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Specific nitrogenase activity inAzospirillum brasilense ATCC 29145 in surface cultures under air is enhanced from about 50 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1 to 400 nmol C2H4 by the addition of 1 mM phenol. 0.5 and 2 mM phenol added increase the rate 5-fold and 4-fold. This enhancement effect is observed only between 2 and 3 days after inoculation, with only a small reduction of the growth of the cells by the phenol added. In surface cultures under 1% O2, nitrogenase activity is slightly reduced by the addition of 1–0.01 mM phenol. Utilization of succinate is enhanced during the period of maximum enhancement of nitrogenase activity by 60% by addition of 1 mM phenol. The cells did not produce14CO2 from [U-14C] phenol, neither in surface cultures nor in liquid cultures and less than 0.1% of the phenol was incorporated into the cells. A smaller but significant enhancement of nitrogenase activity by about 100% in surface cultures under air was found withKlebsiella pneumoniae K 11 after addition of 1 mM phenol. However, inRhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 all phenol concentrations above 0.01 mM reduced nitrogenase activity. With 1 mM phenol added activity was reduced to less than 10% with no effect on the growth in the same cultivation system. With thisRhizobium japonicum strain significant quantities of phenol (25 mol in 24 h by 2·1012 cells) were metabolized to14CO2, with phenol as sole carbon source. WithAzospirillum brasilense in liquid culture under 1% and 2% O2 in the gas phase, no enhancement of nitrogenase activity by phenol was noticed.  相似文献   

Summary Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were extracted from two strains ofRhizobium japonicum (61A76NS and 3I1b110-I). The extracted LPS was purified by gel filtration column chromatography and the amount of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO) was determined. Column purified LPS from both strains were conjugated to rhodamine isothiocyanate on celite to examine binding of this purified, labeled surface component to aseptically grownGlycine soja (wild soybean) seedlings as a basis for symbiotic specificity using fluorescent microscopy. Rhodamine conjugated LPS from both strains ofRhizobium japonicum did not exhibit specific binding to wild soybean seedling roots.Paper no. 8130 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27650, USA.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were conducted to assess the contribution ofAzospirillum brasilense to the N needs of grain sorghumcv. CSH — 5 during monsoon (June–October) seasons of 1978 and 1979.A. brasilense contributed to the N uptake by crop in the range from 5.8 to 19.6 kg N/ha. However, the contribution ofA. brasilense to the N needs of sorghum was more when sorghum was manured with farmyard manure at the rate of 10 tons/ha. Publication of G.B.P.U.A.T. Expt. Station, Pantnagar — 263145, India.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions leading to agglutination ofRhizobium japonicum 3I1b110 with soybean seed lectin were examined. Ability of cells to be agglutinated was transient and was optimal for cultures grown for 4–5 days on yeast extract mannitol plates. Similar lectin-binding results were obtained with cells from the same cultures using fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled lectin. These results revise the previous model for soybean lectin-R. japonicum interactions, since it was based on the inability of soybean lectin to agglutinate these bacteria.  相似文献   

In short-season soybean production areas, low soil temperature is the major factor limiting plant growth and yield. The decreases in soybean yield at low temperatures are mainly due to nitrogen limitation. Genistein, the most effective plant-to-bacterium signal in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nitrogen fixation symbiosis, was used to pretreat Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We have previously reported that this increased soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation in growth chamber studies. Two field experiments were conducted on two adjacent sites in 1994 to determine whether the incubation of B. japonicum with genistein, prior to application as an inoculant, or genistein, without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting, increased soybean grain yield and protein yield in short season areas. The results of these experiments indicated that genistein-preincubated bradyrhizobia increased the grain yield and protein yield of AC Bravor, the later maturing of the two cultivars tested. Genistein without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting also increased both grain and protein yield by stimulation of native soil B. japonicum. Interactions existed between genistein application and soybean cultivars, and indicated that the cultivar with the greatest yield potential responded more to genistein addition.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of soybean lectin binding byRhizobium japonicum 61A76 grown in yeast extract mannitol medium supplemented with soil extract showed that it produced cells with greater lectin binding capacity, larger cell size and a higher percentage of coccoid forms than those produced in yeast extract mannitol medium alone.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and phosphorus uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) on an unsterile, phosphorus-deficient soil was improved by the seed inoculation withAzospirillum brasilense or soil inoculation with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Acaulospora,Gigaspora margarita, Glomus fasciculatum). These microorganisms acted synergistically when added simultaneously and the response was significant withAzospirillum brasilense + Gigaspora margarita andAzospirillum brasilense + Glomus fasciculatum combinations over uninoculated control as far as the dry matter content of shoots, root biomass and phosphorus uptake of the millet was concerned.  相似文献   

The rhizobacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 swims, swarms (Swa+ phenotype) or, very rarely, migrates with the formation of granular macrocolonies (Gri+ phenotype). Our aims were (i) to identify Sp245 mutants that swarm faster than the parent strain or differ from it in the mode of spreading and (ii) to compare the mutants’ responses to wheat seedling exudates. In isotropic liquid media, the swimming speeds of all motile A. brasilense strains were not influenced by the exudates. However, the exudates significantly stimulated the swarming of Sp245. In several Sp245 mutants, the superswarming phenotype was insensitive to local colonial density and to the presence of wheat seedling exudates. An A. brasilense polar-flagellum-defective Gri+ mutant BK759.G gave rise to stable Swa++ derivatives with restored flagellum production. This transition was concurrent with plasmid rearrangements and was stimulated in the presence of wheat seedling exudates. The swarming rate of the Swa++ derivatives of BK759.G was affected by the local density of their colonies but not by the presence of the exudates.  相似文献   

Summary Seed inoculation with Rhizobium and soil inoculation withGlomus fasciculatum increased nodulation, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in plants and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) var. BG 212 in pots containing unsterilized soil especially with 50kgP2O5 ha−1 in the form of superphosphate. Inoculation with Rhizobium orG. fasciculatum separately or in combination significantly increased the N2 fixed in straw and grain than uninoculated controls as determined by15N atom percent excess of plants grown in soil amended with labelled ammonium sulphate (15NH4)2SO4) at the rate of 20kg N ha−1. These increases were most pronounced when P was applied at 50kgP2O5 ha−1.  相似文献   

The possible ameliorative effects of quercetin on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] leaves exposed to UV-B radiation were conducted in greenhouse. The symmetrical leaves supplied with quercetin solution (0.2%, 1%) were exposed to UV-B radiation (0, 3.5, 6.5 kJ m−2 d−1). 0.2% quercetin ameliorated leaf photosynthesis, improved leaf water content (LWC), and decreased lipid oxidation. The unfavorable effect on photosynthetic parameter was displayed in 1% quercetin treatment. The effect of quercetin on phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity varied with the quercetin concentration, UV-B radiation intensity and leaf development. In the later development polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was increased significantly by quercetin treatments. We suggested that quercetin with suitable concentration could serve as UV-B protective agent partly due to its antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium japonicum strain 8-0 StrR applied as inoculum to Clark 63 soybeans formed small ineffective nodules which had very low nitrogenase activity compared to nodules formed by two effective strains, 110 TetR and 138 KanR. Mean numbers of cells per milligram of nodule tissue for plants up to 34 days old were 7.7×106 for 8-0 StrR, 4.1×108 for 110 TetR and 7.6×108 for 138 KanR. Cell counts per unit mass of nodule were independent of plant age for strains 110 TetR and 138 KanR, however, for strain 8-0 StrR, 25 and 34 days old plants had fewer viable cells per nodule mass than 18 day old plants. When a mixture of two effective strains was used, the nodules of individual plants were predominantly caused by either 110 TetR or 138 KanR. In one experiment the predominance was random, but in another, strain 110 TetR clearly dominated. Strain 138 KanR was absent in some nodules on 18 day old plants, and in others, less than 102 cells per nodule were found. When strains 8-0 StrR and 138 KanR were used as mixed inoculum, most of the nodules had strain 8-0 StrR but strain 138 KanR was detected in many nodules and was generally evident in the largest nodules. Nitrogenase activity by many individual nodules was low except for nodules which had cells of 138 KanR. Nitrogenase activity by whole root systems of these plants was relatively high and similar to plants that had only nodules of strain 138 KanR. Similar relationships were observed for a mixed inoculum of 8-0 StrR and 110 TetR. In general, mixed inoculations resulted in nodules with a particular strain being dominant for each individual plant. Double infections within individual nodules were not uncommon and such nodules often had disproportionate numbers of cells of two competingR. japonicum strains.Contribution from the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, Department of Agronomy, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. Missouri Journal Series Number 7967.  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) Cvs. Robut 33-1 and JL 24 were inoculated with Rhizobium strain NC 92 and a strain ofAzospirillum lipoferum singly and as mixed inoculum. Seed inoculation with these bacteria enhanced nodulation, N content and yield of these cultivars under field conditions. While a mix inoculation of these two diazotrophic cultures had an adverse effect on these parameters as compare to single inoculation.  相似文献   

