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1. The correlation between water chemistry, physical variables and fish community composition was examined in 40 small (≤30 ha) coastal lakes in northern Sweden. Twenty of the 40 lakes were isolated from other water bodies and 20 were connected to the Baltic Sea. Lakes were fished in summer, using three different methods. Water chemistry was sampled in late winter prior to ice‐out and pH was measured additionally in summer. 2. Our central question was whether water chemistry plays a greater role in the composition of fish communities in isolated lakes than in connected lakes, as isolated lakes cannot be recolonised once a species has become extinct. 3. Results indicate that winter anoxia affects community composition only in isolated lakes, whereas acidity is of importance in both connected and isolated lakes. Methane (indicating anoxia), was significantly correlated with variation in fish community composition in isolated lakes, and a group of variables that indicate anoxia (CH4, pCO2, inorganic carbon and dissolved oxygen) explained 24–34% of the variation. pH alone explained 12% of the variation in community composition for connected lakes and a group of variables indicating acidity (summer and winter pH and ANC) explained 10–20% of the variation in isolated lakes. Lake area was the most important physical variable, being significantly correlated with the variation in fish community composition in connected lakes. 4. In isolated lakes, the presence of pike (Esox lucius), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) was associated with low CH4. The occurrence of crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and roach was positively correlated with pH, and the crucian carp was apparently also affected by predation by pike and perch. In connected lakes the effect of anoxia was low, probably due to the possibility of recolonisation and pockets of oxygenated water, allowing pike and perch to persist and thereby limiting the distribution of crucian carp.  相似文献   

Two thermal sources with water temperatures from 51 to 59°C flow into a stream of 2 to 5 m width and about 0.5 m depth at Agua Caliente (23° 44′, 64° 38′) in Jujuy province, Argentina. Data from 3 years sampling show that the influence of the thermal sources maintains the water temperature of the stream section at a high and constant level (from 24 to 35°C), different from the thermal regime of other streams in the area. Composition of water (N=13) has the following mean values: pH 8.36, conductivity 1591 μS cm-1, dominant ions (in mg l-1) CO3 -- 12.77, CO3H- 140.27, Cl- 246.86, SO4 -- 460.14, Na+ 400.45, K+ 2.18, Ca++ 27.68 and Mg++ 2.14. Mean total dissolved solids: 1.3 g l-1. Large amounts of SO4 --, Na+, and Cl- Sixteen fish species (2460 specimens) were captured in the warmed reach. Dominant families were Characidae, Cichlidae and Loricariidae. New geographic distribution information is provided for eight species, some of them with restricted northwestern Argentina distributions. Most abundant species were the eurytopic characid Astyanax bimaculatus, followed by the cichlid Bujurquina vittata. These species have the highest critical thermal maximum according to field experiments. Temperature of acclimatization is closer to lethal than in fishes from ‘normal’ habitats. Agua Caliente differs from other thermal habitats in the lack of isolation, its placement in a rain forest area, a high number of species, and the lack of cyprinodontoids. The fish fauna here represents an opportunistic invasion of a habitat with water parameters strongly different from those in the area, particularly temperature and salinity. Both faunistic and limnological traits make of Agua Caliente a new type of environment within the subtropics. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the chemistry (Mg, Mn, Sr and Ba) of recently deposited otolith material (last 20–30 days of life) was compared between two demersal fish species; snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis (Platycephalidae), that were collected simultaneously at 12 sites across three bays in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Otolith chemistry was also compared with ambient water chemistry and among three sampling positions adjacent to the proximal otolith margin. For both species, variation in otolith chemistry among bays was significant for Ba, Mn and Sr; however, differences among bays were only similar between species for Ba and Mn. Only Ba showed significant variation at the site level. Across the 12 sites, mean otolith Ba levels were significantly positively correlated between species. Further, although incorporation rates differed, mean ambient Ba levels for both species were positively correlated with ambient Ba levels. Spatial variation in multi-element otolith chemistry was also broadly similar between species and with multi-element water chemistry. Partition coefficients clearly indicated species-specific incorporation of elements into otoliths. Mg and Mn were consistently higher in snapper than sand flathead otoliths (mean ±s .d ., Mg snapper 22·1 ± 3·8 and sand flathead 9·9 ± 1·5 μg g−1, Mn snapper 4·4 ± 2·6 and sand flathead 0·5 ± 0·3 μg g−1), Sr was generally higher in sand flathead otoliths (sand flathead 1570 ± 235 and snapper 1346 ± 104 μg g−1) and Ba was generally higher in snapper otoliths (snapper 12·1 ± 12·8 and sand flathead 1·8 ± 1·4 μg g−1). For both species, Mg and Mn were higher in the faster accreting regions of the otolith margin, Sr was lower in the slower accreting region and Ba showed negligible variation among the three sampling regions. This pattern was consistent with the higher Mg and Mn, and generally lower Sr observed in the faster accreting snapper otoliths. It is hypothesized that the differences between species in the incorporation of these elements may be at least partly related to differences in metabolic and otolith accretion rate. Although rates of elemental incorporation into otoliths appear species specific, for elements such as Ba where incorporation appears consistently related to ambient concentrations, spatial variation in otolith chemistry should show similarity among co-occurring species.  相似文献   

