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花生45S rDNA和5S rDNA的染色体定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对四粒红和蜀花四号花生材料进行了核型分析,四粒红为2B核型,核型公式为2n=4x=40=38m+2sm(4SAT);蜀花四号为1B核型,核型公式为2n=4x=40=40 m(2SAT)。利用双色荧光原位杂交技术,对45S rDNA和5S rDNA这两个材料有丝分裂中期染色体上的物理位置进行了定位分析。定位结果表明,四粒红有6对45S rDNA位点,位于A2L、A7S、A9L、B3L、B7S、B8L(A和B分别代表基因组A和基因组B,L和S代表长臂和短臂,数字代表染色体序号,下同);2对5S rDNA位点,位于A3S和B3S;蜀花四号有5对45S rDNA位点,位于A2L、A9L、B3L、B7S、B9L;2对5S rDNA位点,位于A3S和B3S。花生的45S rDNA位点具有可变性,5S rDNA则相对保守。  相似文献   

利用荧光原位杂交技术对杨属(Populus)植物五个组中二倍体(2n=2x=38)代表种:毛白杨(P.tomentosa)、箭杆杨(P.nigravar.thevestina)、大叶杨(P.lasiocarpa)、小青杨(P.pseudo-simonii)、胡杨(P.euphratica);以及所发现的白杨组和黑杨组天然三倍体(2n=3x=57):毛白杨(P.tomentosa)、武黑1号(P.euramericana cv.Wuhei-1)进行了25S rDNA的染色体定位。二倍体毛白杨、箭杆杨、小青杨和大叶杨都具有4个25S rDNA位点,而胡杨只有2个较大的25S rDNA定位于1对小的染色体上,白杨和黑杨天然三倍体的两个种各有6个25S rDNA位点。同时作者还将杨属植物25S rDNA的分布变化与常规核型分析结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

水稻45S rDNA和5S rDNA的染色体定位研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
龚志云  吴信淦  程祝宽  顾铭洪 《遗传学报》2002,29(3):241-244,T001
45SrDNA和5SrDNA是水稻中与核糖体RNA合成有关的2个功能片段,有关这2个序列在水稻染色体上的位置,不同研究者的研究结果不尽相同,在获得水稻染色体清晰制片的基础上,通过FISH确定了45SrDNA序列位于水稻的第9号和第10号染色体的短臂末端,并且第9号染色体上的拷贝数多于第10号染色体,5SrDNA序列位于第11号染色体短臂靠近着丝点处。  相似文献   

The chromatin in interphase nuclei is much less condensed than are metaphase chromosomes, making the resolving power of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) two orders of magnitude higher in interphase nuclei than on metaphase chromosomes. In mammalian species it has been demonstrated that within a certain range the interphase distance between two FISH sites can be used to estimate the linear DNA distance between the two probes. The intephase mapping strategy has never been applied in plant species, mainly because of the low sensitivity of the FISH technique on plant chromosomes. Using a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera system, we demonstrate that DNA probes in the 4 to 8 kb range can be detected on both metaphase and interphase chromosomes in maize. DNA probes pA1-Lc and pSh2.5·SstISalI, which contain the maize locia1 andsh2, respectively, and are separated by 140 kb, completely overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. However, when the two probes were mapped in interphase nuclei, the FISH signals were well separated from each other in 86% of the FISH sites analyzed. The average interphase distance between the two probes was 0.50 µm. This result suggests that the resolving power of interphase FISH mapping in plant species can be as little as 100 kb. We also mapped the interphase locations of another pair of probes, ksu3/4 and ksu16, which span theRp1 complex controlling rust resistance of maize. Probes ksu3/4 and ksu16 were mapped genetically approximately 4 cM apart and their FISH signals were also overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. These two probes were separated by an average of 2.32 µm in interphase nuclei. The possibility of estimating the linear DNA distance between ksu3/4 and ksu16 is discussed.  相似文献   

