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This investigation examined hormonal adaptations to acute resistance exercise and determined whether training adaptations are observed within an 8-week period in untrained men and women. The protocol consisted of a 1-week pre-conditioning orientation phase followed by 8 weeks of heavy resistance training. Three lower-limb exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle group (squat, leg press, knee extension) were performed twice a week (Monday and Friday) with every other Wednesday used for maximal dynamic 1 RM strength testing. Blood samples were obtained pre-exercise (Pre-Ex), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 5 min post-exercise (5-P) during the first week of training (T-1), after 6 weeks (T-2) and 8 weeks (T-3) of training to determine blood concentrations of whole-blood lactate (LAC), serum total testosterone (TT), sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), cortisol (CORT) and growth hormone (GH). Serum TT concentrations were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher for men at all time points measured. Men did not demonstrate an increase due to exercise until T-2. An increase in pre-exercise concentrations of TT were observed both for men and women at T-2 and T-3. No differences were observed for CORT between men and women; increases in CORT above pre-exercise values were observed for men at all training phases and at T-2 and T-3 for women. A reduction in CORT concentrations at rest was observed both in men and women at T-3. Women demonstrated higher pre-exercise GH values than men at all training phases; no changes with training were observed for GH concentrations. Exercise-induced increases in GH above pre-exercise values were observed at all phases of training. Women demonstrated higher serum concentrations of SHBG at all time points. No exercise-induced increases were observed in men over the training period but women increased SHBG with exercise at T-3. SHBG concentrations in women were also significantly higher at T-2 and T-3 when compared to T-1 values. Increases in LAC concentrations due to exercise were observed both for men and women for all training phases but no significant differences were observed with training. These data illustrate that untrained individuals may exhibit early-phase endocrine adaptations during a resistance training program. These hormonal adaptations may influence and help to mediate other adaptations in the nervous system and muscle fibers, which have been shown to be very responsive in the early phase of strength adaptations with resistance training. Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

