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Using the pressure-bomb to construct pressure-volume curves, a cellular basis of differential drought resistance was found between Callitris columellaris (F. Muell), Eucalyptus melliodora A. Cunn. ex Schauer, and Eucalyptus microcarpa Maiden. Between these three species differences were found in bound water, relative water content and water potential at zero turgor, osmotic potential at full turgor and bulk modulus of elasticity. It is suggested that these parameters showed C. columellaris to be the most, and E. melliodora the least drought resistant of the three species. Preliminary studies also showed that drought hardening may involve an increase in bound water content, dry weight: turgid weight ratio and a decrease in osmotic potential at full turgor and water potential at zero turgor.  相似文献   


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The number of days on which a measureable increment occurred, and the average rate of stem growth, rather than the overall duration of the wet season, were the main determinants of ring width in young Callitris intratropica trees. These effects were amplified by competition.


Dendroclimatology of tropical tree species is an important tool for understanding past climatic variability at low latitudes where long-term weather records are often absent. Despite the growing number of published tropical tree-ring chronologies, however, still little is known of the factors that control annual ring formation in tropical tree species. In this paper we used an endemic Australian conifer, Callitris intratropica, to study the intra-annual dynamics of seasonal growth and xylem formation, and the effects of environmental conditions and competition, on growth ring formation. We combined high-resolution growth and climate monitoring (every 15 min for 2 years) with less frequent cambial sampling. Trees exhibited marked reductions in growth during certain periods within the rainy season when rainfall was not as regular and VPD was high. Overall, we found that ring width was most influenced by the number of days when increment occurred; regardless of how early the growing season began or ended, and by the rates of tracheid production. The effect of competition was also important. Trees growing in dense groves had narrower annual rings (4.6 mm) than trees that were growing in the open (6.7 mm), due to less active cambia, slower rates of xylem production and expansion and more increment days, although the overall growing season duration was also shorter in grove trees.  相似文献   

Because wind pollination is inefficient over longer distances, plants dependent on it may suffer Allee effects (lower individual reproductive fitness with lower density). However, at higher density, individual reproductive fitness may suffer because of intraspecific competition. We investigate density-dependent effects, via stand size, on cone and seed production and seed germinability in a conifer endemic to tropical Australia. Callitris intratropica R.T. Baker & H.G. Smith is an obligate-seeding tree that often occurs in monodominant stands embedded within savannas and on the fringes of monsoon forests. We found that isolated trees (50–300 m from stands) were taller, of broader profile, and produced approximately twice the number of cones (~407 cones per tree) as those in large stands (~173 cones per tree), suggesting that monodominance generates intraspecific competition. The number of seeds per cone (27 seeds) was not related to stand size. However, a contrasting effect in which seed germinability was higher in large stands (~20 vs. <10 % in small stands) was approximately compensatory and consistent with an Allee effect of wind pollination. The net effect of an approximately even trade-off between cone production and seed germinability was that there was neither an Allee or density-dependent effect of stand size on fitness, measured as the number of germinable seeds per tree. Nevertheless, because the likelihood of cross-fertilisation declines with distance, the ability of C. intratropica to persist as very isolated individuals may be limited.  相似文献   

Abstract. The endemic New Caledonian conifer Agathis ovata occurs as an emergent tree in fire‐prone shrublands (maquis), and fire‐sensitive rainforest. Growth, survivorship and recruitment over 5 yr were compared for populations from forest and maquis on ultramafic substrates in New Caledonia to investigate whether demographic behaviour varied in response to the strongly contrasting forest and shrubland environments. Growth of seedlings and of small (30–100 cm height) and large (100 cm height; 5 cm DBH) saplings was slow, but varied significantly among stages, site types and years. The greatest difference in growth rates was among stages, seedlings growing 0.34 cm.yr?1, small saplings 1.06 cm.yr?1 and large saplings 2.13 cm.yr?1. Tree DBH increased by only 0.05 cm.yr?1 and, based on these rates, individuals with DBH of 30 cm are estimated to be more than 700 yr old. Few trees (3.5%) produced cones in any year and seedling recruitment was low, but some recruitment was recorded each year in both maquis and forest. Rates of recruitment per parent were highest in forest (1.28.yr?1, cf 0.78.yr?1), but the higher density of trees in maquis meant that overall recruitment was greater there (92 ha?1.yr?1, cf 56 ha?1.yr?1). Seedling mortality ranged from 0.9 to 2.9% among years with no significant difference between maquis and forest. No sapling mortality was recorded, but annual tree mortality ranged from 0 to 1.4%. Evidence from a recently burned site indicated that while trees may survive fire, seedlings and saplings do not. Post‐fire seedling recruitment per ha from surviving trees was four times lower than in unburned sites, but growth rates were four times higher. Similar demographic attributes, including high survivorship, low growth rate and low rates of recruitment over a long reproductive life, characterize Agathis ovata populations in both maquis and rainforest in New Caledonia and are indicative of a broad tolerance of light environments that is unusual among tree species. These demographic attributes help to explain the long‐term persistence of the species in these strongly contrasting habitats.  相似文献   

