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The plastocyanin-cytochrome f complex from Nostoc exhibits relevant structural differences when compared with the homologous complexes from other cyanobacteria and plants, with electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions being differently involved in each case. Here, five negatively charged residues of a recombinant form of cytochrome f from Nostoc have been replaced with either neutral or positively charged residues, and the effects of mutations on the kinetics of electron transfer to wild-type and mutant forms of plastocyanin have been measured by laser flash absorption spectroscopy. Cytochrome f mutants with some negative charges replaced with neutral residues exhibit an apparent electron transfer rate constant with wild-type plastocyanin similar to or slightly higher than that of the wild-type species, whereas the mutants with negative charges replaced with positive residues exhibit a significantly lower reactivity. Taken together, these results indicate that the effects of neutralizing residues at the electrostatically charged patch of cytochrome f are smaller than those previously observed for mutants of plastocyanin, thus suggesting that it is the copper protein which determines the specificity of the electrostatic interaction with the heme protein. Moreover, cross reactions between mutants of both proteins reveal the presence of some short-range specific electrostatic interactions. Our findings also make evident the fact that in Nostoc the main contribution to the electrostatic nature of the complex is provided by the small domain of cytochrome f.  相似文献   

Oxidation of the soluble, truncated form of cytochrome f by wild-type and mutant species of plastocyanin has been analyzed by laser flash absorption spectroscopy in the cyanobacterium Nostoc (formerly, Anabaena) sp. PCC 7119. At low ionic strengths, the apparent electron transfer rate constant of cytochrome f oxidation by wild-type plastocyanin is 1.34 x 10(4) s(-)(1), a value much larger than those determined for the same proteins from other organisms. Upon site-directed mutagenesis of specific residues at the plastocyanin interaction area, the rate constant decreases in all cases yet to varying extents. The only exception is the D54K variant, which exhibits a higher reactivity toward cytochrome f. In most cases, the reaction rate constant decreases monotonically with an increase in ionic strength. The observed changes in the reaction mechanism and rate constants are in agreement with the location of the mutated residues at the interface area, as well as with the peculiar orientation of the two partners within the Nostoc plastocyanin-cytochrome f transient complex, whose NMR structure has been determined recently. Furthermore, the experimental data herein reported match well the kinetic behavior exhibited by the same set of plastocyanin mutants when acting as donors of electrons to photosystem I [Molina-Heredia, F. P., et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 601-605], thus indicating that the copper protein uses the same surface areas-one hydrophobic and the other electrostatic-to interact with both cytochrome f and photosystem I.  相似文献   

Most organisms performing oxygenic photosynthesis contain either cytochrome c 6 or plastocyanin, or both, to transfer electrons from cytochrome b 6-f to photosystem I. Even though plastocyanin has superseded cytochrome c 6 along evolution, plants contain a modified cytochrome c 6, the so called cytochrome c 6A, whose function still remains unknown. In this article, we describe a second cytochrome c 6 (the so called cytochrome c 6-like protein), which is found in some cyanobacteria but is phylogenetically more related to plant cytochrome c 6A than to cyanobacterial cytochrome c 6. In this article, we conclude that the cytochrome c 6-like protein is a putative electron donor to photosystem I, but does play a role different to that of cytochrome c 6 and plastocyanin as it cannot accept electrons from cytochrome f. The existence of this third electron donor to PSI could explain why some cyanobacteria are able to grow photoautotrophically in the absence of both cytochrome c 6 and plastocyanin. In any way, the Cyt c 6-like protein from Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 would be potentially utilized for the biohydrogen production, using cell-free photosystem I catalytic nanoparticles.  相似文献   