The effects of long-term low intensity aerobic training and detraining on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were examined in 30 elderly men and women. These subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The training group [n=15; 7 men and 8 women; mean age 75.5 (SD 5.6) years] agreed to take part in physical training using a treadmill with an exercise intensity at the blood lactate concentration threshold for 30 min 3–6 times a week for 9 months. The other group [n=15; 7 men and 8 women; mean age 73.7 (SD 4.4) years] did not perform any particular physical training and was followed as the control. Following this training period the high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) had increased significantly (P<0.01) while the total cholesterol (TC) : HDL-C ratio had decreased significantly (P<0.01) in the training group after 9 months but had not changed in the control group. The TC, triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) had not changed significantly in either group. No significant difference was seen between the groups throughout the period for TC, LDLC or TG. There was, however, a significant correlation between the initial TC:HDL-C ratio and the change in the TC:HDL-C ratio following 3 months of training (P <0.05). After 1 month of detraining in 5 patients, the HDL-C had decreased significantly (P < 0.05) while the TC:HDL-C had increased significantly in the training group (P<0.01). These results suggested that long-term low intensity aerobic training improved the profile of serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, while detraining returned the profile to that of the pretraining levels in elderly persons.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that in healthy individuals, peak oxygen consumption is associated with a greater pulmonary capillary blood volume and a more distensible pulmonary circulation. Our cross-sectional study suggests that, in healthy men aged 20 to 60 years (n = 63), endurance sport practice (vigorous-intensity domain of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire) is associated with better quantity (pulmonary capillary blood volume) and quality (slope of increase in lung diffusion for carbon monoxide on exercise) of the pulmonary vascular bed, partly counterbalancing the deleterious effects of ageing, which remains to be demonstrated in a prospective longitudinal design.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether recombinant human (rh) growth hormone (GH) combined with endurance training would have a larger effect on oxidative capacity, metabolism, and body fat than endurance training alone. Sixteen healthy, elderly women, aged 75 yr, performed closely monitored endurance training on a cycle ergometer over 12 wk. rhGH was given in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled design in addition to the training program. GH administration resulted in a doubling of serum insulin-like growth factor I levels. With endurance training, peak oxygen uptake increased by approximately 18% in both groups, whereas the marked increase in muscle citrate synthase activity was 50% larger in the GH group compared with the placebo group. In addition, only the GH group revealed an increase in muscle L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity. Body weight remained unchanged in both groups, but the GH group showed significant changes in body composition with a decrease in fat mass and an increase in lean body mass. Twenty-four-hour indirect calorimetry performed in four subjects showed a marked increase in energy expenditure with increased relative and absolute fat combustion in the two subjects receiving rhGH. In conclusion, rhGH adds to the effects of endurance training on muscle oxidative enzymes and causes a reduction in body fat in elderly women.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of concurrent training on endurance capacity and dynamic neuromuscular economy in elderly men. Twenty-three healthy men (65 ± 4 years) were divided into 3 groups: concurrent (CG, n = 8), strength (SG, n = 8), and aerobic training group (EG, n = 7). Each group trained 3 times a week for 12 weeks, strength training, aerobic training, or both types of training in the same session. The maximum aerobic workload (Wmax) and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) of the subjects were evaluated on a cycle ergometer before and after the training period. Moreover, during the maximal test, muscle activation was measured at each intensity by means of electromyographic signals from the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris long head, and gastrocnemius lateralis to determine the dynamic neuromuscular economy. After training, significant increases in VO2peak and Wmax were only found in the CG and EG (p < 0.05), with no difference between groups. Moreover, there was a significant decrease in myoelectric activity of the RF muscle at 50 (EG), 75 and 100 W (EG and CG) and in the VL for the 3 groups at 100 W (p < 0.05). No change was seen in the electrical signal from the lateral gastrocnemius muscle and biceps femoris. The results suggest specificity in adaptations investigated in elderly subjects, because the most marked changes in the neuromuscular economy occurred in the aerobically trained groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the immunologic effects of endogenous and synthetic estrogens are well studied, few studies have examined the hormonal effects of phytoestrogens (i.e., plant-derived estrogens) on the immune system. The primary goal of this study was to compare the effects of perinatal exposure with life-long exposure to genistein, an estrogenic compound in soy, on the endocrine and immune system in adulthood. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pregnant female rats were exposed to no, low (5 mg/kg diet), or high (300 mg/kg diet) genistein diets throughout gestation and lactation. At weaning, male offspring exposed to genistein perinatally were either switched to the genistein-free diet or remained on the genistein-dosed diets. At 70 days of age, immune organ masses, lymphocyte subpopulations, cytokine concentrations, and testosterone concentrations were assessed in male offspring. RESULTS: Data were analyzed based on the diets that males were exposed to during gestation and lactation because life-long exposure to genistein had no additional effect on any of the dependent measures. Relative thymus masses were greater among males exposed to the high genistein diet than among males exposed to no genistein. Although the proportions of splenic and thymic CD4+ T cells were not altered by genistein, the percentages of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, CD8+ splenocytes, and total T cells in the spleen were higher and the percentages of CD4-CD8- thymocytes were lower among males exposed to genistein than among males not exposed to genistein. Synthesis of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) was marginally higher and testosterone concentrations were lower among genistein-exposed than genistein-free males. DISCUSSION: These data illustrate that exposure to genistein during pregnancy and lactation exerts long-lasting effects on the endocrine and immune systems in adulthood. Whether exposure to phytoestrogens during early development affects responses to infectious or autoimmune diseases, as well as cancers, later in life requires investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find the effect of endurance training and thiamine supplementation on anti-fatigue during the exercise. Each nine students from K Women’s University went through three cross-over treatments: placebo treatment, training treatment and thiamine treatment. Training treatment was performed with bicycle ergometer exercise for four weeks (five days per week). Each exercise was performed for an hour with intensity set at 70% (50rpm) of maximal oxygen uptake. Thiamine treatment group was given 10mg of thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide per one kilogram for four weeks. The bicycle ergometer exercise was performed at 70% of maximal oxygen uptake in exercise intensity which 60 minutes of exercise was performed at 50rpm . Lactate concentration was significantly decreased during 15 to 30 minutes of exercise for those with training treatment and 15 to 60 minutes of exercise for those with thiamine treatment compared to placebo treatment group. Ammonia concentration was significantly decreased during 15 to 60 minutes of exercise and 15 to 30 minutes of recovery for those with training and thiamine treatment compared to placebo treatment. Resting blood thiamine concentrations of placebo treatment were significantly lower than training treatment. 60 minutes after the exercise, plasma thiamine concentration was significantly increased in all treatment group. To sum up the previous, thiamine intake during exercise positively benefits carbohydrate metabolism in a way that will decrease lactate concentration, ammonia concentration, and anti- fatigue by reducing the RPE. Therefore, we can consider thiamine intake to be utilized as similar benefits as endurance training.  相似文献   