Here we develop and test a method to scale sap velocity measurements from individual trees to canopy transpiration (E(c)) in a low-productivity, old-growth rainforest dominated by the conifer Dacrydium cupressinum. Further, E(c) as a component of the ecosystem water balance is quantified in relation to forest floor evaporation rates and measurements of ecosystem evaporation using eddy covariance (E(eco)) in conditions when the canopy was dry and partly wet. Thermal dissipation probes were used to measure sap velocity of individual trees, and scaled to transpiration at the canopy level by dividing trees into classes based on sapwood density and canopy position (sheltered or exposed). When compared with ecosystem eddy covariance measurements, E(c) accounted for 51% of E(eco) on dry days, and 22% of E(eco) on wet days. Low transpiration rates, and significant contributions to E(eco) from wet canopy evaporation and understorey transpiration (35%) and forest floor evaporation (25%), were attributable to the unique characteristics of the forest: in particular, high rainfall, low leaf area index, low stomatal conductance and low productivity associated with severe nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Abstract Despite its small size, New Caledonia has a flora which includes 43 endemic species of conifer. This study examines the stand structure of the New Caledonian conifer, Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson, a species which occurs on ukramafic soils as an emergent tree in rainforest and in an unusual structural association with maquis vegetation. Fire and cyclone blow-down are the primary disturbances in the maquis, but fire is infrequent in the rainforests which is evident from the low proportion of fire scarred trees. Preliminary results show abundant seedlings and saplings of A. laubenfelsii both in maquis and forest. Size class distributions of individuals suggest that the species is continuously regenerating in the maquis and immature forests. Variability in the stand structure in maquis communities reflects the probable patchy nature of disturbance from small-scale fires and blow-down from tropical cyclones. In mature forests, Nothofagus codonandra (Baillon) Steenis is the dominant canopy species and ‘other tree species’ are continuously regenerating, while the size class distributions and basal area of A. laubenfelsii suggest that there is, at present, limited regeneration of this species. Tree ring counts indicate that individuals in forest areas grow at a slower rate than those in maquis, but attain greater age, probably as a result of greater protection from fire.  相似文献   

Two coniferous tree species of contrasting sapwood width (Pinus ponderosa L., ponderosa pine and Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb., Douglas-fir) were compared to determine whether bole respiratory potential was correlated with available storage space in ray parenchyma cells and/or respiratory substrate concentration of tissues (total nitrogen content, N; and total non-structural carbohydrate content, TNC). An increment core-based, laboratory method under controlled temperature was used to measure tissue-level respiration (termed respiratory potential) from multiple positions in mature boles (>100-years-old). The most significant tissue-level differences that occurred were that N and TNC were two to six times higher for inner bark than sapwood, TNC was about two times higher in ponderosa pine than Douglas-fir and there was significant seasonal variation in TNC. Ray cell abundance was not correlated with sapwood respiratory potential, whereas N and TNC often were, implying that respiratory potential tended to be more limited by substrate than storage space. When scaled from cores to whole boles (excluding branches), potential net CO2 efflux correlated positively with live bole volume (inner bark plus sapwood), live bole ray volume, N mass, and TNC mass (adjusted R2 > or =0.4). This relationship did not differ between species for N mass, but did for live bole volume, live bole ray volume, and TNC mass. Therefore, N mass appeared to be a good predictor of bole respiratory potential. The differences in net CO2 efflux between the species were largely explained by the species' relative amounts of whole-bole storage space or substrate mass. For example, ponderosa pine's inner bark was thinner than Douglas-fir's, which had the greater concentration of ray cells and TNC compared with the sapwood. This resulted in ponderosa pine boles having 30-60% less ray volume and 10-30% less TNC mass, and caused ponderosa pine net CO2 efflux/ray volume and net CO2 efflux/TNC mass to be 20-50% higher than Douglas-fir. In addition, because inner bark respiratory potential was 2-25 times higher than that of sapwood, ponderosa pine's thinner inner bark and deeper sapwood (relative to Douglas-fir) caused its bole net CO2 efflux/live bole volume to be 20-25% lower than that of similarly-sized Douglas-fir trees.  相似文献   

