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Choice of mate in the Midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum (Günther, 1864), has been examined from a number of perspectives, proceeding from general species attributes to individual differences.
The Midas cichlid discriminates against closely-related, highly-similar Cichlasoma , and recognizes sex, probably chemically in both cases. It is polychromatic and changes from the normal (N) pattern to gold (G) or even white at almost any age. Gold colouration inhibited attack and made it difficult to mate an N female with a G male; the inhibiting effect was cancelled by using a larger N female.
Because the Midas cichlid is also biparentally monogamous, early experience could easily influence later choice of mate. G females of G × G parents preferentially spawned adjacent to G males; N females of N × N spawned mainly before N males. N females of G × G pairs, however, showed no preference.
Groups of females were reared by all four combinations of two colours and two sexes, or by no parents. Females reared by identically pure-coloured parents responded most to males of those colours, whereas females raised by mixed-colour parents did not discriminate. Females reared without parents preferred N males. Regardless of their own or their parents' colour, juveniles spent more time with N juveniles and behaved less aggressively towards them, compared to G juveniles.
Fish were offered a choice among potential mates that differed in aggressiveness, size or breeding experience. Males did not choose on the basis of those traits. Females preferred large, aggressive, experienced males. Pairs with large aggressive males more readily kept a breeding territory, and aggressive experienced males guarded young more effectively. All females were equally aggressive in protecting their young.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the histological basis of color metamorphosis in the polychromatic Midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum. Eight percent of the individuals in a natural population transform from gray with black markings to orange, simultaneously losing their ability to adjust coloration in response to background and social context. This trait is inherited. Light- and electron microscopy revealed that this transformation is a two-step process. First, the melanophores die, then macrophage-like cells remove the debris. As a result of this initial process, the underlying xanthophores become visible, producing the orange coloration. A similar process may occur in individuals that further transform to white, or go directly from gray to white.  相似文献   

Animal skin pattern is one of the good model systems used to study the mechanism of pattern formation. Molecular genetic studies with zebrafish have shown that pigment cells play a major role in the mechanism of stripe formation. Among the variety of cellular events that may be involved in the mechanism, aggregation of melanophores has been suggested as an important factor for pattern formation. However, only a few experimental studies detected the migration ability of melanophores in vivo. Here, we tried to determine whether melanophores really have the ability to aggregate in the skin of zebrafish. Melanophores in the adult stripes are packed densely and they rarely move. However, when the neighboring pigment cells are killed, they move and regenerate the stripe pattern, suggesting that melanophores retain the migration ability. To analyze the migration, we ablated a part of the melanophores by laser to give free space to the remaining cells; we then traced the migration. Contrary to our expectation, we found that melanophores repulsed one another and dispersed from the aggregated condition in the absence of xanthophores. Apparent aggregation may be forced by the stronger repulsive effect against the xanthophores, which excludes melanophores from the yellow stripe region.  相似文献   

Skin pigment pattern formation in zebrafish requires pigment‐cell autonomous interactions between melanophores and xanthophores, yet the molecular bases for these interactions remain largely unknown. Here, we examined the dali mutant that exhibits stripes in which melanophores are intermingled abnormally with xanthophores. By in vitro cell culture, we found that melanophores of dali mutants have a defect in motility and that interactions between melanophores and xanthophores are defective as well. Positional cloning and rescue identified dali as tetraspanin 3c (tspan3c), encoding a transmembrane scaffolding protein expressed by melanophores and xanthophores. We further showed that dali mutant Tspan3c expressed in HeLa cell exhibits a defect in N‐glycosylation and is retained inappropriately in the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results are the first to identify roles for a tetraspanin superfamily protein in skin pigment pattern formation and suggest new mechanisms for the establishment and maintenance of zebrafish stripe boundaries.  相似文献   

