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In the tsetse fly, the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma congolense is covered by a dense layer of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored molecules. These include a protease-resistant surface molecule (PRS), which is expressed by procyclic forms early in infection, and a glutamic acid- and alanine-rich protein (GARP), which appears at later stages. Since neither of these surface antigens is expressed at intermediate stages, we investigated whether a GPI-anchored protein of 50 to 58 kDa, previously detected in procyclic culture forms, might constitute the coat of these parasites. We therefore partially purified the protein from T. congolense Kilifi procyclic forms, obtained an N-terminal amino acid sequence, and identified its gene. Detailed analyses showed that the mature protein consists almost exclusively of 13 heptapeptide repeats (EPGENGT). The protein is densely N glycosylated, with up to 13 high-mannose oligosaccharides ranging from Man(5)GlcNAc(2) to Man(9)GlcNAc(2) linked to the peptide repeats. The lipid moiety of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol is composed of sn-1-stearoyl-2-lyso-glycerol-3-HPO(4)-1-(2-O-acyl)-d-myo-inositol. Heavily glycosylated proteins with similar repeats were subsequently identified in T. congolense Savannah procyclic forms. Collectively, this group of proteins was named T. congolense procyclins to reflect their relationship to the EP and GPEET procyclins of T. brucei. Using an antiserum raised against the EPGENGT repeat, we show that T. congolense procyclins are expressed continuously in the fly midgut and thus form the surface coat of cells that are negative for both PRS and GARP.  相似文献   

Culture procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma congolense were fed to Glossina morsitans morsitans through artificial membranes. A very high percentage of the flies so fed produced established midgut infections, a proportion of which went on to develop into mature metacyclic trypanosomes capable of infecting mammalian hosts. The method offers a safe, clean way of infecting tsetse flies with African trypanosomes which reduces the need for trypanosome-infected animals in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism in Mycobacterium smegmatis was investigated by the radiorespirometric method and by assaying for key enzymes of the major energy-yielding pathways. Glucose is oxidized in this organism mainly through the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, irrespective of the carbon source used for growth. The pentose phosphate pathway plays only a minor role and its extent depends on the carbon source used for growth. Enzymes of glycolytic and oxidative pathways were detected in cells grown on glucose, glycerol, or pyruvate but enzymes of the Entner-Duodroff pathway could be detected only in glucose-grown cells. Labeled acetate is utilized by cells cultured on glucose, glycerol, and pyruvate. In all cases more of C1 of acetate was converted to CO2 while incorporation into cellular constituents was maximum from C2 of acetate.  相似文献   

Proline metabolism has been studied in procyclic form Trypanosoma brucei. These parasites consume six times more proline from the medium when glucose is in limiting supply than when this carbohydrate is present as an abundant energy source. The sensitivity of procyclic T. brucei to oligomycin increases by three orders of magnitude when the parasites are obliged to catabolize proline in medium depleted in glucose. This indicates that oxidative phosphorylation is far more important to energy metabolism in this latter case than when glucose is available and the energy needs of the parasite can be fulfilled by substrate level phosphorylation alone. A gene encoding proline dehydrogenase, the first enzyme of the proline catabolic pathway, was cloned. RNA interference studies revealed the loss of this activity to be conditionally lethal. Proline dehydrogenase defective parasites grew as wild-type when glucose was available, but, unlike wild-type cells, they failed to proliferate using proline. In parasites grown in the presence of glucose, proline dehydrogenase activity was markedly lower than when glucose was absent from the medium. Proline uptake too was shown to be diminished when glucose was abundant in the growth medium. Wild-type cells were sensitive to 2-deoxy-D-glucose if grown using proline as the principal carbon source, but not in glucose-rich medium, indicating that this non-catabolizable glucose analogue might also stimulate repression of proline utilization. These results indicate that the ability of trypanosomes to use proline as an energy source can be regulated depending upon the availability of glucose.  相似文献   