Forecasting changes in the distributions of macrophytes is essential to understanding how aquatic ecosystems will respond to climate and environmental changes. Previous work in aquatic ecosystems has used climate data at large scales and chemistry data at small scales; the consequence of using these different data types has not been evaluated. This study combines a survey of macrophyte diversity and water chemistry measurements at a large regional scale to demonstrate the feasibility and necessity of including ecological measurements, in addition to climate data, in species distribution models of aquatic macrophytes. A survey of 740 water bodies stratified across 327,000 square kilometers was conducted to document Characeae (green macroalgae) species occurrence and water chemistry data. Chemistry variables and climate data were used separately and in concert to develop species distribution models for ten species across the study area. The impacts of future environmental changes on species distributions were modeled using a range of global climate models (GCMs), representative concentration pathways (RCPs), and pollution scenarios. Models developed with chemistry variables generally gave the most accurate predictions of species distributions when compared with those using climate variables. Calcium and conductivity had the highest total relative contribution to models across all species. Habitat changes were most pronounced in scenarios with increased road salt and deicer influences, with two species predicted to increase in range by >50% and four species predicted to decrease in range by >50%. Species of Characeae have distinct habitat ranges that closely follow spatial patterns of water chemistry. Species distribution models built with climate data alone were insufficient to predict changes in distributions in the study area. The development and implementation of standardized, large‐scale water chemistry databases will aid predictions of habitat changes for aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study examined the fish communities of Peri Lagoon in southern Brazil to aid in the development of an effective management plan because the area is under threat from human activities. Sampling of fish fauna, ichthyoplankton and limnological data were compared between sites, differing by habitat type and characteristics such as depth, substratum composition and vegetation type. Results were significantly related to site, with the highest diversity and abundance recorded at shallow vegetated sites. A total of 14 fish species were recorded throughout the lagoon, with the most abundant being Hyphessobrycon luetkenii. Of the 14 species, half were sampled at their larval stage, suggesting a healthy and protected system. Significantly more larvae and eggs were collected during colder months (autumn to winter) and at sites closer to stream flow, possibly owing to increased food sources and habitat protection. This study highlights the importance of Peri Lagoon as a nursery ground for a wide range of fish species, providing essential information for incorporation into the future protection of fish stocks throughout Brazil.  相似文献   

Eva Pip 《Hydrobiologia》1988,162(2):173-182
The occurrences of aquatic macrophytes were studied at 430 sites in central North America with respect to total alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, molybdenum reactive phosphorus and dissolved organic matter. Mean niche positions were calculated for the combination of 5 parameters by comparing mean values for each species using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis. Overall niche relations were examined by calculating and summing the amount of overlap in the observed ecological tolerance ranges for the 5 parameters for each species pair, and applying cluster and principal component analysis. The results showed that the macrophytes occupied a broad spectrum of niches, ranging from species found at low inorganic concentrations and narrow tolerance ranges, to species occupying broad ranges in the study area. Species with similar overall niches differed with respect to their mean niche positions, and vice versa. Macrophytes with similar niche positions may use a number of strategies to reduce interspecific competition.  相似文献   