Summary The mode of infection leading to nodulation was studied in soybean (Glycine max) plants inoculated withRhizobium japonicum strains 61A76, 3I1b83, 3Ilb142, and 3Ilb143 and a commercial inoculum. Infection threads were noticed in the root hairs of plants grown in small field plots, Leonard bottle-jar assemblies and on agar slants. Two infection threads per root hair were commonly observed. Root hairs with infection threads were persistent on the nodules. The maximum number of infection threads per plant was observed in Leonard bottle-jar assemblies.Contribution No. 603 from Charles F. Kettering Research Laboratory.  相似文献   

Several cultural techniques were tested for establishment of nitrogen fixing soybeans on heavy-clay, acid sulfate soils of different fertility at two locations. Holes of 2.5 cm deep were made by inserting a pointed pole into the surface soil. Soybean seeds were dropped into the holes and covered with either (i) Rhizobium inoculant, molybdenum (0.5 kg Mo/ha) and ash from burned rice husks (0.2 t/ha) or (ii) Rhizobium inoculant, molybdenum and local soil instead of the ash. Additional treatments evaluated were the use or absence of tillage and the presence or absence of a rice straw mulch (5 t/ha). Soybean plants treated with ash had the highest number of nodules per plant. The combination of mulching and ash treatments produced the highest soybean grain yields. Without ash all treatments produced low grain yields. Tillage had no effect.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory incubation experiment followed by a greenhouse experiment was made in a silty clay loam at Pantnagar, India, to recycle plant utilizable N from crop residues such as maize stubble, soybean hay andmoong straw. The beneficial effect of recycled N was tested by a wheat crop. Soybean hay yielded the most NO3–N upon mineralization and also gave the highest wheat grain yield. Maize stubble mineralized the least NO3–N and gave the lowest grain yield.Moong straw occupied an intermediate position. An intervening period of 30–45 days would be required for the residues in question to release plant utilizable NO3–N in sufficient quantities. From a practical view point, soybean hay appears to be an ideal choice of a residue capable of providing sufficient supplemental N for a succeding wheat crop and can be easily fitted into the prevalent cropping sequence.  相似文献   

Saubidet  María I.  Fatta  Nora  Barneix  Atilio J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(2):215-222
Azospirillium brasilense is a rhizosphere bacteria that has been reported to improve yield when inoculated on wheat plants. However, the mechanisms through which this effect is induced is still unclear. In the present work, we have studied the effects of inoculating a highly efficient A. brasilense strain on wheat plant grown in 5 kg pots with soil in a greenhouse, under three N regimes (0, 3 or 16 mM NO3 , 50 ml/pot once or twice-a -week), and in disinfected or non-disinfected soil. At the booting stage, the inoculated roots in both soils showed a similar colonization by Azospirillum sp. that was not affected by N addition. The plants grown in the disinfected soil showed a higher biomass, N content and N concentration than those in the non-disinfected soil, and in both soils the inoculation stimulated plant growth, N accumulation, and N and NO3 concentration in the tissues.At maturity, the inoculated plants showed a higher biomass, grain yield and N content than the uninoculated ones in both soils, and a higher grain protein concentration than the uninoculated. It is concluded that in the present experiments, A. brasilenseincreased plant growth by stimulating nitrogen uptake by the roots.  相似文献   

