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在水淹环境中,喜旱莲子草水面上未受淹的茎段常表现出增粗膨大的现象。遭受水淹的植物被淹没的组织和器官会面临氧气缺乏和能量供应不足的问题。植物体内碳水化合物的运输需要消耗能量,当因水淹而使植株被部分淹没(即地下部分全部和地上部分的一部分被淹没)时,由于水淹缺氧导致能量供应不足,碳水化合物在植物被淹组织内的运输可能受限从而在水面上的未淹茎段中积累并对未淹茎段的径向形态产生影响。为探究水淹环境中喜旱莲子草未受淹茎段增粗膨大是否与碳水化合物积累有关,对茎被水淹和茎不受水淹的喜旱莲子草进行对比研究,结果发现:(1)水淹的喜旱莲子草位于水面上的未淹茎段节间平均直径显著大于水面下受淹茎段节间平均直径,未淹茎段与受淹茎段相比发生显著的膨大现象;未水淹的喜旱莲子草其茎的上部茎段节间平均直径与下部茎段节间平均直径相比并无显著差异,上部茎段也无明显膨大现象。(2)水淹的喜旱莲子草位于水面上的未淹茎段碳水化合物含量显著高于未水淹的喜旱莲子草对应茎段的碳水化合物含量。本研究表明,水淹胁迫下喜旱莲子草位于水面上的未受淹茎段中碳水化合物发生积累,导致植株位于水面上的未受淹茎段发生与物理环割后类似的茎膨大现象。 相似文献
不同生境下空心莲子草响应模拟昆虫采食的生长和化学防御策略 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
外来植物往往可以入侵多种生境并受到多种昆虫的采食,而不同生境条件将可能会影响这些入侵植物对昆虫采食的防御策略。以入侵我国的克隆植物——空心莲子草为研究对象,分别选择生长在水生生境、水陆两栖生境和陆生生境中的无性个体(分株),通过50%去叶处理模拟昆虫采食,分析不同生境下空心莲子草对模拟昆虫采食处理的生长及化学防御响应的差异。模拟昆虫采食处理显著抑制了陆生生境、水陆两栖生境以及水生生境下空心莲子草的根、茎、叶和总生物量,但对3种生境下空心莲子草的生物量分配(根冠比、根生物量分配、茎生物量分配和叶生物量分配)均无显著影响。陆生生境下空心莲子草根、茎和总生物量显著高于水陆两栖生境和水生生境,根冠比显著低于水陆两栖生境和水生生境。模拟昆虫采食处理显著降低了空心莲子草的木质素含量,而对单宁和总酚含量影响不显著。生境对木质素含量无显著影响,但陆生生境下空心莲子草单宁含量显著高于水陆两栖生境和水生生境,且总酚含量显著高于水陆两栖生境,表明陆生生境中空心莲子草具有更强的防御能力。空心莲子草木质素含量与总生物量无显著相关性,但在模拟采食情况下,其总酚含量与总生物量呈显著负相关,而无论模拟昆虫采食处理存在与否,空心莲子草单宁含量与总生物量均呈显著正相关。因此,空心莲子草存在昆虫介导的生长和化学防御之间的权衡,在昆虫采食的情况下可通过减少生长来增加对化学防御物质的投入,但生境对空心莲子草这种生长-防御权衡的影响十分有限。 相似文献
溶氧是水环境中一个重要的环境因子,为了探讨水中的溶氧含量水平是否会对陆生植物的耐淹能力造成影响,研究了陆生植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和牛鞭草(Hemarthria altissima)在遭受不同溶氧含量水体完全淹没后的生长表现、存活情况和非结构碳水化合物的变化。实验结果表明:(1)水体中的溶氧含量显著影响了处于完全水淹环境中的喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草的存活。受高溶氧水体完全水淹的喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草主茎的完好程度和存活叶的数量均显著高于遭受低溶氧水体完全水淹的喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草,喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草在高溶氧水体完全水淹后的生物量比低溶氧水体完全水淹后要高;(2)水体中的溶氧含量显著影响了处于完全水淹环境中的喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草的生长,受高溶氧水体完全水淹的喜旱莲子草主茎伸长生长和不定根生长显著强于受低溶氧水体完全水淹的喜旱莲子草,在不定根的生长上牛鞭草也具有同样的表现。(3)高溶氧水环境有利于减小被完全淹没的喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草的碳水化合物消耗,两种植物在受高溶氧完全水淹后体内具有的非结构性碳水化合物含量均比受低溶氧完全水淹后高。(4)喜旱莲子草比牛鞭草能更好地耐受完全水淹,当处于低溶氧完全水淹时表现得更为明显,本研究表明入侵物种喜旱莲子草比本地物种牛鞭草具有更强的环境适应能力和水淹耐受能力。 相似文献
Flooding effects on rapid responses of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides to defoliation
In experiments under controlled growth conditions it was examined how flooding affected the responses of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides to defoliation. In drained and flooded conditions, plants were subjected to five defoliation levels: 0, 10, 50, 90% removal of leaf tissue and apex removal (90% leaf tissue plus apical bud removal). Plants were harvested weekly for five weeks. In drained conditions, plant biomasses including total biomass, shoot biomass and root biomass after 50% defoliation rapidly recovered to the control plant level. They were significantly lower for the 90% defoliation and apex removal treatments compared to control plants throughout the experiment. In flooded conditions, total biomass and shoot biomass after 50% defoliation, 90% defoliation, and apex removal treatments could return to control plant levels before the end of the experiment. In 90% defoliation and apex removal treatments root to shoot biomass ratios of both drained and flooded plants were initially much higher than in control plants, but the difference disappeared rapidly. The final biomasses decreased with increased defoliation intensity in drained conditions, but no significant difference was generally found in any of the defoliation treatments in flooded conditions. The rapid re-growth of A. philoxeroides plants after defoliation may partly be responsible for its invasion success. However, defoliation capable of removing 90% of the leaf tissue may be desirable in restricting the growth of this invasive species in drained conditions. 相似文献
