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The effects of classical strength training (CT) and low intensity strength training without relaxation (TwR) upon size, strength and fatigability of leg muscles in men were compared. A 8-10-week strength training led to an increase of size and maximal voluntary contraction of trained muscles. After the CT, the increment of strength was higher; on the other hand, strength increments related to total work performed increased after the TwR noticeably higher than after the CT. Two training programs influenced the size of total muscle and of muscle fibers (MF) differently: the volume of m. quadriceps femoris increased more after the CT than after the TwR. The CT induced a significant increase of cross sectional area (CSA) of fast MF, and the TwR induced an increase of CSA of slow MF. Resistance to fatigue after the TwR was higher than after the. The effects of TwR were more pronounced in single-joint movements training than in multi-joint movement.  相似文献   

To investigate the hypothesis that facial cooling (FC) exerts a greater influence on the cardiovascular system at lower versus higher levels of exercise, this study examined the effect of facial cooling [mean (SE): 0 (2)°C at 0.8 m·s–1 wind velocity] during 30 min low [35% maximum oxygen consumption ( O2max)] and moderate (70% O2max) levels of cycle ergometry in the supine position. Five male subjects were assigned in random order to four exercise conditions: (1) FC at 35% O2max(FC35), (2) no cooling (NFC35), (3) FC at 70% O2max(FC70), and (4) no cooling (NFC70). Heart rate (f c), stroke volume (V s), and cardiac output ( c) were measured at rest and every 10 min of exercise using impedance cardiography. During FC35, the change in f c [mean (SE)] was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than NFC35 at 10 [22 (5) vs 31 (3) beats· min–1], 20 [29 (6) vs 35 (3) beats·min–1], and 30 [29 (5) vs 38 (4) beats·min–1] min. No differences in f c were observed between FC70 and NFC70. Furthermore, FC had no effect on V s or cat either exercise intensity. However, when comparing the FC70 and NFC70 conditions, there was a significant main effect (P<0.05) in mean arterial pressure (P a) response with cooling despite the fact that neither V s or cwere different from the NFC70 control. The increase (P < 0.05) in the estimated change in systemic vascular resistance ( a· c –1) could partly explain the relative rise in aat FC70. No pressor effect of cooling was observed at 35% O2max. The results suggest that the FC condition promotes exercise bradycardia at low levels of exercise and exerts a greater pressor response during moderate exercise.  相似文献   

Four subjects were studied during exercise at 50% of maximum oxygen uptake after a normal diet, after a low carbohydrate (CHO) diet following exercise-induced glycogen depletion, and after a high CHO diet. This regime has previously been shown to cause changes in the amount of glycogen stored in the exercising muscles. Metabolic and respiratory parameters were measured during the exercise. The respiratory exchange ratio, blood lactate, blood pyruvate, blood glucose and plasma triglycerides were lower than normal following the low CHO diet and higher than normal following the high CHO diet. Plasma free fatty acids and plasma glycerol were higher than normal after the low CHO diet and lower than normal after the high CHO diet. The contribution of CHO to metabolism was less than normal after the low CHO diet and greater than normal after the high CHO diet. The altered availability of FFA does not appear to be a result of the variations in the blood lactate content.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the cerebral hemodynamics reaction to step increase of physical exercises intensity during bicycle ergometer test in young healthy male subjects. Hemodynamics parameters were registered with the transcranial Doppler ultrasonography of middle cerebral artery (MCA) prior to the study and during the last seconds of every step of physical exercise. Cerebral hemodynamics response to physical exercise was characterized by a significant increase of peak systolic blood velocity in the MCA up to 0.25 W/kg of the body weight (90 rpm with regard to 0 W/kg) without further increase of blood velocity in the same physical exercise becoming more intensive up to 0.5 W/kg of the body weight. The stabilization mechanism of blood velocity in cerebral arteries in case of physical exercise increase and, hence, the autoregulation mechanism of cerebral circulation means that the increase of regional cerebral vascular resistance depends on the value of arterial pressure. The autoregulation mechanism of cerebral circulation starts working with he exercise intensity of 0.25 W/kg and the value of systolic blood pressure about 140-145 mm Hg.  相似文献   

