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Summary Sexual and aposporously apomictic plants of buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) form megaspore tetrads. In sexual plants the chalazal megaspore develops into a single Polygonum type embryo sac. In aposporous plants the megaspores degenerate, and one or more un-reduced nucellar cells form Panicum type embryo sacs. Apospory is conditioned by gene A; the dominant allele of gene B is epistatic to A and preserves sexual reproduction. We recently observed that heavy application of (NH4)2SO4 to the soil induced multiple embryo sacs in a sexual line. Therefore we tested the effect of salt stress on embryo sac formation in sexual and aposporous genotypes. One molar solutions of CaCl2, NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl, NaNO3, or Na2SO4 were applied to the soil of greenhouse plants every day or two starting at the archespore stage. Some of the pistils in salt-treated plants of sexual genotypes AaBb, aaBb, and aabb showed features not seen in untreated controls: (1) multiple Polygonum type embryo sacs in 1%–7% of pistils depending upon the salt; (2) embryo sacs without antipodals (0%–7%); (3) embryo sacs protruding through the micropyle (1%–16%). Some pistils of salt-treated obligately aposporous lines, but not controls, developed Polygonum type embryo sacs (4%–13%) and protruding embryo sacs (0%–6%). There was no ion specificity for induction of abnormal features. We postulate that salt stress suppresses the developmental priority of nucellar embryo sacs over megaspores in aposporous lines and of the chalazal megaspore over other megaspores in all lines. This may permit megaspores of aposporous plants to form reduced Polygonum type gametophytes, and permit more than one megaspore to form reduced embryo sacs in all lines. Protrusion of sacs and failure of antipodal formation in reduced embryo sacs may be the consequence of uncoordinated expansion of the embryo sacs and surrounding tissue.Joint contribution of the Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, and USDA-ARS, U.S. Regional Pasture Research Laboratory. Names of products are included for the benefit of the reader and do not imply endorsement or preferential treatment by USDA  相似文献   

We have characterized female gametophyte (megagametophyte) development and the kinetics of pollen tube growth in self-pollinated diploid genotypes (2n=2x=24) of Solanum cardiophyllum Lindl. that show normal seed formation. In this species megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis give rise to a female gametophyte of the Polygonum type composed of two synergids, an egg cell, a binucleated central cell and three antipodals; however, asynchronous abnormalities resembling mechanisms that prevail during the formation of second division restitution gametes were observed. In self-pollinated pistils at least 1–2% of germinating pollen tubes were able to reach the megagametophyte 60–84 hours after pollination (hap). Although the egg cell acquired a zygote-like morphology 60–84 hap, division of the primary endosperm nucleus was only observed 84 hap. The analysis of genetic variability in full-sib progeny confirmed that seeds are derived from sexual reproduction. These observations suggest that diploid genotypes of S. cardiophyllum can serve as an ideal system to genetically investigate true seed formation in a tuber-bearing Solanum species.  相似文献   

Summary Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Plumbago zeylanica were studied using isolated megasporocytes, megaspores, and embryo sacs labeled with Hoechst 33258 for nuclear and organellar (presumably plastid) DNA. Megasporogenesis conforms to the tetrasporic Plumbago type, producing a coenomegaspore with four megaspore nuclei. Organeller DNA is polarized in the micropylar end of the coenomegaspore and embryo sac, reflecting the site of egg cell formation. The three remaining nuclei are somewhat displaced to the chalazal pole, producing a variable number of accessory cells and a 4N secondary central cell nucleus. Ultimately, the mature embryo sac consists of two to five cells including an egg cell, a central cell, zero to two lateral cells, and zero to one antipodal cell depending on the degeneration of the lateral or chalazal nuclei during megagametogenesis.  相似文献   