黄褐棉是棉属5个四倍体棉种之一,利用荧光原位杂交技术将45S rDNA定位在黄褐棉2、4、9号染色体,2号染色体上的45S rDNA特别大,信号位于随体并覆盖了染色体的短臂,比二倍体和四倍体棉种的45SrDNA都要大得多;另外的2对信号很小,形状与陆地棉中的弱信号类似。黄褐棉的核型公式为:2n=4x=52=50m(2SAT)+2sm,属于2B类型,第2对染色体为亚中着丝粒染色体,其余都为中部着丝粒染色体。黄褐棉的核型、随体数、45S rDNA与其他四倍体棉种区别很大,黄褐棉是一个非常特殊的四倍体棉种。  相似文献   

Xiong ZY  Tan GX  He GY  He GC  Song YC 《Cell research》2006,16(3):260-266
The genomic structures of Oryza sativa (A genome) and O. meyeriana (G genome) were comparatively studied using bicolor genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). GISH was clearly able to discriminate between the chromosomes of O. sativa and O. meyeriana in the interspecific F1 hybrids without blocking DNA, and co-hybridization was hardly detected. The average mitotic chromosome length of O. meyeriana was found to be 1.69 times that of O. sativa. A comparison of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining showed that the chromosomes of O. meyeriana were more extensively labelled, suggesting that the G genome is amplified with more repetitive sequences than the A genome. In interphase nuclei, 9-12 chromocenters were normally detected and nearly all the chromocenters constituted the G genome-specific DNA. More and larger chromocenters formed by chromatin compaction corresponding to the G genome were detected in the hybrid compared with its parents. During pachytene of the F1 hybrid, most chromosomes of A and G did not synapse each other except for 1-2 chromosomes paired at the end of their arms. At meiotic metaphase I, three types of chromosomal associations, i.e.O, sativa-O, sativa (A-A), O. sativa-O, meyeriana (A-G) and O. meyeriana-O, meyeriana (G-G), were observed in the F1 hybrid. The A-G chromosome pairing configurations included bivalents and trivalents. The results provided a foundation toward studying genome organization and evolution of O. meyeriana.  相似文献   

A fine physical map of the rice (Oryza sativa spp. Japonica var. Nipponbare) chromosome 5 with bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and PI-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) clones was constructed through integration of 280 sequenced BAC/PAC clones and 232 sequence tagged site/expressed sequence tag markers with the use of fingerprinted contig data of the Nipponbare genome. This map consists of five contigs covering 99% of the estimated chromosome size (30.08 Mb). The four physical gaps were estimated at 30 and 20 kb for gaps 1–3 and gap 4, respectively. We have submitted 42.2-Mb sequences with 29.8 Mb of nonoverlapping sequences to public databases. BAC clones corresponding to telomere and centromere regions were confirmed by BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on a pachytene chromosome. The genetically centromeric region at 54.6 cM was covered by a minimum tiling path spanning 2.1 Mb with no physical gaps. The precise position of the centromere was revealed by using three overlapping BAC/PACs for ~150 kb. In addition, FISH results revealed uneven chromatin condensation around the centromeric region at the pachytene stage. This map is of use for positional cloning and further characterization of the rice functional genomics. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Chia-Hsiung Cheng and Mei-Chu Chung have equal contributions.  相似文献   

薏苡45S和5S rDNA的染色体定位研究(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过荧光原位杂交的方法确定了45S和5S正NA序列在薏苡前中期染色体上的位置.尽管具有20条染色体的薏苡是四倍体植物,但它的基因组中只有一个45S和5S rDNA位点.根据薏苡前中期染色体的核型,确定45S rDNA序列位于薏苡第2号染色体短臂上的次级缢痕区和随体上,5S rDNA序列位于第7号染色体长臂靠近着丝粒处,5S rDNA位点到着丝粒的百分距离是29.13±1.76.  相似文献   