Summary It has been observed that in the case ofVigna radiata andGlycine max incorporation of suitable strain of Azotobacter gave higher yield than obtained by the use of Rhizobium as inoculant. In the case ofVigna radiata even a strain of Azotobacter isolated from the rhizosphere of berseem gave similar yields as Rhizobium. In the case ofPisum sativum association of Rhizobium with a strain ofAzotobacter chroococcum isolated from the rhizosphere of pea gave numerically higher yield than Rhizobium alone. It may be possible that statistically higher yield may be obtained when a suitable strain of Azotobacter is used after screening a large number of strains of Azotobacter from the rhizosphere of pea.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis for germination percentage was carried out in the F3 and F4 generations of a diallel cross involving six promising genotypes of soybean. Results indicated a high amount of genetic variability and a moderately high heritability together with genetic advance, suggesting a possible improvement for this character through hybridization and selection. Correlations at different levels revealed a strong negative association of germination with only one seed character: seed weight. This observation was further confirmed from path coefficient analysis. These findings strongly suggest that to base selection on seed weight which may not influence the seed quality of soybean.  相似文献   

Summary Antibiotic resistant mutants 8-0 StrR, 110 TetR and 138 KanR derived from wild typeRhizobium japonicum strains were inoculated into silt loam soil to cell concentrations greater than 2×108/g of soil. Population changes were monitored using antibiotic media and strain identification was done using immunodiffusion assay on microcores of soil. Immunodiffusion bands formed by the mutant strains with homologous antisera essentially duplicated bands formed by the parent strain. Strains 110 TetR and 8-0 StrR had cross reacting antigens whereas antigens of strain 138 KanR reacted only with the homologous antiserum. Populations ofR. japonicum strains introduced into sterile soil increased over a period of four weeks under both single and mixed culture inoculations. All populations decreased by the end of six weeks and thereafter remained constant. When theseR. japonicum strains were introduced into non-sterile soil, the population did not increase over the initial population added. Population decreased gradually for two weeks and then maintained thereafter. It was possible to recover very low populations of antibiotic resistantR. japonicum strains from both sterile and unsterile soils using media containing specific antibiotics. Detection ofR. japonicum strains by immunodiffusion was accomplished only when the population was 109 cells/g of soil. The method using antibiotic resistant mutants permitted an evaluation of the interactions of variousR. japonicum strains in soil with respect to their survival and multiplication.  相似文献   

The fast-growing Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234, isolated from Papua New Guinea, and 13 strains of Sinorhizobium fredii, isolated from China and Vietnam, were fingerprinted by means of RAPD, REP, ERIC and ARDRA. ERIC, REP and RAPD markers revealed a considerable genetic diversity among fast-growing rhizobia. Chinese isolates showed higher levels of diversity than those strains isolated from Vietnam. ARDRA analysis revealed three different genotypes among fast-growing rhizobia that nodulate soybean, even though all belonged to a subcluster that included Sinorhizobium saheli and Sinorhizobium meliloti. Among S. fredii rhizobia, two strains, SMH13 and HH303, might be representatives of other species of nitrogen-fixing organisms. Although restriction analysis of the nifDnifK intergenic DNA fragment confirmed the unique nature of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234, several similarities between Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 and S. fredii USDA257, the ARDRA analysis and the full sequence of the 16S rDNA confirmed that NGR234 is a S. fredii strain. In addition, ARDRA analysis and the full sequence of the 16S rDNA suggested that two strains of rhizobia might be representatives of other species of rhizobia.  相似文献   

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