To understand the specificity and efficiency of protein-protein interactions promoting electron transfer, we evaluated the role of electrostatic forces in precollision orientation by the development of two new methods, computer graphics alignment of protein electrostatic fields and a systematic orientational search of intermolecular electrostatic energies for two proteins at present separation distances. We applied these methods to the plastocyanin/cytochrome c interaction, which is faster than random collision, but too slow for study by molecular dynamics techniques. Significant electrostatic potentials were concentrated on one-fourth (969 A2) of the plastocyanin surface, with the greatest negative potential centered on the Tyr-83 hydroxyl within the acidic patch, and on one-eighth (632 A2) of the cytochrome c surface, with the greatest positive potential centered near the exposed heme edge. Coherent electrostatic fields occurred only over these regions, suggesting that local, rather than global, charge complementarity controls productive recognition. The three energetically favored families of pre-collision orientations all directed the positive region surrounding the heme edge of cytochrome c toward the acidic patch of plastocyanin but differed in heme plane orientation. Analysis of electrostatic fields, electrostatic energies of precollision orientations with 12 and 6 A separation distances, and surface topographies suggested that the favored orientations should converge to productive complexes promoting a single electron-transfer pathway from the cytochrome c heme edge to Tyr-83 of plastocyanin. Direct interactions of the exposed Cu ligand in plastocyanin with the cytochrome c heme edge are not unfavorable sterically or electrostatically but should occur no faster than randomly, indicating that this is not the primary pathway for electron transfer.  相似文献   

Positively charged plastocyanin from Anabaena sp. PCC 7119 was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The reactivity of its mutants toward photosystem I was analyzed by laser flash spectroscopy. Replacement of arginine at position 88, which is adjacent to the copper ligand His-87, by glutamine and, in particular, by glutamate makes plastocyanin reduce its availability for transferring electrons to photosystem I. Such a residue in the copper protein thus appears to be isofunctional with Arg-64 (which is close to the heme group) in cytochrome c(6) from Anabaena (Molina-Heredia, F. P., Diaz-Quintana, A., Hervás, M., Navarro, J. A., and De la Rosa, M. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 33565-33570) and Synechocystis (De la Cerda, B., Diaz-Quintana, A., Navarro, J. A. , Hervás, M., and De la Rosa, M. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13292-13297). Other mutations concern specific residues of plastocyanin either at its positively charged east face (D49K, H57A, H57E, K58A, K58E, Y83A, and Y83F) or at its north hydrophobic pole (L12A, K33A, and K33E). Mutations altering the surface electrostatic potential distribution allow the copper protein to modulate its kinetic efficiency: the more positively charged the interaction site, the higher the rate constant. Whereas replacement of Tyr-83 by either alanine or phenylalanine has no effect on the kinetics of photosystem I reduction, Leu-12 and Lys-33 are essential for the reactivity of plastocyanin.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cM is a new c-class photosynthetic haem protein whose physiological role is still unknown. It has been proposed previously that cytochrome cM can replace cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin in transferring electrons between the two membrane complexes cytochrome b6-f and photosystem I in organisms growing under stress conditions. The experimental evidence herein provided allows us to discard such a hypothesis. We report a procedure to overexpress cytochrome cM from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in Escherichia coli cells in mg quantities. This has allowed us to perform a comparative laser flash-induced kinetic analysis of photosystem I reduction by the three metalloproteins from Synechocystis. The bimolecular rate constant for the overall reaction is up to 100 times lower with cytochrome cM than with cytochrome c6 or plastocyanin. In addition, the redox potential value and surface electrostatic potential distribution of cytochrome cM are quite different from those of cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin. These findings strongly indicate that cytochrome cM cannot be recognised by and interact with the same redox partners as the other two metalloproteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of electrostatic charges at positions D72 and K8 in the function and structural stability of cytochrome c6 from Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 (cyt c6). A series of mutant forms was generated to span the possible combinations of charge neutralization (by mutation to alanine) and charge inversion (by mutation to lysine and aspartate, respectively) in these positions. All forms of cyt c6 were functionally characterized by laser flash absorption spectroscopy, and their stability was probed by urea-induced folding equilibrium relaxation experiments and differential scanning calorimetry. Neutralization or inversion of the positive charge at position K8 reduced the efficiency of electron transfer to photosystem I. This effect could not be reversed by compensating for the change in global charge that had been introduced by the mutation, indicating a specific role for K8 in the formation of the electron transfer complex between cyt c6 and photosystem I. Replacement of D72 by asparagine or lysine increased the efficiency of electron transfer to photosystem I, but destabilized the protein. D72 apparently participates in electrostatic interactions that stabilize the structure of cyt c6. The destabilizing effect was reduced when aspartate was replaced by the small amino acid alanine. Complementing the mutation D72A with a charge neutralization or inversion at position K8 led to mutant forms of cyt c6 that were more stable than the wild-type under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