采用双色荧光原位杂交技术,对栽培荞麦甜荞和苦荞有丝分裂中期染色体上的45S和5S rDNA基因物理位置进行了定位分析。结果表明,甜荞有4对45S rDNA位点,位于ⅠS、ⅡS、ⅢL、ⅤL(L和S代表长臂和短臂,罗马数字代表染色体序号,下同);2对5S rDNA位点,位于ⅠL、ⅣS。苦荞有5对45S rDNA位点,位于ⅠS、ⅡS、ⅢL、ⅤL、ⅦS;3对5S rDNA位点,位于ⅠL、ⅣS、ⅥS。甜荞与苦荞的45S和5S rDNA位点具有明显的差异,显示其起源上关系较远。依据中期染色体45S和5SrDNA位点信息及经典核型特征,可以准确鉴别甜荞与苦荞8对同源染色体。  相似文献   

通过醋酸洋红压片和荧光原位杂交技术(包括基因组原位杂交技术),确定在我国广西西南部地区广泛分布着的水生薏苡(Coix aquatica Roxb.)属于一种新的六倍体细胞类型.这种水生薏苡与已报道的几种水生薏苡细胞类型的染色体数目均不相同,它的染色体数目是2n=30,在减数分裂前期Ⅰ和中期Ⅰ的细胞中形成10个二价体和10个单价体.基因组原位杂交结果表明,这种水生薏苡的20条染色体与四倍体的薏苡(C.lacryma-jobi,2n=20)的基因组DNA是高度同源的.45S和5S rDNA分别杂交到这种水生薏苡的两条染色体上,其中各有一条染色体与薏苡中携带45S和5S rDNA杂交信号的染色体具有相同的形状和信号的分布状态.据此推测:四倍体的薏苡可能是这种新的水生薏苡细胞类型的一个亲本,它的另一个亲本可能是八倍体的水生薏苡(C.aquatica,2n=40),因为这种八倍体的水生薏苡在核型、植株形态及生长环境等方面与新的六倍体细胞类型的水生薏苡相似.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Bao Z  Wang S  Huang X  Hu J 《Genetica》2007,130(2):193-198
Chromosomal structural rearrangement in four scallops, Chlamys farreri (n = 19), Patinopecten yessoensis (n = 19), Chlamys nobilis (n = 16) and Argopecten irradians (n = 16), was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization using histone H3 gene probes. The results show that histone H3 gene sites differ strikingly with regard to number, location, and intensity among, or even within these species. For example, two histone H3 gene loci were detected on the metaphase chromosomes of P. yessoensis, while one locus was found in the others. In P. yessoensis, differing intensities of hybridization signals were detected between homologues 5 and 11, and within homologue 11. These data suggest that the histone H3 gene is a qualified chromosome marker for the preliminary understanding of the historical chromosomal reconstructing of the Pectinidae family. The variable distribution patterns of the histone H3 gene suggest that gene duplication/diminution as well as chromosome rearrangements by inversion and translocation may have played important roles in the genomic evolution of Pectinidae. We also compiled our present results with former published data regarding the chromosome mapping of rDNAs in species of the Pectinidae family. Such comparative chromosomal mapping should improve our understanding of historical chromosomal reconstructions of modern-day scallops.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物中氮循环菌的微生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,对梅梁湾和贡湖湾湖区沉积物中微生物的主要种群,及氮循环功能微生物的数量和分布进行了研究,发现随着深度增加,细菌和古菌数量均逐渐减少,但古菌在总菌数中所占比例有所增加;梅梁湾沉积物中氨氧化细菌及亚硝酸氧化细菌的数量均高于贡湖湾,随深度增加,两者数量均逐渐减少,但在贡湖湾其占总菌数的比例高于梅梁湾,表明水生植物可能对沉积物中微生物组成及氮循环有重要影响。泉古菌在太湖沉积物中普遍存在且数量高于氨氧化细菌,说明其在淡水湖泊中对氮循环可能有重要作用。  相似文献   

