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In chronically isolated slabs of the cat auditory cortex with additional transection of lower layers and preservation of the structural integrity of one, two, or three upper layers of cortex just under the pial membrane, impulse responses of slab neurons to stimulation applied at the additionally undercut section were studied. High effectiveness of axodendritic and axospinal excitatory contacts formed by nerve elements of intracortical origin in upper cortical layers was demonstrated. The participation of geniculocortical fibers in spread of excitation in the cortex through synaptic contacts in layer I with dendrites of underlying-layer pyramidal neurons is discussed. The capacity for generation of polysynaptic excitation responses by the neurons indicates preservation of complex interneuronal interactions in the isolated cortex slab preparations with their undercut lower layers.I. I. Mechnikov State University of Odessa, Odessa. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 80–87, January–February, 1991.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of the cerebral cortex in cats and monkeys following transcranial micropolarization (TCMP) demonstrated ultrastructural changes whose degree was dependent on the electric current intensity and the stimulation period. In the focus of stimulation the current affected the brain tissue directly, different elements of the cerebral cortex showing unegual sensitivity to various TCMP regimens. The glia was the first to respond, then the neuronal bodies, and the last -- the synaptic structures. In the areas distant from the TCMP focus synaptic components altered first. The ultrastructural changes revealed were not of pathological character.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis has been made of the interaction of the auditory cortex units in alert cats with chronically implanted electrodes. Three neurones with an amplitude ratio of 4:2:1 were singled out from the multineuronal activity. The dependence between the firing of two neurones was determined by the cross interval histograms. The relationships between 78 pairs of units were studied in 26 three units microsystems. About a third of the studied pairs functioned independently. The number of pairs with one-way and two-way connections was about equal (26 and 30 respectively). The neurones which generated spikes of high and medium amplitude, had the largest number of two-way connections. One-way connections were equally represented in all the three neurones, though with regard to direction they depended on the amplitude characteristics of the spikes. In neurones with large and medium spikes, output connections predominated, while in neurones with small spikes input connections predominated considerably. The connection could be of inhibitory, excitatory or mixed type. The inhibitory type of connections was the most frequent occurrence (57 out of 86). At prolonged recording (6 to 16 min) of spike activity, most of the functional connections persisted.  相似文献   

The reaction of cells in the sensomotor cortex of the ondatra cerebrum has been studied electron microscopically under acute hypoxia conditions. Certain changes have been revealed in neuronal bodies, dendrites, dendritic spines, as well as in synaptic contacts. Reaction of glial cells is noted. The degree of manifestation of the changes essentially varies in different neurons. In most cells, however, they are of reversible character, despite duration of the hypoxia effect. This is evidently connected with the fact, that the ondatra is a diving animal, which is evolutionary adapted to a periodical deficiency of oxygen. The neuronal changes revealed, nevertheless, are not the signs, specifically caused by hypoxia, they are peculiar for many other effects (deafferentation, influences of neurotoxins, stress etc.).  相似文献   