Weight loss and wrestling training: effects on growth-related hormones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Roemmich, James N., and Wayne E. Sinning. Weight lossand wrestling training: effects on growth-related hormones.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6):1760-1764, 1997.Adolescent wrestlers(n = 9, 15.4 yr) and recreationallyactive control males (n = 7, 15.7 yr)were measured before, at the end of, and 3.5-4 mo after acompetitive wrestling season to assess the influence of dietary restriction on growth-related hormones. Wrestlers had significant elevations preseason to late season for morning serum concentrations (mean of 8 serial samples) of growth hormone (GH; 2.9 ± 0.7 vs. 6.5 ± 1.4 ng/ml) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG; 16.1 ± 2.3 vs. 27.9 ± 6.9 nmol/l) and significant reductions in GH-binding protein (GHBP; 178 ± 19 vs. 109 ± 17 pmol/l), insulin-likegrowth factor I (IGF-I; 332 ± 30 vs. 267 ± 34 ng/ml),testosterone (T; 4.9 ± 0.4 vs. 3.6 ± 0.4 ng/ml), and freetestosterone (Free-T; 22.4 ± 3.6 vs. 15.7 ± 2.8 pg/ml).Wrestlers had significant postseason reductions in GH (3.44 ± 1.30 ng/ml) and SHBG (10.43 ± 4.13 nmol/l) but elevationsin GHBP (66.7 ± 23.8 pmol/l), IGF-I (72.9 ± 25.1 ng/ml),T (2.10 ± 0.46 ng/ml), and Free-T (9.76 ± 3.01 pg/ml). Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol,prolactin, cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones did not differbecause of exercise-dietary practices of wrestlers. In-seasonelevations in GH, with concomitant reductions in GHBP and IGF-I, thatwere reversed during the postseason suggest a reduction in GH receptor number and partial GH resistance during the season. Nonelevated LH withreduced T levels suggests a central hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (H-P-G) axis impairment. In conclusion, undernutrition may lead toaltered H-P-G and GH-IGF-I axes function in adolescent wrestlers. However, only the wrestlers' late-season Free-T concentrations wereoutside the normal range, and the hormone axis impairments were quicklyreversed. The present data do not address hormonal axis responses toseveral years of wrestling and weight loss.


Glucocorticoid effects on the production and actions of immune cytokines   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The immunosuppressive actions of glucocorticoids form the basis for their use in treatment of autoimmune diseases and prevention of allograft rejection. However, the mechanisms responsible for glucocorticoid-induced immunosuppression are still poorly understood. It is now clear that glucocorticoids do not inhibit all aspects of the immune response and, in some cases, may enhance certain functions of immune effector cells. One example is that of the dramatic increase induced by IFN-gamma in the number of IgG Fc receptors on human mononuclear phagocytes, which is enhanced rather than inhibited by glucocorticoids. An aspect of the immune response which appears to be consistently suppressed by glucocorticoids is the production of immune cytokines. Since these hormones appear to be essential mediators for a vigorous immune response, inhibition of their production may be an effective way for glucocorticoids to block the immune response.  相似文献   

