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We assessed the effect of two biological control agents, the mirid Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) and the weevil Neochetina eichhorniae (Warner), singly or in combination, on the competitive ability of their host plant, water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laub., grown in a screen house, in competition with another aquatic plant (Pistia stratiotes L.). Water hyacinth plant growth characteristics measured included fresh weight, leaf and petiole lengths, number of inflorescences produced, and new shoots. Without herbivory, water hyacinth was 18 times more competitive than water lettuce (across all experimental combinations of initial plant densities), as estimated from fresh weights. Both insect species, singly or in combination, reduced water hyacinth plant growth characteristics. E. catarinensis alone was less damaging than the weevil and under normal conditions, i.e., floating water hyacinth, is not expected to increase control of water hyacinth beyond that of the weevil. When combined with the weevil, half the inoculum of weevils and half the inoculum of mirids produced the same growth reduction as the full inoculum of the weevil. Under conditions where the weevils are not effective because water hyacinths are seasonally rooted in mud, the mirid, which lives entirely on leaves, should become a useful additional biological control agent. Handling Editor: John Scott.  相似文献   

采用水葫芦琼脂平板和氨氮平板初筛及点种于水葫芦茎处的方法,得到使水葫芦茎部病变黑斑的菌株,考察其对光照培养箱中培养水葫芦的生长抑制效果,获得对水葫芦生长有强抑制作用的菌株S63,鉴定为假单胞菌属。露天培养的试验结果表明,加入该菌液0.5%~2%(体积分数)的试验组发病率为41.2%~100%,高于对照组19.4%~33.3%的发病率;试验组叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的酶活均显著高于对照组。表明该菌对水葫芦有一定的除草活性。  相似文献   

The host range ofEccritotarsus catarinensiswas determined using 33 plant species to assess the risk of using this insect, a native of South America, for the classical biological control of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The results, in conjunction with the results of Hillet al.(1999) who tested 67 species (mostly South African), strongly suggest thatE. catarinensisis restricted to the Pontederiaceae, a family of aquatic plants. All five species of Pontederiaceae in the Australian testing,E. crassipes, Pontederia cordata, Monochoria vaginalis, M. cyanea,andM. australasica,were suitable for insect development. Colonies persisted for at least four generations onE. crassipes, P. cordata,andM. vaginalis.Two-way choice and multiple-choice preference trials were conducted and discussed.E. catarinensisdid not exhibit a clear preference for waterhyacinth over other Pontederiaceae in these trials. Most oviposition occurred into the upper surface of the lamina during laboratory testing despite observations that the underside was preferred in the field. Although not considered suitable for release in Australia, this insect may be useful in other countries where more serious waterhyacinth problems occur and whereM. vaginalisis a serious weed, such as in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Genetic bottlenecks can be deleterious to populations. In biological control, agent populations may be subject to severe bottlenecks during selection, importation and while in culture. The genetic variability of two collections of the water hyacinth biological control agent Eccritotarsus catarinensis Carvalho (Hemiptera: Miridae) was measured using Inter-simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences. The first collection (Brazilian) went through a bottleneck of a single gravid female, while the second collection (Peru) originated from 1000 individuals and has been maintained at a large size in culture. Two naturalised South African populations from the Brazilian collection were also sampled (Nseleni and Mbozambo). Polymorphism for ISSR was high in the Peruvian and two naturalised samples, but much less so in the Brazilian sample. The Peruvian population was shown to be highly differentiated from the Brazilian and its naturalised populations by high values of FST and Nei’s genetic distance, as well as in a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) plot and an unrooted neighbour joining tree derived from Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity. In addition, sequencing of the COI region of the mitochondrial DNA revealed only two haplotypes, one Brazilian and one Peruvian, with a 5.2% sequence divergence, suggesting that recombination and not mutation is the cause of most variation in the ISSR regions. The results suggest that substantial genetic variation may be retained or recovered after a bottleneck. This may mitigate deleterious effects that are a concern for the fate of biological control agents after release.  相似文献   

