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Although mutations in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene result in several blood-related diseases in humans, they also confer resistance to malarial infection. This association between G6PD and malaria was supported by population genetic analyses of the G6PD locus, which indicated that these mutations may have recently risen in frequency in certain geographic regions as a result of positive selection. Here we characterize nucleotide sequence variation in a 5.2-kb region of the G6PD locus in a population sample of 56 chimpanzees, as well as among 7 other nonhuman primates, to compare with that in humans in determining whether other primates that are impacted by malaria also exhibit patterns of G6PD polymorphism or divergence consistent with positive selection. We find that chimpanzees have several amino acid variants but that the overall pattern at G6PD in chimpanzees, as well as in Old and New World primates in general, can be explained by recent purifying selection as well as strong functional constraint dating back to at least 30-40 MYA. These comparative analyses suggest that the recent signature of positive selection at G6PD in humans is unique.  相似文献   

Acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) is the target of highly effective herbicides. We investigated the nucleotide variability of the ACCase gene in a sample of 18 black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides [Huds.]) populations to search for the signature of herbicide selection. Sequencing 3,396 bp encompassing ACCase herbicide-binding domain in 86 individuals revealed 92 polymorphisms, which formed 72 haplotypes. The ratio of nonsynonymous versus synonymous substitutions was very low, in agreement with ACCase being a vital metabolic enzyme. Within black grass, most nonsynonymous substitutions were related to resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. Differentiation between populations was strong, in contrast to expectations for an allogamous, annual plant. Significant H tests revealed recent hitchhiking events within populations. These results were consistent with recent and local positive selection. We propose that, although they have only been used since at most 15 black-grass generations, ACCase-inhibiting herbicides have exerted a positive selection targeting resistant haplotypes that has been strong enough to have a marked effect upon ACCase nucleotide diversity. A minimum-spanning network of nonrecombinant haplotypes revealed multiple, independent apparitions of resistance-associated mutations. This study provides the first evidence for the signature of ongoing, recent, pesticide selection upon variation at the gene encoding the targeted enzyme in natural plant populations.  相似文献   

R. Bijlsma  J. W. M. Kerver 《Genetics》1983,103(3):447-464
For the degradation of DDT and other chlorohydrocarbon insecticides energy in the form of NADPH is needed which for the greater part is supplied by the pentose phosphate shunt. Therefore the influence of DDT on the polymorphism at the G6pd and Pgd loci in Drosophila melanogaster was investigated by studying its effect on egg to adult survival and adult survival. The results show the existence of significant differences in fitness between the different genotypes of the two loci for both components. It is found that the effect of DDT supplementation differs significantly from the effect of sodium octanoate addition. DDT treatment also increases the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt as measured by the activity of G6PD and 6PGD. In larvae a 50% increase in activity is found and in adults a 100% increase. As there is little doubt that the activities of G6PD and 6PGD are somehow correlated with the fitness of flies, the data are discussed in relation to the in vitro and in vivo differences in activity between the different allozymes of both G6PD and 6PGD.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variants of G6PD and 6PGD isolated from the Bogota Drosophila melanogaster population were characterized developmentally and biochemically. Changes in in vitro enzyme activity during development were comparable to those found for other dehydrogenases: an increase in the larval and adult stage and a decrease in the pupal stage. During the whole life cycle the "S" enzyme of both loci showed a higher activity than the "F" enzyme. MgCl2 had a stimulating effect on the activity of both enzymes whereas their heat stability was decreased. The allozymes of 6PGD had different Vmax's but were comparable with respect to Km values, pH optimum, and stability at 45 C. the allozymes of G6PD showed different Vmax's and differed in stability at 35 C, but had similar Km values and pH optima. As the difference in stability was probably due to differences in molecular structure of the allozymes, the differences in activity found at high pH and high MgCl2 concentration were most probably due to this difference in stability.  相似文献   

