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Myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp1) expression is temporally regulated in brain, which peaks during the active myelination period of CNS development. Previous studies with Plp1‐lacZ transgenic mice demonstrated that (mouse) Plp1 intron 1 DNA is required for high levels of expression in oligodendrocytes. Deletion‐transfection analysis revealed the intron contains a single positive regulatory element operative in the N20.1 oligodendroglial cell line, which was named ASE (a ntis ilencer/e nhancer) based on its functional properties in these cells. To investigate the role of the ASE in vivo, the element was deleted from the native gene in mouse using a Cre/lox strategy. Although removal of the ASE from Plp1‐lacZ constructs profoundly decreased expression in transfected oligodendroglial cell lines (N20.1 and Oli‐neu), the element was dispensable to achieve normal levels of Plp1 gene expression in mouse during development (except perhaps at postnatal day 15) and throughout the remyelination period following cuprizone‐induced (acute) demyelination. Thus, it is possible that the ASE is non‐functional in vivo, or that loss of the ASE from the native gene in mouse can be compensated for by the presence of other regulatory elements within the Plp1 gene.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) contains thioester-bound, long-chain fatty acids which are known to influence the structure of the molecule. To gain further insights into the role of this post-translational modification, we studied the effect that chemical deacylation of PLP had on the morphology of myelin and on the protein's ability to mediate the clustering of lipid vesicles. Incubation of rat optic nerves in isoosmotic solutions containing 100 mM hydroxylamine (HA) pH 7.4 led to deacylation of PLP and decompaction of myelin lamellae at the level of the intraperiod line. Incubation of nerves with milder nucleophilic agents (Tris and methylamine) or diluted HA, conditions that do not remove protein-bound fatty acids, caused no alterations in myelin structure. Other possible effects of HA which could have affected myelin compaction indirectly were ruled out. Incubation of optic nerves with 50 mM dithioerythritol (DTE) also led to the splitting of the myelin intraperiod line and this change again coincided with the removal of fatty acids. In addition, the apparently compacted CNS myelin in the PLP-less myelin-deficient rat, like that in tissue containing deacylated PLP, was readily decompacted upon incubation in isoosmotic buffers, suggesting that the function of PLP as a stabilizer of the interlamellar attachment is, at least in part, mediated by fatty acylation. Furthermore, in contrast to the native protein, PLP deacylated with either HA or DTE failed to induce the clustering of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol vesicles in vitro. This phenomenon is not due to side-effects of the deacylation procedure since, upon partial repalmitoylation, the protein recovered most of its original vesicle-clustering activity. Collectively, these findings suggest that palmitoylation, by influencing the adhesive properties of PLP, is important for stabilizing the multilamellar structure of myelin.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation events are key regulators of cellular signaling processes. In the era of functional genomics, rational drug design programs demand large-scale high-throughput analysis of signal transduction cascades. Significant improvements in the area of mass spectrometry-based proteomics have provided exciting opportunities for rapid progress toward global protein phosphorylation analysis. This review summarizes several recent advances made in the field of phosphoproteomics with an emphasis placed on mass spectrometry instrumentation, enrichment methods and quantification strategies. In the near future, these technologies will provide a tool that can be used for quantitative investigation of signal transduction pathways to generate new insights into biologic systems.  相似文献   

The myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp ) is expressed primarily in oligodendrocytes. Yet how the gene remains repressed in nonexpressing cells has not been defined, and potentially could cause adverse effects in an organism if the mechanism for repression was impaired. Previous studies suggest that the first intron contains element(s), which suppress expression in nonexpressing cells, although the identity of these elements within the 8 kb intron was not characterized. Here we report the localization of multiple negative regulatory elements that repress Plp gene expression in nonexpressing cells (+/+ Li). Two of these elements (regions) correspond to those used by Plp expressing cells (N20.1), whilst another acts in a cell type-specific manner (i.e. operational in +/+ Li liver cells, but not N20.1 cells). By gel-shift and DNase I footprinting analyses, the factor(s) that bind to the cell type-specific negative regulatory region appear to be far more abundant in +/+ Li cells than in N20.1 cells. Thus, Plp gene repression is mediated through the combinatorial action of both "general" and cell type-specific negative regulatory elements. Additionally, repression in +/+ Li cells cannot be overcome via an antisilencer/enhancer element, which previously has been shown to function in N20.1 cells.  相似文献   

