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In spite of the unassailable logic that every new coital partner a man has is also a new partner for the woman concerned, men typically claim more sexual partners than women. If these claims are correct, can prostitutes and other hypersexual women account for this slippage? The present study examines whether the incidence of such women is sufficient to explain the discrepancy in number of lifetime partners claimed by men and women.  相似文献   

David Woods 《CMAJ》1983,128(8):887

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that sex differences in primate yawning are related to size dimorphism in canine teeth. Data were collected on yawning by a primate species (Homo sapiens) in which the two sexes differ only slightly in canine size. Unlike more dimorphic primates, human males and females did not differ in the frequency of yawning, although uncovered yawns were more frequent in men than in women.  相似文献   

The most objectively substantiated health-related reason for tanning is that it improves vitamin D status. The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration (25(OH)D) is the measure of vitamin D nutrition status. Human biology was probably optimized through natural selection for a sun-rich environment that maintained serum 25(OH)D higher than 100 nmol/L. These levels are now only prevalent in people who spend an above-average amount of time outdoors, with the sun high in the sky. The best-characterized criteria for vitamin D adequacy are based on randomized clinical trials that show fracture prevention and preservation of bone mineral density. Based upon these studies, 25(OH)D concentrations should exceed 75 nmol/L. This concentration is near the upper end of the 25(OH)D reference ("normal") range for populations living in temperate climates, or for people who practice sun-avoidance, or who wear head coverings. Officially mandated nutrition guidelines restrict vitamin D intake from fortified food and supplements to less than 25 mcg/day, a dose objectively shown to raise serum 25(OH)D in adults by about 25 nmol/L. The combined effect of current nutrition guidelines and current sun-avoidance advice is to ensure that adults who follow these recommendations will have 25(OH)D concentrations lower than 75 nmol/L. Therefore, advice to avoid UVB light should be accompanied by encouragement to supplement with vitamin D in an amount that will correct for the nutrient deficit that sun-avoidance will cause.  相似文献   

Friston K 《Neuron》2011,72(3):488-498
This article poses a controversial question: is optimal control theory useful for understanding motor behavior or is it a misdirection? This question is becoming acute as people start to conflate internal models in motor control and perception (Poeppel et?al., 2008; Hickok et?al., 2011). However, the forward models in motor control are not the generative models used in perceptual inference. This Perspective tries to highlight the differences between internal models in motor control and perception and asks whether optimal control is the right way to think about things. The issues considered here may have broader implications for optimal decision theory and Bayesian approaches to learning and behavior in general.  相似文献   

Formants are important phonetic elements of human speech that are also used by humans and non-human mammals to assess the body size of potential mates and rivals. As a consequence, it has been suggested that formant perception, which is crucial for speech perception, may have evolved through sexual selection. Somewhat surprisingly, though, no previous studies have examined whether sexes differ in their ability to use formants for size evaluation. Here, we investigated whether men and women differ in their ability to use the formant frequency spacing of synthetic vocal stimuli to make auditory size judgements over a wide range of fundamental frequencies (the main determinant of vocal pitch). Our results reveal that men are significantly better than women at comparing the apparent size of stimuli, and that lower pitch improves the ability of both men and women to perform these acoustic size judgements. These findings constitute the first demonstration of a sex difference in formant perception, and lend support to the idea that acoustic size normalization, a crucial prerequisite for speech perception, may have been sexually selected through male competition. We also provide the first evidence that vocalizations with relatively low pitch improve the perception of size-related formant information.  相似文献   

‘Demographic transition theory’ assumes that fertility decline is irreversible. This commonly held assumption is based on observations of recent and historical reductions in fertility that accompany modernization and declining mortality. The irreversibility assumption, however, is highly suspect from an evolutionary point of view, because demographic traits are at least partially influenced by genetics and are responsive to social and ecological conditions. Nonetheless, an inevitable shift from high mortality and fertility to low mortality and fertility is used as a guiding framework for projecting human population sizes into the future. This paper reviews some theoretical and empirical evidence suggesting that the assumption of irreversibility is ill-founded, at least without considerable development in theory that incorporates evolutionary and ecological processes. We offer general propositions for how fertility could increase in the future, including natural selection on high fertility variants, the difficulty of maintaining universal norms and preferences in a large, diverse and economically differentiated population, and the escalating resource demands of modernization.  相似文献   