Different homozygous lines of similar genotype with respect to G6pd and 6Pgd were shown to have different enzyme activities for G6PD and 6PGD. Crosses between high and low lines suggested that there were modifying genes present on the autosomes, while others were probably located on the X chromosome. Allelic variation within each electrophoretic class of G6pd and 6Pgd might, however, also have contributed to this variation. An experiment on adaptation to sodium octanoate demonstrated that in adapted flies selection for lower enzyme activity had occurred, which provided further evidence for the existence of genetic differences in activity. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between the activities of G6PD and 6PGD was found for each genotype. Since no correlation was found between MDH and the two enzymes G6PD and 6PGD, it could be concluded that this correlation was probably rather specific for G6PD and 6PGD. Interaction between genotypes with respect to activity was also found. It was shown that the variation at 6Pgd influenced the activity of G6PD within a genotype. The data are discussed in relation to fitness differences presented in foregoing articles.  相似文献   

D. R. Cavener 《Genetica》1984,63(2):81-83
Experimental populations ofD. melanogaster were subjected to long term dietary selection using sucrose and ethanol in two independent experiments. TheG6pd polymorphism exhibits a strong response to high sucrose selection whereas the6Pgd polymorphism exhlbits an equally strong response to ethanol selection.  相似文献   

The gene coding for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is subject to positive selection by malaria in some human populations. The G6PD A- allele, which is common in sub-Saharan Africa, is associated with deficient enzyme activity and protection from severe malaria. To delimit the impact of selection on patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and nucleotide diversity, we resequenced 5.1 kb at G6PD and approximately 2-3 kb at each of eight loci in a 2.5-Mb region roughly centered on G6PD in a diverse sub-Saharan African panel of 51 unrelated men (including 20 G6PD A-, 11 G6PD A+, and 20 G6PD B chromosomes). The signature of selection is evident in the absence of genetic variation at G6PD and at three neighboring loci within 0.9 Mb from G6PD among all individuals bearing G6PD A- alleles. A genomic region of approximately 1.6 Mb around G6PD was characterized by long-range LD associated with the A- alleles. These patterns of nucleotide variability and LD suggest that G6PD A- is younger than previous age estimates and has increased in frequency in sub-Saharan Africa due to strong selection (0.1 < s < 0.2). These results also show that selection can lead to nonrandom associations among SNPs over great physical and genetic distances, even in African populations.  相似文献   

Walter F. Eanes 《Genetics》1984,106(1):95-107
Several biochemical studies have suggested that in Drosophila melanogaster the two common allozymes of G6PD differ in their in vitro activities and thermal stabilities. Yet, it remains to be shown that these characterizations reflect actual in vivo differences and are not artifacts of the biochemical approach. In this study it is shown that in vivo activity differences must exist between these two variants. This conclusion arises from the observation that the viability of flies bearing a low activity allele of 6PGD is strongly dependent on the genotype at the G6PD (Zw) locus, whereas no measurable difference in viability can be detected between Zw genotypes in a normal activity 6PGD background. These viability interactions are in the direction predicted by the reported in vitro activities of the allozymes and the proposed deleterious effects of 6-phosphogluconate accumulation.—In addition, a genetic scheme is used that uncouples and quantifies the effects of viability modifiers in the region of the Zw locus, while homogenizing 98% of the X chromosome. The viability of different Zw genotypes is measured by examining whole chromosome viabilities relative to the FM6 balancer chromosome. The advantages of this particular scheme are discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide diversity across 1705 bp of the G6pd gene is studied in 50 Drosophila melanogaster and 12 D. simulans lines. Our earlier report contrasted intraspecific polymorphism and interspecific differences at silent and replacement sites in these species. This report expands the number of European and African lines and examines the pattern of polymorphism with respect to the common A/B allozymes. In D. melanogaster the silent nucleotide diversity varies 2.8-fold across localities. The B allele sequences are two- to fourfold more variable than the derived A allele, and differences between allozymes are twice as among B alleles. There is strong linkage disequilibrium across the G6pd region. In both species the level of silent polymorphism increases from the 5' to 3' ends, while there is no comparable pattern in level of silent site divergence or fixation. The neutral model is not rejected in either species. Using D. yakuba as an outgroup, the D. melanogaster lineage shows a twofold greater rate of silent fixation, but less than half the rate of amino acid replacement. Lineage-specific differences in mutation fixation are inconsistent with neutral expectations and suggest the interaction of species-specific population size differences with both weakly advantageous and deleterious selection.  相似文献   