We have used Western blue-visualized in situ-hybridization (ISH) to monitor the expression of apomixis-specific gene-1 (ASG-1, GenBank accession number AB000809) during gametogenesis in obligate-sexual and facultative-apomictic (aposporic) genotypes of guinea grass (Panicum maximum). The in situ-analysis revealed that ASG-1 is not expressed in the ovule during early floral development in both, the facultative apomicts (A1 stage) and the obligate sexuals (S1 stage). With the appearance of the aposporous initial cell(s) in the ovule of the apomictic type (A2-1 stage), ASG-1 expression is strong and specific to this apomixis-specific cell. ASG-1 expression continued through different stages of aposporous embryo sac development (A2-2 stage), indicating that the gene may play a role in this developmental process. Regular embryo sacs in sexual types did not show hybridization signals (S2 stage). However, strong ASG-1 expression was detected in immature pollen grains and young embryos in both reproductive types, suggesting that ASG-1 may be an allele derived from the obligate-sexual wild type. Expression in pollen grains faded with maturation. In a heterologous system, using Paspalum notatum, a facultative-aposporic tropical grass (bahia grass), identical results were obtained. The results are discussed in view of the fact, that ASG-1 shows some homology to genes known to be seed- or embryo-specific or involved in processes related to cell growth.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of membrane calcium and calmodulin (CaM) has been fluorimetrically determined in the anther of Gasteria verrucosa with particular attention to sporogenous cells, meiocytes, microspores, pollen and stages of pollen germination and tube growth using chlortetracycline (CTC) and fluphenazine (FPZ). CTC and FPZ fluorescence in sporogenous cells is relatively higher than in the adjacent tapetal cells, indicating higher membrane calcium and CaM levels in the former cell type. However, during meiosis there is a significant increase in membrane calcium and CaM levels in the meiocytes compared to that found in the young microspores. CTC and FPZ fluorescence in the sporogenous cells, meiocytes and young microspores is punctate and slightly diffused throughout the cytoplasm. In the microspores of the tetrad and the young released microspores CTC fluorescence (CTCf) is polarized and mainly associated with the area opposite the future colporal region. FPZ fluorescence (FPZf) becomes polarized in the young microspore. Subsequently, there is a shift in the polarity, and most of the CTCf and FPZf in the old microspores and pollen is regionalized towards the colporal region, and the fluorescence is more diffused, indicating a change in the organellar-bound calcium and CaM. This final graded distribution of CTCf is maintained during pollen germination in that the growing pollen tubes invariably show a tip to base membrane-calcium gradient. In the tapetal cells a high level of Ca2+ is present during the microspore stage. During the preparation for anthesis the endothecium differentiation is marked by the presence of Ca2+. Post-treatment of labelled cells with a Ca2+ chelator such as EGTA resulted in a substantial decrease in diffuse and punctate CTCf. Alternatively, treatment of cells with non-ionic detergent Nonidet P-40 resulted in the total elimination of CTCf, suggesting that the observed CTC fluorescence was due to membrane-associated calcium. The cytological specification of CTC as a probe for calcium is discussed. From cytofluorometric measurements and atomic absorption, it became clear that the level of Ca2+ in the anther is high during the sporogenous and meiotic phases. An increase in CTCf and FPZf occurred after microspore mitosis. An interaction of Ca2+ transport from tapetum to the young pollen is postulated. These findings suggest that the level of Ca2+ in the anther during meiosis is generally relatively higher than at the sporogenous or young microspore stage. These findings are discussed in the light of available information on the role of Ca2+ and CaM-mediated processes such as cell division, callose synthesis and pollen-tube tip growth.  相似文献   

Olive trees have a plentiful bloom but a low percentage of normal fruit set. To improve fruit set, numerous investigations have sought to identify the obstacles that prevent full production. In this work, flower development in five DOP Umbria cultivars (Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo, Dolce Agogia and San Felice) was studied throughout different developmental phases, from before microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis to post-anthesis, by morphological and cyto-histological observations. Dolce Agogia was the most precocious cultivar, while full flowering was simultaneous in Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo and San Felice. Frantoio and Leccino were also good pollen producers, having the highest percentage of pollen viability and germinability. Dolce Agogia can also be considered a good pollen producer in terms of the high quantity of released pollen, but it had the lowest levels of pollen viability and germinability and the highest percentage of aborted flowers and ovaries. Morphological and cyto-histological observations on the number of flowers per inflorescence and the number of aborted flowers and ovaries suggest that fruit set was not influenced by the number of flowers per inflorescence, but rather by the number of inflorescences, which depends on the global fruiting potential of the tree.  相似文献   

