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A commercial kit, Frozen Plate for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts, Eiken (Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd., Tokyo), was tested in a multi-institute study to evaluate the agreement between interinstitute MICs and National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) M27-A2 recommendation limits of MIC value. The kit was reported as a method equivalent to the standardized guidelines for antifungal susceptibility testing by the Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards-1994, the Japanese Society for Medical Mycology, and which is widely used in Japan for amphotericin B, flucytosine, fluconazole, miconazole, and itraconazole. The degrees of inter-institute and NCCLS agreements were good to excellent especially with 48-hr incubation for all antifungal agents. However, the percent agreements to NCCLS recommendations against itraconazole were poor. Overall, MIC values obtained using the frozen plate antifungal susceptibility testing kit, with 48-hr incubation, were thought to be reliable and convenient alternatives to the data obtained by the NCCLS M27-A2 reference macrodilution and microdilution method. This kit will allow matching of results between international laboratories. However, the MIC value for itraconazole requires careful interpretation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish a broth microdilution method for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Helicobacter cinaedi and to assess the prevalence and mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance in Japanese clinical isolates. A broth microdilution method using modified Levinthal broth was developed and compared with the agar dilution method for testing susceptibility to ampicillin, gentamicin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin. The minimum inhibitory concentrations obtained by these two methods were almost the same for all the antibiotics tested, demonstrating the broth microdilution method to be a suitable and reliable technique for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. A broth microdilution method for antimicrobial susceptibility test for H. cinaedi was established. This method is expected to help improve treatment.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing with the last-resort antibiotics polymyxins (polymyxin B and colistin) is associated with several methodological issues. Currently, broth microdilution (BMD) is recommended for colistin and polymyxin B. BMD is laborious and the utility of alternative methods needs to be evaluated for polymyxin B susceptibility testing. In this study, using BMD as a reference method, the performance of agar dilution (AD) and MIC test strips (MTS) were evaluated in polymyxin B susceptibility testing. BMD, AD and MTS were used to determine MICs of 193 clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. Seventy-nine were positive for the polymyxin resistance gene mcr-1. Method performances were evaluated based on pair-wise agreements with the reference method (BMD) and statistical testing. AD and MTS showed an unacceptable number of very major errors (VMEs) compared with BMD, 9·3 and 10·7%, respectively. The essential agreement (EA) was low for AD (49·7%), but high for MTS (97·8%). However, statistical testing showed that MTS tended to yield a one-step lower MIC (P < 0·01) compared with BMD. The discordances observed with MTS and AD in comparison with BMD for polymyxin B susceptibility testing for Ecoli suggest their inapplicability in routine testing. A large number of isolates clustered around the susceptibility breakpoint (2–4 mg l−1) and several mcr-1 positive isolates (17%) were determined as susceptible with BMD. A screening breakpoint for mcr-1 of 2 mg l−1 should also be considered.  相似文献   

The antifungal susceptibility profiles and the genetic variability of 83 sequential clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans, including four Cryptococcus gattii isolates, obtained from 38 Sao Paulo AIDS patients with cryptococcal meningitis were assessed by electrophoretic karyotyping and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The majority of the Cryptococcus neoformans isolates were highly susceptible to amphotericin B and fluconazole. Twenty percent of the minimum inhibitory concentration values for amphotericin B varied from 0.5 to 1 micro g mL(-1). For fluconazole, 22% occurred in the range 8-16 mug mL(-1). Sequential isolates from nine patients showed a trend towards lower susceptibility to fluconazole, flucytosine, itraconazole and amphotericin B. The results of molecular typing by electrophoretic karyotyping and RAPD analysis showed the presence of 22 electrophoretic karyotypes (EK) and 15 RAPD profiles that were highly correlated. Our results provided evidence for the occurrence of genetic changes in some strains associated with microevolution during the course of infection. We also observed both microevolution and simultaneous coinfection with two distinct Cryptococcus neoformans strains in one patient. In some patients, we found changed EK- and RAPD patterns in association with increased MIC values.  相似文献   

