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MOTIVATION: An important application of microarrays is to discover genomic biomarkers, among tens of thousands of genes assayed, for disease classification. Thus there is a need for developing statistical methods that can efficiently use such high-throughput genomic data, select biomarkers with discriminant power and construct classification rules. The ROC (receiver operator characteristic) technique has been widely used in disease classification with low-dimensional biomarkers because (1) it does not assume a parametric form of the class probability as required for example in the logistic regression method; (2) it accommodates case-control designs and (3) it allows treating false positives and false negatives differently. However, due to computational difficulties, the ROC-based classification has not been used with microarray data. Moreover, the standard ROC technique does not incorporate built-in biomarker selection. RESULTS: We propose a novel method for biomarker selection and classification using the ROC technique for microarray data. The proposed method uses a sigmoid approximation to the area under the ROC curve as the objective function for classification and the threshold gradient descent regularization method for estimation and biomarker selection. Tuning parameter selection based on the V-fold cross validation and predictive performance evaluation are also investigated. The proposed approach is demonstrated with a simulation study, the Colon data and the Estrogen data. The proposed approach yields parsimonious models with excellent classification performance.  相似文献   



Accurate diagnosis of cancer subtypes remains a challenging problem. Building classifiers based on gene expression data is a promising approach; yet the selection of non-redundant but relevant genes is difficult.  相似文献   



Designing appropriate machine learning methods for identifying genes that have a significant discriminating power for disease outcomes has become more and more important for our understanding of diseases at genomic level. Although many machine learning methods have been developed and applied to the area of microarray gene expression data analysis, the majority of them are based on linear models, which however are not necessarily appropriate for the underlying connection between the target disease and its associated explanatory genes. Linear model based methods usually also bring in false positive significant features more easily. Furthermore, linear model based algorithms often involve calculating the inverse of a matrix that is possibly singular when the number of potentially important genes is relatively large. This leads to problems of numerical instability. To overcome these limitations, a few non-linear methods have recently been introduced to the area. Many of the existing non-linear methods have a couple of critical problems, the model selection problem and the model parameter tuning problem, that remain unsolved or even untouched. In general, a unified framework that allows model parameters of both linear and non-linear models to be easily tuned is always preferred in real-world applications. Kernel-induced learning methods form a class of approaches that show promising potentials to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Cancer classification is the critical basis for patient-tailored therapy, while pathway analysis is a promising method to discover the underlying molecular mechanisms related to cancer development by using microarray data. However, linking the molecular classification and pathway analysis with gene network approach has not been discussed yet. In this study, we developed a novel framework based on cancer class-specific gene networks for classification and pathway analysis. This framework involves a novel gene network construction, named ordering network, which exhibits the power-law node-degree distribution as seen in correlation networks. The results obtained from five public cancer datasets showed that the gene networks with ordering relationship are better than those with correlation relationship in terms of accuracy and stability of the classification performance. Furthermore, we integrated the ordering networks, classification information and pathway database to develop the topology-based pathway analysis for identifying cancer class-specific pathways, which might be essential in the biological significance of cancer. Our results suggest that the topology-based classification technology can precisely distinguish cancer subclasses and the topology-based pathway analysis can characterize the correspondent biochemical pathways even if there are subtle, but consistent, changes in gene expression, which may provide new insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Gene selection and classification of microarray data using random forest   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  


Selection of relevant genes for sample classification is a common task in most gene expression studies, where researchers try to identify the smallest possible set of genes that can still achieve good predictive performance (for instance, for future use with diagnostic purposes in clinical practice). Many gene selection approaches use univariate (gene-by-gene) rankings of gene relevance and arbitrary thresholds to select the number of genes, can only be applied to two-class problems, and use gene selection ranking criteria unrelated to the classification algorithm. In contrast, random forest is a classification algorithm well suited for microarray data: it shows excellent performance even when most predictive variables are noise, can be used when the number of variables is much larger than the number of observations and in problems involving more than two classes, and returns measures of variable importance. Thus, it is important to understand the performance of random forest with microarray data and its possible use for gene selection.  相似文献   

Zhu H  Yu CY  Zhang H 《Proteomics》2003,3(9):1673-1677
A reliable and precise classification of diseases is essential for successful diagnosis and treatment. Using mass spectrometry from clinical specimens, scientists may find the protein variations among disease and use this information to improve diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a novel procedure to classify disease status based on the protein data from mass spectrometry. Our new tree-based algorithm consists of three steps: projection, selection and classification tree. The projection step aims to project all observations from specimens into the same bases so that the projected data have fixed coordinates. Thus, for each specimen, we obtain a large vector of 'coefficients' on the same basis. The purpose of the selection step is data reduction by condensing the large vector from the projection step into a much lower order of informative vector. Finally, using these reduced vectors, we apply recursive partitioning to construct an informative classification tree. This method has been successfully applied to protein data, provided by the Department of Radiology and Chemistry at Duke University.  相似文献   