Pathways of glucose catabolism during germination of Streptomyces spores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The participation of the different glucose-catabolic pathways during germination of Streptomyces antibioticus spores was studied. In dormant spores, glucose is catabolized through the pentose phosphate (PP) and the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathways, with an active tricarboxylic acid cycle. The relative participation of each catabolic pathway is regulated by germinative or non-germinative conditions. During spore germination, the pentose phosphate pathway continuously increased in its participation in the glucose catabolism and it was the major glucose-catabolic pathway in the exponential phase of growth. In addition, it showed the existence of an active tricarboxylic acid cycle in dormant spores, which was being drained for biosynthetic purposes.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a phenomenon previously associated exclusively with metazoan organisms. We show here that procyclic insect form Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, a protozoan parasite, when treated in vitro with concanavalin A displayed several features normally associated with apoptosis in metazoan cells. Lectin treatment induced cleavage of nuclear DNA into oligonucleosomal fragments, suggesting activation of an endogenous nuclease in the parasite. Treated trypanosomes, although agglutinated and non-motile, exhibited fluorescence after treatment with the vital stain fluorescein diacetate and retained (3)H-uridine indicating that their cell membranes remained intact during the period of DNA fragmentation. Electron micrographs showed characteristic morphology of cells undergoing apoptosis, including surface membrane vesiculation and migration of chromatin to the periphery of the nuclear membrane while mitochondria remained intact. These results suggest that treatment with concanavalin A triggers a cell death mechanism in T. b. rhodesiense similar to the process of apoptosis described in metazoa.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Dividing forms of Trypanosoma simiae and T. congolense in stained thin blood films taken from pigs infected by wild Glossina morsitans submorsitans were measured employing a technique which took account of the distance between the divided kinetoplasts, the positions of the nucleus or nuclei and the lengths of the original and developing flagella.
Analysis of these measurements showed that binary fission in these trypanosomes consisted of a gradual increase in the distance between the divided kinetoplasts along the long axis of the body; progressive outgrowth of a daughter flagellum from the blepharoplast associated with the posteriorly placed kinetoplast; migration of the nucleus toward the posterior end of the body; separation of the divided nuclei in the direction of the long axis of the body; and fission of the cytoplasm in an antero-posterior direction and finally separation into two individuals by a stepped, sliding motion.
No evidence to support syngamy or other type of germ cell reproduction was observed.  相似文献   

