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p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs), containing two distinct kinase catalytic domains, are phosphorylated and activated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). The amino-terminal kinase domain (NTD) of RSK phosphorylates exogenous substrates, whereas the carboxyl-terminal kinase domain (CTD) autophosphorylates Ser-386. A conserved putative autoinhibitory alpha helix is present in the carboxyl-terminal tail of the RSK isozymes ((697)HLVKGAMAATYSALNR(712) of RSK2). Here, we demonstrate that truncation (Delta alpha) or mutation (Y707A) of this helix in RSK2 resulted in constitutive activation of the CTD. In vivo, both mutants enhanced basal Ser-386 autophosphorylation by the CTD above that of wild type (WT). The enhanced Ser-386 autophosphorylation was attributed to disinhibition of the CTD because a CTD dead mutation (K451A) eliminated Ser-386 autophosphorylation even in conjunction with Delta alpha and Y707A. Constitutive activity of the CTD appears to enhance NTD activity even in the absence of ERK phosphorylation because basal phosphorylation of S6 peptide by Delta alpha and Y707A was approximately 4-fold above that of WT. A RSK phosphorylation motif antibody detected a 140-kDa protein (pp140) that was phosphorylated upon epidermal growth factor or insulin treatment. Ectopic expression of Delta alpha or Y707A resulted in increased basal phosphorylation of pp140 compared with that of WT, presenting the possibility that pp140 is a novel RSK substrate. Thus, it is clear that the CTD regulates NTD activity in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

B Harmann  M W Kilimann 《FEBS letters》1990,273(1-2):248-252
We have isolated cDNA molecules encoding a protein with the characteristic sequence elements that are conserved between the catalytic domains of protein kinases. This protein is apparently a serine/threonine kinase and is most closely related to the amino-terminal half of the ribosomal protein S6 kinase II first characterized in Xenopus eggs (42% overall identity and 56% identity in the predicted catalytic domain). However, it clearly differs from S6 kinase II in that it has only one, rather than two predicted catalytic domains and a deduced molecular mass of 59,109 Da. We propose that is may be more related to, or identical, with, the mitogen-inducible S6 kinase of molecular mass 65-70 kDa described in mammalian liver, mouse 3T3 cells and chicken embryos. Remarkable structural features of the cDNA-encoded polypeptide are a section rich in proline, serine and threonine residues that resemble the multiphosphorylation domains of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase kinase alpha subunit, and a characteristic tyrosine residue in the putative nucleotide-binding glycine cluster which, by analogy to cdc2 kinase, is a potential tyrosine phosphorylation site.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) is an important regulatory domain in RSK and a model for kinase regulation of FXXFXF(Y) motifs in AGC kinases. Its properties had not been studied. We reconstituted activation of the CTD in Escherichia coli by co-expression with active ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) was phosphorylated in the P-loop (Thr(577)) by MAPK, accompanied by increased phosphorylation on the hydrophobic motif site, Ser(386). Activated GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) phosphorylates synthetic peptides based on Ser(386). The peptide RRQLFRGFSFVAK, which was termed CTDtide, was phosphorylated with K(m) and V(max) values of approximately 140 microm and approximately 1 micromol/min/mg, respectively. Residues Leu at p -5 and Arg at p -3 are important for substrate recognition, but a hydrophobic residue at p +4 is not. RSK2 CTD is a much more selective peptide kinase than MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. CTDtide was used to probe regulation of hemagglutinin-tagged RSK proteins immunopurified from epidermal growth factor-stimulated BHK-21 cells. K100A but not K451A RSK2 phosphorylates CTDtide, indicating a requirement for the CTD. RSK2-(aa1-389) phosphorylates the S6 peptide, and this activity is inactivated by S386A mutation, but RSK2-(aa1-389) does not phosphorylate CTDtide. In contrast, RSK2-(aa373-740) containing only the CTD phosphorylates CTDtide robustly. Thus, CTDtide is phosphorylated by the CTD but not the NH(2)-terminal domain (NTD). Epidermal growth factor activates the CTD and NTD in parallel. Activity of the CTD for peptide phosphorylation correlates with Thr(577) phosphorylation. CTDtide activity is constrained in full-length RSK2. Interestingly, mutation of the conserved lysine in the ATP-binding site of the NTD completely eliminates S6 kinase activity, but a similar mutation of the CTD does not completely ablate kinase activity for intramolecular phosphorylation of Ser(386), even though it greatly reduces CTDtide activity. The standard lysine mutation used routinely to study kinase functions in vivo may be unsatisfactory when the substrate is intramolecular or in a tight complex.  相似文献   