What is mzXML good for?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
mzXML (extensible markup language) is one of the pioneering data formats for mass spectrometry-based proteomics data collection. It is an open data format that has benefited and evolved as a result of the input of many groups, and it continues to evolve. Due to its dynamic history, its structure, purpose and applicability have all changed with time, meaning that groups that have looked at the standard at different points during its evolution have differing impressions of the usefulness of mzXML. In discussing mzXML, it is important to understand what mzXML is not. First, mzXML does not capture the raw data. Second, mzXML is not sufficient for regulatory submission. Third, mzXML is not optimized for computation and, finally, mzXML does not capture the experiment design. In general, it is the authors' opinion that XML is not a panacea for bioinformatics or a substitute for good data representation, and groups that want to use mzXML (or other XML-based representations) directly for data storage or computation will encounter performance and scalability problems. With these limitations in mind, the authors conclude that mzXML is, nonetheless, an indispensable data exchange format for proteomics.  相似文献   

Various functions for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) protein anchors have been described in mammalian and protozoan systems. These data suggest that some functions are common to higher and lower eukaryotes, whereas others may represent adaptations that are specifically advantageous to either unicellular or metazoan organisms. In this article, Mike Ferguson discusses the current theories of GPI function that have relevance to protozoan parasites and their mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Many organisms have the ability to form spores, a remarkable phase in their life cycles. Compared with vegetative cells, spores have several advantages (e.g. resistance to toxic compounds, temperature, desiccation and radiation) making them well suited to various applications. The applications of spores that first spring to mind are bio-warfare and the related, but more positive, field of biological control. Although they are often considered metabolically inert, spores can also be used as biocatalysts. Other uses for spores are found in the fields of probiotics, tumour detection and treatment, biosensing and in the "war against drugs".  相似文献   

Genome-wide 5-hydroxymethylome analysis of a rodent hepatocarcinogen model reveals that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine-dependent active DNA demethylation may be functionally important in the early stages of carcinogenesis. See research article http://genomebiology.com/2012/13/10/R93  相似文献   

Reproductive medicine and commercial sperm banking have facilitated an evolutionary shift in how women are able to choose who fathers their offspring, by notionally expanding women’s opportunity set beyond former constraints. This study analyses 1546 individual reservations of semen by women from a private Australian assisted reproductive health facility across a ten year period from 2006 to 2015. Using the time that each sample was available at the facility until reservation, we explore women’s preference for particular male characteristics. We find that younger donors, and those who hold a higher formal education compared to those with no academic qualifications are more quickly selected for reservation by women. Both age and education as proxies for resources are at the centre of Parental Investment theory, and our findings further build on this standard evolutionary construct in relation to female mate preferences. Reproductive medicine not only provides women the opportunity to become a parent, where previously they would not have been able to, it also reveals that female preference for resources of their potential mate (sperm donor) remain, even when the notion of paternal investment becomes redundant. These findings build on behavioural science’s understanding of large-scale decisions and human behaviour in reproductive medical settings.  相似文献   

What do mice select for in seeds?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Knowledge of the basis upon which granivores select seeds is crucial to the understanding of granivory. In this study the preferences of three rodent granivores among seeds of 11 plants from the semi-arid Karoo of South Africa were estimated, and related to the physical and chemical attributes of the seeds. Seed weights and calorific, moisture, protein, polyphenol, ash, lipid and silica contents were estimated and cell contents, soluble ash and soluble carbohydrate contents were derived from these values. These attributes were determined for both the intact seeds and the portion of the seed that is ingested by the mice. The efficiency with which mice ingested the seeds (in terms of time and mass) was recorded. All three mouse species ranked the seeds similarly, and the two species for which handling efficiency was measured did not differ in this regard. Preference hierachies were highly correlated with the rate of energy intake, as predicted by optimal foraging theory. There was no correlation between rodent preferences and the gross energy content of the seeds, emphasising the importance of measuring relevant parameters. The energy yield of the seeds calculated here, in conjunction with rodent population energy requirements and dietary data, may be used to estimate potential granivore impact on the seed production of the plant community.  相似文献   

When is breeding for drought tolerance optimal if drought is random?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
* Increasing climatic unpredictability associated with characteristics of some species makes plant drought-tolerance an important drought-adaptation strategy. Using norm-of-reaction functions, or empirically determined functions that enable us to predict the state of a trait given the state of an environmental variable, allows modelling of plant performance when water availability varies randomly. * A mathematical model is proposed to evaluate drought-tolerance and growth strategies given a set of environmental parameters: the frequency of rainy days, the soil water-storage capacity, plant water use and plant growth rates. This model compares the performance of genotypes that differ in drought tolerance expressed as the ability to grow in drier soils, and assumes a general trade-off function between drought tolerance and maximum plant growth rate. * It is worth selecting plants with a greater degree of drought tolerance, expressed by the ability to grow in drier soils whenever the frequency of rains is smaller than the rate of soil water depletion. Otherwise, maximizing growth rate at the expense of drought tolerance is the best strategy. The nature of the trade-off between drought tolerance and plant growth rate also constrains the selection for optimal drought-adapted genotypes. * Breeders will have to consider these aspects of plant-environment interactions before establishing selection programs for drought adaptation.  相似文献   

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