The myelin proteolipid protein (Plp) gene encodes the most abundant protein found in mature CNS myelin. Expression of the gene is regulated spatiotemporally, with maximal expression occurring in oligodendrocytes during the myelination period of CNS development. Plp gene expression is tightly controlled. Misregulation of the gene in humans can result in the dysmyelinating disorder Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, and in transgenic mice carrying a null mutation or extra copies of the gene can result in a variety of conditions, from late onset demyelination and axonopathy, to severe early onset dysmyelination. In this study we have examined the effects of Plp intron 1 DNA in mediating proper developmental expression of Plp-lacZ fusion genes in transgenic mice. Our results reveal the importance of Plp intron 1 sequences in instigating the expected surge in Plp-lacZ gene activity during (and following) the active myelination period of brain development. Transgene expression was also detected in the testis (Leydig cells), however, the presence or absence of Plp intron 1 sequences had no effect on the temporal profile in the testis. Surprisingly, expression of the transgene missing Plp intron 1 DNA was always higher in the testis, as compared to the brain, in all of the transgenic lines generated.  相似文献   

Opalin is a transmembrane protein detected specifically in mammalian oligodendrocytes. Opalin homologs are found only in mammals and not in the genome sequences of other animal classes. We first determined the nucleotide sequences of Opalin orthologs and their flanking regions derived from four prosimians, a group of primitive primates. A global comparison revealed that an evolutionarily conserved region exists in the first intron of Opalin. When the conserved domain was assayed for its enhancer activity in transgenic mice, oligodendrocyte-directed expression was observed. In an oligodendroglial cell line, Oli-neu, the conserved domain showed oligodendrocyte-directed expression. The conserved domain is composed of eight subdomains, some of which contain binding sites for Myt1 and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB). Deletion analysis and cotransfection experiments revealed that the subdomains have critical roles in Opalin gene expression. Over-expression of Myt1, treatment of the cell with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), and cAMP analog (CREB activator) enhanced the expression of endogenous Opalin in Oli-neu cells and activated the oligodendrocyte enhancer. These results suggest that LIF, cAMP signaling cascades and Myt1 play significant roles in the differentiation of oligodendrocytes through their action on the Opalin oligodendrocyte enhancer.  相似文献   

Methods adapted from proteomics can directly characterize proteins present in immobilized biocatalysts. Complete hydrolysis followed by HPLC analysis of Tyr and Phe estimates total protein bound, and is preferable to conventional difference methods, as tested with subtilisin Carlsberg on silica. This new method shows that various treatments give quantitative desorption of proteins immobilized by adsorption. Intact desorbed proteins may be analyzed by electrospray mass spectrometry. The Candida antarctica lipase B from Novozyme 435 was shown to be heavily glycosylated, while the lipase from Lipozyme RM IM was a mixture of four N-terminally truncated forms. Peptides from selective cleavage were analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry, leading to automatic identification of proteins present. A second major protein present in Lipozyme RM IM was thus found to be alpha-amylase from Aspergillus oryzae. These methods should be valuable complements to activity measurements in understanding immobilized enzyme activity and stability.  相似文献   

Gel retardation assays using pea nuclear extracts have detected specific binding to regions of the promoter of the pea plastocyanin gene (petE). Several complexes which differ in sensitivity to competition with unlabelled promoter fragments and various DNA alternating copolymers, to heat treatment and to digestion with proteinase K have been detected. A protein factor, PCF1, forming one of these complexes was heat-stable and most sensitive to competition with poly(dAdT).poly(dAdT) compared to other alternating copolymers. DNase I footprinting assays showed that tracts of A/T-rich sequence within the -444 to -177 positive regulatory region of the petE promoter were protected in the presence of the pea nuclear extract. The factor PCF1 copurified with a high-mobility-group (HMG) protein preparation from pea chromatin. DNase I footprinting with the HMG protein preparation demonstrated that similar tracts of A/T-rich sequences within the promoter were protected. Southwestern-blot analysis of pea HMG proteins purified by gel filtration through Superose 12 detected a single DNA-binding species of 21 kDa. The properties of the factor PCF1 suggest that it is likely to be an HMG I protein.  相似文献   