High precision demands in manual tasks can be expected to cause more selective use of a part of the muscular synergy involved. To test this expectation, load sharing of the index finger and middle finger was investigated during a pinching task. Myoelectric activation of lower arm and neck-shoulder muscles was measured to see if overall level of effort was affected by precision demands. Ten healthy female subjects performed pinching tasks with three levels of force and three levels of precision demands. The force level did not significantly affect the relative contribution of the index and middle finger to the force. Higher precision demands, however, led to higher contribution of the index finger to the pinch force. Consequently, a more selective load of the forearm and hand occurs during tasks with high precision demands. The variability of the force contribution of the fingers increased during the task. No effects of precision demand on the activation of forearm and neck-shoulder muscles were found. Force level did affect the EMG parameters of several muscles. The effects were most apparent in the muscles responsible for the pinch force, the forearm muscles. Activation of these muscles was higher at higher force levels. In the trapezius muscle at the dominant side EMG amplitudes were lower at the high pinch force compared to the low force and median force conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the degree of fitting an approximation equation for oxygen uptake (Vo(2)) in decrement-load exercise (DLE). Work rate was started from 120 watts and was decreased by a rate of 15 watts per min. The initial work rate of DLE corresponded to 72+/-10% of the work rate at anaerobic threshold determined in incremental-load exercise (ILE). Vo(2) in DLE increased rapidly, reached a peak, and decreased linearly until the end of the exercise. Vo(2) in DLE was higher than that in ILE at the same work rate except in the early periods in ILE and DLE. This difference ranged from 300 to 400 ml/min. This difference is a result of repayment of oxygen debt in DLE and from the oxygen deficit induced by the delay of response of Vo(2) in ILE. As work rate in DLE can be obtained by the difference between work rates in constant-load exercise (CLE) and ILE, we postulated that the approximation equation for Vo(2) kinetics in DLE could be expressed by a combination of approximation equations in CLE and in ILE. When time delay was taken into consideration in this equation, the fitting of data obtained by using the equation was better than that of data obtained by using the equation without a parameter of time delay. The degree of fitting ranged from 94 to 98% (r(2)). Thus, it seems that Vo(2) including oxygen debt in DLE can be approximated by the equation used in this study.  相似文献   

Allocation trade-offs of carotenoids between their use in the immune system and production of integumentary colouration have been suggested as a proximate mechanism maintaining honesty of signal traits. We tested how dietary carotenoid supplementation, immune activation and immune suppression affect intensity of coccidian infection in captive greenfinches Carduelis chloris, a passerine with carotenoid-based plumage. Immune activation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) decreased body mass among birds not supplemented with lutein, while among the carotenoid-fed birds, PHA had no effect on mass dynamics. Immune suppression with dexamethasone (DEX) induced loss of body mass and reduced the swelling response to PHA. DEX and PHA increased the concentration of circulating heterophils. Lutein supplementation increased plasma carotenoid levels but had no effect on the swelling response induced by PHA. PHA and DEX treatments did not affect plasma carotenoids. Immune stimulation by PHA suppressed the infection, but only among carotenoid-supplemented birds. Priming of the immune system can thus aid in suppressing chronic infection but only when sufficient amount of carotenoids is available. Our experiment shows the importance of carotenoids in immune response, but also the complicated nature of this impact, which could be the reason for inconsistent results in studies investigating the immunomodulatory effects of carotenoids. The findings about involvement of carotenoids in modulation of an immune response against coccidiosis suggest that carotenoid-based ornaments may honestly signal individuals’ ability to manage chronic infections.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on 220 female mice weighing 20--24 g, with the use of 3 types of antigens (sheep erythrocytes, vaccines from the intestinal and paratyphoid bacilli). There proved to be an increase on the 7th and the 14th day of the formation of specific antibodies under the effect of subcutaneous injection of a homologous blood (0.1--0.3 ml per mouse) 2 hours after the antigen immunization. Hemostimulation not only intensified the antibody-genesis, but also increased the resistance to the infection with the living microbial culture. The stimulating action of the blood injection persisted in irradiation of the mice with gamma-rays in a dose of 300 r. Hemostimulation produced an activation of the normal autoantibody system capable of influencing the function of cells necessary for the antigen assimilation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of high intensity/ low volume (HILV) and low intensity/high volume (LIHV) isokinetic resistance exercise on postexercise glucose tolerance. Subjects (n = 10) participated in a counterbalanced, randomized design of 2 separate isokinetic resistance exercise trials (HILV and LIHV) of reciprocal concentric knee flexion and knee extension in a fasted state. Each bout was followed by a 45-minute oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 1.8 g.kg fat free mass(-1)). Blood samples were obtained every 15 minutes to determine glucose and insulin concentrations. There was no difference in total work between the 2 trials (p = 0.229). Blood glucose was significantly higher at all time points compared with time 0 following the LIHV trial (p < 0.05). Following the HILV trial, blood glucose was significantly elevated at 15 and 30 minutes (p < 0.05), but returned to resting values by 45 minutes. Insulin concentration was significantly elevated following both trials at all time points (p < 0.05). Blood glucose and insulin were significantly higher following the LIHV at 30 and 45 minutes compared with the HILV trial (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that although the total work output was similar across trials, high intensity muscle contraction is associated with an enhanced normalization of glucose homeostasis following a large postexercise oral glucose feed.  相似文献   