Extensive nuclear DNA content variation has been observed inZea mays. Of particular interest is the effect of this variation on the agronomic potential of maize. In the present study, yield and growth data were collected on 12 southwestern US maize open-pollinated populations. These populations, originally cultivated by the Indians of the southwestern US for both human and animal consumption and adapted to various altitudes, were grown in replicated plots at the University of Illinois Agronomy-Plant Pathology South Farm. All growth and yield parameters were found to be negatively correlated with nuclear DNA amount. The negative correlations of nuclear DNA amount and growth parameters were more pronounced at 60 days after planting (DAP) than 30 DAP. Agronomically-important yield parameters, such as ear or seed weight and seed number per plant, also exhibited a significant negative correlations with nuclear DNA amount. These correlations demonstrate how the nucleotype may exhibit a high degree of influence on the agronomic phenotype. Although the results presented here represent only three replications at one location in 1 year, the observations noted suggest that nucleotype plays an integral role in determining the agronomic performance of maize. Further studies are needed to fully document this role.  相似文献   

The basic (2 C) nuclear DNA content has been determined for the first time in four primitive angiosperms by means of scanning densitometry of Feulgen-stained nuclei. The mean values obtained are the following:Liriodendron tulipifera L. (2n = 38): 1.58 pg;Magnolia soulangiana Soul-bod. (2n = 76): 11.95 pg;Cinnamomum camphora T. Nees (2n = 24): 1.18 pg;Illicium anisatum L. (2n = 28): 6.72 pg. These values do not represent extremes, but rank among low DNA amounts. All species display at least low degress of endopolyploidy.  相似文献   

Summary Plastids and mitochondria in premeiotic cells ofEquisetum were situated at random. By early prophase I all these organelles aggregated for a short period into one group at the nuclear envelope, but subsequently the organelles became again scattered. By late prophase I they aggregated into two groups at opposite sides of the nucleus, then moved towards the equator of the cell. By interphase plastids and mitochondria aggregated into a layer which divided each dyad into two parts. After telophase II the reorganized layer divided the tetrad into four parts. The organelle layer underwent differentiation into three strata. The cell plate was formed in the middle one which was constituted of mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have taken a mutational approach to identify genes important for male fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana and have isolated a number of nuclear male/ sterile mutants in which vegetative growth and female fertility are not altered. Here we describe detailed developmental analyses of four mutants, each of which defines a complementation group and has a distinct developmental end point. All four mutants represent premeiotic developmental lesions. In ms3, tapetum and middle layer hypertrophy result in the degeneration of microsporocytes. In ms4, microspore dyads persist for most of anther development as a result of impaired meiotic division. In ms5, degeneration occurs in all anther cells at an early stage of development. In ms15, both the tapetum and microsporocytes degenerate early in anther development. Each of these mutants had shorter filaments and a greater number of inflorescences than congenic male-fertile plants. The differences in the developmental phenotypes of these mutants, together with the non-allelic nature of the mutations indicate that four different genes important for pollen development, have been identified.  相似文献   

Nuclear and cell migration during pollen development in rice were studied using semi-thin section light microscopy, differential interference contrast microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy. Four migrations of nuclei and cells were observed and described in detail here. The first nuclear migration occurs at the uninucleate microspore stage, when the nucleus of the microspore migrates from the center to the periphery of the cell, and then to the wall opposite the pollen aperture where pollen mitosis I takes place. The second migration occurs at the early bicellular pollen stage, with the vegetative nucleus migrating three-quarters of the circumference of the pollen wall, finally locating at the periphery of the wall where the microspore cell nucleus is positioned. The third migration occurs at the late bicellular pollen stage, with the vegetative nucleus migrating from the periphery of the cell to the central part of the pollen and the generative cell migrating from the opposite side of the aperture to a position between the aperture and the vegetative nucleus where pollen mitosis II takes place. The fourth migration appears at the mature pollen stage when the two sperm cells and the vegetative nucleus migrate to the opposite side of the aperture, finally becoming positioned in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell distal to the aperture where the male germ unit forms. Cytological observations of pollen abortion resulting from allelic interaction at the S-a, S-b and S-c loci show that abnormalities in the first or second nuclear migration result in the formation of empty abortive pollen, whereas abnormalities in the third or fourth migrations cause production of stainable abortive pollen.  相似文献   