A mirid,Eccritotarsus catarinensis(Carvalho), was studied as a potentially damaging natural enemy for water hyacinth, (Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms-Laub.), in South Africa. In the laboratory, eggs were inserted into the leaf tissue parallel to the leaf surface. The four nymphal instars fed gregariously with the adults mainly on the undersurface of the leaves, causing severe chlorosis at high population levels. The duration of immature stages (egg and nymphs) was approximately 23 days, while the adults survived for approximately 50 days. Favorable biological characteristics ofE. catarinensisincluded a high rate of increase, gregarious habits, long-lived and mobile adults, and several generations per year. Laboratory host range of the mirid was determined by adult choice trials on 67 plant species in 36 families and adult no-choice trials on five species in the Pontederiaceae. Feeding was recorded on all Pontederiaceae tested and oviposition on four of the five species. However, these plant species proved to be inferior hosts forE. catarinensisin comparison to water hyacinth, suggesting thatE. catarinensiswould be an acceptable natural enemy for water hyacinth in South Africa.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统中凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)入侵造成湿地植物群落结构退化及功能崩溃,直接影响沉水植物的生长繁殖及初级生产力。目前关于凤眼莲的入侵机制有一定的研究,而关于凤眼莲入侵程度对沉水植物金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillate)生长及种间关系的影响相对缺乏。以外来入侵植物凤眼莲,沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻为研究对象,设计凤眼莲入侵程度(无入侵,轻度入侵对应盖度25%,重度入侵对应盖度75%)交叉定植方式(黑藻单种模式、金鱼藻单种模式,金鱼藻和黑藻混种模式)的控制实验,探究凤眼莲入侵强度对沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻生长及种间关系的影响。结果表明,凤眼莲入侵程度显著降低了金鱼藻的生物量、分枝数;黑藻的株高、分枝数和分节数。无凤眼莲入侵时,两种沉水植物生物量均最大,两者种间竞争关系较强;随凤眼莲入侵盖度增加,两种沉水植物的生物量先急剧降低后略微增加,种间关系经过微弱促进后又变为竞争作用,其中黑藻表现出明显的竞争优势。此外,凤眼莲入侵略微降低了水体中的总氮、总磷含量。结构方程模型分析结果表明凤眼莲入侵以及水体总氮、总磷等水体理化性质对沉水植物生长均有显著负向影响(P<0.05),且水体理化性质对沉水植物生长的影响强于凤眼莲入侵。总之,凤眼莲入侵显著降低了金鱼藻和黑藻生长繁殖,随着凤眼莲入侵程度增加,两种沉水植物种间关系由竞争转变为促进再转变为竞争。研究结果为凤眼莲入侵有效控制及湿地沉水植被的恢复与重建提供了一定的理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

[目的]明确植物激素赤霉素对入侵植物凤眼莲营养生长和无性克隆繁殖的影响,探索凤眼莲快速生长繁殖的内在调控机理,为其科学防控及合理利用提供参考.[方法]在温室条件下用改良霍格兰营养液培养凤眼莲幼苗,并定期对其叶茎表面喷洒50μmol·L-1赤霉酸(GA3),培养4周后检测其营养生长和无性繁殖指标,包括株高、根长、膨大茎周...  相似文献   

A batch sorption technique was used to study the biosorption of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions onto the vastly abundant water hyacinth weed, Eichhornia crassipes biomass in binary and ternary systems at a temperature of 30 °C and pH 4.84. Mutual interference effects were probed using equilibrium adsorption capacity ratios, , where the prime indicates the presence of one or two other metal ions. The combined action of the metals was found to be antagonistic, and the metal sorption followed the order Pb2+  Cd2+  Zn2+. The behaviour of competitive biosorption for Pb–Cd and Pb–Zn combinations were successfully described by the Langmuir Competitive Model (CLM), whilst the model showed poor fitting to the Cd–Zn data. In conclusion, Pb2+ ions could still be effectively removed from aqueous solution in the presence of both Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions, but removal of the Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions would be suppressed in the presence of Pb2+.  相似文献   