Tissue microarrays (TMA) are valuable tools for validating results of array-based comparative genomic hybridization (ACGH) and other translational research applications requiring independent verification of genomic gains and losses by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). However, spatial orientation and accurate manual tracking of the TMA cores is challenging and prone to error. Image analysis combined with core tracking software, implemented via an automated FISH scanning workstation, represents a new approach to FISH and TMA-based validation of novel genomic changes discovered by ACGH in breast and other cancers. Automated large-scale tissue microarray validation FISH studies of genomic gains and losses identified by ACGH for breast cancer are feasible using an automated imaging scanner and tracking/classifying software. Furthermore, by leveraging the bifunctional fluorescent and chromogenic properties of the alkaline phosphatase chromogen fast red K and combining the technology with FISH, correlative and simultaneous phenotype/genotype studies may be enabled.  相似文献   

豆科三属八种植物的核型及rDNA定位研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对豆科槐属的国槐(SophorajaponicaL.)、五叶槐(S.japonicaL.f.oligophyllaFranch.)、龙爪槐(S.japonicaL.f·pendulaLoud.)、黄金槐(S.xanthanthaC.Y.Ma.)(以上均为四倍体,2n=4x=28)、红花槐(S.rubrifloraTsoong.,2n=3x=21),刺槐属的刺槐(Robiniapseudoa-caciaL.,2n=2x=22)、毛洋槐(R.hispidaL.,2n=2x=30)和紫穗槐属的紫穗槐(AmorphafruticosaL.,2n=2x=40)核型进行了分析,并应用荧光原位杂交技术进行了45SrDNA的染色体定位。槐属4个四倍体种各具4个45SrDNA位点,位于两对染色体的着丝粒周围;红花槐,3个45SrDNA位点位于第5组染色体随体区域。刺槐,4个rDNA位点位于两对随体染色体端部;毛洋槐,8个rDNA位点,4个位于两对染色体的随体及次缢痕,另4个位于两对染色体着丝粒周围。紫穗槐,6个45SrDNA位点,分别位于3对染色体的着丝粒和随体。本文对rDNA作为染色体标记在核型分析中的应用及在基因组中的分布特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

FATP4 (SLC27A4) is a member of the fatty acid transport protein (FATP) family, a group of evolutionarily conserved proteins that are involved in cellular uptake and metabolism of long and very long chain fatty acids. We cloned and characterized the murine FATP4 gene and its cDNA. From database analysis we identified the human FATP4 genomic sequence. The FATP4 gene was assigned to mouse chromosome 2 band B, syntenic to the region 9q34 encompassing the human gene. The open reading frame was determined to be 1929 bp in length, encoding a polypeptide of 643 amino acids. Within the coding region, the exon-intron structures of the murine FATP4 gene and its human counterpart are identical, revealing a high similarity to the FATP1 gene. The overall amino acid identity between the deduced murine and human FATP4 polypeptides is 92.2%, and between the murine FATP1 and FATP4 polypeptides is 60.3%. Northern analysis showed that FATP4 mRNA was expressed most abundantly in small intestine, brain, kidney, liver, skin and heart. Transfection of FATP4 cDNA into COS1 cells resulted in a 2-fold increase in palmitoyl-CoA synthetase (C16:0) and a 5-fold increase in lignoceroyl-CoA synthetase (C24:0) activity from membrane extracts, indicating that the FATP4 gene encodes an acyl-CoA synthetase with substrate specificity biased towards very long chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences with variability in copy number or/and sequence polymorphism can be employed as useful molecular markers to study phylogenetics and identify species/chromosomes when combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH).Cucumis sativus has three variants,Cucumis sativus L.var.sativus,Cucumis sativus L.var.hardwickii and Cucumis sativus L.var.xishuangbannesis.The phylogenetics among these three variants has not been well explored using cytological landmarks.Here,we concentrate on...  相似文献   

