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Careful analysis of the dependence of enzyme activity on assay temperature has revealed that some enzymes might have real temperature optima in which the decrease in catalytic rate at temperatures above the optimum is not primarily a result of irreversible thermal inactivation. The 'equilibrium model' has been formulated to describe genuine temperature optima, and to suggest a simple experimental method by which to distinguish these cases from those in which enzyme instability is the major determinant of temperature optima.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable method for the measurement of superoxide dismutase (EC activity is described. The method is based on a linear inhibition of the reduction of acetylated cytochrome c by superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

Decreased sperm counts and impaired sperm motility are present in a substantial proportion of men with varicocele. Elevations in the temperature of the affected testis, and increased spermatic vein estradiol (E2) concentrations have been found in some of these patients. To investigate the possibility that increases in temperature lead to a pattern of testicular steroidogenesis that results in increased E2 synthesis, we have examined the effects of temperature changes on the activities of four important testicular steroidogenic enzymes. 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD), 17-hydroxylase (17-OH), 17,20-desmolase (17,20-D) and aromatase activities were measured in the microsomal fraction of rat, pig and horse testes. Incubations were performed at 34 degrees C, 36 degrees C, and 38 degrees C. The activities of all 4 enzymes increased with each 2 degrees C temperature elevation in roughly proportional amounts. We conclude that minor elevations in incubation temperature are associated with increases in the in vitro activity of four key testicular steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of protein glycosylation inhibitors were studied in Neocallimastix frontalis EB188. Low concentrations of tunicamycin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibited zoospore germination, rhizoidal elongation, carbon source utilization and the production and secretion of cellulases and proteins. The carbohydrate-trimming inhibitors, deoxynojirimycin and glucono--lactone, had no measurable effect on rhizoidal growth and carbon source utilization. Cellulases (intracellular or extracellular) synthesized in the presence of glycosylation inhibitors were sensitive to -endoglycosidase H digestion, periodate modification, certain salts, changes in incubation temperature and pH, and protease. Anthrone staining of extracellular proteins confirmed the presence of glycoproteins. In N. frontalis EB188, glycosylation of protein and cellulase occurred and was important for cellular development and the production, secretion and activity of cellulases. Offprint requests to: R. E. Calza  相似文献   

The cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase, EC gene from the alkalophilic Bacillus sp. strain no. 17-1 was cloned in Escherichia coli. The cloned CGTase gene consisted of a single open reading frame which would encode a polypeptide of 713 amino acids, and the first 27 amino acid residues comprised a signal peptide. The nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence of this CGTase (CGTase 17-1) gene had strong homology with those of the CGTase (CGTase 38-2) gene previously cloned in our laboratory from the alkalophilic Bacillus sp. strain no. 38-2, although the enzymic properties of the CGTase 17-1 were distinct from those of the CGTase 38-2. To analyse those enzymic properties further, we constructed 12 chimeric CGTases using three restriction nuclease sites and compared the enzymic properties of the chimeric CGTases. The N-terminal part of the enzyme was important for heat stability, and the pH-activity profile was influenced by both the N- and the C-terminal parts. A third segment was less important for enzymic properties.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme reversibly cleaves phosphodiesters of RNA substrates to generate products with 5' hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphate termini. We previously found that the rate constant for ligation is tenfold faster than the rate constant for cleavage under standard conditions. The hammerhead ribozyme catalyzes the same reactions but is reported to favor cleavage relative to ligation by more than 100-fold under the same conditions. To explore the basis for this difference, we examined the influence of temperature, ions and pH on the hairpin ribozyme internal equilibrium. Under the same conditions, the loss of entropy associated with ligation is less for the hairpin than for the hammerhead ribozyme, consistent with the notion that a more rigid hairpin structure undergoes a smaller decrease in dynamics upon ligation than the more flexible hammerhead structure. Increased salt and reduced temperature shift the equilibrium toward ligation while pH has little effect, suggesting that conditions that stabilize RNA structure tend to promote ligation. The hairpin ribozyme appears to take up at least one tri- or divalent cation or two monovalent cations upon ligation. The efficiency with which different cations promote ligation depends strongly on valence and, less strongly, on ionic radius or electronegativity. This pattern of cation selectivity suggests that cations promote ligation through delocalized electrostatic shielding, perhaps interacting with a region of especially high charge density in the ligated ribozyme. Changes in ionic conditions produce large but compensating changes in enthalpy and entropy for cleavage and ligation. Thus, in addition to any increase in ribozyme dynamics associated with cleavage, re-organization of associated cations contributes significantly to hairpin ribozyme thermodynamics.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from liver microsomes of β-naphthoflavone-treated rats and rainbow trout. The apparent monomeric molecular weights were 75,000 and 77,000 for the rat and trout, respectively. Differences in amino acid composition were observed, particularly for lysine, glycine, threonine, and tyrosine. Analysis of the flavin composition showed that there were 0.97 mol of FAD and 0.92 mol of FMN per mol of rat reductase, whereas the values for the trout enzyme were 1.06 and 0.76 for FAD and FMN, respectively. Trout NADPH-cytochrome c reductase was inhibited by anti-rat antibody, but not to the same extent as was the rat enzyme. No precipitin lines between the trout reductase and rat antibody were observed on Ouchterlony plates. Peptide patterns, on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, following limited proteolysis were also markedly different. The trout enzyme was as effective, catalytically, as the rat enzyme in a reconstituted system that contained purified rat cytochrome P-448 and lipid. Comparison of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase temperature profiles with various combinations of purified trout and rat P-448, reductase, and lipid, in membranous and nonmembranous reconstitution systems, demonstrated that the lower temperature optimum in trout microsomes could only be reproduced when all three trout components were incorporated into liposomes. These results suggest that it is the structural organization of the mixed-function oxidase enzymes and lipid within trout microsomes which were responsible for the lower temperature optimum compared to rat.  相似文献   