Apomixis is defined as asexual reproduction through seeds, although this outcome can be achieved by multiple pathways. Since little is known about the molecular control of these pathways, how they might intersect is also a mystery. Two of these pathways in the grass family, diplospory and apospory, are receiving attention from molecular biologists. Apospory in Pennisetum/Cenchrus, two genera of panicoid grasses, results in the formation of four-nucleate embryo sacs that lack antipodals. Sexual reproduction frequently aborts so that the resulting seed is composed of (1) a parthenogenetically derived embryo that is genetically identical to the mother and (2) endosperm formed through pseudogamy. The transmission of apomixis is associated with the transfer of a linkage block on a single chromosome. This linkage block contains repetitive sequences as well as hemizygous, low-copy DNA sequences. Fluorescence in situ hybridization has demonstrated that these DNA regions occur on only a single chromosome, but not its homologs, in the polyploid apomicts studied. Features of the apomixis-associated region resemble those of other chromosomal segments isolated from recombination and replete with "selfish" DNAs.  相似文献   

Summary Throughout the premeiotic to late prophase I stages of meiosis in the anthers of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) extensive changes occurred in the ultrastructure of pollen mother cells (PMCs). During early prophase, the wall of each PMC developed a layered appearance and was broadened both by the widening of the middle lamella as well as by intensive deposition of microfibrils in the wall. By late prophase, however, the microfibrils adjacent to the plasmalemma dissipated. At the same time, callose was deposited between the wall and the plasmalemma. The nucleus of the PMCs also underwent changes. During early prophase, the nucleolus consisted of a linear series of three segments, with a separation of the granular and fibrillar portions. By late prophase, the nucleoli were less distinct as the nucleus was highly vacuolate. Mitochondria were initially simple with lightly stained matrix and few cristae but, during the course of prophase, they acquired a more densely-stained matrix with dilated cristae. Plastids remained relatively undifferentiated and, at late prophase, many were convoluted in appearance and constricted at intervals indicating their division. Cytoplasmic connections between adjacent PMCs were broad enough to permit the passage of organelles and were retained through to metaphase I. These cytological and wall changes appear to be a prerequisite for the subsequent development of microspores.Abbreviations PMC pollen mother cell - NOR nucleolus organizing region  相似文献   

Sex as a factor affecting recovered recombination in plant gametes was investigated in pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, by using reciprocal three-way crosses [(AxB)xCvCx(A x B)]. The two populations were mapped at 42 loci pre-selected to cover the majority of the genome. No differences in recombination distances were observed at the whole-genome level and only a few individual linkage intervals were found to differ, all in favour of increased recombination through the male. Distorted segregations found in the three-way crosses provide evidence of post-gametic selection for particular gene(s) or chromosome regions. The significance of these results for the design of pearl millet breeding programmes and inheritance experiments, as well as for other experimental strategies, is discussed.  相似文献   

Complex alterations in the redundancy and methylation of repeated DNA sequences were shown to differentiate the nuclear genome of individuals belonging to single progenies of homozygous plants of the sunflower. DNA was extracted from seedlings obtained from seeds collected at the periphery of flowering heads (P DNA) or from seedlings obtained from seeds collected in their middle (M DNA). Three fractions of repeated sequences were isolated from genomic DNA: a highly repetitive fraction (HR), which reassociates within an equivalent Cot of about 2 × 10-1, and two medium repetitive fractions (MR1 and MR2) having Cot ranges of about 2 × 10-1-2 and 2-102, respectively. Denaturation kinetics allowed different sequence families to be recognized within each fraction of repetitive DNA, and showed significant differences in sequence redundancy to occur between P and M DNA, particularly as far as the MR2 fraction is concerned. Most DNA sequence families are more represented in P DNA than in M DNA. However, the redundancy of certain sequences is greater in the latter than in the former. Each repetitive DNA fraction was hybridized to Southern blots of genomic P or M DNA which was digested to completion by three pairs of isoschizomeric restriction endonucleases which are either insensitive or sensitive to the methylation of a cytosine in the recognition site. The results obtained showed that the repetitive DNA of H. annuus is highly methylated. Clear-cut differences in the degree of methylation of P and M DNA were found, and these differences were particularly apparent in the MR2 fraction. It is suggested that alterations in the redundancy of given DNA sequences and changes in their methylation patterns are complementary ways to produce continuous genotypic variability within the species which can be exploited in environmental adaptation.Research supported by National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Sub-project No. 2  相似文献   