We investigated water hyacinth seed banks in several aquatic systems in South Africa. Fifteen sites, mainly in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, were surveyed from August to October 2009. Soil seed density varied between 0 and 2534 seeds/m2 but did not differ significantly between the type of waterbody (impoundment vs. river) or the history of control carried out at a site. Average germination was 54.17% with very fast velocities (Vigour Index = 36.66) and maximum germination around three days. Although we demonstrated the existence of an important reservoir of seeds, results from this study indicated that a combination of factors such as water fluctuation, eutrophication and seed decomposition might have had a great influence on dispersal and persistence of seeds.  相似文献   

Xubida infusella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is potentially a useful biological control agent targeting Eichhornia crassipes (waterhyacinth) in the USA but many regions infested with waterhyacinth are also inhabited by an alternative native host, Pontederia cordata (pickerelweed). Experiments were conducted in Australia to assess the impact of X. infusella on pickerelweed compared to waterhyacinth where both these plants were available and X. infusella had already been released. Overall X. infusella had a greater impact on pickerelweed than on waterhyacinth. More than one larva per plant was required to reduce the total shoot dry weight of waterhyacinth but only one larva per plant reduced the total shoot dry weight of pickerelweed. Insect feeding caused the number of secondary shoots (daughter plants) of pickerelweed to double whereas the number of daughter plants produced by waterhyacinth remained unchanged. We suggest this indicates a considerable impact on pickerelweed rather than effective compensation for insect damage because the shoots produced were very small. Waterhyacinth produced a constant number of daughter plants when fed on by up to three larvae per plant. Higher nitrogen status of both species of host plant increased the rate of larval development and pupal weight of X. infusella. The weight and fecundity of X. infusella reared on pickerelweed were lower than those reared on waterhyacinth but large numbers of progeny were produced on both plant species. This experiment demonstrates a considerable impact of X. infusella on pickerelweed suggesting this plant is at risk from this agent if released in the USA where pickerelweed is present. The considerable impact on waterhyacinth demonstrates the potential for this insect to contribute to waterhyacinth control in countries where risk assessment favours release.  相似文献   

程贝贝  陈胜艳  岳莉然 《广西植物》2020,40(12):1781-1789
为研究Na HCO3胁迫对紫根水葫芦的形态学指标及光合参数的影响,该文以紫根水葫芦为材料,采用不同浓度碱性盐Na HCO3溶液处理成株紫根水葫芦,测定在Na HCO3胁迫下紫根水葫芦的植株株高、根长、根冠比、生物量、含水量和光合参数[净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)]。结果表明:紫根水葫芦在20 mmol·L-1Na HCO3浓度下的水溶液p H值最为平缓;在低浓度Na HCO3溶液中(≤40 mmol·L-1),相比CK,紫根水葫芦的形态学指标呈现增长或无显著影响情况,而在高浓度Na HCO3溶液中(≥60 mmol·L-1),随着Na HCO3浓度的升高,紫根水葫芦形态学指标显著降低,且与Na HCO3...  相似文献   

Water hyacinth was pretreated, under variable conditions, with NaOH, alkaline H2O2, peracetic acid and sodium chlorite. Combined pretreatments included sodium chlorite with each of NaOH, alkaline H2O2 and peracetic acid. Combined pretreatment with 0.1% NaClO2 for 1 h at 100 °C and peracetic acid at 100 °C for 15 min afforded the most promising sample. The recovered lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose of this sample was 2.56%, 96.69%, and 81.38%, respectively. The same sample, by cellulase hydrolysis showed the highest cellulose conversion (80.8%) and 90% saccharification using 200 FPU/g substrate. Some ambient factors affecting saccharification of pretreated water hyacinth were investigated. Enzymic saccharification after 6 h was about 50% of that at 48 h, indicating a slow hydrolysis rate by time. Addition of 8% glucose at the beginning of the enzymic hydrolysis decreased the saccharification to about its half while addition of 8% ethanol brought about complete inhibition of the enzyme. Addition of cellobiase to the reaction mixture increased cellulose conversion and saccharification by 10%.  相似文献   