On 15 November 2017 the mouth of the West Kleinemonde Estuary breached following heavy catchment rains and increased river flow. The water level in the estuary following mouth opening decreased by 1.65 m within 24 h, resulting in an almost complete draining of the littoral zone where large beds of the aquatic macrophyte Ruppia cirrhosa and mats of the associated filamentous algae were present. As the water depth within the plant beds decreased, the macrophytes, together with the algal filaments, created an increasingly dense mat, trapping fish that were resident, foraging or passing through the littoral zone. By 16 November 2017 large numbers of fishes belonging to at least 20 species were trapped in pools and depressions within the littoral, as well as within the R. cirrhosa beds and filamentous algal mats in the lower reaches of this system. Other affected taxa included crustaceans, especially isopods, and large numbers of small bivalves attached to macrophyte vegetation. Beneficiaries of the fish kill, in terms of unexpected food availability, included a variety of piscivorous bird species and the Cape clawless otter Aonyx capensis. This is the first documented account of a diverse species fish kill associated with estuary mouth breaching.  相似文献   

We examined the factors controlling fish species richness and taxa-habitat relationships in the Malmanoury and Karouabo coastal streams in French Guiana between the short and long rainy seasons. The aims were to evaluate the environmental factors that describe species richness on different scales and to define the ecological requirements of fish taxa in the two streams at that period of the year. We sampled ten regularly spaced freshwater sites in each stream with rotenone. We caught a total of 7725 individuals representing 52 taxa from 21 families and 6 orders. More taxa were caught in the Malmanoury (n=46) than in the Karouabo stream (n=37). These values augmented by the number of fish taxa caught only by gill nets in a parallel survey fitted very well to a log-log model of fish richness versus catchment area in Guianese rivers. Most of the fish taxa encountered in the Malmanoury and Karouabo streams were of freshwater origin and nearly all the fish species caught in these two small coastal streams were also found in the nearby Sinnamary River with the exceptions of the cichlid Heros severus and the characid Crenuchus spirulus. Moreover, no significant relationship was found between a size-independent estimate of fish richness and distance from the Ocean. Thus, despite their coastal position, the Malmanoury and Karouabo streams contained fish assemblages with strong continental affinities. At a local scale, independently of site size, those with relatively more habitat types harbored a relatively greater number of fish taxa. Canopy cover, water conductivity and bank length were the most important environmental variables for fish assemblage composition at that period of the year. Oxygen and vegetation participated also in defining fish habitat requirements but to a lesser extent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study on the surface and deeper waters of the Yercaud Lake, Tamil Nadu, South India, was carried out to understand the geochemistry of the lake waters and also to determine its utility for agricultural purposes. Totally, 50 surface and deep water samples were collected from Yercaud Lake. Major ion and heavy metals were measured. The data obtained were interpreted using the lake water composition. The mean concentration of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals for the surface and deep waters have the following values, pH (7.6), EC (263.4), Ca2 +(16.3), Mg2 +(7.4), Na+(19.2), K+(1.5), Cl?(18.2), NO3?(1.5), SO42 ?(1.5), HCO3 (97.9), Fe (1.3), Mn (0.1), Cr (0.4), Cu (0.005), Pb (0.31), Zn (0.01), Co (0.095) and Ni (0.075). The data generated reflects that the water samples are dominated by recharge process, especially due to the monsoonal rains and natural springs within the lake. The geochemical data reveals that the lake water is suitable for the agricultural purpose and the chemistry of water is mainly influenced by the weathering of bedrock, especially the charnockites bedrock. The sodium adsorption ratio and sodium percentage (%Na) values indicate that the lake water is suitable for irrigation. Dominant heavy metals in the lake waters are mainly because of the lithogenic as well as through minor anthropogenic inputs. Based on our data it is noted that proper management plans are required to monitor the pollution source in the lake, with strict policy measures.  相似文献   