生境异质性在不同生态层次上影响物种分布与扩散,进而可能影响外来植物的入侵态势。该研究通过在中国21°N~31°N范围内设置23个10m×10m的样地,利用双向聚类(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)等数量生态学方法,研究水生型空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)入侵群落的结构特征并划分其群丛类型,并采用冗余分析法(RDA)分析空心莲子草种群特征、群落物种分布与环境因子(经度、纬度、海拔、氨态氮、硝态氮、电导率、溶解氧)的关系,以期为生物入侵防治及本土生物多样性保护提供参考。结果显示:(1)23个样地共记录植物48种,隶属于21科42属,空心莲子草优势地位显著,主要伴生种为双穗雀稗(Paspalum paspaloides)、李氏禾(Leersia hexandra)和水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)。(2)23个样地群落可划分为6组群丛类型,其中空心莲子草+双穗雀稗+水芹(Oenanthe javanica)是最主要的类型。(3)48种植物可划分为4类功能群,分别为先锋种型、优势伴生种型、次要伴生种型和逃避型,功能群的DCA分异性高于群丛类型。(4)群落物种分布状况主要由氨态氮和电导率决定,而物种丰富度及空心莲子草种群特征则受到电导率、经度、海拔和溶解氧等多个环境变量的影响;水生空心莲子草的入侵重要值取决于其无性分枝数和种群盖度。研究表明,水生空心莲子草入侵群落的结构相对简单,应加大对其入侵监测力度并维持较高的生境异质性,以延缓水域生态系统的生物入侵进程。 相似文献
Yu-Peng Geng Xiao-Yun Pan Cheng-Yuan Xu Wen-Ju Zhang Bo Li Jia-Kuan Chen 《Acta Oecologica》2006,30(3):380-385
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation are two possible mechanisms that plants use to cope with varying environments. Although alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) possesses very low genetic diversity, this alien weed has successfully invaded diverse habitats with considerably varying water availability (from swamps to dry lands) in China. In contrast, its native congener (Alternanthera sessilis) has a much narrower ecological breadth, and is usually found in moist habitats. To understand the mechanisms underlying the contrasting pattern, we performed a greenhouse experiment to compare the reaction norms of alligator weed with those of its native congener, in which water availability was manipulated. Our results revealed that the two congeners had similar direction of phenotypic plasticity. However, A. philoxeroides showed greater plasticity in amount than did A. sessilis in many traits examined during the switch from wet to drought treatment. Nearly all of the phenotypic variance in A. philoxeroides could be ascribed to plasticity, while A. sessilis had a much higher fraction of phenotypic variance that could be explained by genotypic variation. These interspecific differences in plastic responses to variable water availability partially explained the difference in spatial distribution of the two congeners. 相似文献
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. is one of many aggressive invasive plants that can grow in diverse habitats. Aquatic A. philoxeroides forms dense floating mats over the water surface. However, when water levels decrease during winter, some mats become stranded
on exposed sediments and are thus exposed to air. Do the stems of these mats possess the capacity to develop new shoots during
the next growing season? In this study, we examined the sprouting of sediment-stranded over-wintering mats of A. philoxeroides. Stems of the over-wintering mats were divided into three types (dry, withered, and fresh stems) depending on moisture content
and were immersed in water for 4 weeks to observe the sprouting of axillary buds and roots. The results showed that withered
stems yielded much more biomass than dry or fresh stems. Stem moisture content significantly affected the sprouting rate and
the length growth rate of buds and roots. Dry stems lacked reproductive capacity. The sprouting rate and length growth rate
of the buds and roots were higher in fresh stems than in withered stems. Furthermore, the mean values of the bud sprouting
rate and the bud length growth rate were highest during the first week, i.e., most of buds sprouted within 1 week or less.