90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase-2 (RSK2) belongs to a family of growth factor-activated serine/threonine kinases composed of two kinase domains connected by a regulatory linker region. The N-terminal kinase of RSK2 is involved in substrate phosphorylation. Its activation requires phosphorylation of the linker region at Ser(369), catalyzed by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and at Ser(386), catalyzed by the C-terminal kinase, after its activation by ERK. In addition, the N-terminal kinase must be phosphorylated at Ser(227) in the activation loop by an as yet unidentified kinase. Here, we show that the isolated N-terminal kinase of RSK2 (amino acids 1-360) is phosphorylated at Ser(227) by PDK1, a constitutively active kinase, leading to 100-fold stimulation of kinase activity. In COS7 cells, ectopic PDK1 induced the phosphorylation of full-length RSK2 at Ser(227) and Ser(386), without involvement of ERK, leading to partial activation of RSK2. Similarly, two other members of the RSK family, RSK1 and RSK3, were partially activated by PDK1 in COS7 cells. Finally, our data indicate that full activation of RSK2 by growth factor requires the cooperation of ERK and PDK1 through phosphorylation of Ser(227), Ser(369), and Ser(386). Our study extend recent findings which implicate PDK1 in the activation of protein kinases B and C and p70(S6K), suggesting that PDK1 controls several major growth factor-activated signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Human platelets provide an excellent model system for the study of phosphorylation events during signal transduction and cell adhesion. Platelets are terminally differentiated cells that exhibit rapid phosphorylation of many proteins upon agonist-induced activation and aggregation. We have sought to identify the kinases as well as the phosphorylated substrates that participate in thrombin-induced signal transduction and platelet aggregation. In this study, we have identified two forms of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), p42mapk and p44mapk, in platelets. The data demonstrate that p42mapk but not p44mapk becomes phosphorylated on serine, threonine, and tyrosine during platelet activation. Immune complex kinase assays, gel renaturation assays, and a direct assay for MAPK activity in platelet extracts all support the conclusion that p42mapk but not p44mapk shows increased kinase activity during platelet activation. The activation of p42mapk, independently of p44mapk, in platelets is unique since in other systems, both kinases are coactivated by a variety of stimuli. We also show that platelets express p90rsk, a ribosomal S6 kinase that has previously been characterized as a substrate for MAPK. p90rsk is phosphorylated on serine in resting platelets, and this phosphorylation is enhanced upon thrombin-induced platelet activation. Immune complex kinase assays demonstrate that the activity of p90rsk is markedly increased during platelet activation. Another ribosomal S6 protein kinase, p70S6K, is expressed by platelets but shows no change in kinase activity upon platelet activation with thrombin. Finally, we show that the increased phosphorylation and activity of both p42mapk and p90rsk does not require integrin-mediated platelet aggregation. Since platelets are nonproliferative cells, the signal transduction pathways that include p42mapk and p90rsk cannot lead to a mitogenic signal and instead may regulate cytoskeletal or secretory changes during platelet activation.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) is a transmembrane protein capable of transducing stimulation by secreted FGFs. In addition, newly synthesized FGFR1 enters the nucleus in response to cellular stimulation and during development. Nuclear FGFR1 can transactivate CRE (cAMP responsive element), activate CRE-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CBP) and gene activities causing cellular growth and differentiation. Here, a yeast two-hybrid assay was performed to identify FGFR1-binding proteins and the mechanism of nuclear FGFR1 action. Ten FGFR1-binding proteins were identified. Among the proteins detected with the intracellular FGFR1 domain was a 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK1), a regulator of CREB, CBP, and histone phosphorylation. FGFR1 bound to the N-terminal region of RSK1. The FGFR1-RSK1 interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and colocalization in the nucleus and cytoplasm of mammalian cells. Predominantly nuclear FGFR1-RSK1 interaction was observed in the rat brain during neurogenesis and in cAMP-stimulated cultured neural cells. In TE671 cells, transfected FGFR1 colocalized and coimmunoprecipitated, almost exclusively, with nuclear RSK1. Nuclear RSK1 kinase activity and RSK1 activation of CREB were enhanced by transfected FGFR1. In contrast, kinase-deleted FGFR1 (TK-), which did not bind to RSK1 failed to stimulate nuclear RSK1 activity or RSK1 activation of CREB. Kinase inactive FGFR1 (K514A) bound effectively to nuclear RSK1, but it failed to stimulate RSK1. Thus, active FGFR1 kinase regulates the functions of nuclear RSK1. The interaction of nuclear FGFR1 with pluripotent RSK1 offers a new mechanism through which FGFR1 may control fundamental cellular processes.  相似文献   

