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Determination of tissue-specific expression of cellular prion protein (PrPc) is essential for understanding its poorly explained role in organisms. Herein we report on quantification of PrP mRNA in golden hamsters, a popular experimental model for studying mechanisms of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), by real-time RT-PCR. Total RNA was isolated from four different regions of the brain and six peripheral organs of eight golden hamsters. PrP mRNA copy numbers were determined using absolute standard curve method with real-time quantitative PCR instrument. It was found that high mRNA levels were present in all four regions of the brain examined, including obex, neocortex, cerebellum, and thalamus. In peripheral organs examined, inguinal lymph node showed high level of the expression similar to that in overall brain; spleen, heart, liver, and lung showed moderate levels of the expression; and kidney showed the lowest expression. Our result is consistent with the potential involvement of different organs in prion diseases and offers essential data for further study of TSE mechanism in this animal model.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) has emerged as a key candidate molecule mediating the synchronization of rhythms in clock gene expression within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In addition, neurons expressing VIP are anatomically well positioned to mediate communication between the SCN and peripheral oscillators. In this study, we examined the temporal expression profile of 3 key circadian genes: Per1, Per2 , and Bmal1 in the SCN, the adrenal glands and the liver of mice deficient for the Vip gene (VIP KO), and their wild-type counterparts. We performed these measurements in mice held in a light/dark cycle as well as in constant darkness and found that rhythms in gene expression were greatly attenuated in the VIP-deficient SCN. In the periphery, the impact of the loss of VIP varied with the tissue and gene measured. In the adrenals, rhythms in Per1 were lost in VIP-deficient mice, while in the liver, the most dramatic impact was on the phase of the diurnal expression rhythms. Finally, we examined the effects of the loss of VIP on ex vivo explants of the same central and peripheral oscillators using the PER2::LUC reporter system. The VIP-deficient mice exhibited low amplitude rhythms in the SCN as well as altered phase relationships between the SCN and the peripheral oscillators. Together, these data suggest that VIP is critical for robust rhythms in clock gene expression in the SCN and some peripheral organs and that the absence of this peptide alters both the amplitude of circadian rhythms as well as the phase relationships between the rhythms in the SCN and periphery.  相似文献   

Murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (MAIDS) is caused by exposure to murine leukemia virus and serves as a model to study human AIDS. In MAIDS-susceptible C57BL/6 mice, virus exposure leads to progressive immune deficiency, while resistant strains such as BALB/c recover from infection and develop protective immunity. The goal of this study was to identify early gene expression patterns that may be important in establishing this strain-specific differential response. Total RNA was isolated from spleens and pooled lymph nodes of both mouse strains at 3 and 7 days post virus infection. The complementary DNA generated from this RNA was hybridized to mouse oligonucleotide DNA microarrays using a strategy that controlled for inherent variability and highlighted only virus-induced changes. Fluorescent intensities were normalized and analyzed for statistically significant differential expression between strains across both time points and lymphoid organs. The majority of the resistance-associated genes was identified at day 3 post-infection and demonstrated the highest fold differences between strains, while more susceptibility-associated sequences were seen at 7 days post-infection. Among the most highly differentially expressed sequences seen at the earlier time point were genes related to protein metabolism, especially serine proteases. Differential patterns of chemokine-related genes were observed at the later time point. The overall pattern of expression suggests strain-specific differences in proteases and chemokines within secondary lymphoid organs shortly after infection influence the likelihood of disease progression.  相似文献   

The contribution of different rat organs to the synthesis of ceruloplasmin (Cp) was studied. Dot hybridization with the use of the Cp cDNA probe revealed Cp mRNA sequences in RNA preparations from liver, heart, kidney as well as from different divisions of brain, the concentration of Cp mRNA sequences being maximal in the liver. Polyribosomes isolated from these organs effectively synthesized Cp in a cell-free system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. After in vivo pulse labeling, the newly formed radioactive Cp was detected in the membrane fractions from all these organs. The newly formed Cp was concentrated within the membranes of the Golgi complex of various organs where it was revealed by different immunochemical techniques. Experiments with isolation of the liver from the systemic circulation showed that the liver is the only organ secreting Cp into the blood stream. It was suggested that mammalian tissues contain at least two molecular forms of Cp, i. e., circulatory and intracellular ones.  相似文献   

By using quantitative Western blot analysis and the real time polymerase chain reaction technique, we investigated the differential gene expression of microfibril-associated glycoprotein (MAGP-36) in rat organs. The gene was expressed highly in sites rich in elastic fibers, such as aorta, skin, and esophagus. However, MAGP-36 was also expressed highly in some other sites containing no elastic fibers. In lung and trachea, the expression levels of MAGP-36 mRNA were about seven times higher than those in other elastic tissues, although the protein abundances were almost at the same levels as other elastic tissues. MAGP-36 seemed to be secreted outside these organs. In brain, kidney, and spleen, although the expression levels of MAGP-36 mRNA were low, substantial amounts of MAGP-36 protein were detected. An immunohistochemical study revealed that MAGP-36 was present at the brush border of the S3 segment of proximal tubules in kidney. Since MAGP-36 is known to bind to mannan, MAGP-36 might be involved in mannose transport in the S3 segment. Thus, MAGP-36 might be multifunctional and present in a wide variety of sites in various organs.  相似文献   