Immunosenescence is characterized by impaired cellular immune function concomitant with increased inflammatory activity. Immune dysfunction is associated with increased mortality risk in elderly people. An important part of human ageing is characterized by a decline in the ability of individuals to adapt to environmental stress. Exercise has been suggested as a prototype for studying the effects of stress factors on the cellular immune system. Studies of interactions between an acute bout of exercise and immune function may be a useful and an ethically acceptable tool to investigate cell trafficking, immune mobilization/deficiency and the acute phase response during physical stress situations in relation to human ageing. Elderly humans have a preserved ability to recruit T lymphocytes and NK cells in response to an acute bout of exercise. Physical exercise training programs do not result in major restoration of the senescent immune system in humans. However, highly conditioned elderly humans seem to have a relatively better preserved immune system, although it is not possible to conclude if this is linked to training or other lifestyle-related factors.  相似文献   

Five healthy male subjects exercised for 3 min at a workload equivalent to 100% VO2max on two separate occasions. Each exercise test was performed on an electrically braked cycle ergometer after a four-day period of dietary manipulation. During each of these periods subjects consumed either a low carbohydrate (3 +/- 0%, mean +/- SD), high fat (73 +/- 2%), high protein (24 +/- 3%) diet (FP) or a high carbohydrate (82 +/- 1%), low fat (8 +/- 1%) low protein (10 +/- 1%) diet (CHO). The diets were isoenergetic and were assigned in a randomised manner. Muscle biopsy samples (Vastus lateralis) were taken at rest prior to dietary manipulation, immediately prior to exercise and immediately post-exercise for measurement of pH, glycogen, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-diphosphate, triose phosphates, lactate and glutamine content. Blood acid-base status and selected metabolites were measured in arterialised venous samples at rest prior to dietary manipulation, immediately prior to exercise and at pre-determined intervals during the post-exercise period. There was no differences between the two treatments in blood acid-base status at rest prior to dietary manipulation; immediately prior to exercise plasma pH (p less than 0.01), blood PCO2 (p less than 0.01), plasma bicarbonate (p less than 0.001) and blood base-excess (p less than 0.001) values were all lower on the FP treatment. There were no major differences in blood acid-base variables between the two diets during the post-exercise period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The trace element zinc is essential for the immune system, and zinc deficiency affects multiple aspects of innate and adaptive immunity. There are remarkable parallels in the immunological changes during aging and zinc deficiency, including a reduction in the activity of the thymus and thymic hormones, a shift of the T helper cell balance toward T helper type 2 cells, decreased response to vaccination, and impaired functions of innate immune cells. Many studies confirm a decline of zinc levels with age. Most of these studies do not classify the majority of elderly as zinc deficient, but even marginal zinc deprivation can affect immune function. Consequently, oral zinc supplementation demonstrates the potential to improve immunity and efficiently downregulates chronic inflammatory responses in the elderly. These data indicate that a wide prevalence of marginal zinc deficiency in elderly people may contribute to immunosenescence.