Summary The concept and nomenclature for the elements of teliospore walls in smut fungi are presented and a survey of teliosporogenesis is given, as seen by light and transmission electron microscopy. Four developmental types are distinguished: the Ustilago, Microbotryum, Tilletia, and Entorrhiza type. In the Ustilago type, sporogenous hyphae are completely segmented into teliospore initials which are embedded in a hyaline matrix formed by gelatinised hyphal walls (found in species ofAnthracoidea, Cintractia, Heterotolyposporium, Kuntzeomyces, Macalpinomyces, Melanopsichium, Sporisorium, Testicularia, Tolyposporium junci, Trichocintractia, and species ofUstilago infecting members of the family Poaceae). In the Microbotryum type, septate sporogenous hyphae are also completely segmented into teliospore initials, however, they are not surrounded by a hyaline matrix (Microbotryum, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago spp. infecting dicotyledons). A yeast-like budding of teliosporogenic cells is observed for some species ofMicrobotryum, Sphacelotheca, andUstilago infecting dicotyledons. In the Tilletia type, teliospores differentiate locally in the sporogenous hyphae, in an apical or intercalary position, without a hyaline matrix (Conidiosporomyces, Doassinga, Entyloma, Erratomyces, Ingoldiomyces, Neovossia, Oberwinkleria, Rhamphospora, Tilletia). In all these types, the teliospore initials first develop a hyaline sheath under which the ornamentation, the exosporium, sometimes a middle layer, and the endosporium are successively deposited by the fungal cell. In the Entorrhiza type, the teliospores develop inside vital host cells with the wall of the sporogenous hypha included into the teliospore wall. The fungus develops a middle layer and an electron-transparent endosporium inside the hyphal wall while a layer forming the ornamentation is deposited onto the hyphal wall, probably by vesicles of dictyosomes of the host cell.Part 164 in the series Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes from the Botanical Institute, University of Tübingen  相似文献   

Summary Cytological analyses in series of crosses between 7 sexual pistillate and 8 apomictic staminate parents of speciesPanicum maximum (Gramineae) are reported. Although these 15 progenitors were tetraploid (2n = 32), 2 dihaploids (2n = 16), 45 hexaploids (2n = 48) and 5 octoploids (2n = 64) were observed among 333 progeny plants. The role of unreduced gametes as the originators of polyploidy is discussed in relation to the so-called elements of apomixis. The 2 dihaploids appeared to be sexual while the hexaploids and octoploids were all apomictic. At the tetraploid level sexual and apomictic hybrids segregated in a ratio close to 11. These results were then compared to those already obtained from studies on other tropical grasses and indicate a simple genetic determinism for gametophytic apomixis.  相似文献   

为了解干热河谷区车桑子(Dodonaea viscosa)胚胎学特征及其结籽率低的原因,采用常规石蜡切片法和电镜扫描技术对车桑子小孢子发生、雄配子体发育和花粉的形态特征进行了观察。结果表明,车桑子花药具有4个花粉囊。完整的花药壁从外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、2~3层中层细胞和绒毡层;绒毡层类型是腺质绒毡层。花药成熟期,中层、绒毡层均退化消失。小孢子母细胞进行同时型胞质分裂;四分体为四面体型结构。成熟的花粉为二细胞型。花粉近球形,外壁密布颗粒状纹饰,具有3条不构成合沟的萌发沟。雄性生殖发育过程出现的异常现象可能是干热河谷地区车桑子结籽率低的原因之一。  相似文献   

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