Cells of Tetrahymena pyriformis--NT1 were cultured at 38 degrees C (Tg 38 degrees C) and 20 degrees C (Tg 20 degrees C) and their properties investigated over the range 0-40 degrees C. Tg 20 degrees C cells were viable in the range 3-33 degrees C and changes in their properties were readily reversible between 10 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Tg 38 degrees cells were viable in the range 40-10 degrees C and their property changes were immediately reversible in the range 40-23 degrees C. The I-V relations of Tg 38 degrees C cells showed increased excitability as the cells were cooled from 40 degrees C. At 10 degrees C there was a considerable loss of excitability and slope resistance. Cooling Tg 20 degrees C cells from 20 degrees C gave a similar pattern, although over a narrower temperature range. Warming Tg 20 degrees C Tetrahymena above 20 degrees C led to a progressive loss of excitability and the cells were markedly less viable above 35 degrees C. Within physiological limits the regenerative spike magnitude, repolarization time, time to peak and input resistance increased as temperature was lowered, whereas resting potential was diminished. When compared at their growth temperatures and most intermediate temperatures, the value of the various parameters monitored were generally different for the two cultures. The Q10 value for resting potential changes of Tg 20 degrees C cells about 20 degrees C was 1.20. As in T. vorax this was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that predicted for a diffusion potential and suggested that T. pyriformis--NT1 may have an electrogenic pump component in its membrane potential.  相似文献   

Although rather extensive bibliographies give the impression that there is a vast amount of literature on the effects of temperature on aquatic organisms, when one tries to apply this information to specific interactions, such as the effects of temperature changes on chemical toxicity to aquatic organisms, often very little of the evidence is applicable. Although the most useful information on this relationship has been acquired in laboratory situations even this body of literature (which forms the bulk of this paper) is not adequate to make any scientifically justifiable generalizations. Field data on this relationship is almost non-existent and it is unlikely that much will become available unless specific studies are initiated which are directed toward this end. This is equally true of the laboratory information although it seems more likely that this will be generated as a spinoff from other research activities. In order to develop water quality management programs for steam-electric power plants one should understand the relationship between temperature and the response of aquatic organisms to toxic chemicals. Not only do some power plants discharge chlorine and other similar materials as well as heated waste water but those that discharge the latter only may be located near discharges of toxic chemicals. Since temperature and chemical stress to aquatic organisms are most commonly discussed independently we felt a paper covering this relationship would be useful.  相似文献   

In this study, the behavior of enzyme activity as a function of pH and temperature is modeled on the basis of fundamental considerations. A formulation is developed that includes the activation of enzymes with increasing temperatures and the deactivation of enzymes at higher temperature, together with the effect of protonation and hydroxylation on activity at various constant pH levels. The model is calibrated and validated against an extensive set of experimental data on phytases from seven different origins. The percentage variance accounted for (R(2)(adj)), obtained by statistical nonlinear regression analysis on all data sets, was shown to range from 97.6% to 99.5%. The equilibrium constant of protonation and hydroxylation proved to be independent of temperature.  相似文献   