Changes in water status, membrane permeability, ethylene production and levels of abscisic acid (ABA) were measured during senescence of cut carnation flowers ( Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. White Sim) in order to clarify the temporal sequence of physiological events during this post-harvest period. Ethylene production and ABA content of the petal tissue rose essentially in parallel during natural senescence and after treatment of young flowers with exogenous ethylene, indicating that their syntheses are not widely separated in time. However, solute leakage, reflecting membrane deterioration, was apparent well before the natural rise in ethylene and ABA had begun. In addition, there were marked changes in water status of the tissue, including losses in water potential (ψw), and turgor (ψp), that preceded the rise in ABA and ethylene. As senescence progressed, ψw continued to decline, but ψp returned to normal levels. These temporal relationships were less well resolved when senescence of young flowers was induced by treatment with ethylene, presumably because the time-scale had been shortened. Thus changes in membrane permeability and an associated water stress in petal tissue appear to be earlier symptoms of flower senescence than the rises in ABA or ethylene. These observations support the contention that the climacteric-like rise in ethylene production is not the initial or primary event of senescence and that the rise in ABA titre may simply be a response to changes in water status.  相似文献   

Better understanding of the occurrence of water phosphorus (P) at the water-sediment interface is vital to clarify P sources of origin in freshwater shallow lake ecosystems. This study focused on water-sediment interface systems and explored implicit indications of lake chemistry on water P based on a case study of Baiyangdian Lake, North China. 20 variables from 14 sampling sites collected for six months in two years were investigated, including sequentially extracted P fractions. Exploratory data analysis with multivariate statistical techniques and the index of P maximum solubilization potential were employed to examine interactions of water P and coexisting chemicals, and to accomplish pattern recognition of water-sediment interface systems. Results showed that nine key variables (temperature, conductivity, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen, sediment total P, metallic oxide bound P, organic P, aluminum and ferrum) were identified and ranked into four latent parameters (physical factors, nutrients, P species, and metals), accounting for 81% of water P variation. Accordingly, the recognized three patterns of water-sediment interface unraveled spatial partitioning for the domination of external or internal P sources. Four variables (temperature, sediment total P, metallic oxide bound P and organic P) were competent to classify patterns of water-sediment interface with 100% correct assignment of cases. Using two parameters (organic P and metallic oxide bound P), discriminant functions produced 85.7% correct assignations, indicating the importance of the two P species in explaining spatial heterogeneity of water P under oxic and alkaline circumstances. This study provides an operational zoning frame and implications for eutrophication management applicable to freshwater shallow lakes.  相似文献   

A. Prejs  K. Prejs 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):397-404
Summary Food resources in the environment and in the diets of small fish inhabiting two water bodies in a tropical savanna were studied during both wet and dry seasons. During the wet season (high water, abundant food) most fish species in both habitats fed predominantly on vegetation-dwelling invertebrates. Most fish species switched to alternative foods (algae and detritus) following the drastic decline in invertebrate food available towards the end of the dry season. In one habitat, this change in diet was accompanied by an increase in the volume of food intake. In the second habitat, only two larger species foraged intensively, while smaller species showed low food intake or almost ceased feeding. These differences may be explained by the high risk of predation for small fish in the second habitat. Dietary overlaps among fish species were high at the end of the dry season and moderate in the wet season. However, critical analysis of such factors as food abundance, the size and number of shared prey, and diet breadth showed that all significant overlaps were ecologically unimportant i.e. there was only weak competition for food.  相似文献   

The ichthyofauna from subtropical (East) and tropical (West) areas in the Formosa province (Northern Argentina) is analyzed. An up-to-date list of fishes is provided, including 18 new reports for environments associated with the Pilcomayo and Paraguay rivers, considering the detailed distribution of the fishes. Dominant families in terms of number of species are Characidae, Pimelodidae, Loricariidae and Curimatidae. Percentage of individuals (about 5000 examined) were 66% for characoids and 25% for siluriforms, with less than 10% for other groups. Comparisons were made with other South American environments. Most frequent species were Psellogrammus kennedyi, Astyanax bimaculatus, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Hoplosternum thoracatum and Cichlasoma portalegrense. The predominant type of environment sampled, of small size and shallow depth, with extensive plant cover, and temporal level variations, explains the dominance of the above groups. This interpretation is supported by independent studies. Diversity values ranged between 0.71 and 3.92. A marked reduction in number of species from East to West was observed (79 and 41 species respectively, 31 shared). No species of Gymnotidae, Hemiodidae, Characidiidae, Trichomycteridae, Lebiasinidae nor Aspredinidae were captured in the West. The higher number of species in eastern environments is considered to be due to the influence of the Paraguay river and the complex hydrology of the area. Other factors, both historical and ecological are considered. A correlation between total phosphorous content in the water and fish richness is also suggested. Water chemistry is compared with near by environments. Sites studied showed pH values from 6.14 to 7.5. The dissolved solid contents ranged from 51.8 to 474.3 mg 1–1, within the hypohaline level. Ionic composition differed somewhat between East and West, water in the East being mainly hypocalcic, as in the Paraguay river. Conductivity was rather variable and Secchi disk values similar to those in the Parana river.  相似文献   