Silicified Kalotermitidae frass closely comparable to frass of the extant termite Neotermes has been found associated with a Tertiary rainforest flora in central Queensland. This is the first evidence of Kalotermitidae in the fossil record in Australia. The presence of the family in Australia by the mid-Tertiary indicates either a Gondwanic history and possible origin for some genera of the Kalotermitidae or alternatively the family was pantropical by this time. □ Kalotermitidae, Neotermes, termite, Isoptera, Tertiary.  相似文献   

Mutator transposase is widespread in the grasses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although the Mutator (Mu) system is well characterized in maize (Zea mays), very little is known about this highly mutagenic system of transposons in other grasses. Mutator is regulated by the MuDR class of elements, which encodes two genes, one of which, mudrA, has similarity to a number of bacterial transposases. Experiments in our laboratory, as well as database searches, demonstrate that mudrA sequences are ubiquitous and diverse in the grasses. In several species it is clear that multiple paralogous elements can be present in a single genome. In some species such as wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa), mudrA-similar sequences are represented in cDNA databases, suggesting the presence of active Mu transposon systems in these species. Further, in rice and in sorghum, mudrA-like genes are flanked by long terminal inverted repeats, as well as the short host sequence direct repeats diagnostic of insertion. Thus, there is ample evidence that systems related to Mu in maize are at least potentially active in a wide variety of grasses. However, the mudrB gene, though important for Mu activity in maize, is not necessarily a component of Mu elements in other grasses.  相似文献   

The rare rainforest tree species, Syzygium paniculatum, is the only known Australian species of the genus to produce seeds that regularly have multiple embryos. Evidence from other species suggests that this is a case of adventitious polyembryony, with the embryos arising from maternal nucellar tissue. In the present study we use microsatellite data to determine whether sexual reproduction does occur and, if it does, to investigate the relative fitness of asexual versus sexual seedlings. Genotyping suggested that the species is a polyploid and our results found very little genetic diversity within and among populations (with a total of nine genotypic combinations across the entire species). The only significant variation was between the three northernmost populations and the other eight populations sampled. Analysis of individual embryos showed that sexually derived embryos did occur in some seeds but that these were not necessarily the fittest. In general, the seedling from the largest embryo is the first to emerge and maintains a competitive advantage over the other seedlings from the same seed. We discuss the ramifications of the low levels of genetic diversity and consider whether there is a direct relationship between polyembryony and the inferred polyploidy of the species. We consider the possible advantages of reproductive bet‐hedging but also highlight the susceptibility of a species with low genetic diversity to extreme stochastic events. Syzygium paniculatum occurs in areas heavily impacted by human activity and these findings should contribute to improved management of this threatened species.  相似文献   

【目的】柽柳作为干旱荒漠生态系统的典型物种,研究其年轮宽度对地下水响应的保护有重要价值。【方法】研究基于沙漠腹地达理雅博依绿洲地下水埋深资料,利用年轮测定方法分析不同地下水埋深状况下柽柳年轮宽度的变化,探讨其与地下水埋深变化的关系。【结果】样地一地下水埋深随时间逐年增加,埋深范围是1.2~2.6 m,柽柳的年轮宽度在2001-2020年呈显著增加趋势,变化范围为0.98~5.80 mm,年轮宽度年际间差异显著;样地二地下水埋深随时间增长呈现先增加后减小的趋势,埋深范围是2.7~4.5 m,柽柳年轮宽度在1977-2020年整体呈正弦函数变化,范围为1.46~4.41 mm,年轮宽度年际间差异性不显著;样地一柽柳标准年表振幅范围是0.502~1.641,大于样地二柽柳标准年表振幅范围为0.577~1.331。【结论】样地一地下水埋深向着柽柳生长适宜的范围增加时,有利于柽柳的生长,表现为年轮宽度增加,样地二的柽柳年轮宽度变化和地下水埋深之间无显著相关性。  相似文献   