The micronucleus (MN) assay is widely used both in genetic toxicology and in the biomonitoring of human populations. Lymphocytes, cell lines, and bone marrow and epithelial cells are usually employed as target systems in such studies. However, little effort has been done to assess the persistence of MN in highly proliferative cells. To study the behaviour of MN containing whole chromosomes or acentric fragments, we have performed a time course experiment on the persistence of γ-ray (3 Gy) induced MN in a human lymphoblastoid cell line. The frequency and content of MN were analyzed 1, 3, 7, 14, and 56 days after irradiation by pancentromeric fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We observed a clear induction of both centromere positive and negative MN at completion of the first mitotic division. The frequency of both types of MN drastically declined to basal levels 7 days after irradiation with an identical kinetics. We therefore conclude that centromere positive and negative MN are highly unstable upon cell division, indicating that the MN assay could not be a good biomarker of DNA damage induced by acute treatments in highly proliferative cells. The implication of our findings in biomonitoring and in genotoxicity studies is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate phylogenetic relationships in Nicotiana, the intergenic spacer sequences of 5S rDNA were analyzed in species with 2n=18, 20 or 24, and amphidiploid species with 2n=48. The chromosomal localization of the 5S rDNA was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In species with 2n=24 and their descendants, a major 5S rDNA-specific PCR fragment of 400–650 bp was obtained. The amphidiploid species contained similar length of 5S rDNA units derived from putative diploid progenitors. Among the five clones from each representative PCR fragment, some nucleotide exchanges and length heterogeneity were observed. The latter was due to variation in the spacer region, such as differences in the length of poly A and/or poly T tracts as well as insertions/deletions. Interspecific comparisons of each 5S rDNA sequence demonstrated that the spacer sequence could be divided into three regions. Excluding gaps from the aligned spacer sequences of 5S rDNA, phylogenetic trees were constructed. Each phylogenetic tree showed an almost identical topology even if different algorithms were applied. The chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA in each species correlated with the phylogenetic topology. The phylogenetic trees were generally in agreement with the current classification. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

以45S r DNA和拟南芥型端粒序列为探针对慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia L.)有丝分裂中期染色体进行单色和双色荧光原位杂交分析,并用银染方法检测慈姑45S r DNA位点的表达,最后结合染色体测量数据和45S r DNA杂交信号建立慈姑的核型。结果显示,慈姑的单倍基因组总长度为76.9±1.38μm,最长染色体为11.55±0.10μm,最短染色体为4.54±0.27μm;慈姑的核型公式为:2n=22=2m+2sm+14st+4t,核型不对称性参数CI、A1、A2、As K(%)、AI分别为19.86±11.06、0.72、0.27、78.82、15.29,核型属于Stebbins类型中的3B型。慈姑具有3对45S r DNA位点,分别位于第8、9、10号染色体的短臂末端。拟南芥型端粒序列的杂交信号出现在慈姑每一条染色体的长、短臂末端。银染检测到6个Ag-NOR和6个核仁,表明3对45S r DNA位点在间期核都有表达。本研究结果为药食兼用植物慈姑提供了分子细胞遗传学基础资料。  相似文献   

一种新的六倍体细胞类型水生薏苡的细胞遗传学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过醋酸洋红压片和荧光原位杂交技术(包括基因组原位杂交技术), 确定在我国广西西南部地区广泛分布着的水生薏苡(Coix aquatica Roxb.)属于一种新的六倍体细胞类型。这种水生薏苡与已报道的几种水生薏苡细胞类型的染色体数目均不相同,它的染色体数目是2n = 30,在减数分裂前期Ⅰ和中期Ⅰ的细胞中形成10个二价体和10个单价体。基因组原位杂交结果表明,这种水生薏苡的20条染色体与四倍体的薏苡(C. lacryma-jobi, 2n = 20)的基因组DNA是高度同源的。45S 和5S rDNA分别杂交到这种水生薏苡的两条染色体上,其中各有一条染色体与薏苡中携带45S和5S rDNA杂交信号的染色体具有相同的形状和信号的分布状态。据此推测: 四倍体的薏苡可能是这种新的水生薏苡细胞类型的一个亲本,它的另一个亲本可能是八倍体的水生薏苡(C. aquatica, 2n = 40), 因为这种八倍体的水生薏苡在核型、植株形态及生长环境等方面与新的六倍体细胞类型的水生薏苡相似。  相似文献   

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