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The two terminal complement control protein (CCP) modules of the CD46 glycoprotein mediate measles virus binding. Three-dimensional models for these two domains were derived based on the NMR structures of two CCP modules of factor H. Both CD46 modules are about 35 A long, and form a five-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel structure. Monte Carlo simulations, sampling the backbone torsion angles of the linker peptide and selecting possible orientations on the basis of minimal solvent-exposed hydrophobic area, were used to predict the orientation of CCP-I relative to CCP-II. We tested this procedure successfully for factor H. For CD46, three clusters of structures differing in the tilt angle of the two domains were obtained. To test these models, we mutagenized the CCP modules. Four proteins, two without an oligosaccharide chain and two with mutated short amino acid segments, reached the cell surface efficiently. Only the protein without the CCP-I oligosaccharide chain maintained binding to the viral attachment protein hemagglutinin. These results are consistent with one of our models and suggest that the viral hemagglutinin does not bind at the membrane-distal tip of CD46, but near the concave CCP-II interface region.  相似文献   

Leucine rich repeat(LRR)domain,characterized by a repetitive sequence pattern rich in leucine residues,is a universal protein-protein interaction motif present in all life forms.LRR repeats interrupted by sequences of 30 70 residues(termed island domain,ID)have been found in some plant LRR receptor-like kinases(RLKs)and animal Toll-like receptors(TLR7-9).Recent studies provide insight into how a single ID is structurally integrated into an LRR protein.However,structural information on an LRR protein with two IDs is lacking.The receptor-like protein kinase 2(RPK2)is an LRR-RLK and has important roles in controlling plant growth and development by perception and transduction of hormone signal.Here we present the crystal structure of the extracellular LRR domain of RPK2(RPK2-LRR)containing two IDs from Arabidopsis.The structure reveals that both of the IDs are helical and located at the central region of the single RPK2-LRR solenoid.One of them binds to the inner surface of the solenoid,whereas the other one mainly interacts with the lateral side.Unexpectedly,a long loop immediately following the N-terminal capping domain of RPK2-LRR is presented toward and sandwiched between the two IDs,further stabilizing their embedding to the LRR solenoid.A potential ligand binding site formed by the two IDs and the solenoid is located at the C-terminal side of RPK2-LRR.The structural information of RPK2-LRR broadens our understanding toward the large family of LRR proteins and provides insight into RPK2-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Transport protein particle (TRAPP) is a large multiprotein complex that involves in ER-to-Golgi and intra-Golgi traffic. Synbindin, the human ortholog of yeast Trs23, is one component of the TRAPP complexes. In the hippocampal neurons the synbindin/syndecan complex is involved in synaptic membrane trafficking and thereby regulates the formation of dendritic spines. Here we present the three-dimensional structure of human synbindin, which contains a longin domain (LD) and an atypical PDZ domain (APD). In the crystal, synbindin forms a hexamer, in which the LD forms two different conformations and the APD is quite disordered. These conformational changes of synbindin suggest a possible interaction mode of the LD.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate has an important role in cell entry by foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). We find that subtype O1 FMDV binds this glycosaminoglycan with a high affinity by immobilizing a specific highly abundant motif of sulfated sugars. The binding site is a shallow depression on the virion surface, located at the junction of the three major capsid proteins, VP1, VP2 and VP3. Two pre-formed sulfate-binding sites control receptor specificity. Residue 56 of VP3, an arginine in this virus, is critical to this recognition, forming a key component of both sites. This residue is a histidine in field isolates of the virus, switching to an arginine in adaptation to tissue culture, forming the high affinity heparan sulfate-binding site. We postulate that this site is a conserved feature of FMDVs, such that in the infected animal there is a biological advantage to low affinity, or more selective, interactions with glycosaminoglycan receptors.  相似文献   

The mammalian peptidoglycan recognition protein-S (PGRP-S) binds to peptidoglycans (PGNs), which are essential components of the cell wall of bacteria. The protein was isolated from the samples of milk obtained from camels with mastitis and purified to homogeneity and crystallized. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group I222 with a = 87.0 Å, b = 101.7 Å and c = 162.3 Å having four crystallographically independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure has been determined using X-ray crystallographic data and refined to 1.8 Å resolution. Overall, the structures of all the four crystallographically independent molecules are identical. The folding of PGRP-S consists of a central β-sheet with five β-strands, four parallel and one antiparallel, and three α-helices. This protein fold provides two functional sites. The first of these is the PGN-binding site, located on the groove that opens on the surface in the direction opposite to the location of the N terminus. The second site is implicated to be involved in the binding of non-PGN molecules, it also includes putative N-terminal segment residues (1-31) and helix α2 in the extended binding. The structure reveals a novel arrangement of PGRP-S molecules in which two pairs of molecules associate to form two independent dimers. The first dimer is formed by two molecules with N-terminal segments at the interface in which non-PGN binding sites are buried completely, whereas the PGN-binding sites of two participating molecules are fully exposed at the opposite ends of the dimer. In the second dimer, PGN-binding sites are buried at the interface while non-PGN binding sites are fully exposed at the opposite ends of the dimer. This form of dimeric arrangement is unique and seems to be aimed at enhancing the capability of the protein against specific invading bacteria. This mode of functional dimerization enhances efficiency and specificity, and is observed for the first time in the family of PGRP molecules.  相似文献   