Using a measure of how differentially expressed a gene is in two biochemically/phenotypically different conditions, we can rank all genes in a microarray dataset. We have shown that the falling-off of this measure (normalized maximum likelihood in a classification model such as logistic regression) as a function of the rank is typically a power-law function. This power-law function in other similar ranked plots are known as the Zipf's law, observed in many natural and social phenomena. The presence of this power-law function prevents an intrinsic cutoff point between the "important" genes and "irrelevant" genes. We have shown that similar power-law functions are also present in permuted dataset, and provide an explanation from the well-known chi(2) distribution of likelihood ratios. We discuss the implication of this Zipf's law on gene selection in a microarray data analysis, as well as other characterizations of the ranked likelihood plots such as the rate of fall-off of the likelihood.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: One important application of gene expression microarray data is classification of samples into categories, such as the type of tumor. The use of microarrays allows simultaneous monitoring of thousands of genes expressions per sample. This ability to measure gene expression en masse has resulted in data with the number of variables p(genes) far exceeding the number of samples N. Standard statistical methodologies in classification and prediction do not work well or even at all when N < p. Modification of existing statistical methodologies or development of new methodologies is needed for the analysis of microarray data. RESULTS: We propose a novel analysis procedure for classifying (predicting) human tumor samples based on microarray gene expressions. This procedure involves dimension reduction using Partial Least Squares (PLS) and classification using Logistic Discrimination (LD) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA). We compare PLS to the well known dimension reduction method of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Under many circumstances PLS proves superior; we illustrate a condition when PCA particularly fails to predict well relative to PLS. The proposed methods were applied to five different microarray data sets involving various human tumor samples: (1) normal versus ovarian tumor; (2) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) versus Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL); (3) Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCLL) versus B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (BCLL); (4) normal versus colon tumor; and (5) Non-Small-Cell-Lung-Carcinoma (NSCLC) versus renal samples. Stability of classification results and methods were further assessed by re-randomization studies.  相似文献   

The use of penalized logistic regression for cancer classification using microarray expression data is presented. Two dimension reduction methods are respectively combined with the penalized logistic regression so that both the classification accuracy and computational speed are enhanced. Two other machine-learning methods, support vector machines and least-squares regression, have been chosen for comparison. It is shown that our methods have achieved at least equal or better results. They also have the advantage that the output probability can be explicitly given and the regression coefficients are easier to interpret. Several other aspects, such as the selection of penalty parameters and components, pertinent to the application of our methods for cancer classification are also discussed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Methods for analyzing cancer microarray data often face two distinct challenges: the models they infer need to perform well when classifying new tissue samples while at the same time providing an insight into the patterns and gene interactions hidden in the data. State-of-the-art supervised data mining methods often cover well only one of these aspects, motivating the development of methods where predictive models with a solid classification performance would be easily communicated to the domain expert. RESULTS: Data visualization may provide for an excellent approach to knowledge discovery and analysis of class-labeled data. We have previously developed an approach called VizRank that can score and rank point-based visualizations according to degree of separation of data instances of different class. We here extend VizRank with techniques to uncover outliers, score features (genes) and perform classification, as well as to demonstrate that the proposed approach is well suited for cancer microarray analysis. Using VizRank and radviz visualization on a set of previously published cancer microarray data sets, we were able to find simple, interpretable data projections that include only a small subset of genes yet do clearly differentiate among different cancer types. We also report that our approach to classification through visualization achieves performance that is comparable to state-of-the-art supervised data mining techniques. AVAILABILITY: VizRank and radviz are implemented as part of the Orange data mining suite (http://www.ailab.si/orange). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available from http://www.ailab.si/supp/bi-cancer.  相似文献   

Ma S  Huang J 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):751-757
In biomedical studies, it is of great interest to develop methodologies for combining multiple markers for the purpose of disease classification. The receiving operating characteristic (ROC) technique has been widely used, where classification performance can be measured with the area under the ROC curve (AUC). In this article, we study a ROC-based method for effectively combining multiple markers for disease classification. We propose a sigmoid AUC (SAUC) estimator that maximizes the sigmoid approximation of the empirical AUC. The SAUC estimator is computationally affordable, n(1/2)-consistent and achieves the same asymptotic efficiency as the AUC estimator. Inference based on the weighted bootstrap is investigated. We also propose Monte Carlo methods to assess the overall prediction performance and the relative importance of individual markers. Finite sample performance is evaluated using simulation studies and two public data sets.  相似文献   