The role of electrostatic interactions in determining the rate of electron transfer between cytochrome f and plastocyanin has been examined in vitro with mutants of turnip cytochrome f and mutants of pea and spinach plastocyanins. Mutation of lysine residues Lys58, Lys65 and Lys187 of cytochrome f to neutral or acidic residues resulted in decreased binding constants and decreased rates of electron transfer to wild-type pea plastocyanin. Interaction of the cytochrome f mutant K187E with the pea plastocyanin mutant D51K gave a further decrease in electron transfer rate, indicating that a complementary charge pair at these positions could not compensate for the decreased overall charge on the proteins. Similar results were obtained with the interaction of the cytochrome f mutant K187E with single, double and triple mutants of residues in the acidic patches of spinach plastocyanin. These results suggest that the lysine residues of the basic patch on cytochrome f are predominantly involved in long-range electrostatic interactions with plastocyanin. However, analysis of the data using thermodynamic cycles provided evidence for the interaction of Lys187 of cytochrome f with Asp51, Asp42 and Glu43 of plastocyanin in the complex, in agreement with a structural model of a cytochrome f-plastocyanin complex determined by NMR.  相似文献   

The reaction between cytochrome f and plastocyanin is a central feature of the photosynthetic electron-transport system of all oxygenic organisms. We have studied the reaction in solution to understand how the very weak binding between the two proteins from Phormidium laminosum can nevertheless lead to fast rates of electron transfer. In a previous publication [Schlarb-Ridley, B. G., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 4057-4063], we suggested that the reaction is diffusion-controlled because of a strong effect of viscosity of the medium. The effects of viscosity and temperature have now been examined in detail. High molecular mass viscogens (Ficoll 70 and Dextran 70), which might mimic in vivo conditions, had little effect up to a relative viscosity of 4. Low molecular mass viscogens (ethane diol, glycerol, and sucrose) strongly decreased the bimolecular rate constant (k(2)) over a similar viscosity range. The effects correlated well with the viscosities of the solutions of the three reagents but not with their dielectric constants or molalities. A power law dependence of k(2) on viscosity suggested that k(2) depends on two viscosity-sensitive reactions in series, while the reverse reactions are little affected by viscosity. The results were incompatible with diffusion control of the overall reaction. Determination of the effect of temperature on k(2) gave an activation enthalpy, DeltaH(++) = 45 kJ mol(-)(1), which is also incompatible with diffusion control. The results were interpreted in terms of a model in which the stable form of the protein-protein complex requires further thermal activation to be competent for electron transfer.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin (Pc) and cytochrome c6 (Cyt) have been purified to homogeneity from the cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena sp. PCC 6903, which occupies a unique divergent branch in the evolutionary tree of oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms. The two metalloproteins have similar molecular masses (9–10 kDa), as well as almost identical isoelectric points (ca. 8) and midpoint redox potentials (ca. 350 mV, at pH 7). Their reaction mechanism of electron transfer to Photosystem I (PS I) has been analyzed by laser-flash absorption spectroscopy. The kinetic traces with Pc correspond to monophasic kinetics, whereas those with Cyt are better fitted to biphasic curves. The observed pseudo first-order rate constant (kobs) with Pc and that for the slower phase with Cyt exhibit saturation profiles at increasing donor protein concentrations, thereby suggesting that the two metalloproteins are able to form transient complexes with PS I. The ionic strength dependence of the rate constants for complex formation makes evident the electrostatic nature of intermediate complexes. The experimental findings indicate that the PS I reduction kinetics in Pseudanabaena follow a type II mechanism with Pc and a type III mechanism with Cyt, according to the different kinetic models proposed previously [(Hervás M, Navarro JA, Díaz A, Bottin H and De la Rosa MA (1995) Biochemistry 34: 11321–11326)]. From an evolutionary point of view, this reinforces our previous observation that PS I was first adapted to operate efficiently with positively charged Cyt rather than with Pc.  相似文献   