Yonghong Xie  Hongyan Qin  Dan Yu 《Hydrobiologia》2004,529(1-3):105-112
The responses of decomposition to N and P supply were investigated in three leaf types of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms): dead green leaves collected from Donghu Lake; green, and brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. The ratios of C:N, C:P, lignin:N and lignin:P were lowest in the green leaves collected from Donghu Lake, and highest in the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. Decomposition constant (k) of water hyacinth varied greatly, ranged from 0.006 to 0.099 d–1. Leaf litters decayed most quickly within the initial two weeks during the experimental period, but decomposition rate decreased significantly in the following days. Decomposition and nutrient (N and P) release were fastest in the green leaves collected from Donghu Lake, intermediate in the green leaves collected from outdoor tanks, slowest in the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. Statistical analyses revealed that the effects of P-availability on decomposition rate and N, P release rate of the three litter types were significant, whereas the impacts of N-availability was insignificant (p > 0.05) except for the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. These results suggest that decomposition rate and nutrient content dynamics of water hyacinth differ with their growth habitats, and could partly be regulated by nutrient availability, especially by P-availability, in the environments.  相似文献   

丛伟  李霞 《西北植物学报》2012,32(9):1802-1810
2011年于南京对凤眼莲进行不同光处理(全天遮荫、7:00~11:00遮荫、11:00~15:00遮荫和15:00~19:00遮荫),遮荫下光强为自然光强的70%,以全自然光为对照(CK),处理25d,每5d分别测定生长指标、单株鲜重、单株干重、光合净光合速率(Pn)、抗氧化酶、非酶系统的总抗氧化能力(AOC)以及1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化加氧酶(Rubisco)活性等生理指标,以阐明光强对其生长以及适应机制,为提高凤眼莲生物量提供依据。结果显示:与CK相比,全天遮荫明显降低了叶片数量、叶面积、根长、分株和单株鲜重等生长指标,而11:00~15:00遮荫虽抑制叶片数量和子代分株的产生,但促进根的伸长和叶面积的增加,其单株鲜重比对照增加;同时,还可诱导最大净光合速率(Pnmax),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)和AOC活性的增加,减少了体内丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子自由基(O2.-)的累积,稳定Rubisco活性,减轻光氧化胁迫。研究表明,全天遮荫不利于凤眼莲的生长,但中午遮荫有利于缓解光氧化伤害,促进其物质累积。  相似文献   

Rates of abiotic and microbial decomposition in pre- and post-bloom leaves of water hyacinth are determined under laboratory conditions. Decomposition in all types of hyacinth leaves is dominated by physical leaching in an initial phase of 4 days duration, and later by microbial processes. The largest part of physical leaching takes place within the first 4 h. Thereafter, the weight loss due to physical leaching declines exponentially. The weight loss by microbial decomposition is minimal in the initial phase but increases exponentially in the later phase. Pre-bloom leaves decompose significantly faster than post-bloom leaves, and post-bloom green leaves decompose faster than post-bloom brown leaves. The rate constants of abiotic decomposition are significantly higher in post-bloom leaves as compared with pre-bloom leaves, while microbial decomposition is significantly higher in pre-bloom leaves. After 30 days, the dry mass loss by abiotic and microbial decomposition is 15% and 55%, respectively, in pre-bloom leaves, 33% and 19% in post-bloom green leaves, and 24% and 6% in post-bloom brown leaves.  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae are widely distributed in aquatic environments and their hygienic, medical and ecological relationships to man are increasingly important. The purpose of this study was to isolate free-living amoebae from water-hyacinth root (Eichhornia crassipes) and the water of an urban lake in Mexico City. Five grams of wet root were seeded on non-nutritive agar with Enterobacter aerogenes (NNE). Water samples were concentrated by centrifugation at 1200g for 15 min and the pellet was seeded on NNE. Of the 16 isolated genera, 10 were detected in both habitats. The most frequent were Vannella in root and Acanthamoeba and Naegleria in water. The total number of isolates and genera isolated from root was higher than that isolated from water. The differences between root and water are probably due to the morphological characteristics of water-hyacinth root, which provides a large habitat and refuge area for many organisms.  相似文献   