The character of interneuronal relations in the auditory cortex of alert and anaesthetized cats (nembutal) with chronicly inplanted electrodes was studied with the method of statistic analysis of cross-intervals of the two impulse series. The analysis of the histograms, obtained by means of processing a neuronal activity, showed that nembutal did not eliminate the dependent relations between neurones and that in the majority of cases the types of these relations are either retained or supplemented with new components. Experiments with a reduced dose of nembutal permitted to trace in time the changes in the amount of the inhibitory and excitatory interrelations in the anaesthetized state, and to compare these changes to the changes in the frequency of spike activity. It was found that nembutal predominantly suppresses the activity of the neurones, generating small spikes. The number of inhibitory connections is reduced simultaneously. Such synchroneity permits to assume the participation of the neurones generating small spikes in the establishment of inhibitory interrelations in the cat auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Age changes in fields 39 and 40 (after Broadman) have been studied in a 100 years and 6 months old man died from peritonitis resulted from the surgical intervention, performed in connection with strangulation of the hernia. In the medical history there were no ++neuro-physical signs. The material was taken in 1 h 15 min after clinical death had been stated. The results obtained have been compared with those studied in the brain of persons, who had not yet reached the age of 100 years and had not any signs of ++neuro-physical disturbances and died after urgent surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity. In this group of persons the material for investigation was taken in 15-30 min after clinical death had been stated. The technique for treatment the material, its preparation for electron-microscopical examination is identical. Immersion fixation has been applied. The material obtained from an old animal fixed by means of vital perfusion of 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution is also used. In the person of 100 years and 6 months old the changes do not practically differ from those obtained from persons of younger age, however, the time from the statement of clinical death up to obtaining the material essentially influences preservation of the synaptic apparatus components.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes in the cat sensorimotor cortex during 30- to 60-minute recovery after a 2.5- to 6-minute anoxia have been studied. The most prominent changes were hypertrophy of Golgi apparatus, reorganization of the neuronal endoplasmic reticulum (including the formation of lamellar bodies), increase of the number of lysosomes within nerve cell bodies, formation of deep invaginations of the neuronal cytoplasm into the nucleus, intensification of endocytosis and phagocytosis in the dendrites, appearance of the ultrastructural heterogeneity of the synapses (from normal synapses to depleted ones), normalization of ultrastructure of the part of mitochondrial pool. Glycogen granules were revealed in glial cell processes. The ultrastructural changes after a 6-minute anoxia followed by a 30- to 60-minute recovery were more expressed than after a 2.5-minute one.  相似文献   

Structural-functional reconstructions of the frog autonomic interneuronal synapsis have been studied at its activation with endogenic acetylcholine under conditions of acetylcholinesterase suppression. The investigation has been performed with preparations of isolated sympathetic trunk of Rana temporaria treated with armine (5 X 10(-6) M) and subjected to electrostimulation (5 imp/sec) up to a complete block of the synaptic transmission. Certain structural changes are revealed in the axo-somatic synapses, demonstrating an increased adhesive properties of the membranes, ("hatch-like" membranes, numerous submembranous aggregates, aggregates of the intercellular cleft and neuronal-glial contacts). In the terminals changed according to the "light type", with poorly manifested changes, light synaptic vesicles loose their spheric form, their diameter decreases. In the boutons with more intensive changes, the vesicles gradually change into the mass of cluster-floccular material. In the boutons with intensively manifested disorders in the ultrastructure, a complete destruction of the light vesicles is observed. The great part of the ganglionic neuron bodies changes according the "dark type". In their neuroplasm a great amount of subsuperficial cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum and formation of powerful fasciculi of microfilaments are noted to appear.  相似文献   

Interneurons originating from the ganglionic eminence migrate tangentially into the developing cerebral wall as they navigate to their distinct positions in the cerebral cortex. Compromised connectivity and differentiation of interneurons are thought to be an underlying cause in the emergence of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia. Previously, it was suggested that tangential migration of interneurons occurs in a radial glia independent manner. Here, using simultaneous imaging of genetically defined populations of interneurons and radial glia, we demonstrate that dynamic interactions with radial glia can potentially influence the trajectory of interneuronal migration and thus the positioning of interneurons in cerebral cortex. Furthermore, there is extensive local interneuronal migration in tangential direction opposite to that of pallial orientation (i.e., in a medial to lateral direction from cortex to ganglionic eminence) all across the cerebral wall. This counter migration of interneurons may be essential to locally position interneurons once they invade the developing cerebral wall from the ganglionic eminence. Together, these observations suggest that interactions with radial glial scaffold and localized migration within the expanding cerebral wall may play essential roles in the guidance and placement of interneurons in the developing cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