Fish can change their skin and eye colour for background matching and signalling. Males of Gasterosteus aculeatus develop ornamental blue eyes and a red jaw during the reproductive season, colours that are further enhanced during courtship. Here, the effects of different hormones on physiological colour changes in the eyes and jaws of male and female G. aculeatus were investigated in vitro. In an in vivo experiment, G. aculeatus were injected with a receptor blocker of a pivotal hormone (noradrenaline) that controls colour change. In males, noradrenaline had aggregating effects on melanophore and erythrophore pigments resulting in blue eyes and a pale jaw, whereas melanocyte‐concentrating hormone (MCH) and melatonin resulted in a pale jaw only. When noradrenalin was combined with melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) or prolactin, the jaw became red, while the eyes remained blue. In vivo injection of yohimbine, an alpha‐2 adrenoreceptor blocker, resulted in dispersion of melanophore pigment in the eyes and inhibited the blue colouration. Altogether, the data suggest that noradrenalin has a pivotal role in the short‐term enhancement of the ornamental colouration of male G. aculeatus, potentially together with MSH or prolactin. This study also found a sex difference in the response to MCH, prolactin and melatonin, which may result from different appearance strategies in males, versus the more cryptic females.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphisms remains a topic of considerable research interest. One key mechanism thought to contribute to the coexistence of different colour morphs is a bias in how conspicuous they are to visual predators. Although individuals of many species camouflage themselves against their background to avoid predation, differently coloured individuals within a species may vary in their capacity to do so. However, to date, very few studies have explicitly investigated the ability of different colour morphs to plastically adjust their colouration to match their background. The red devil (Amphilophus labiatus) is a Neotropical cichlid fish with a stable colour polymorphism, with the gold morph being genetically dominant and having a myriad of documented advantages over the dark morph. However, gold individuals are much rarer, which may be related to their heightened conspicuousness to would‐be predators. Here, we tested the ability of differently coloured individuals to phenotypically adjust the shade of their body colour and patterns to match their background. In particular, we filmed dark, gold and mottled (a transitioning phase from dark to gold) individuals under an identical set‐up on light vs. dark‐coloured substrates. We found that, in contrast to individuals of the dark morph, gold and mottled individuals were less capable of matching their body colouration to their background. As a result, gold individuals appeared to be more conspicuous. These results suggest that a difference in background matching ability could play an important role in the maintenance of colour polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Many species of fishes are aggressive when placed in small aquaria. Aggression can negatively affect the welfare of those individuals toward whom it is directed. Animals may behave aggressively in order to defend resources such as food, shelter, mates, and offspring. The decision to defend depends on the distribution of resources and on ecological factors such as number of competitors, amount of available space, and amount of habitat complexity. This study tested the effects of these factors on aggression in a common aquarium fish, the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus). The study found that time spent behaving aggressively was not associated with small-scale differences in group size or available space. Aggression was significantly lower in a large aquarium with a complex habitat. Aquaria of sizes typically used in the companion animal (pet) hobby did not provide optimal welfare for cichlids housed with aggressive conspecifics. The public should be aware that this and similar species require larger aquaria with complex habitat, which elicit more natural behavior.  相似文献   

To test whether gold morphs dominate normal ones, twelve groups were observed, each consisting of three golds and three normals paired by weight. Golds dominated comparable normals. Smaller golds also profited from sharing the colour of the dominant fish. Contest and approach declined across days, but attack and yield remained high. Standard deviation of rank was progressively greater with higher rank, but uncertainty of rank plotted as an inverted U. Behaviours important in dominance showed high dependence on type of fish but low dependence on day; these behaviours also had more variation attributable to the coloration factor. From a set of stated criteria, dominance is deemed best assessed here by an index: (attacks) ?o (yields + attacks); contesting (threat) is actually misleading.  相似文献   

Colour in the Ephippiger ephippiger complex varies with the geographical distribution and with rearing density. In the W European subspecies E. e. vitium , wild insects from northern and eastern parts of the range tend to have green tergites with relatively inconspicuous banding, whereas those from S France have conspicuously pale banded dark-green or brown tergites. These forms represent the ends of a continuum and there is no zone of distinction. However, the E Pyrenean subspecies, E. e. cunii , lacks the broad banding of its neighbouring E. e. vitium. The tergites of laboratory cultured insects of these stocks when reared in isolation are distinctly green but when reared together become progressively brown. The darkness of the brown is density dependant, so that at high densities the tergites may become almost black. These colour changes are irreversible. Adult insects also become darker with sexual maturity and after contact on mating. Wild-caught E. e. ephippiger from Italy and Yugoslavia have green tergites without obvious banding. Colour changes have not been found or induced in this subspecies. The significance of the colour change is considered and although firm data are wanting, circumstantial evidence suggests a deliberate shift to an aposematic or pseudoaposematic colour pattern.  相似文献   