In Trypanosomatids, endocytosis and exocytosis occur exclusively at the flagellar pocket, a deep invagination of the plasma membrane where the flagellum extends from the cell. Both bloodstream and procyclic trypanosomes are capable of internalizing macromolecules. However, structures resembling coated vesicles were only identified in bloodstream form and not in procyclic form trypanosomes. Due to the apparent absence of coated vesicles in procyclics, the significance of receptor-mediated endocytosis in procyclic trypanosomes has been considered of minimal importance. We show that the flagellar pocket associated cysteine-rich acidic transmembrane protein (CRAM) may function as an high density lipoprotein receptor in the procyclic form trypanosome. Using anti-CRAM IgG we have characterized the process of CRAM-mediated endocytosis in procyclic form trypanosomes. The wild type procyclic trypanosome binds and internalizes anti-CRAM IgG but not the non-immune IgG in a saturable and time-dependent manner; the binding and uptake of (125)I-labeled anti-CRAM IgG are inhibited by excess unlabeled anti-CRAM IgG. Uptake and degradation of anti-CRAM IgG do not occur at 4 degrees C. At 28 degrees C, the internalized anti-CRAM IgG were efficiently degraded through a process that is inhibited by incubation at 4 degrees C and sensitive to the presence of chloroquine. The uptake and degradation of anti-CRAM IgG does not occur in the CRAM null mutant cell line. These results suggested that the uptake of anti-CRAM IgG in the wild type procyclics occurs via receptor-mediated endocytosis of the CRAM protein. Deletion of the cytoplasmic extension of CRAM drastically reduced the degradation but not the binding of anti-CRAM IgG. This result indicated that potential internalization signals may be present in the cytoplasmic extension of CRAM. This is the first time that the importance of receptor-mediated endocytosis in procyclic form trypanosomes has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The enzyme NADH-fumarate reductase associated with the membrane fraction of Trypanosoma brucei procyclic trypomastigotes, can be solubilized by more than 50% when increasing the ionic strength to the equivalent of 150 mM KCl. The apparent KMs for NADH (125 microM) and fumarate (50 microM) remain close to those previously reported for the membrane-bound form of this enzyme. Other electron acceptors (i.e. oxygen or cytochrome c) appear to accept electrons in the absence of fumarate (KM for cytochrome c = 50 microM). The drug L-092,201 (Merck, Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ), an inhibitor of the membrane-bound fumarate reductase, also blocked the solubilized enzyme. Given the relatively high ionic strength of the intracellular environment we propose that, in vivo, the enzyme fumarate reductase is in the mitochondrial matrix or in the soluble fraction of another intracellular compartment.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense: thrombocytopenia in experimentally infected cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hereford cattle infected with Trypanosoma congolense developed a thrombocytopenia which was most severe early in the course of infection when parasite levels in peripheral blood were highest. As the disease progressed, parasite levels gradually decreased and a corresponding increase in the number of thrombocytes occurred. In chronically infected animals, the number of thrombocytes was reduced during and shortly after periods of patency. However, during extended remission, thrombocyte values rose to normal or higher levels. Thrombocytes in surviving animals returned to within normal limits. When acutely ill, thrombocytopenic animals were treated with Berenil, a thrombo-cytosis developed rapidly. Accompanying the thrombocytopenia in infected animals was a consistent prolongation of partial thromboplastin times between the 6th and 14th weeks of infection. Plasma protamine paracoagulation tests were positive and fibrinogen levels were decreased in infected animals. No difference were found however in prothrombin times between infected and control animals.  相似文献   

Trans-sialidases are key enzymes in the life cycle of African trypanosomes in both, mammalian host and insect vector and have been associated with the disease trypanosomiasis, namely sleeping sickness and nagana. Besides the previously reported TconTS1, we have identified three additional active trans-sialidases, TconTS2, TconTS3 and TconTS4, and three trans-sialidase like genes in Trypanosoma congolense. At least TconTS1, TconTS2 and TconTS4 are found in the bloodstream of infected animals. We have characterised the enzymatic properties of recombinant proteins expressed in eukaryotic fibroblasts using fetuin as model blood glycoprotein donor substrate. One of the recombinant trans-sialidases, TconTS2, had the highest specific activity reported thus far with very low sialidase activity. The active trans-sialidases share all the amino acids critical for the catalytic reaction with few variations in the predicted binding site for the leaving or acceptor glycan. However, these differences cannot explain the orders of magnitudes between their transfer activities, which must be due to other unidentified structural features of the proteins or substrates selectivity. Interestingly, the phylogenetic relationships between the lectin domains correlate with their specific trans-sialylation activities. This raises the question whether and how the lectin domains regulate the trans-sialidase reaction. The identification and enzymatic characterisation of the trans-sialidase family in T. congolense will contribute significantly towards the understanding of the roles of these enzymes in the pathogenesis of Animal African Trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of self-cure from Trypanosoma congolense infection in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mechanism(s) of resistance to African trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma congolense was investigated by using the Dinderesso/80/CRTA/3 isolate to which C57B1/6 are resistant (low parasitemia and self-cure) and BALB/c sensitive (high parasitemia and death). The resistance of C57B1/6 is similar to that found in some natural hosts of African trypanosomes such as certain indigenous West African cattle and wild Bovidae. The antibody response to epitopes exposed on the variant surface glycoprotein of a clone obtained from the Dinderesso/80/CRTA/3 isolate was measured by a complement-mediated lysis assay in C57B1/6 and BALB/c. After infections with 10(4), 10(5), or 10(7) motile organisms, antibody appeared in C57B1/6 4 to 8 days earlier than in BALB/c. Peak antibody titers were similar in both strains but were reached about 4 days earlier in C57B1/6. In this strain, antibody appeared during and controlled the first wave of parasitemia, whereas in BALB/c, parasitemia reached a plateau above 10(8) organisms per ml before antibody could be detected, and at this time the animals were dying. At peak antibody response, the proportion of immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG antibody was the same in both strains. The antibody response had the same kinetics in C57B1/6 and BALB/c after injection of 10(4), 10(5), and 10(7) lethally irradiated but intact parasites, but the peak titers were 10(3) to 10(4) times lower than after live challenge. The response to nonirradiated trypanosomes appeared to be T cell independent, because the antibody titers were the same in congenitally athymic nu/nu and normal C57B1/6, and no evidence for the induction of T cell activity could be demonstrated in the infected nude mice. A role for trypanolytic serum factors in resistance could not be demonstrated. The extent of immunosuppression after infection with nonirradiated organisms was compared in the two strains by measuring the in vitro response of their splenic lymphocytes to concanavalin A, pokeweed mitogen, and allogeneic cells and their ability to mount an in vivo response to an unrelated trypanosome challenge. Both strains were partially immunosuppressed during rising parasitemia, but as C57B1/6 controlled parasitemia, immunosuppression was gradually reversed, whereas in BALB/c it became worse. Several explanations might account for the resistance of C57B1/6 to the Dinderesso/80/CRTA/3 isolate of T. congolense. It appears that an early immune response is a decisive factor in this resistance.  相似文献   