The type strains of all 33 species in the genus Kribbella were tested for growth on oxalate (?OOC-COO?) as sole carbon source. Media were initially formulated to contain sodium oxalate, but even a concentration as low as 7.5 mM oxalate prevented growth. A modified medium based on calcium oxalate was very successful in characterising oxalate utilisation by Kribbella strains (metabolism of oxalate by oxalotrophic bacteria results in visible zones of clearing around the growth streaks on the opaque plates). To assess the variability of oxalate utilisation in Kribbella species, we also tested eight non-type strains for their ability to use oxalate. Thirty of 33 type strains (90.9%) and six of eight non-type strains (75%) were able to use oxalate as a sole carbon source. Based on these results, we propose that oxalate would be an excellent carbon source for the selective isolation of Kribbella strains. Based on the oxalate-utilisation phenotype and analyses of the 19 publicly available Kribbella type-strain genome sequences, we propose a pathway for oxalate metabolism in Kribbella. This pathway is significantly different from those previously proposed for oxalate metabolism in other bacteria, involving the indirect catabolism of oxalate to formate. Formate production is proposed to be involved in energy generation and to be crucial for oxalate import via an oxalate:formate antiporter. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an oxalate:formate antiporter in an aerobic, Gram-positive bacterium.  相似文献   

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Many species of tropical amphibians are restricted to very small ranges, and this microendemism coupled with ongoing habitat loss and susceptibility to emerging pathogens imperils the long-term persistence of these species. Incomplete taxonomic and distributional knowledge may obscure conservation assessment, particularly in putatively widespread species that are typically considered to be of Least Concern in Red List assessments, but that in fact may constitute complexes of partly microendemic species. Such is the case in the Steindachner’s Robber Frog, Ischnocnema guentheri which, together with the recently recognized Ischnocnema henselii, is thought to occupy most of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. To test whether these taxa may constitute a species complex of range-restricted and thus potentially threatened species, we analyzed 160 samples of I. guentheri and/or I. henselii for two molecular markers, 16S rRNA (16S) and recombination activation gene 1 (RAG1). To verify the monophyly of the complex, closely related species were also included in the 16S analysis. Congruent evidence from the molecular data and from analyses of advertisement calls support the existence of six distinct species within the complex: I. guentheri and I. henselii as well as four candidate new species. The lineages are distributed as a mosaic in the Atlantic Forest and are sympatric at some localities without indication of admixture. Their phylogeographical pattern partially agrees with paleo-models for the Atlantic Forest, but also suggests the existence of micro-refugia in less stable areas. I. guentheri, previously considered to be widespread, was found only in its type locality, a reserve within the urban area of Rio de Janeiro city. Although none of the species studied appears highly threatened with extinction, we recommend their IUCN threat status to be re-evaluated carefully for the next comprehensive update of the Red List of Brazil’s amphibians.  相似文献   

Limited actin proteolysis is the hallmark of bacterial metalloprotease ECP32. While ECP32 has long been considered an Escherichia coli protein, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the active enzyme described previously, could not been retrieved in the E. coli genome. We cloned, sequenced and characterized Serratia grimesii protease grimelysin and show that grimelysin is similar to the previously described protease ECP32.  相似文献   

P B Szecsi  C Koch  B Foltmann 《FEBS letters》1988,238(1):101-104
Human seminal pepsinogen C has been purified and compared with gastric pepsinogen C. The two zymogens cannot be distinguished by amino acid compositions and sequences of the first 28 N-terminal amino acid residues are identical. Apparent immunological identity is observed with polyclonal antisera. Monoclonal antibodies toward seminal pepsinogen C have been produced. One is able to recognize a non-carbohydrate antigenic determinant only present in seminal pepsinogen C.  相似文献   

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