The effects of cadmium concentration (0, 2.5 and 5 mg L?1) on melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), melanophore index (MI), and melanophore number (MN), as well as a microscopic examination of scale melanocytes in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1757) was evaluated at different salinity levels (0, 5 and 15 ppt). The levels of MSH, MI, and MN were lower in Cd-exposed fish than in control fish (not exposed to Cd) at salinity level of 0 and 5 ppt. In ppt, however these levels of MSH, MI and MN in control and Cd-exposed fish were not significantly different. In the media without Cd, the levels of MSH, MI and MN were not significantly different at all salinities. The morphological changes of melanophores were higher in Cd-exposed fish than in control fish at salinity 0 and 5 ppt, respectively. These morphological changes were not significantly different in the control fish at all salinities as well as in fish exposed to 0–5 mg L?1 Cd at salinity of 15 ppt. This study therefore demonstrates that the toxic effect of Cd on MSH levels and melanophore morphology decreased with increasing salinity. Further, due to the sensitivity of chromatophores to Cd, melanophore morphology is proposed as a biomarker of Cd exposure in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the colour‐polymorphic Midas cichlid fish species complex (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.), gold morphs occur at much lower frequencies (< 10%) than dark individuals. This might be surprising because gold coloration is dominant and coded for by a single Mendelian locus. Furthermore, gold individuals are considered to be competitively advantaged over dark ones because they grow faster and win aggressive encounters more often compared to dark individuals of equal size. However, one might expect a cost of being gold in terms of natural selection as a result of predation. We tested whether the Jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis), a major fish predator of Midas cichlids, preys differentially on colour variants of goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus), which were used as a proxy for Midas cichlids because of their similarity in colour. Size‐matched pairs of prey fish (gold and dark) were offered to the predator and the time until the fish were attacked was recorded. The gold morph was attacked first more often (approximately 70%) but not faster than the dark morph. This suggests that the predator perceives the gold individual first, and/or that the predator exhibits a preference or higher motivation to attack the gold prey fish. The increased risk of predation of gold prey fish suggests for the Midas cichlid system that being gold may carry significant costs in terms of natural selection as a result of its major piscivorous predator. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 350–358.  相似文献   

Oscars Astronotus ocellatus defeated in combat often undergo a colour pattern change in which the normal olive-green to brown body coloration darkens to near black, interrupted with irregular white barring. Dummy oscars were used in two complementary tests which showed that the dark-and-banded colour pattern inhibits aggression in conspecifics under two different experimental designs and with two different subject groups.  相似文献   

Predation can play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of prey colour polymorphisms. Several factors are known to affect predator choice, including the prey's relative abundance and conspicuousness. In polymorphic prey species, predators often target the most common or most visible morphs. To test if predator choice can explain why in Midas cichlid fish the more visible (gold) morph is also more rare than the inconspicuous dark morph, we conducted predation experiments using two differently coloured wax models in Nicaraguan crater lakes. Contrary to expectations, we observed an overall higher attack rate on the much more abundant, yet less conspicuous dark models, and propose frequency‐dependent predation as a potential explanation for this result. Interestingly, the attack rate differed between different types of predators. While avian predators were biased towards the abundant and less colourful dark morphs, fish predators did not show a strong bias. However, the relative attack rate of fish predators seemed to vary with the clarity of the water, as attack rates on gold models went up as water clarity decreased. The relative differential predation rates on different morphs might impact the relative abundance of both colour morphs and thus explain the maintenance of the colour polymorphism. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 123–131.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments play a major role in animal body colouration, generating strong interest in the genes involved in the metabolic processes that lead from their dietary uptake to their storage in the integument. Here, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to test for differentially expressed genes in a taxonomically replicated design using three pairs of related cichlid fish taxa from the genera Tropheus and Aulonocara. Within each pair, taxa differed in terms of red and yellow body colouration, and high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of skin extracts revealed different carotenoid profiles and concentrations across the studied taxa. Five genes were differentially expressed in all three yellow–red skin contrasts (dhrsx, nlrc3, tcaf2, urah and ttc39b), but only the tetratricopeptide repeat protein-coding gene ttc39b, whose gene product is linked to mammalian lipid metabolism, was consistently expressed more highly in the red skin samples. The RNA-Seq results were confirmed by quantitative PCR. We propose ttc39b as a compelling candidate gene for variation in animal carotenoid colouration. Since differential expression of ttc39b was correlated with the presence/absence of yellow carotenoids in a previous study, we suggest that ttc39b is more likely associated with the concentration of total carotenoids than with the metabolic formation of red carotenoids.  相似文献   