A fraction of the so-called mitochondrial soluble proteins was obtained after the destruction of purified mitochondria by sonication according to the previously found approach to the identification of protein subsets of the Bos taurus heart proteome. A tryptic destruction of these proteins was achieved. Approximately half of the tryptic hydrolysate was separated into two fractions of cysteine-containing and cysteine-free peptides by covalent chromatography on Thiopropyl Sepharose 4B. The cysteine-containing peptides were modified by iodoacetamide. The peptides were mass-spectrometrically identified in all the three fractions of tryptic hydrolysate, and the proteins were searched for in the amino acid sequence databases. There were 213 unique proteins reliably identified.  相似文献   

Host cell protein (HCP) impurities are generated by the host organism during the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins, and are difficult to remove completely. Though commonly present in small quantities, if levels are not controlled, HCPs can potentially reduce drug efficacy and cause adverse patient reactions. A high resolution approach for thorough HCP characterization of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is presented herein. In this method, antibody samples are first depleted via affinity enrichment (e.g., Protein A, Protein L) using milligram quantities of material. The HCP-containing flow-through is then enzymatically digested, analyzed using nano-UPLC-MS/MS, and proteins are identified through database searching. Nearly 700 HCPs were identified from samples with very low total HCP levels (< 1 ppm to ~10 ppm) using this method. Quantitation of individual HCPs was performed using normalized spectral counting as the number of peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) per protein is proportional to protein abundance. Multivariate analysis tools were utilized to assess similarities between HCP profiles by: 1) quantifying overlaps between HCP identities; and 2) comparing correlations between individual protein abundances as calculated by spectral counts. Clustering analysis using these measures of dissimilarity between HCP profiles enabled high resolution differentiation of commercial grade monoclonal antibody samples generated from different cell lines, cell culture, and purification processes.  相似文献   

Host cell protein (HCP) impurities are generated by the host organism during the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins, and are difficult to remove completely. Though commonly present in small quantities, if levels are not controlled, HCPs can potentially reduce drug efficacy and cause adverse patient reactions. A high resolution approach for thorough HCP characterization of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is presented herein. In this method, antibody samples are first depleted via affinity enrichment (e.g., Protein A, Protein L) using milligram quantities of material. The HCP-containing flow-through is then enzymatically digested, analyzed using nano-UPLC-MS/MS, and proteins are identified through database searching. Nearly 700 HCPs were identified from samples with very low total HCP levels (< 1 ppm to ∼10 ppm) using this method. Quantitation of individual HCPs was performed using normalized spectral counting as the number of peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) per protein is proportional to protein abundance. Multivariate analysis tools were utilized to assess similarities between HCP profiles by: 1) quantifying overlaps between HCP identities; and 2) comparing correlations between individual protein abundances as calculated by spectral counts. Clustering analysis using these measures of dissimilarity between HCP profiles enabled high resolution differentiation of commercial grade monoclonal antibody samples generated from different cell lines, cell culture, and purification processes.  相似文献   

Organellar compartments involved in secretion are expanded during the transition from late pregnancy (basal secretory state) to lactation (maximal secretory state) to accommodate for the increased secretory function required for copious milk production in mammary epithelial cells. The Golgi complex is a major organelle of the secretory pathway and functions to sort, package, distribute, and post-translationally modify newly synthesized proteins and membrane lipids. These complex functions of the Golgi are reflected in the protein complement of the organelle. Therefore, using proteomics, the protein complements of Golgi fractions isolated at two functional states (basal and maximal) were compared to identify some of the molecular changes that occur during this transition. This global analysis has revealed that only a subset of the total proteins is up-regulated from steady state during the transition. Identification of these proteins by tandem mass spectrometry has revealed several classes of proteins involved in the regulation of membrane fusion and secretion. This first installment of the functional proteomic analysis of the Golgi complex begins to define the molecular basis for the transition from basal to maximal secretion.  相似文献   

Conventional and innovative strategies can be exploited to identify and characterize new allergenic proteins. With the aim of obtaining suggestions for future improvements, this article describes our attempt to understand and describe some of the advantages and pitfalls of the methodologies and procedures often used in this field. The analysis includes the protein extract preparation, starting from the allergenic source, the separation of the proteins contained in a mixture and the detection, identification and characterization of IgE-binding molecules. Classic and emerging proteomic technologies, including mass spectrometry-based methodologies, Edman degradation procedure, microarray-based techniques and bioinformatics search strategies, have been explored. A comparative analysis of biochemistry-based proteomics and molecular biology strategies has also been given.  相似文献   

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