In this work, we collect data from surveys of bloodstream Candida isolates performed in Brazil from 1996 to 2004. Besides, we analyzed the species distribution of bloodstream Candida isolates together with potential risk factors for candidemia and the susceptibility profile of these isolates in patients from Hospital das Clínicas in Goiania city, Brazil. Blood samples were collected in the admission day and on every 7 days, in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital. Candida isolates were identified by standard protocols that included germ tube formation, chlamydoconidia production on cornmeal agar and sugar fermentation and assimilation tests. Data of patients were recorded and analyzed according to age at the time of diagnosis, gender and presence of potential risk factors. Statistical analysis was used to determine if the time of hospital permanence increased Candida colonization in ICU patients’ blood. The antifungal susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution method according to document NCCLS/CLSI M27–A2. Among the 345 blood samples cultured, candidemia was recovered in 33 patients, which were isolated 51.5% of Candida non-albicans. Fungemia was associated with long-term hospitalization. Fluconazole, itraconzole, voriconazole and amphotericin B exhibited a potent activity against all isolates of Candida. Voriconazole MICs were much low for all isolates tested. This work confirms data of increase of Candida non-albicans species in bloodstream in ICU and shows that voriconazole in vitro activity was higher than those of itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B.  相似文献   



Drug resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a growing concern worldwide. Early detection of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is of primary importance for both patient management and infection control. Optimal method for identifying drug-resistant M. tuberculosis in a timely and affordable way in resource-limited settings is not yet available.


This study evaluated; nitrate reductase assay (NRA), resazurin microtiter assay (REMA) and microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay (MODS) against the conventional 1% proportion method (PM) for the detection of resistance to first line antitubercular drugs, in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates.


A total of one hundred and five clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis; 50 pan sensitive and 55 pan resistant were tested with NRA, REMA and MODS. The 1% proportion method on Lowenstein-Jensen medium was used as reference test.


Of all three methods which were tested NRA was found to be most sensitive and specific. Sensitivity for rifampicin resistance detection was 100%, 94.55% and 92.73% by NRA, REMA and MODS respectively. NRA and REMA were found to be 100% specific, while the MODS was 98% specific for detection of rifampicin resistance. Test results with all these methods were obtained within 8-14 days.


Rapid non-conventional and inexpensive methods may serve as a replacement for 1% proportion method in resource limited settings.  相似文献   

Candida glabrata is one of the most frequent organisms isolated from superficial and invasive fungal infections, after Candida albicans. This organism also exhibits intrinsically low susceptibility to azole antifungals and treatment often fails. The microdilution method is not very practical for use in routine susceptibility testing in the clinical laboratory, thus necessitating the use of other methods. In this study, we compared the in vitro activity of five antifungal agents in three different groups (echinocandin, polyene and azole) against 50 C. glabrata isolates by broth microdilution and disk diffusion methods recommended by Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute CLSI M27-A3 and CLSI M44-A, respectively. All the isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B (100%) and 98% of the isolates were susceptible to caspofungin by the broth microdilution method. Within the azole group drugs, voriconazole was the most active followed by fluconazole and itraconazole in vitro. The highest rate of resistance was obtained against itraconazole with a high number of isolates defined as susceptible-dose dependent or resistant. Although the disk diffusion method is easy to use in clinical laboratories, it shows very poor agreement with the reference method for fluconazole and itraconazole against C. glabrata (8% and 14%, respectively).  相似文献   

The rapid detection of antimicrobial resistance is important in the effort to control the increase in resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of Mtb has traditionally been performed by the agar method of proportion or by macrobroth testing on an instrument such as the BACTEC (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD), VersaTREK (TREK Diagnostics, Cleveland, OH) or BacT/ALERT (bioMérieux, Hazelwood, MO). The agar proportion method, while considered the “gold” standard of AST, is labor intensive and requires calculation of resistance by performing colony counts on drug-containing agar as compared to drug-free agar. If there is ≥1% growth on the drug-containing medium as compared to drug-free medium, the organism is considered resistant to that drug. The macrobroth methods require instrumentation and test break point ("critical") drug concentrations for the first line drugs (isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampin, and pyrazinamide). The method described here is commercially available in a 96 well microtiter plate format [MYCOTB (TREK Diagnostics)] and contains increasing concentrations of 12 antimicrobials used for treatment of tuberculosis including both first (isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol) and second line drugs (amikacin, cycloserine, ethionamide, kanamycin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, para-aminosalicylic acid, rifabutin, and streptomycin). Pyrazinamide, a first line drug, is not included in the microtiter plate due to its need for acidic test conditions. Advantages of the microtiter system include both ease of set up and faster turn around time (14 days) compared with traditional agar proportion (21 days). In addition, the plate can be set up from inoculum prepared using either broth or solid medium. Since the microtiter plate format is new and since Mtb presents unique safety challenges in the laboratory, this protocol will describe how to safely setup, incubate and read the microtiter plate.  相似文献   