Interactions between the endocrine and immune systems in locusts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The prophenoloxidase cascade in the haemolymph of mature adult Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R & F) is activated in response to injection of laminarin, a β‐1,3 glucan. Co‐injection of adipokinetic hormone‐I (Lom‐AKH‐I) and laminarin prolongs the activation of the enzyme in a dose‐dependent manner. However, injections of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) do not activate prophenoloxidase unless AKH is co‐injected, when there is a dose‐dependent increase in the level of phenoloxidase that persists in the haemolymph for several hours. Even when AKH is co‐injected, the highest levels of phenoloxidase activity are always greater after injection of laminarin than after LPS, and these two immunogens must activate the prophenoloxidase cascade by quite distinct pathways. In the present study, interactions between the endocrine and immune systems were examined with respect to activation of prophenoloxidase and the formation of nodules: injection of LPS induces nodule formation in adult locusts. With LPS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nodules form exclusively in dense accumulations in the anterior portion of the abdomen on either side of the dorsal blood vessel associated with the dorsal diaphragm. However, with LPS from Escherichia coli, fewer nodules are formed but with a similar distribution, except that occasionally some nodules are aligned additionally on either side of the ventral nerve cord. Co‐injection of Lom‐AKH‐I with LPS from either bacteria stimulates greater numbers of nodules to be formed. This effect of coinjection of AKH on nodule formation is seen at low doses of hormone with only 0.3 or 0.4 pmol of Lom‐AKH‐1, respectively, increasing the number of nodules by 50%. Injections of octopamine or 5‐hydroxytryptamine do not mimic either of the actions of Lom‐AKH‐I described here. Co‐injection of an angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, reduces nodule formation in response to injections of LPS but has no effect on the activation of phenoloxidase. Co‐injection of an inhibitor of eicosanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, with LPS influences nodule formation (with or without AKH) in different ways according to the dose of dexamethasone used, but does not affect activation of prophenoloxidase. Eicosanoid synthesis is important for nodule formation, but not for the activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade in locust haemolymph.  相似文献   

The current investigation was designed to determine which factor or what combination of factors would best account for distance running performance in middle-aged and elderly runners (mean age 57.5 years SD +/- 9.7) with heterogeneous training habits. Among 35 independent variables which were arbitrarily selected as possible prerequisites in the distance running performance of these runners, oxygen uptake (VO2) at lactate threshold (LT) (r = 0.781-0.889), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) (r = 0.751 approximately 0.886), and chronological age (r = -0.736-(-)0.886) were found to be the 3 predictor variables showing the highest correlations with the mean running velocity at 5 km (V5km), 10 km (V10km), and marathon (VM). When all independent variables were used in a multiple regression analysis, any 3 or 4 variables selected from among VO2 at LT, chronological age, systolic blood pressure (SBP), atherogenic index (AI), and Katsura index (KI) were found to give the best explanation of V5km, V10km, or VM in a combined linear model. Linear multiple regression equations constructed for predicting the running performances were: V5km = 0.046X1-0.026X2-0.0056X3+5.17, V10km = 0.028X1-0.028X2-0.190X4-1.34X5+6.45, and VM = -0.0400X2-0.324X4-1.16X5+7.36, where X1 = VO2 at LT (ml.min-1.kg-1), X2 = chronological age, X3 = SBP, X4 = AI, and X5 = KI.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfated form (DHEAS) decline approximately 80% between the ages of 25 and 75 yr. Muscle mass and strength also decrease with aging. Published data on the effects of DHEA replacement on muscle mass and strength are conflicting. The goals of this study were to determine whether DHEA replacement increases muscle mass and strength and/or enhances the effects of heavy resistance exercise in elderly women and men. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of 10 mo of DHEA replacement therapy with the addition of weightlifting exercise training during the last 4 mo of the study (DHEA + exercise group, n = 29; placebo + exercise group, n = 27). DHEA alone for 6 mo did not significantly increase strength or thigh muscle volume. However, DHEA therapy potentiated the effect of 4 mo of weightlifting training on muscle strength, evaluated by means of one-repetition maximum measurement and Cybex dynamometry, and on thigh muscle volume, measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Serum insulin-like growth factor concentration increased in response to DHEA replacement. This study provides evidence that DHEA replacement has the beneficial effect of enhancing the increases in muscle mass and strength induced by heavy resistance exercise in elderly individuals.  相似文献   

Pickering, Gisèle P., Nicole Fellmann, BéatriceMorio, Patrick Ritz, Aimé Amonchot, Michel Vermorel, and JeanCoudert. Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascularsystem and water compartments in elderly subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1300-1306, 1997.Theeffects of endurance training on the water compartments and thecardiovascular system were determined in 10 elderly subjects [age62 ± 2 yr, pretraining maximal oxygen consumption(O2 max)/kg = 25 ± 2 ml · min1 · kg1body wt]. They trained on a cycloergometer 3 times/wk for 16 wk(50-80%O2 max,then 80-85%O2 max). They werechecked at 8 wk, 16 wk, and 4 mo after detraining. Training improvedO2 max (+16%) andinduced plasma volume expansion (+11%). No change in total body water,extracellular fluid, interstitial and intracellular fluid volumes,fat-free mass, and body weight was detected in this small sample withtraining. Body fat mass decreased (2.1 ± 2.2 kg).Echocardiography at rest showed increased fractional shortening andejection fraction and decreased left ventricular end-systolic dimension(P < 0.05). Blood volume expansioncorrelates with cardiac contractility and has an impact on cardiacfunction. These improvements are precarious, however, and arecompletely lost after 4 mo of detraining, when elderly subjects losethe constraints and the social stimulation of the imposed protocol.