The human cluster determinant 4 (CD4) is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein involved in T-cell signalling. It is expressed primarily on the surface of T helper cells but also on subsets of memory and regulatory T lymphocytes (CD4+ cells). It serves as a coreceptor in T-cell receptor recognition of MHC II antigen complexes. Besides its cellular functions, CD4 serves as the main receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1). During T-cell infection, the CD4 extracellular domain is bound by HIV-1 gp120, the viral surface glycoprotein, which triggers a number of conformational changes ultimately resulting in virion entry of the cell. Subsequently, CD4 is downregulated in infected cells by multiple strategies that involve direct interactions of the HIV-1 proteins VpU and Nef with the cytoplasmic part of CD4. In the present work, we describe the NOE-based solution structure of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the cystein-free variant of CD4 (CD4mut) in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. Furthermore, we have characterized micelle-inserted CD4mut by paramagentic relaxation enhancement (PRE) agents and 1H-15N heteronuclear NOE data. CD4mut features a stable and well-defined transmembrane helix from M372 to V395 buried in the micellar core and a cytoplasmic helix ranging from A404 to L413. Experimental data suggest the amphipathic cytoplasmic helix to be in close contact with the micellar surface. The role of the amphipathic helix and its interaction with the micellar surface is discussed with respect to the biological function of the full-length CD4 protein.  相似文献   

We have used 15N NMR relaxation experiments to probe, for the glycosylated human CD2 adhesion domain, the overall molecular motion, as well as very fast nanosecond-picosecond (ns-ps) and slow millisecond-microsecond (ms-microsecond) internal motions. Using a novel analysis method that considers all residues, we obtained a correlation time for the overall motion of 9.5 +/- 0.3 ns. Surprisingly, we found a large contiguous patch of residues in the counterreceptor (CD58) binding site of human CD2 exhibiting slow conformational exchange motions (ms-microsecond). On the other hand, almost none of the residues of the CD58 binding side display fast (ns-ps) internal motions of amplitudes larger than what is seen for well-ordered regions of the structure. Residues close to the N-glycosylation site, and the first N-acetylglucosamine of the high mannose glycan are as rigid as the protein core. Residues conserved in the immunoglobulin superfamily V-set domain are generally very rigid.  相似文献   

Recently, Zika virus (ZIKV) emerged as a global public health concern and is distinct from other flaviviruses in many aspects, for example, causing transplacental infection, fetal abnormalities and vector-independent transmission through body fluids in humans. The capsid (C) protein is a multifunctional protein, since it binds to viral RNA in the process of nucleocapsid assembly and plays important roles in virus infection processes by interacting with cellular proteins, modulating cellular metabolism, apoptosis and immune response. Here we solved the crystal structure of ZIKV C protein at a resolution of 1.9 Å. The ZIKV C protein structure contains four α helices with a long pre-α1 loop and forms dimers. The unique long pre-α1 loop in ZIKV C contributes to the tighter association of dimeric assembly and renders a divergent hydrophobic feature at the lipid bilayer interface in comparison with the known C structures of West Nile and dengue viruses. We reported the interaction between the ZIKV C protein and lipid droplets through confocal microscopy analysis. Substitutions of key amino acids in the pre-α1 loop of ZIKV C disrupted the interaction with lipid droplets, indicating that the loop is critical for membrane association. We also recognized that ZIKV C protein possesses broad binding capability to different nucleotide types, including single-stranded and double-stranded RNAs or DNAs. Furthermore, the highly positively charged interface, mainly formed by α4 helix, is proposed to be responsible for nucleotide binding. These findings will greatly enhance our understanding of ZIKV C protein, providing information for anti-ZIKV drug design targeting the C protein.  相似文献   