Uncovering the underlying genetic component of any disease is key to the understanding of its pathophysiology and may open new avenues for development of therapeutic strategies and biomarkers. In the past several years, there has been an explosion of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) resulting in the discovery of novel candidate genes conferring risk for complex diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases. Despite this success, there still remains a substantial genetic component for many complex traits and conditions that is unexplained by the GWAS findings. Additionally, in many cases, the mechanism of action of the newly discovered disease risk variants is not inherently obvious. Furthermore, a genetic region with multiple genes may be identified via GWAS, making it difficult to discern the true disease risk gene. Several alternative approaches are proposed to overcome these potential shortcomings of GWAS, including the use of quantitative, biologically relevant phenotypes. Gene expression levels represent an important class of endophenotypes. Genetic linkage and association studies that utilize gene expression levels as endophenotypes determined that the expression levels of many genes are under genetic influence. This led to the postulate that there may exist many genetic variants that confer disease risk via modifying gene expression levels. Results from the handful of genetic studies which assess gene expression level endophenotypes in conjunction with disease risk suggest that this combined phenotype approach may both increase the power for gene discovery and lead to an enhanced understanding of their mode of action. This review summarizes the evidence in support of gene expression levels as promising endophenotypes in the discovery and characterization of novel candidate genes for complex diseases, which may also represent a novel approach in the genetic studies of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

In myocardium, the 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) is activated by diverse stimuli and regulates the sarcolemmal Na(+)/H(+) exchanger through direct phosphorylation. Only limited information is available on other cardiac RSK substrates and functions. We evaluated cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C), a sarcomeric regulatory phosphoprotein, as a potential RSK substrate. In rat ventricular myocytes, RSK activation by endothelin 1 (ET1) increased cMyBP-C phosphorylation at Ser(282), which was inhibited by the selective RSK inhibitor D1870. Neither ET1 nor D1870 affected the phosphorylation status of Ser(273) or Ser(302), cMyBP-C residues additionally targeted by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Complementary genetic gain- and loss-of-function experiments, through the adenoviral expression of wild-type or kinase-inactive RSK isoforms, confirmed RSK-mediated phosphorylation of cMyBP-C at Ser(282). Kinase assays utilizing as substrate wild-type or mutated (S273A, S282A, S302A) recombinant cMyBP-C fragments revealed direct and selective Ser(282) phosphorylation by RSK. Immunolabeling with a Ser(P)(282) antibody and confocal fluorescence microscopy showed RSK-mediated phosphorylation of cMyBP-C across the C-zones of sarcomeric A-bands. In chemically permeabilized mouse ventricular muscles, active RSK again induced selective Ser(282) phosphorylation in cMyBP-C, accompanied by significant reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development and significant acceleration of cross-bridge cycle kinetics, independently of troponin I phosphorylation at Ser(22)/Ser(23). The magnitudes of these RSK-induced changes were comparable with those induced by PKA, which phosphorylated cMyBP-C additionally at Ser(273) and Ser(302). We conclude that Ser(282) in cMyBP-C is a novel cardiac RSK substrate and its selective phosphorylation appears to regulate cardiac myofilament function.  相似文献   

Antiserum raised against recombinant Xenopus ribosomal protein S6 kinase (rsk) was used to identify a 90,000-Mr ribosomal S6 kinase, pp90rsk, in chicken embryo fibroblasts. Adding serum to cells stimulated the phosphorylation of pp90rsk on serine and threonine residues and increased the activity of S6 kinase measured in immune complex assays. Xenopus S6 kinase II and chicken embryo fibroblast pp90rsk had nearly identical phosphopeptide maps.  相似文献   