The simulation effects of mountain climbing exercise training on plasma testosterone, cortisol and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were examined in ten recreational mountain male climbers. Subjects underwent a simulating mountain climbing exercise training 3 times a week for a total of eight weeks before an expedition to Mount Muztag Ata (7546 m, Xingian, China). During training, each subject carried a 40 kg back pack while walking on a treadmill at a speed of 1.9 mph for 60 min at sea level. Subjects completed an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion prior to training, after training, and one week after returning from Mount Muztag Ata. Blood samples were collected from antecubital vein at rest and at 5, 60, and 120 min post testing to determine the plasma testosterone, cortisol and LH levels. The basal plasma testosterone and cortisol concentrations were lower in both post-training and after-climbing conditions compared with that in the pre-training condition (p<0.01). The basal plasma LH concentration was remained unchanged after training and after the mountain climbing compared with levels measured in the pre-training phase. No correlation could be established between plasma LH and testosterone level. These results suggest that an eight-week period of mountain climbing training protocol may be beneficial in maintaining normal endocrine function during and after high altitude mountain expedition. Our results also indicate the decrease of plasma testosterone was LH independent.  相似文献   

The effects of sex hormones on immune function have received much attention, especially following the proposal of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. Many studies, both experimental and correlational, have been conducted to test the relationship between immune function and the sex hormones testosterone in males and oestrogen in females. However, the results are mixed. We conducted four cross‐species meta‐analyses to investigate the relationship between sex hormones and immune function: (i) the effect of testosterone manipulation on immune function in males, (ii) the correlation between circulating testosterone level and immune function in males, (iii) the effect of oestrogen manipulation on immune function in females, and (iv) the correlation between circulating oestrogen level and immune function in females. The results from the experimental studies showed that testosterone had a medium‐sized immunosuppressive effect on immune function. The effect of oestrogen, on the other hand, depended on the immune measure used. Oestrogen suppressed cell‐mediated immune function while reducing parasite loads. The overall correlation (meta‐analytic relationship) between circulating sex hormone level and immune function was not statistically significant for either testosterone or oestrogen despite the power of meta‐analysis. These results suggest that correlational studies have limited value for testing the effects of sex hormones on immune function. We found little evidence of publication bias in the four data sets using indirect tests. There was a weak and positive relationship between year of publication and effect size for experimental studies of testosterone that became non‐significant after we controlled for castration and immune measure, suggesting that the temporal trend was due to changes in these moderators over time. Graphical analyses suggest that the temporal trend was due to an increased use of cytokine measures across time. We found substantial heterogeneity in effect sizes, except in correlational studies of testosterone, even after we accounted for the relevant random and fixed factors. In conclusion, our results provide good evidence that testosterone suppresses immune function and that the effect of oestrogen varies depending on the immune measure used.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary selenium on the immune system in healthy men   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Eleven men were fed foods naturally high or low in selenium for 120 d. Selenium intake was stabilized at 47 μg/d for 21 d, then changed to either 13 or 297 μg/d for 99 d, leading to significantly different blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase concentrations. Serum immunoglobulins, complement components, and primary antibody responses to influenza vaccine were unchanged. Antibody titers against diphtheria vaccine were 2.5-fold greater after reinoculation in the high selenium group. White blood cell counts decreased in the high-selenium group and increased in the low-selenium group, resulting primarily from changes in granulocytes. Apparent increases in cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and activated T-cells in the high-selenium group only approached statistical significance. Lymphocyte counts increased on d 45 in the high-selenium group. In vitro proliferation of peripheral lymphocytes in autologous serum in response to pokeweed mitogen was stimulated in the high-selenium group by d 45 and remained elevated throughout the study, whereas proliferation in the low selenium group did not increase until d 100. This study indicates that the immune-enhancing properties of selenium in humans are the result, at least in part, of improved activation and proliferation of B-lymphocytes and perhaps enhanced T-cell function.  相似文献   

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