Thrypticus truncatus is a candidate agent for biocontrol of waterhyacinth; the larvae of this diptera mine in the petioles and feed on the phloem in the vascular bundles. The mycobiota associated with T. truncatus and T. sagittatus mines was investigated during two surveys undertaken in the spring and autumn in the Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina. Isolations were made from the mines and larval feeding points, as well as from the larvae, following dissection of the petioles, and plated onto agar. Young and upper parts of the petioles without Thrypticus mines were used as controls. Twenty eight fungal species were isolated from the mines. Pestalotiopsis guepinii, Mucor attenuatus, Phoma tropica, Achlya americana, Fusarium avenaceum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Clonostachys rosea, Epicoccum purpurascens, Plectosporium tabacinum, Alternaria alternata, and Acremonium sp. were the most common fungi associated with mines and feeding points. Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cytospora sp., Mucor attenuatus, and Phoma tropica were associated with the larval body. The list of fungi in mines was compared with bibliographic information to determine if the species are known pathogens on waterhyacinth or other plant species. This is the first study on mycobiota associated with T. truncatus and T. sagittatus mines in waterhyacinth petioles in Argentina.  相似文献   

为了探究色素含量以及细胞结构在紫花含笑花被呈色过程中的作用机理,该研究以绿色和紫色花被为材料,测定其花被色素含量,运用逐步回归方程分析花被呈色与色素含量的关系,采用石蜡切片及超薄切片技术观察花被细胞超显微结构变化。结果表明:(1)在紫花含笑花被呈色过程中,紫色花被表面明度L*值降低,a*值上升,b*值降低;花被花青素苷的积累量以及类胡萝卜素和类黄酮等含量增加,同时伴随着叶绿素的降解及其含量降低。(2)a*与花青素、类黄酮、类胡萝卜素等色素含量以及花青素/类黄酮、花青素/叶绿素呈显著正相关关系,b*与叶绿素含量和花青素/类胡萝卜素呈显著正相关关系。(3)在细胞结构上,随着花被由绿转紫,其上表皮细胞由扁平型向圆锥凸起型变化,单个细胞长宽比增大,细胞垂周壁出现褶皱,紫色花被上表皮结构向增加入射光吸收面积变化;液泡体积增大与叶绿体向有色体转化是主要的细胞器变化。研究发现,花被呈色是多因素作用的结果,花青素含量的产生与积累以及类胡萝卜素和类黄酮等含量增加辅助增色可能是紫花含笑呈紫色的主要...  相似文献   

The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms.) plants in lakes and reservoirs have gained considerable attention in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world due to its rapid growth. The amount of nutrients released from the dead plant materials is of particular interest. Thus, decomposition of water hyacinth plant parts under aerobic conditions was studied in the laboratory. Roots, petioles, and leaves of water hyacinth were enclosed separately in one litre polypropylene bottles which contained 500 ml of lake water. To study the influence of bacteria on the decomposition, antibiotics were added to half of the bottles. We observed that decomposition of leaves and petioles without antibiotics were relatively rapid through day 61, with almost 92.7 and 97.3% of the dry mass removed, respectively. Weight loss due to bacterial activities during 94 days decomposition was 22.6, 3.9, and 30.5% from leaf, petiole, and root litter. Decomposition of litter in lake water indicated that after 94 days 0.6, 0, and 0.6 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root N was dissolved in leachate, while 23.1, 14.4, and 6.0 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root N was either volatilized or remained as particulate organic N. Moreover, 0.2, 0, and 0.1 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root P remained dissolved in the leachate, while 3.1, 3.4, and 1.1 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root P was either precipitated or remained as particulate organic P. The carbon dynamics during the decomposition indicated that 7.4, 28.8, and 3.7 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root C remained dissolved in the leachate after 94 days while 228.0, 197.6, and 107.4 g m–2 of leaf, petiole, and root C was either diffused or remained as particulate organic C. These findings are useful for quantifying the nutrient cycles of very shallow lakes with water hyacinth under aerobic water environment. Further examination of the fate of the plant litter as it moves down in deep anaerobic water environment, is necessary to understand the leaching process better.  相似文献   

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