The cytochrome b6f complex is an integral part of the photosynthetic and respiratory electron transfer chain of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria. The core of this complex is composed of four subunits, cytochrome b, cytochrome f, subunit IV and the Rieske protein (PetC). In this study deletion mutants of all three petC genes of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were constructed to investigate their localization, involvement in electron transfer, respiration and photohydrogen evolution. Immunoblots revealed that PetC1, PetC2, and all other core subunits were exclusively localized in the thylakoids, while the third Rieske protein (PetC3) was the only subunit found in the cytoplasmic membrane. Deletion of petC3 and both of the quinol oxidases failed to elicit a change in respiration rate, when compared to the respective oxidase mutant. This supports a different function of PetC3 other than respiratory electron transfer. We conclude that the cytoplasmic membrane of Synechocystis lacks both a cytochrome c oxidase and the cytochrome b6f complex and present a model for the major electron transfer pathways in the two membranes of Synechocystis. In this model there is no proton pumping electron transfer complex in the cytoplasmic membrane.Cyclic electron transfer was impaired in all petC1 mutants. Nonetheless, hydrogenase activity and photohydrogen evolution of all mutants were similar to wild type cells. A reduced linear electron transfer and an increased quinol oxidase activity seem to counteract an increased hydrogen evolution in this case. This adds further support to the close interplay between the cytochrome bd oxidase and the bidirectional hydrogenase.  相似文献   

The role played by the residues Leu12 and Lys33 – which are both located at the north hydrophobic patch of plastocyanin – in the interaction of the copper protein with Photosystem I from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. A thermodynamic analysis of PS I reduction by wild-type and mutant plastocyanins has been performed by laser-flash absorption spectroscopy. In all cases, the electron transfer is impaired by mutations, which induce drastic changes in the apparent activation entropy of the overall reaction. Substitution of Leu12 by alanine specifically affects the hydrophobic interactions with PS I, whereas replacement of Lys33 by glutamate not only induces local electrostatic changes, but also alters the hydrophobic interactions with the photosystem. The thermodynamic analysis of the reactivity of K33E mutant towards PS I reveals that the effect of the mutation can be reversed by addition of magnesium cations, which probably bind at a place close to Glu33. The electrostatic surface potential does thus modulate the hydrophobic interactions with PS I by altering the solvent accessibility of some surface residues. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial small CAB-like proteins (SCPs) are single-helix membrane proteins mostly associated with the photosystem II (PSII) complex that accumulate under stress conditions. Their function is still ambiguous although they are assumed to regulate chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis and/or to protect PSII against oxidative damage. In this study, the effect of SCPs on the PSII-specific light-induced damage and generation of singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) was assessed in the strains of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 lacking PSI (PSI-less strain) or lacking PSI together with all SCPs (PSI-less/scpABCDE(-) strain). The light-induced oxidative modifications of the PSII D1 protein reflected by a mobility shift of the D1 protein and by generation of a D1-cytochrome b-559 adduct were more pronounced in the PSI-less/scpABCDE(-) strain. This increased protein oxidation correlated with a faster formation of (1)O(2) as detected by the green fluorescence of Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green assessed by a laser confocal scanning microscopy and by electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping technique using 2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-4-piperidone (TEMPD) as a spin trap. In contrast, the formation of hydroxyl radicals was similar in both strains. Our results show that SCPs prevent (1)O(2) formation during PSII damage, most probably by the binding of free Chl released from the damaged PSII complexes.  相似文献   

Many of the completely sequenced cyanobacterial genomes contain a gene family that encodes for putative Rieske iron-sulfur proteins. The Rieske protein is one of the large subunits of the cytochrome bc-type complexes involved in respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer. In contrast to all other subunits of this complex that are encoded by single genes, the genome of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 contains three petC genes, all encoding potential Rieske subunits. Most interestingly, any of the petC genes can be deleted individually without altering the Synechocystis phenotype dramatically. In contrast, double deletion experiments revealed that petC1 and petC2 cannot be deleted in combination, whereas petC3 can be deleted together with any of the other two petC genes. Further results suggest a different physiological function for each of the Rieske proteins. Whereas PetC2 can partly replace the dominating Rieske isoform PetC1, PetC3 is unable to functionally replace either PetC1 or PetC2 and may have a special function involving a special donor with a lower redox potential than plastoquinone. A predominant role of PetC1, which is (partly) different from PetC2, is suggested by the mutational analysis and a detailed characterization of the electron transfer reactions in the mutant strains.  相似文献   