Regulation of ribosomal S6 kinase 2 by mammalian target of rapamycin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 subunit is tightly correlated with enhanced translation initiation of a subset of mRNAs that encodes components of the protein synthesis machinery, which is an important early event that controls mammalian cell growth and proliferation. The recently identified S6 kinase 2 (S6K2), together with its homologue S6K1, is likely responsible for the mitogen-stimulated phosphorylation of S6. Like S6K1, the activation of S6K2 requires signaling from both the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Here we report the investigation of the mechanisms of S6K2 regulation by mTOR. We demonstrate that similar to S6K1 the serum activation of S6K2 in cells is dependent on mTOR kinase activity, amino acid sufficiency, and phosphatidic acid. Previously we have shown that mTOR is a cytoplasmic-nuclear shuttling protein. As a predominantly nuclear protein, S6K2 activation was facilitated by enhanced mTOR nuclear import with the tagging of an exogenous nuclear localization signal and diminished by enhanced mTOR nuclear export with the tagging of a nuclear export sequence. However, further increase of mTOR nuclear import by the tagging of four copies of nuclear localization signal resulted in its decreased ability to activate S6K2, suggesting that mTOR nuclear export may also be an integral part of the activation process. Consistently, the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B inhibited S6K2 activation. Taken together, our observations suggest a novel regulatory mechanism in which an optimal cytoplasmic-nuclear distribution or shuttling rate for mTOR is required for maximal activation of the nuclear S6K2.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tbc)-induced interleukin (IL)-12 expression is negatively regulated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 pathways in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). To extend these studies, we examined the nature of the involvement of toll-like receptors (TLRs) and intracellular signalling pathways downstream from PI3K in M. tbc-induced IL-23 expression in human MDMs. M. tbc-induced Akt activation and IL-23 expression were essentially dependent on TLR2. Blockade of the mammalian targets of rapamycin (mTOR)/70 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) pathway by the specific inhibitor rapamycin greatly enhanced M. tbc-induced IL-12/IL-23 p40 (p40) and IL-23 p19 (p19) mRNA and IL-23 protein expression. In sharp contrast, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibition abrogated the p40 and p19 mRNA and IL-23 protein expression induced by M. tbc. Furthermore, the inhibition of PI3K-Akt, but not ERK 1/2 pathway, attenuated M. tbc-induced S6K1 phosphorylation, whereas PI3K inhibition enhanced p38 phosphorylation and apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 activity during exposure to M. tbc. Although the negative or positive regulation of IL-23 was not reversed by neutralization of IL-10, it was significantly modulated by blocking TLR2. Collectively, these findings provide new insight into the homeostatic mechanism controlling type 1 immune responses during mycobacterial infection involving the intracellular network of PI3K, S6K1, ERK 1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways in a TLR2-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The 70kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinases, S6K1 and S6K2 are two highly homologous serine/threonine kinases that are activated in response to growth factors, cytokines and nutrients. The S6 kinases have been linked to diverse cellular processes, including protein synthesis, mRNA processing, glucose homeostasis, cell growth and survival. Studies in model organisms have highlighted the roles that S6K activity plays in a number of pathologies, including obesity, diabetes, ageing and cancer. The importance of S6K function in human diseases has led to the development of S6K-specific inhibitors by a number of companies, offering the promise of improved tools with which to study these enzymes and potentially the effective targeting of deregulated S6K signalling in patients. Here we review the current literature on the role of S6Ks in the regulation of cell growth, survival and proliferation downstream of various signalling pathways and how their dysregulation contributes to the pathogenesis of human diseases.  相似文献   

Lipocalins are extracellular proteins (17-25 kDa) that bind and transport small lipophilic molecules. The three-dimensional structure of the first lipocalin from a metatherian has been determined at different values of pH both with and without bound ligands. Trichosurin, a protein from the milk whey of the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, has been recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli, refolded from inclusion bodies, purified and crystallized at two different pH values. The three-dimensional structure of trichosurin was solved by X-ray crystallography in two different crystal forms to 1.9 A (1 A=0.1 nm) and 2.6 A resolution, from crystals grown at low and high pH values respectively. Trichosurin has the typical lipocalin fold, an eight-stranded anti-parallel beta-barrel but dimerizes in an orientation that has not been seen previously. The putative binding pocket in the centre of the beta-barrel is well-defined in both high and low pH structures and is occupied by water molecules along with isopropanol molecules from the crystallization medium. Trichosurin was also co-crystallized with a number of small molecule ligands and structures were determined with 2-naphthol and 4-ethylphenol bound in the centre of the beta-barrel. The binding of phenolic compounds by trichosurin provides clues to the function of this important marsupial milk protein, which is highly conserved across metatherians.  相似文献   

Ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (RSK1) belongs to a family of proteins with two kinase domains. Following activation in the cytoplasm by extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2), it mediates the cell-proliferative, cell-growth, and survival-promoting actions of a number of growth factors and other agonists. These diverse biological actions of RSK1 involve regulation of both cytoplasmic and nuclear events. However, the mechanisms that permit nuclear accumulation of RSK1 remain unknown. Here, we show that phosphorylation of RSK1 on S221 is important for its dissociation from the type Iα regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (PKA) in the cytoplasm and that RSK1 contains a bipartite nuclear localization sequence that is necessary for its nuclear entry. Once inside, the active RSK1 is retained in the nucleus via its interactions with PKA catalytic subunit and AKAP95. Mutations of RSK1 that do not affect its activity but disrupt its entry into the nucleus or expression of AKAP95 forms that do not enter the nucleus inhibit the ability of active RSK1 to stimulate DNA synthesis. Our findings identify novel mechanisms by which active RSK1 accumulates in the nucleus and also provide new insights into how AKAP95 orchestrates cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) becomes activated during the meiotic maturation of pig oocytes, but its physiological substrate is unknown. The 90-kDa ribosome S6 protein kinase (p90rsk) is the best known MAPK substrate in Xenopus and mouse oocytes. The present study was designed to investigate the expression, phosphorylation, subcellular localization, and possible roles of p90rsk in porcine oocytes during meiotic maturation, fertilization, and parthenogenetic activation. This kinase was partially phosphorylated in oocytes at germinal vesicle (GV) stage through a MAPK-independent mechanism, but its full phosphorylation is dependent on MAPK activity. After fertilization or electrical activation, p90rsk was dephosphorylated shortly before pronucleus formation, which coincided with the inactivation of MAPK. A protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, accelerated the phosphorylation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and induced its rephosphorylation in activated eggs. MAPK kinase (MAPKK or MEK) inhibitor U0126 inhibited the activation of MAPK and p90rsk in both cumulus-enclosed and denuded pig oocytes, but prevented GV breakdown (GVBD) only in cumulus-enclosed oocytes. Active MAPK and p90rsk were detected in pig cumulus cells, and U0126 induced their dephosphorylation. In meiosis II arrested eggs, U0126 led to the inactivation of MAPK and p90rsk, as well as the interphase transition of the eggs. P90rsk was distributed evenly in GV oocytes, but it accumulated in the nucleus before GVBD. It was localized to the meiotic spindle after GVBD and concentrated in the spindle mid zone during emission of the polar bodies. All these results suggest that p90rsk is downstream of MAPK and plays functional roles in the regulation of nuclear status and microtubule organization. Although MAPK and p90rsk activity are not essential for the spontaneous meiotic resumption in denuded oocytes, activation of this cascade in cumulus cells is indispensable for the gonadotropin-induced meiotic resumption of pig oocytes.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated ribosomal proteins were isolated from Xenopus 40 S ribosomal subunits by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to enable direct analysis of the phosphorylation sites in ribosomal protein S6. Xenopus S6 closely resembled mammalian S6 with respect to the following properties: (i) reversed-phase HPLC elution behavior, (ii) amino-terminal sequence (96% identity in the first 37 residues), and (iii) an identical sequence within the region of its phosphorylation sites. Whereas S6 was the only ribosomal protein phosphorylated in vitro by Xenopus S6 kinase II, ribosomes phosphorylated in vivo were found to be associated with an additional phosphoprotein having an amino-terminal sequence identical to that of the ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal extension protein CEP 80. S6 kinase II phosphorylated at least four sites (serines 1-3 and 5) in the sequence Arg-Arg-Leu-Ser(1)-Ser(2)-Leu-Arg-Ala-Ser(3)-Thr-Ser(4)-Lys-Ser(5)-, which correspond to the residues known to be phosphorylated in the carboxyl-terminal region of mammalian S6. The in vivo S6 phosphorylation sites in maturing Xenopus oocytes were shown to be located within the same cluster of serine residues, although individual sites were not identified. Kinetic analysis of S6 kinase II-catalyzed phosphorylation events indicated a simple sequential mechanism of multisite phosphorylation initiating at either serine 2 (preferred) or serine 1, with the rates of phosphorylation of individual sites occurring in the order serine 2 greater than serine 1 greater than serine 3 greater than serine 5.  相似文献   

The hypoxic and acidic microenvironments in tumors are strongly associated with malignant progression and metastasis, and have thus become a central issue in tumor physiology and cancer treatment. Despite this, the molecular links between acidic pH- and hypoxia-mediated cell invasion/metastasis remain mostly unresolved. One of the mechanisms that tumor cells use for tissue invasion is the generation of invadopodia, which are actin-rich invasive plasma membrane protrusions that degrade the extracellular matrix. Here, we show that hypoxia stimulates the formation of invadopodia as well as the invasive ability of cancer cells. Inhibition or shRNA-based depletion of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE-1, along with intracellular pH monitoring by live-cell imaging, revealed that invadopodia formation is associated with alterations in cellular pH homeostasis, an event that involves activation of the Na(+)/H(+) exchange rate by NHE-1. Further characterization indicates that hypoxia triggered the activation of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90 RSK), which resulted in invadopodia formation and site-specific phosphorylation and activation of NHE-1. This study reveals an unsuspected role of p90RSK in tumor cell invasion and establishes p90RS kinase as a link between hypoxia and the acidic microenvironment of tumors.  相似文献   

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