Yields of Trypanosoma congolense grown in rats may be increased by placing the rats in a 37 °C environment for 1 hr prior to sacrifice. A further increase in the number of parasites recovered per rat may be achieved by replacement of blood removed by a lactated Ringer's solution with 5% glucose as the rat is being bled from the abdominal aorta. The Ringer's solution serves to maintain intravascular volume during the bleeding procedure and thereby prevents premature cardiac arrest. Erythrocytes in infected blood may be then lysed by raising and rapidly lowering the osmolarity of the blood. This permits separation of the trypanosomes from 95% of the erythrocytes by differential centrifugation. The remaining blood cell contamination may then be removed on a small DEAE-cellulose column. The purified trypanosomes are motile, infective, and intact as judged by electron microscopy. More than 1010 purified T. congolense can be obtained from three adult rats by these methods.  相似文献   

We have put emphasis on recent findings in experimental Trypanosoma congolense infections in highly susceptible BALB/c and relatively resistant C57Bl/6 mice. Based on various analyses, it has been shown that a major difference in resistance to T. congolense infections is expressed early in infection at the macrophage level. A novel plastic-adherent Thy1.2(+) suppressor lymphocyte, which in absolute synergy with a Thy 1.2(-) cell exerts its suppression via interleukin-10 and interferon-gamma opens up an exciting new field of research.  相似文献   

Hereford calves infected with Trypanosoma congolense developed an anemia which was most severe 10 weeks after infection when packed cell volumes (PCV) averaged 21.1 ± 2.5% (±2 SE) as compared to 33.1 ± 2.1% for controls. At the termination of the study, at 28 weeks postinfection PCVs of infected animals had risen to 27.5 ± 1.0% as compared to 34.0 ± 1.7% for controls. In parallel with PCVs the apparent half-lives of 51Cr-labeled erythrocytes were reduced as early as the first 2 weeks postinfection. The greatest difference in erythrocyte half-lives between infected and control animals was found during the fourth to sixth weeks of infection when volumes for infected animals averaged 128 ± 46 hr as compared to 321 ± 30 hr for controls. During this period the parasitemia was at its highest level. At 28 weeks postinfection the average apparent half-life of infected animals was 243 ± 43 hr compared with 304 ± 11 hr for controls. No differences were observed in gastrointestinal loss of 51Cr between infected and control animals; however, urinary excretion of isotope was greatly increased in infected animals when compared to controls. No significant changes in total blood volumes were observed between infected and control animals but total plasma volumes increased and total erythrocyte volumes decreased significantly in infected animals.  相似文献   

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