W. F. Eanes  L. Katona    M. Longtine 《Genetics》1990,125(4):845-853
Earlier studies of the A and B allozymes at the G6pd locus show a differential ability of the genotypes to suppress the loss of viability associated with a low activity 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase mutation, 6Pgdlo1. This observation indicates a relatively lower activity for the A allozyme genotype, but it is not known if this level of suppression required a large difference in in vivo activity. To clarify this difference an analysis of the biochemical properties of the purified allozymes was carried out, as well as an analysis of the activity level associated with an original low activity P element-derived allele which had partially reverted and lost its suppression ability. G6PD activity and protein level were studied in 47 X chromosome lines from North America. The A genotype averages a 9% lower Vmax. From analysis of the correlation between G6PD activity and protein level it remains unclear whether the allozyme Vmax difference results from dissimilarity in protein level or kcat. At 25 degrees and physiological pH, comparative studies of the steady-state kinetics show the two purified allozyme variants differ significantly in their KM values for glucose-6-phosphate and NADP, and the K1 for NADPH. In aggregate these parameters predict the A genotype possesses a 20% lower in vitro catalytic efficiency. A partial revertant of a P element-derived low activity B variant, was shown to lose the ability to suppress 6Pgdlo1 low viability after acquiring only 60% of normal B activity. This last comparison shows the A genotype activity must be reduced in vivo by at least 40%.  相似文献   

Payseur BA  Nachman MW 《Gene》2002,300(1-2):31-42
Theoretical and empirical work indicates that patterns of neutral polymorphism can be affected by linked, selected mutations. Under background selection, deleterious mutations removed from a population by purifying selection cause a reduction in linked neutral diversity. Under genetic hitchhiking, the rise in frequency and fixation of beneficial mutations also reduces the level of linked neutral polymorphism. Here we review the evidence that levels of neutral polymorphism in humans are affected by selection at linked sites. We then discuss four approaches for distinguishing between background selection and genetic hitchhiking based on (i) the relationship between polymorphism level and recombination rate for neutral loci with high mutation rates, (ii) relative levels of variation on the X chromosome and the autosomes, (iii) the frequency distribution of neutral polymorphisms, and (iv) population-specific patterns of genetic variation. Although the evidence for selection at linked sites in humans is clear, current methods and data do not allow us to clearly assess the relative importance of background selection and genetic hitchhiking in humans. These results contrast with those obtained for Drosophila, where the signals of positive selection are stronger.  相似文献   

The Duffy blood group locus, which encodes a chemokine receptor, is characterized by three alleles-FY*A, FY*B, and FY*O. The frequency of the FY*O allele, which corresponds to the absence of Fy antigen on red blood cells, is at or near fixation in most sub-Saharan African populations but is very rare outside Africa. The FST value for the FY*O allele is the highest observed for any allele in humans, providing strong evidence for the action of natural selection at this locus. Homozygosity for the FY*O allele confers complete resistance to vivax malaria, suggesting that this allele has been the target of selection by Plasmodium vivax or some other infectious agent. To characterize the signature of directional selection at this locus, we surveyed DNA sequence variation, both in a 1.9-kb region centered on the FY*O mutation site and in a 1-kb region 5-6 kb away from it, in 17 Italians and in a total of 24 individuals from five sub-Saharan African populations. The level of variation across both regions is two- to threefold lower in the Africans than in the Italians. As a result, the pooled African sample shows a significant departure from the neutral expectation for the number of segregating sites, whereas the Italian sample does not. The FY*O allele occurs on two major haplotypes in three of the five African populations. This finding could be due to recombination, recurrent mutation, population structure, and/or mutation accumulation and drift. Although we are unable to distinguish among these alternative hypotheses, it is likely that the two major haplotypes originated prior to selection on the FY*O mutation.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding protein 5 (FABP5) is a major positional and physiological candidate gene for the porcine FAT1 QTL on SSC4. Here we characterize the nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype variability of FABP5 and we compare it with that of FABP4, given their close physical location and similar metabolic roles. DNA resequencing of the FABP5 gene region in 29 pigs from 14 breeds and in European and Japanese wild boars revealed 36 polymorphisms in 5.2 kb, and a nucleotide diversity of 0.19%, comparable to values reported in other domestic species but sixfold lower than that previously found for FABP4. Remarkably, both the nucleotide variability and the haplotype structure of FABP5 and FABP4 were dramatically different, and the Hudson-Kreitman-Aguadé test was highly significant. Nevertheless, both genes also had similarities. The neighbour-joining trees of their haplotypes did not show a geographical arrangement for any of the genes. Besides, both genes presented a similar extent and pattern of linkage disequilibrium. Haplotype blocks did not extend for large stretches ( approximately 1 kb in both genes), and the number of tag SNPs required to capture all variability was higher than previously expected. Our findings indicate that FABP4 and FABP5 have undergone different selective or evolutive processes. The fact that haplotype blocks were so small may require us to increase the number of SNPs in prospective whole-genome association studies in the pig.  相似文献   