奉贤近海仔鱼的分布及其与水环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年5月和8月在奉贤附近海域(30°32.40′N-30°49.8′N;121°25.2′E-121°54′E)进行的渔业资源、生态调查资料,对该水域仔稚鱼的种类组成、数量分布的季节变化及其与水环境的关系作了分析.结果表明:鲈形目和鲱形目出现的种类最多;春季种类组成复杂,结构相对夏季要稳定,种间分布较均匀;夏季优势种较春季突出,优势度较大, 数量较多,平面分布呈现由内侧向外侧的递减趋势;长江径流与外海水在外侧水域的南汇嘴处形成咸淡水交汇水域,环境稳定性较差,加之海域处于强潮流区,水沙运移频繁,对仔鱼平面分布产生影响;此海域沿岸地处化工区,水体污染严重,仔鱼的数量和种群减少.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish face a variety of spatiotemporal thermal challenges throughout their life. On a broad scale, temperature is an important driver of physiological, behavioural and ecological patterns and ultimately affects populations and overall distribution. These broad patterns are partly underpinned by the small-scale local effects of temperature on individuals within the population. Climate change is increasing the range of daily thermal variation in most freshwater ecosystems, altering behaviour and performance of resident fishes. The aim of this review is understanding how daily thermal variation in temperate rivers affects individual fish physiology, behaviour and overall performance. The following are highlighted in this study: (a) the physical characteristics of rivers that can either buffer or exacerbate thermal variability, (b) the effects of thermal variability on growth and metabolism, (c) the approaches for quantifying thermal variation and thermal stress and (d) how fish may acclimatize or adapt to our changing climate.  相似文献   

This study documented linkages between lakeshore seepage fluxes, pore water chemistry, and aquatic plants in several lakes of the Adirondack Mountains region of New York, USA. Three replicate stations were set up along each of four different lake shorelines. From June through September 1998 and from snowmelt in April through August 1999, seepage flux was measured with seepage meters. Throughout this time period, lake surface water and pore water chemistry were monitored weekly to biweekly. At each station, leaf tissue chemistry of the water lily Nuphar variegatum was measured once in each year. Sediment chemistry and plant abundance were also measured once in 1998. We found that pore water concentrations of base cations, iron, and zinc were related to the direction, magnitude, and variability of seepage fluxes. Concentrations of base cations, iron, and zinc were both highest and most variable where seepage was low (0 to 50mLm–2h–1) in contrast to being more stable where seepage was highest and variable (–608 to 612mLm–2h–1). Leaf tissue chemistry and plant abundance were also related to seepage patterns. N. variegatum leaves had elevated zinc content at stations with low average discharge. Knowledge of seepage patterns helped to explain spatial patterns of elevated trace metal content in both pore water and plant tissues. Our work suggests that the hydrological process of lakeshore seepage exerts important controls on lakeshore biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

Isoenzyme patterns were studied in local populations of the carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) and the bream ( Sarotherodon mossambicus ) of the Cyprinid family. and in the trout ( Sabno giardneri ) of the family Salmonidae. Homogenates of heart muscle extracts were used in the identification of PGI. NADP-IDH. PGM and 6-PGD.
Polymorphisms found and gene frequencies obtained are discussed separately for each enzyme and species or population.
In the bream, variation was found only at the PGI locus. In the carp only the PGM locus was polymorphic whereas both PGM and IDH showed variation in the trout. The variation at the PGM locus in the trout cannot support the three locus model suggested elsewhere and clearly indicates a single locus for the mo-nomeric enzyme.
The large variety of NADP-IDH types in trout not only illucidates the complexity of this locus but confirms a disomic mode of inheritance. Genetic differences in the trout populations could be related to possible advantages for management purposes.  相似文献   

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