The formation of the complex between the d-fragment of the complement component C3 (C3d) and the modular complement receptor-2 (CR2) is important for cross-linking foreign antigens with surface-bound antibodies and C3d on the surface of B cells. The first two modules of CR2, complement control protein modules (CCPs), participate in non-bonded interactions with C3d. We have used computational methods to analyze the dynamic and electrostatic properties of the C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) complex. The interaction between C3d and CR2 is known to depend on pH and ionic strength. Also, the intermodular mobility of the CR2 modules has been questioned before. We performed a 10 ns molecular dynamics simulation to generate a relaxed structure from crystal packing effects for the C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) complex and to study the energetics of the C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) association. The MD simulation suggests a tendency for intermodular twisting in CR2(CCP1-2). We propose a two-step model for recognition and binding of C3d with CR2(CCP1-2), driven by long and short/medium-range electrostatic interactions. We have calculated the matrix of specific short/medium-range pairwise electrostatic free energies of interaction involved in binding and in intermodular communications. Electrostatic interactions may mediate allosteric effects important for C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) association. We present calculations for the pH and ionic strength-dependence of C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) ionization free energies, which are in overall agreement with experimental binding data. We show how comparison of the calculated and experimental data allows for the decomposition of the contributions of electrostatic from other effects in association. We critically compare predicted stabilities for several mutants of the C3d-CR2(CCP1-2) complex with the available experimental data for binding ability. Finally, we propose that CR2(CCP1-2) is capable of assuming a large array of intermodular topologies, ranging from closed V-shaped to open linear states, with similar recognition properties for C3d, but we cannot exclude an additional contact site with C3d.  相似文献   

We present immunophysical modeling for VCP, SPICE, and three mutants using MD simulations and Poisson-Boltzmann-type electrostatic calculations. VCP and SPICE are homologous viral proteins that control the complement system by imitating, structurally and functionally, natural regulators of complement activation. VCP and SPICE consist of four CCP modules connected with short flexible loops. MD simulations demonstrate that the rather complex modules of VCP/SPICE and their mutants exhibit a high degree of intermodular spatial mobility, which is affected by surface mutations. Electrostatic calculations using snapshots from the MD trajectories demonstrate variable spatial distribution of the electrostatic potentials, which suggests dynamic binding properties. We use covariance analysis to identify correlated modular oscillations. We also use electrostatic similarity indices to cluster proteins with common electrostatic properties. Our results are compared with experimental data to form correlations between the overall positive electrostatic potential of VCP/SPICE with binding and activity. We show how these correlations can be used to predict binding and activity properties. This work is expected to be useful for understanding the function of native CCP-containing regulators of complement activation and receptors and for the design of antiviral therapeutics and complement inhibitors.  相似文献   

Using our microsatellite specific genotyping method, we analyzed tandem repeats, which are known to be highly variable with some recognized as biomarkers causative of disease, in over 500 individuals who were exon sequenced in a 1000 Genomes Project pilot study. We were able to genotype over 97% of the microsatellite loci in the targeted regions. A total of 25,115 variations were observed, including repeat length and single nucleotide polymorphisms, corresponding to an average of 45.6 variations per individual and a density of 1.1 variations per kilobase. Standard variant detection did not report 94.2% of the exonic repeat length variations in part because the alignment techniques are not ideal for repetitive regions. Additionally some standard variation detection tools rely on a database of known variations, making them less likely to call repeat length variations as only a small percent of these loci (~ 6000) have been accurately characterized. A subset of the hundreds of non-synonymous variations we identified was experimentally validated, indicating an accuracy of 96.5% for our microsatellite-based genotyping method, with some novel variants identified in genes associated with cancer. We propose that microsatellite-based genotyping be used as a part of large scale sequencing studies to identify novel variants.  相似文献   

Exosomes denote a class of secreted nanoparticles defined by size, surface protein and lipid composition, and the ability to carry RNA and proteins. They are important mediators of intercellular communication and regulators of the cellular niche, and their altered characteristics in many diseases, such as cancer, suggest them to be important both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, prompting the idea of using exosomes as drug delivery vehicles, especially for gene therapy. This review covers the current status of evidence presented in the field of exosome-based drug delivery systems. Components for successful exosome-based drug delivery, such as choice of donor cell, therapeutic cargo, use of targeting peptide, loading method and administration route are highlighted and discussed with a general focus pertaining to the results obtained in models of different cancer types. In addition, completed and on-going clinical trials are described, evaluating exosome-based therapies for the treatment of different cancer types. Due to their endogenous origin, exosome-based drug delivery systems may have advantages in the treatment of cancer, but their design needs further refinement to justify their usage on the clinical scale.  相似文献   

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