Child mortality experiences may affect subsequent fertility of couples by exerting a physiological effect, influencing length of birth, interval, or a replacement effect, in which couples continue to procreate in an attempt to reach a desired number of surviving offspring. Where biological constraints are potentially important, however, it may be difficult to distinguish between purely physiological and purely behavioral components of the process regulating production. Natural spacing of births and onset of sterility may be affected by health and diet and prior childbearing and breastfeeding practices. Biological pressures can, in turn, be infuenced behaviorally both by social custom and individual choice. Studies of 126 families in 19th century Massachusetts show that reduction in infant mortality is not a prerequisite for onset of family limitation. Results for the study population did not exhibit a relationship between parity progression ratios and the experience of child mortality, consisten with the child replacement hypothesis. 1 factor involved may be the parent's expectations of more than the desired number of children because of imperfect contraceptive technology at the time. Preference for the sex of children also may weaken overall replacement effect, since the death of a child of "undesired" sex will not be replaced. The cohort age-specific fertility patterns indicate that a reduction in overall fertility level in the communities studied was parity-dependent and directed at stopping childbearing at some given range of family size. At any rate, parents are not passive participants in a natural regime of births and deaths. While child replacement may be present in some societies, it is relatively inefficient and perhaps infrequent.  相似文献   

Common empirical models of stomatal conductivity often incorporate a sensitivity of stomata to the rate of leaf photosynthesis. Such a sensitivity has been predicted on theoretical terms by Cowan and Farquhar, who postulated that stomata should adjust dynamically to maximize photosynthesis for a given water loss.
In this study, we implemented the Cowan and Farquhar hypothesis of optimal stomatal conductivity into a canopy gas exchange model, and predicted the diurnal and daily variability of transpiration for a savanna site in the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia. The predicted transpiration dynamics were then compared with observations at the site using the eddy covariance technique. The observations were also used to evaluate two alternative approaches: constant conductivity and a tuned empirical model.
The model based on the optimal water-use hypothesis performed better than the one based on constant stomatal conductivity, and at least as well as the tuned empirical model. This suggests that the optimal water-use hypothesis is useful for modelling canopy gas exchange, and that it can reduce the need for model parameterization.  相似文献   

Females of many insect species cluster their eggs. Egg clustering by lepidopteran species usually results in aggregation of larvae that are more often conspicuously coloured and apparently distasteful or unpalatable than larvae of solitary species. While the costs and benefits of aggregation in terms of larval survival and growth are well documented, the evolutionary ecology of egg clustering has been long debated and is still unresolved. We tested the egg desiccation hypothesis, first proposed by Stamp (1980), which to our knowledge has never been examined experimentally. The egg desiccation hypothesis proposes that egg clustering is adaptive per se (i.e. increases fitness of females) by reducing egg mortality via desiccation.We tested this hypothesis for the Nymphalid butterfly, Chlosyne lacinia, an egg-clustering species on its sunflower host plant, Helianthus annuus. We first documented natural variation in batch size for this butterfly. We then tested experimentally hatch success of varying batch sizes and egg-layering arrangements under controlled humidity levels. Hatch success was positively related to relative humidity. Eggs in larger groups with greater number of layers had greater hatch success than smaller, monolayered egg batches, especially when relative humidity was low. Our results indicate that, not only number of eggs, but also the arrangement (i.e. layering and density), increase batch survival by protecting eggs from desiccation. However, despite increased hatch success in dense, multilayered clusters, we found wide variation in layering and density in natural populations of C. lacinia. This variation is probably maintained by trade-offs in egg survival, such as increased cannibalism of eggs by siblings, in dense clusters. Nevertheless, protection from egg desiccation provides an alternative explanation for the origin and maintenance of egg clustering in lepidopterans and possibly other insects. The pattern of egg deposition in the Nymphalidae supports this hypothesis, since most North American species cluster their eggs tightly, whereas most species in tropical regions lay eggs singly or in loose monolayers.  相似文献   

This is a study of the prevalence of hypertension among a sample of Navajo Indians 65 years of age and above. It is not clear whether prevalence has increased over the past generation in this age group. When men and women are compared, conventional measures of "acculturation" are related to hypertension among women but not among men. The differences between men and women seem most probably related to differences in the situation of men and women within both Navajo and Anglo-American society. Several alternative explanations are discussed as well.  相似文献   

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