 [>50%] in FV compared to UV), representing microbial communities that may reflect distinct stages of sandstone recolonization and/or environmental conditions. It is thus proposed that Dry Valley cryptoendolithic microbial communities are faster growing than previously estimated.  相似文献   

The white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, has a complex life history that is characterized by large scale movements and a highly variable diet. Estimates of age and growth for the white shark from the eastern North Pacific Ocean indicate they have a slow growth rate and a relatively high longevity. Age, growth, and longevity estimates useful for stock assessment and fishery models, however, require some form of validation. By counting vertebral growth band pairs, ages can be estimated, but because not all sharks deposit annual growth bands and many are not easily discernable, it is necessary to validate growth band periodicity with an independent method. Radiocarbon (14C) age validation uses the discrete 14C signal produced from thermonuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s that is retained in skeletal structures as a time-specific marker. Growth band pairs in vertebrae, estimated as annual and spanning the 1930s to 1990s, were analyzed for Δ14C and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of 14C age validation for a wide-ranging species with a complex life history and to use stable isotope measurements in vertebrae as a means of resolving complexity introduced into the 14C chronology by ontogenetic shifts in diet and habitat. Stable isotopes provided useful trophic position information; however, validation of age estimates was confounded by what may have been some combination of the dietary source of carbon to the vertebrae, large-scale movement patterns, and steep 14C gradients with depth in the eastern North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Bog peat soils have been accumulating at Wellington Plain peatland, Victoria, Australia for the last 3300 years. Now, dried peat soils are common adjacent to bog peats. The 14C basal age of dried peat is not different from the 14C basal age of bog peat, which supports the theory that dried peat formed from bog peat. A novel application of 210Pb dating links the timing of this change with the introduction of livestock to Wellington Plain in the mid‐1800s. Physical loss of material appears to have been the dominant process removing material as bog peats drained to form dried peats, as indicated by the mass balances of carbon and lead. This research has implications for the post‐fire and post‐grazing restoration of bogs in Victoria's Alpine National Park, and the contribution of peat soils to Australia's carbon emissions.  相似文献   

An improved procedure is presented for the binding to filter paper and subsequent purification of DNA from plasmid-containing bacterial colonies. The procedure includes treatments with NaOH, enzymatic digestion, and organic solvent extraction of the filter-bound DNA. This method allows isolation of DNA in a reusable form from thousands of colonies in several hours. Double-labeling experiments with [3H]thymidine and [14C]proline indicated that (i) during purification the DNA:protein ratio is increased several hundredfold; (ii) little or no DNA is lost during the procedure; (iii) the resultant purified DNA is tenaciously bound to the paper. Thus, the final filter-bound DNA allows multiple sequential hybridizations of different probes to one filter.  相似文献   

A fossil primnoid gorgonian skeleton (Octocorallia) was recovered on the eastern Galician Massif in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) from 720 m water depth. The skeleton shows a growth banding of alternating Mg–calcitic and organic (gorgonin) increments in the inner part, surrounded by a ring of massive fibrous calcite. Three calcite-dominated cycles, bounded by thick organic layers, consist of five light-dark couplets of calcite and gorgonin. Two AMS-14C datings of the fossil skeleton give ages of 10,880 and 10,820 ± 45 14C years before present (BP). We arrive at a calibrated age range of 11,829–10,072 cal. years BP (two σ), which comprises the late Younger Dryas to the earliest part of the Holocene. The cyclic calcitic–organic growth banding may be controlled by a constant rate of calcite secretion with a fluctuating rate of gorgonin production, possibly related to productivity cycles. The skeletal fabric change of alternating calcitic–organic increments to massive fibrous calcite may be the result of hydrographic changes during the deglaciation as reflected by preliminary stable isotope data. If this hypothesis proves to be correct, primnoid gorgonians are able to match with varying hydrodynamic conditions by changing their biomineralisation mode.  相似文献   

The amounts, sources and relative ages of inorganic and organic carbon pools were assessed in eight headwater streams draining watersheds dominated by either forest, pasture, cropland or urban development in the lower Chesapeake Bay region (Virginia, USA). Streams were sampled at baseflow conditions six different times over 1 year. The sources and ages of the carbon pools were characterized by isotopic (δ13C and ?14C) analyses and excitation emission matrix fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (EEM–PARAFAC). The findings from this study showed that human land use may alter aquatic carbon cycling in three primary ways. First, human land use affects the sources and ages of DIC by controlling different rates of weathering and erosion. Relative to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in forested streams which originated primarily from respiration of young, 14C-enriched organic matter (OM; δ13C = ?22.2 ± 3 ‰; ?14C = 69 ± 14 ‰), DIC in urbanized streams was influenced more by sedimentary carbonate weathering (δ13C = ?12.4 ± 1 ‰; ?14C = ?270 ± 37 ‰) and one of pasture streams showed a greater influence from young soil carbonates (δ13C = ?5.7 ± 2.5 ‰; ?14C = 69 ‰). Second, human land use alters the proportions of terrestrial versus autochthonous/microbial sources of stream water OM. Fluorescence properties of dissolved OM (DOM) and the C:N of particulate OM (POM) suggested that streams draining human-altered watersheds contained greater relative contributions of DOM and POM from autochthonous/microbial sources than forested streams. Third, human land uses can mobilize geologically aged inorganic carbon and enable its participation in contemporary carbon cycling. Aged DOM (?14C = ?248 to ?202 ‰, equivalent14C ages of 1,811–2,284 years BP) and POM (?14C = ?90 to ?88 ‰, 14C ages of 669–887 years BP) were observed exclusively in urbanized streams, presumably a result of autotrophic fixation of aged DIC (?297 to ?244 ‰, 14C age = 2,251–2,833 years BP) from sedimentary shell dissolution and perhaps also watershed export of fossil fuel carbon. This study demonstrates that human land use may have significant impacts on the amounts, sources, ages and cycling of carbon in headwater streams and their associated watersheds.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2007,62(4):155-170
We analyzed planktic foraminiferal assemblages, oxygen and carbon isotope records, and the presence or absence of laminations to reconstruct the paleoenvironments of the southern Japan Sea since the last glacial period. Data were collected from two well-dated cores. One core (water depth 999 m) included thinly laminated mud layers, the other (water depth 283 m) contained nonlaminated sediments. Tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of 14 horizons revealed that the two cores contained continuous records of the last 27 cal kyr. A total of 13 planktic foraminiferal species belonging to six genera were identified in down-core samples. The typical indicators of the Tsushima Current water, Globigerinoides ruber, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globigerinoides tenellus, and Globigerinita glutinata occurred since 9.3 cal kyr BP. Neogloboquadrina incompta, which was the dominant species in the Tsushima Current region of the modern Japan Sea, first occurred at 8.2 cal kyr BP and dominated the assemblage since 7.3 cal kyr BP. These results clearly indicate that the warm Tsushima Current started to inflow into the Japan Sea at 9.3 cal kyr BP, and the modern surface conditions in the southern Japan Sea were essentially established at 7.3 cal kyr BP. Our data and comparison of the presence or absence of laminated sediments in three locations from the southern Japan Sea suggest that deep circulation during the deglacial period was weaker than that at present. In addition, deep circulation in the modern Japan Sea, which supplies oxygen-rich water to the entire basin, started probably in association with the first inflow of the Tsushima Current beginning at 9.3 cal kyr BP.  相似文献   

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