Photosystem I catalyzes the light-driven oxidation of plastocyanin or cytochrome c 6 and the reduction of ferredoxin or flavodoxin. PsaJ is a 4.4 kDa hydrophobic subunit of photosystem I from cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. To investigate the function of PsaJ, we generated a mutant strain of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in which the psaJ gene is replaced by a gene for chloramphenicol resistance. Deletion of psaJ led to a reduction in the steady state RNA level from psaF which is located upstream from psaJ. Immunoquantification using an anti-PsaF antibody revealed a significant decrease in the amount of PsaF in membranes of the mutant strain. Trimeric photosystem I complexes isolated from the mutant strain using n-dodecyl -D-maltoside lacked PsaJ, contained ca. 80% less PsaF, but maintained wild-type levels of other photosystem I subunits. In contrast, the photosystem I purified using Triton X-100 contained less than 2% PsaF when compared to the wild type, showing the more extractable nature of PsaF in PsaJ-less photosystem I in the presence of Triton X-100. PsaE was more accessible to removal by NaI in a mutant strain lacking PsaF and PsaJ than in the wild type. The presence of PsaF in photosystem I from the PsaJ-less strain did not alter the increased susceptibility of PsaE to removal by NaI. These results indicate an interaction between PsaJ and PsaF in the organization of the complex.  相似文献   

A combination of site-directed mutagenesis and NMR chemical shift perturbation analysis of backbone and side-chain protons has been used to characterize the transient complex of the photosynthetic redox proteins plastocyanin and cytochrome f. To elucidate the importance of charged residues on complex formation, the complex of cytochrome f and E43Q/D44N or E59K/E60Q spinach plastocyanin double mutants was studied by full analysis of the (1)H chemical shifts by use of two-dimensional homonuclear NMR spectra. Both mutants show a significant overall decrease in chemical shift perturbations compared with wild-type plastocyanin, in agreement with a large decrease in binding affinity. Qualitatively, the E43Q/D44N mutant showed a similar interaction surface as wild-type plastocyanin. The interaction surface in the E59K/E60Q mutant was distinctly different from wild type. It is concluded that all four charged residues contribute to the affinity and that residues E59 and E60 have an additional role in fine tuning the orientation of the proteins in the complex.  相似文献   

To analyze the function of a protein encoded by the open reading frame ssr2998 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the corresponding gene was disrupted, and the generated mutant strain was analyzed. Loss of the 7.2-kDa protein severely reduced the growth of Synechocystis, especially under high light conditions, and appeared to impair the function of the cytochrome b6 f complex. This resulted in slower electron donation to cytochrome f and photosystem 1 and, concomitantly, over-reduction of the plastoquinone pool, which in turn had an impact on the photosystem 1 to photosystem 2 stoichiometry and state transition. Furthermore, a 7.2-kDa protein, encoded by the open reading frame ssr2998, was co-isolated with the cytochrome b6 f complex from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. ssr2998 seems to be structurally and functionally associated with the cytochrome b6 f complex from Synechocystis, and the protein could be involved in regulation of electron transfer processes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.  相似文献   

The gene encoding subunit IV of the cytochrome b6/f complex (petD) has been isolated from a genomic library of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The coding region consists of 480 nucleotides and can code for a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 17.5 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows high identity with the corresponding sequences of both the photoautotrophic prokaryote Nostos sp. PCC 7906 as well as of lower and higher photoautotrophic eukaryotes (e.g. Chlorella protothecoides, Nicotiana tabacum). Transformation of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with a plasmid containing the cloned petD gene in which the coding sequence is interrupted by the aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase gene (aph) from Tn903 resulted in the formation of km resistant transformants. The molecular analysis of independent transformants revealed that all clones were merodiploid containing both uninterrupted wild-type as well as interrupted mutant petD copies. Approaches to segregate these two genomes were unsuccessful implying an essential function of the petD gene product in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.Abbreviations aph aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase - cpDNA chloroplast DNA - km kanamycin - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II  相似文献   

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