The dramatic variation of cichlid fish colour pattern is thought to function in mate choice, evolve by sexual selection, and contribute to explosive speciation. Here, we combine linkage mapping and population genetic analyses to identify a single region of the cichlid genome responsible for the orange blotch (OB) colour phenotype. In each analysis, OB is tightly linked to the c-ski1 gene. Additionally, we use comparative mapping information from the Takifugu rubripes and human genomes to suggest positional candidate loci for OB. Our work should engender a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular ecology of OB and its role in cichlid speciation. Moreover, we have assembled the components of a method to focus upon the genetic basis of evolutionarily and ecologically significant phenotypes.  相似文献   



Speciation often occurs in complex or uncertain temporal and spatial contexts. Processes such as reinforcement, allopatric divergence, and assortative mating can proceed at different rates and with different strengths as populations diverge. The Central American Midas cichlid fish species complex is an important case study for understanding the processes of speciation. Previous analyses have demonstrated that allopatric processes led to species formation among the lakes of Nicaragua as well as sympatric speciation that is occurring within at least one crater lake. However, since speciation is an ongoing process and sampling genetic diversity of such lineages can be biased by collection scheme or random factors, it is important to evaluate the robustness of conclusions drawn on individual time samples.  相似文献   

African cichlid fishes have undergone outbursts of explosive speciation in several lakes, accompanied by rapid radiations in coloration and ecology. Little is known about the evolutionary forces that triggered these events but a hypothesis, published by Wallace Dominey in 1984, has figured prominently. It states that the evolution of colour patterns is driven by sexual selection and that these colour patterns are important in interspecific mate choice, a combination which holds the potential for rapid speciation. Here we present phylogenetic analyses that describe major events in colour evolution and test predictions yielded by Dominey's hypothesis. We assembled information on stripe patterns and the presence or absence of nuptial coloration from more than 700 cichlid species representing more than 90 taxa for which molecular phylogenetic hypotheses were available. We show that sexual selection is most likely the selection force that made male nuptial coloration arise and evolve quickly. In contrast, stripe patterns, though phylogenetically not conserved either, are constrained ecologically. The evolution of vertical bar patterns is associated with structurally complex habitats, such as rocky substrates or vegetation. The evolution of a horizontal stripe is associated with a piscivorous feeding mode. Horizontal stripes are also associated with shoaling behaviour. Strength of sexual selection, measured in terms of the mating system (weak in monogamous, strong in promiscuous species), has no detectable effects on stripe pattern evolution. In promiscuous species the frequency of difference between sister species in nuptial hue is higher than in pair bonding and harem forming species, but the frequency of difference in stripe pattern is lower. We argue that differences between the two components of coloration in their exposure to natural selection explain their very different evolutionary behaviour. Finally, we suggest that habitat-mediated selection upon chromomotor flexibility, a special form of phenotypic plasticity found in the river-dwelling outgroups of the lake-dwelling cichlids, explains the rapid and recurrent ecology-associated radiation of stripe patterns in lake environments, a new hypothesis that yields experimentally testable predictions.  相似文献   

The conditions of phenotypic and genetic population differentiation allow inferences about the evolution, preservation and loss of biological diversity. In Lake Tanganyika, water level fluctuations are assumed to have had a major impact on the evolution of stenotopic littoral species, though this hypothesis has not been specifically examined so far. The present study investigates whether subtly differentiated colour patterns of adjacent Tropheus moorii populations are maintained in isolation or in the face of continuous gene flow, and whether the presumed influence of water level fluctuations on lacustrine cichlids can be demonstrated in the small-scale population structure of the strictly stenotopic, littoral Tropheus. Distinct population differentiation was found even across short geographic distances and minor habitat barriers. Population splitting chronology and demographic histories comply with our expectation of old and rather stable populations on steeper sloping shore, and more recently established populations in a shallower region. Moreover, population expansions seem to coincide with lake level rises in the wake of Late Pleistocene megadroughts ~100 KYA. The imprint of hydrologic events on current population structure in the absence of ongoing gene flow suggests that phenotypic differentiation among proximate Tropheus populations evolves and persists in genetic isolation. Sporadic gene flow is effected by lake level fluctuations following climate changes and controlled by the persistence of habitat barriers during lake level changes. Since similar demographic patterns were previously reported for Lake Malawi cichlids, our data furthermore strengthen the hypothesis that major climatic events synchronized facets of cichlid evolution across the East African Great Lakes.  相似文献   

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