In experiments with unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase microdoses into the dorsal sites of external g. proreus. using the method of retrograde axonal transport, labeled neurons have been revealed ipsilaterally in the singular cortex of telencephalon, in amygdala and thalamic structures of the brain (n.medio-dorsal nucleus, anterior group of nuclei and intralaminar nuclei). The role of the direct projections discovered to the prefrontal cortex in the formation of emotional component of pain is discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescent probes 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and pyrene were employed in studying the effect of aminazine and triftazin versus that of imipramine on microviscosity of rat brain cortex synaptosomal membranes. Unlike imipramine, the neuroleptics decrease microviscosity of membrane's lipid bilayer. All drugs decrease fluorescence of endogenous tryptophan, but fail to change fluorescence of L-tryptophan in the solution. It is concluded that neuroleptics induce conformational perturbations in membrane-bound proteins modifying microviscosity of lipid bilayer whereas imipramine changes the surface electric charge of lipid bilayer of synaptosomal membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Techniques for the ultrastructural demonstration of dehydrogenases in cerebral cortex are described. The best fixation for good fine structural preservation and retension of LDH and NADH-diaphorase was obtained by perfusion with a mixture of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde and for SDH by perfusion with formaldehyde. Comparison of incubation conditions showed that consistent results were obtained using enzyme markers NBT and DS-NBT for LDH and NADH-diaphorase; DS-NBT was more satisfactory than NBT and BSPT for SDH. Penetration of incubation media was improved by Triton X-100; DMSO and ultrasonic treatment were less effective. The techniques enabled the first electron cytochemical demonstration of dehydrogenases in different elements of prefixed cerebral cortex. Ultrastructural sites of enzyme activities were localized within cristae and intermembrane spaces of mitochondria in nerve cell cytoplasm and its processes, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Authenticity of the ultrastructural sites was confirmed by four different control experiments.  相似文献   

The electron microscopic method has revealed early maturation of the protein-synthesizing apparatus of some cells, on the one hand, and underdevelopment of neuroblast volumes, appearance of artificial contacts, axonal degeneration and destruction in large trunks, on the other hand. Compensatory-restorative processes in the cell on the 14th and 21st days of the postnatal development result in a complete restoration of morphological organization of neurons and interneuronal connections in the hypothalamus of offspring of the morphine-dependent rats.  相似文献   

Using PTA technique, the organization of subsynaptic units (paramembrane specialized formations of the cytoskeleton) was revealed in the molecular layer of the rat neocortex during post-asphyxia period. The density and summarized length of the active contact zone (ACZ) with different degree of maturity of subsynaptic units were calculated and the information was evaluated. It was revealed that the total length of ACZ synapses was restored to the control level on the 7th day after asphyxia and the information of the synaptic pool was 30.1% on the 14th day, in spite of a significant deficiency in the synapse density. The information of the synaptic pool was restored mainly due to hypertrophy of interneuronal contacts with well developed presynaptic grating.  相似文献   

Summary A two-stage fixation technique has been developed to obtain morphological preservation and retention of glucose 6-phosphatase (G6-Pase) activity for its demonstration in rat cerebral cortex. The technique was then employed to localize the enzyme in the cortex where it produced a dense reaction over the well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae in nerve cells and oligodendrocytes which contrasted with a thin reaction in astrocytes. Other membranous organelles showed no reaction.  相似文献   

Techniques for the ultrastructural demonstration of dehydrogenases in cerebral cortex are described. The best fixation for good fine structural preservation and retention of LDH and NADH-diphorase was obtained by perfusion with a misture of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde and for SDH by perfusion with formaldehyde. Comparison of incubation conditions showed that consistent results were obtained using enzyme markers NBT and DS-NBT for LDH and NADH-diaphorase: DS-NBT was more satisfactory than NBT and BSPT for SDH. Penetration of incubation media was improved by Triton X-100: DMSO and ultrasonic treatment were less effective. The techniques enabled the first electron cytochemical demonstration of dehydrogenases in different elements of prefixed cerebral cortex. Ultrastructural sites of enzyme activities were localized within cristae and inter-membrane spaces of mitochondria in nerve cell cytoplasm and its processes, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Authenticity of the ultrastructural sites was confirmed by four different control experiments.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural demonstration of glucose 6-phosphatase in cerebral cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A two-stage fixation technique has been developed to obtain morphological preservation and retention of glucose 6-phosphatase (G6-Pase) activity for its demonstration in rat cerebral cortex. The technique was then employed to localize the enzyme in the cortex where it produced a dense reaction over the well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae in nerve cells and oligodendrocytes which contrasted with a thin reaction in astrocytes. Other membranous organelles showed no reaction.  相似文献   

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