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to evaluate whether endurance running of the type known to retard the muscle atrophy associated with glucocorticoid excess inhibits activation of glucocorticoid-receptor complexes to a DNA binding state. Female adrenalectomized rats received an injection (50 microCi/100 g body wt ip) of [3H]triamcinolone acetonide and remained sedentary or were immediately exercised by endurance running at 23 m/min for up to 90 min. Receptor activation, as quantified by binding to DNA-cellulose, steadily increased from 10-20% of the receptors capable of binding DNA in uninjected controls to 25-45% by 5 min and to 53-80% by 90 min after receiving the hormone in all muscles studied (fast-twitch red vastus lateralis, fast-twitch white vastus lateralis, slow-twitch soleus, mixed gastrocnemius, and heart). Exercise did not influence the time-course changes in percent activation. When activation was determined from changes in the conformational state of the receptor as measured by diethylaminoethyl-cellulose anion exchange chromatography, there was a similar time-dependent formation of activated receptor forms in all muscle types. However, exercise did not inhibit or delay the appearance of the activated receptor from the unactivated state. These results indicate that glucocorticoid receptor activation occurs at a rate that is independent of both fiber type and delivery of steroid to working muscles during exercise. If exercise alters receptor activation, a longer time period, beyond 90 min of running, or even additional training may be needed for inhibition to be expressed.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate differences among the soleus (Sol), medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) in electromyogram (EMG) activities during ambulatory condition without any moderate to high intensity exercise. From 10:00 to 17:00, seven healthy graduate students participated in EMG recordings, which included the measurements during maximal voluntary efforts. During the long-term EMG recoding, the subjects were instructed to perform normal daily routines, including desk work and the attendance of lectures. EMG signals from the three muscles were averaged every 0.1 s and expressed as a percentage (%MVE) of those obtained with maximal voluntary efforts, averaged over 1 s. An EMG burst which had an amplitude >2%MVE and a duration >0.1 s was defined as muscular activity. Regardless of muscles examined, the amplitude of the greater part of all bursts observed over the recording time was less than 30%MVE. The summed duration of all bursts over the recording time was significantly greater in Sol than in MG and TA, without a significant difference in the summed number of all bursts among the three muscles. The percentage of the summed duration of bursts at less than 10%MVE to that over the recording time was significantly higher in Sol and TA than in MG, but the corresponding value at 20  %MVE < 30 was lower. Thus, EMG responses during ambulatory condition without any moderate to high intensity exercise differed among the three muscles, even between synergists: Sol was predominantly activated with low burst amplitudes as compared to MG.  相似文献   

Effects of eccentric exercise on the immune system in men   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The effects of eccentric exercise on changes innumbers of circulating leukocytes, cell activation, cell adhesion, andcellular memory function were investigated in 12 men, aged 22-35yr. The immunologic effects of postexercise epidermal treatment withmonochromatic, infrared light were also evaluated. Blood was drawnbefore and 6, 24, and 48 h after exercise for phenotyping and analysisof creatine kinase activity. There was an increase in leukocyte, monocyte, and neutrophil number, no change in the number of basophils, eosinophils, B cells, and T cells, and a decrease in natural killer cell number postexercise. Some markers of lymphocyte and monocyte activation remained unchanged or decreased, whereas the expression ofadhesion molecules 62L and 11b increased on monocytes. It is concludedthat eccentric exercise induced decreased activation, and increasedcell adhesion capacity, of monocytes. Altered trafficking of cellsbetween lymphoid tissue and blood, selective apoptosis, orattachment/detachment from the endothelial wall can explain theobserved phenotypic changes. Treatment with monochromatic, infraredlight did not significantly affect any of the investigated variables.Correlations between immunologic and physiological parameters indicatea role of the immune system in adaptation to physical exercise.  相似文献   

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