Immunuosenescence-related dysregulation of cytokine production is not fully understood and the roles of cytokines in organ aging have been insufficiently studied. This work aimed to compare the expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-6, interferon-gamma (IFNγ), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) in lymphoid organs of young (3 months; n = 10), adult (1 year; n = 10), and aged (2 years; n = 7) rats under healthy, steady-state conditions. Cytokine mRNA levels were determined with TaqMan real-time PCR. In the spleen, all cytokine expression gradually declined with age (for representative cytokine IL-2 averages dCt in spleens of 3 months, 1 year and 2 years rats were 13,645, 13,19 and 15,470, respectively). In lymph nodes, all cytokines except TGF-β showed markedly upregulated expression in adult compared to young rats, but all were expressed at very low levels in aged rats. In bone marrow, adult animals showed enhanced IL-2, IFNγ, and TGFβ expression, but similar IL-4 and IL-6 expression, compared to young rats. Bone marrow of aged rats showed very low expression of all the measured cytokines. Our results demonstrated that changes occurred unevenly with aging in different immune system compartments.  相似文献   

DNA microarray technology is used to determine gene expression profiles of various cell types, especially abnormal cells, such as cancer. By contrast, relatively little attention has been given to expression profiling of normal tissues. Here we describe studies of gene expression in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from normal individuals sampled multiple times over periods ranging from several weeks up to 6 months. We demonstrate stable patterns of gene expression that differ between individuals. Among the genes whose expression varies by individual is a group of genes responsive to interferon stimulation. Certain individuals ( approximately 10-20% of those tested) showed higher baseline levels and lower inducibility of these genes in response to in vitro interferon stimulation. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays to measure the variations in gene expression of PBL from different individuals in response to environmental and genetic factors.  相似文献   



Microarray technology is a powerful methodology for identifying differentially expressed genes. However, when thousands of genes in a microarray data set are evaluated simultaneously by fold changes and significance tests, the probability of detecting false positives rises sharply. In this first microarray study of brachial plexus injury, we applied and compared the performance of two recently proposed algorithms for tackling this multiple testing problem, Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) and Westfall and Young step down adjusted p values, as well as t-statistics and Welch statistics, in specifying differential gene expression under different biological States.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms whereby the circadian clock responds to temperature changes are poorly understood. The ruin lizard Podarcis sicula has historically proven to be a valuable vertebrate model for exploring the influence of temperature on circadian physiology. It is an ectotherm that naturally experiences an impressive range of temperatures during the course of the year. However, no tools have been available to dissect the molecular basis of the clock in this organism. Here, we report the cloning of three lizard clock gene homologs (Period2, Cryptochrome1, and Clock) that have a close phylogenetic relationship with avian clock genes. These genes are expressed in many tissues and show a rhythmic expression profile at 29 degrees C in light-dark and constant darkness lighting conditions, with phases comparable to their mammalian and avian counterparts. Interestingly, we show that at low temperatures (6 degrees C), cycling clock gene expression is attenuated in peripheral clocks with a characteristic increase in basal expression levels. We speculate that this represents a conserved vertebrate clock gene response to low temperatures. Furthermore, these results bring new insight into the issue of whether circadian clock function is compatible with hypothermia.  相似文献   

CTR1 gene (SLC31A1 according to Entrez data base) product is the main candidate for the role of eukaryotic copper importer, whose tissue-specific function is still unclear. In this research steady state CTR1-mRNA level was measured with semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis and compared with copper status in rat organs, in which copper metabolism is changed during development (liver, cerebellum, choroid plexus and mammary gland). It has been shown that CTR1 gene activity correlates with the rate of both intracellular and extracellular copper-containing enzymes formation. In mesenchymal origin cells of newborns the CTR1 gene activity decreases when high copper concentrations in cell nucleus is reached. According to phylogenetic analysis CTR1 has the most conservative transmembrane domains 2 and 3 (TMD), containing 7 amino acid residues able to coordinate copper atom. A model of cuprophylic channel has been proposed, which is formed by TMD2 and TMD3 in homotrimeric CTR1 complex. In this model copper is transported through the channel to cytosolic C-terminal motif His-Cys-His, which ability to coordinate Cu(I) was assessed by molecular modeling (MM+, ZINDO/1). Theoretical possibility of copper transfer from His-Cys-His CTR1 C-terminal motif to cytosolic Cys-X-X-Cys Cu(I) chaperon sites has been shown. The role of CTR1 in copper metabolism as copper donor and acceptor is discussed.  相似文献   

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