The signature of positive selection at randomly chosen loci   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Przeworski M 《Genetics》2002,160(3):1179-1189
In Drosophila and humans, there are accumulating examples of loci with a significant excess of high-frequency-derived alleles or high levels of linkage disequilibrium, relative to a neutral model of a random-mating population of constant size. These are features expected after a recent selective sweep. Their prevalence suggests that positive directional selection may be widespread in both species. However, as I show here, these features do not persist long after the sweep ends: The high-frequency alleles drift to fixation and no longer contribute to polymorphism, while linkage disequilibrium is broken down by recombination. As a result, loci chosen without independent evidence of recent selection are not expected to exhibit either of these features, even if they have been affected by numerous sweeps in their genealogical history. How then can we explain the patterns in the data? One possibility is population structure, with unequal sampling from different subpopulations. Alternatively, positive selection may not operate as is commonly modeled. In particular, the rate of fixation of advantageous mutations may have increased in the recent past.  相似文献   

Eanes WF  Hey J 《Genetics》1986,113(3):679-693
From 1981 to 1983, 15,097 X-chromosomes were genetically extracted from a number of North American populations of D. melanogaster and were electrophoretically screened for rare mobility and activity variants of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). Overall, 13 rare variants were recovered for a frequency of about 10-3. Eleven variants affect electrophoretic mobility and are apparently structural, and two variants exhibit low G6PD activity. One low activity variant is closely associated with a P-element insertion at 18D12-13—all of the variants were subjected to the previously described genetic scheme used to identify relative in vivo activity differences between the two common electrophoretic variants associated with the global polymorphism. Most of the rare variants exhibit apparent in vivo activities that are similar to one or the other of the common variants, and these specific rare variants appear to be geographically widespread. Several variants have significantly reduced function. All of the variants were measured for larval specific activity for G6PD as a first measure of in vitro activity. It appears that specific activity alone is not a sufficient predictor for G6PD in vivo function.  相似文献   

J Peters  S T Ball 《Genetical research》1990,56(2-3):245-252
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity was measured in blood from heterozygotes for the normal allele G6pda and the low activity allele G6pda-mlNeu. In adult mice lower activity was found in G6pda/G6pda-mlNeu than in the reciprocal heterozygote G6pda-mlNeu/G6pda (the maternal allele being listed first). Thus, either the paternally derived allele was over-expressed or the maternally derived allele was under-expressed. By contrast, in younger mice the difference in G6PD activity in reciprocal crosses was less marked. The findings are interpreted in terms of differential imprinting of maternally and paternally inherited information. The explanation offered for age related differences is that, as a consequence of imprinting, either the paternal X-chromosome is preferentially reactivated, or cells in which the paternally derived allele is active are at a selective advantage, and proliferate better than those in which the maternally inherited allele is active.  相似文献   

J. Labate  W. F. Eanes 《Genetics》1992,132(3):783-787
Demonstrating that naturally occurring enzyme polymorphisms significantly impact metabolic pathway flux is a fundamental step in examining the possible adaptive significance of such polymorphisms. In earlier studies of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster, we used two different methods, exploiting both genotype-dependent interactions with the 6Pgd locus, and conventional steady-state kinetics to examine activity differences between the two common allozymes. In this report we use 1-14C- and 6-14C-labeled glucose to estimate directly genotype-dependent flux differences through the pentose shunt. Our results show that G6pdA genotype possesses statistically lower pentose shunt flux than G6pdB at 25 degrees. We estimate this to be about a 32% reduction, which is consistent with the two former studies. These results reflect a significant responsiveness of pentose shunt flux to activity variation at the G6PD-catalyzed step, and predict that the G6PD allozymes generate a polymorphism for pentose shunt flux.  相似文献   

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