Yi Wang  Hong Yan 《Bioinformation》2008,3(3):124-129
DNA microarray allows the measurement of expression levels of tens of thousands of genes simultaneously and has many applications in biology and medicine. Microarray data are very noisy and this makes it difficult for data analysis and classification. Sub-dimension based methods can overcome the noise problem by partitioning the conditions into sub-groups, performing classification with each group and integrating the results. However, there can be many sub-dimensional groups, which lead to a high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose an entropy-based method to evaluate and select important sub-dimensions and eliminate unimportant ones. This improves the computational efficiency considerably. We have tested our method on four microarray datasets and two other real-world datasets and the experiment results prove the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The nearest shrunken centroids classifier has become a popular algorithm in tumor classification problems using gene expression microarray data. Feature selection is an embedded part of the method to select top-ranking genes based on a univariate distance statistic calculated for each gene individually. The univariate statistics summarize gene expression profiles outside of the gene co-regulation network context, leading to redundant information being included in the selection procedure. RESULTS: We propose an Eigengene-based Linear Discriminant Analysis (ELDA) to address gene selection in a multivariate framework. The algorithm uses a modified rotated Spectral Decomposition (SpD) technique to select 'hub' genes that associate with the most important eigenvectors. Using three benchmark cancer microarray datasets, we show that ELDA selects the most characteristic genes, leading to substantially smaller classifiers than the univariate feature selection based analogues. The resulting de-correlated expression profiles make the gene-wise independence assumption more realistic and applicable for the shrunken centroids classifier and other diagonal linear discriminant type of models. Our algorithm further incorporates a misclassification cost matrix, allowing differential penalization of one type of error over another. In the breast cancer data, we show false negative prognosis can be controlled via a cost-adjusted discriminant function. AVAILABILITY: R code for the ELDA algorithm is available from author upon request.  相似文献   

One important application of gene expression analysis is to classify tissue samples according to their gene expression levels. Gene expression data are typically characterized by high dimensionality and small sample size, which makes the classification task quite challenging. In this paper, we present a data-dependent kernel for microarray data classification. This kernel function is engineered so that the class separability of the training data is maximized. A bootstrapping-based resampling scheme is introduced to reduce the possible training bias. The effectiveness of this adaptive kernel for microarray data classification is illustrated with a k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier. Our experimental study shows that the data-dependent kernel leads to a significant improvement in the accuracy of KNN classifiers. Furthermore, this kernel-based KNN scheme has been demonstrated to be competitive to, if not better than, more sophisticated classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and the Uncorrelated Linear Discriminant Analysis (ULDA) for classifying gene expression data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Logistic regression is a standard method for building prediction models for a binary outcome and has been extended for disease classification with microarray data by many authors. A feature (gene) selection step, however, must be added to penalized logistic modeling due to a large number of genes and a small number of subjects. Model selection for this two-step approach requires new statistical tools because prediction error estimation ignoring the feature selection step can be severely downward biased. Generic methods such as cross-validation and non-parametric bootstrap can be very ineffective due to the big variability in the prediction error estimate. RESULTS: We propose a parametric bootstrap model for more accurate estimation of the prediction error that is tailored to the microarray data by borrowing from the extensive research in identifying differentially expressed genes, especially the local false discovery rate. The proposed method provides guidance on the two critical issues in model selection: the number of genes to include in the model and the optimal shrinkage for the penalized logistic regression. We show that selecting more than 20 genes usually helps little in further reducing the prediction error. Application to Golub's leukemia data and our own cervical cancer data leads to highly accurate prediction models. AVAILABILITY: R library GeneLogit at http://geocities.com/jg_liao  相似文献   

Hong H  Tong W  Perkins R  Fang H  Xie Q  Shi L 《DNA and cell biology》2004,23(10):685-694
The wealth of knowledge imbedded in gene expression data from DNA microarrays portends rapid advances in both research and clinic. Turning the prodigious and noisy data into knowledge is a challenge to the field of bioinformatics, and development of classifiers using supervised learning techniques is the primary methodological approach for clinical application using gene expression data. In this paper, we present a novel classification method, multiclass Decision Forest (DF), that is the direct extension of the two-class DF previously developed in our lab. Central to DF is the synergistic combining of multiple heterogenic but comparable decision trees to reach a more accurate and robust classification model. The computationally inexpensive multiclass DF algorithm integrates gene selection and model development, and thus eliminates the bias of gene preselection in crossvalidation. Importantly, the method provides several statistical means for assessment of prediction accuracy, prediction confidence, and diagnostic capability. We demonstrate the method by application to gene expression data for 83 small round blue-cell tumors (SRBCTs) samples belonging to one of four different classes. Based on 500 runs of 10-fold crossvalidation, tumor prediction accuracy was approximately 97%, sensitivity was approximately 95%, diagnostic sensitivity was approximately 91%, and diagnostic accuracy was approximately 99.5%. Among 25 genes selected to distinguish tumor class, 12 have functional information in the literature implicating their involvement in cancer. The four types of SRBCTs samples are also distinguishable in a clustering analysis based on the expression profiles of these 25 genes. The results demonstrated that the multiclass DF is an effective classification method for analysis of gene expression data for the purpose of molecular diagnostics.  相似文献   

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