目的评价ATBFUNGUS2半固体培养基法在测定念珠菌属和新生隐球菌对4种常用抗真菌药物敏感性中的应用价值。方法利用CLSIM27.A2微量液基稀释法和ATBFUNGUS2法同时测定131株念珠菌和20株新生隐球菌对两性霉素B(AmB)、氟康唑(FLC)、氟胞嘧啶(5-Fc)和伊曲康唑(ITC)的敏感性。结果①两种方法对于AmB、5-FC、FLC和ITC的一致性分别为98%、89.4%、78.8%和78.1%;②所有受试菌株中两种方法的一致性为80%,但ATBFUNGUS2法将2/5株M27-A2法检查为FLC耐药的白念珠菌判断为敏感或剂量依赖,将8/10株M27-A2法检查为FLC剂量依赖的白念珠菌判断为敏感或耐药。③ATBFUNGUS2法中AmB的MIC值判读范围偏高,以致于实际工作中不能读出准确的值。结论ATBFUNGUS2半固体培养基法在测定念珠菌属和新生隐球菌对4种常用抗真菌药物的敏感性时不失为简单、快速而且重复性好的方法。  相似文献   

The performance of the nitrate reductase assay (NRA) was compared with the proportion method (PM) on Lowenstein-Jensen medium and the BACTEC MGIT960 assay under routine conditions using 160 clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a high proportion of resistant strains. The mean time to obtain results was 8.8 days and the overall agreements between NRA and PM and NRA and M960 were 95% and 94%, respectively. NRA was easy to perform and represents a useful tool for the rapid screening of drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains in low-resource countries.  相似文献   

A new generation of water soluble tetrazolium salts have recently become available and in this study we compared a colorimetric assay developed using one of these salts, 2-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2, 4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt (WST-8), with a previously developed 2,3-bis [2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) colorimetric assay to determine which agent is most suitable for use as a colorimetric indicator in susceptibility testing. The MICs of 6 antibiotics were determined for 33 staphylococci using both colorimetric assays and compared with those obtained using the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reference broth microdilution method. Absolute categorical agreement between the reference and test methods ranged from 79% (cefuroxime) to 100% (vancomycin) for both assays. No minor or major errors occurred using either assay with very major errors ranging from zero (vancomycin) to seven (cefuroxime). Analysis of the distribution of differences in the log(2) dilution MIC results revealed overall agreement, within the accuracy limits of the standard test (+/-1 log(2) dilution), using the XTT and WST-8 assays of 98% and 88%, respectively. Further studies on 31 ESBL-producing isolates were performed using the XTT method with absolute categorical agreement ranging from 87% (nitrofurantoin) to 100% (ofloxacin and meropenem). No errors were noted for either ofloxacin or meropenem with overall agreement of 91%. The data suggests that XTT is more reliable and accurate than WST-8 for use in a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test.  相似文献   

A new generation of water soluble tetrazolium salts have recently become available and in this study we compared a colorimetric assay developed using one of these salts, 2-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2, 4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt (WST-8), with a previously developed 2,3-bis [2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) colorimetric assay to determine which agent is most suitable for use as a colorimetric indicator in susceptibility testing. The MICs of 6 antibiotics were determined for 33 staphylococci using both colorimetric assays and compared with those obtained using the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reference broth microdilution method. Absolute categorical agreement between the reference and test methods ranged from 79% (cefuroxime) to 100% (vancomycin) for both assays. No minor or major errors occurred using either assay with very major errors ranging from zero (vancomycin) to seven (cefuroxime). Analysis of the distribution of differences in the log2 dilution MIC results revealed overall agreement, within the accuracy limits of the standard test (± 1 log2 dilution), using the XTT and WST-8 assays of 98% and 88%, respectively. Further studies on 31 ESBL-producing isolates were performed using the XTT method with absolute categorical agreement ranging from 87% (nitrofurantoin) to 100% (ofloxacin and meropenem). No errors were noted for either ofloxacin or meropenem with overall agreement of 91%. The data suggests that XTT is more reliable and accurate than WST-8 for use in a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test.  相似文献   

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