Our results suggest that more than 70% (on a dry weight basis) of the stems in stranded mats possessed rapid sprouting capacity
even after over-wintering on the sediment for more than 2 months. This strategy may be an adaptation to the fluctuations inherent
in many aquatic habitats, and it possibly explains why A. philoxeroides can flourish even after a dry winter.
Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz 相似文献
葎草水浸提物对外来入侵植物喜旱莲子草营养生长的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用葎草地上和地下部分的水浸提物,对喜旱莲子草根茎的营养生长进行了室内生物测定,分析其形态和相应化感强度,以明确葎草对入侵植物喜旱莲子草营养生长的影响作用。结果表明:(1)与葎草地上部分相比,葎草地下部分浸提物对喜旱莲子草的化感抑制强度更明显。(2)葎草地下部分能够明显抑制喜旱莲子草的叶片大小,0.1mg/L浓度下能比对照组显著减少40.21%。(3)葎草地上部分和地下部分浸提物对喜旱莲子草无性系小株枝条的节数无明显影响,但是浸提物对其根茎的分蘖力均具有明显抑制作用。(4)与葎草地上部分相比,其地下部分浸提物能较强抑制喜旱莲子草无性系小株高度。研究发现,葎草水提物能有效抑制喜旱莲子草的营养生长,有可能作为生物替代材料对喜旱莲子草进行替代控制。 相似文献
Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Background and Aims
Fine-scale, spatial heterogeneity in soil nutrient availability can increase the growth of individual plants, the productivity of plant communities and interspecific competition. If this is due to the ability of plants to concentrate their roots where nutrient levels are high, then nutrient heterogeneity should have little effect on intraspecific competition, especially when there are no genotypic differences between individuals in root plasticity. We tested this hypothesis in a widespread, clonal species in which individual plants are known to respond to nutrient heterogeneity.Methods
Plants derived from a single clone of Alternanthera philoxeroides were grown in the greenhouse at low or high density (four or 16 plants per 27·5 × 27·5-cm container) with homogeneous or heterogeneous availability of soil nutrients, keeping total nutrient availability per container constant. After 9 weeks, measurements of size, dry mass and morphology were taken.Key Results
Plants grew more in the heterogeneous than in the homogeneous treatment, showing that heterogeneity promoted performance; they grew less in the high- than in the low-density treatment, showing that plants competed. There was no interactive effect of nutrient heterogeneity and plant density, supporting the hypothesis that heterogeneity does not affect intraspecific competition in the absence of genotypic differences in plasticity. Treatments did not affect morphological characteristics such as specific leaf area or root/shoot ratio.Conclusions
Results indicate that fine-scale, spatial heterogeneity in the availability of soil nutrients does not increase competition when plants are genetically identical, consistent with the suggestion that effects of heterogeneity on competition depend upon differences in plasticity between individuals. Heterogeneity is only likely to increase the spread of monoclonal, invasive populations such as that of A. philoxeroides in China. 相似文献12.
Impact of simulated herbivory on Alliaria petiolata survival, growth, and reproduction 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
In weed biological control, insect damage to target weeds can be simulated in invaded habitats to study potential responses of the plant to introduced natural enemies. In the present study, we investigated the impact of two levels of manual flower-shoot damage (shoots cut at tip or base) on Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) survival, size, and reproduction. Experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 using invasive field populations of A. petiolata under naturally varying plant densities. Plant survival was recorded, and size and reproduction parameters were measured. Manual flower-shoot damage had a significant effect on plant survival. In both years, fewer plants survived in the basal-cut treatment than in either the control (un-cut) or tip-cut treatment. Plant size and reproductive output were likewise reduced in the basal-cut treatment. In both years, total seed production was significantly lower in the basal-cut treatment than either the control or tip-cut treatment. When combined, increased mortality and reduced seed production of basal-cut plants greatly reduced the contribution these plants made to the seed bank. Plant density did not affect reproduction or plant size. The impacts of cutting were consistent across years and sites with distinct biotic and abiotic conditions, and A. petiolata densities. We anticipate that herbivore damage to A. petiolata populations by introduced biological control agents will likewise remain consistent under varying biotic and abiotic conditions if the agents are equally adapted to these. 相似文献
研究表明克隆整合可以显著提升异质环境中克隆植物的生长,然而当克隆植物遭受均质环境压力时,整合对植物生长影响的研究相对较少。本文以典型入侵克隆植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为例,研究均质环境压力酸雨和采食模拟胁迫对空心莲子草生长的影响,以及克隆整合在空心莲子草适应不利环境过程中所起的作用。酸雨设3种浓度梯度:pH值3.5 、pH值4.5和 pH值6.5(对照);采食设3种水平:不去叶、去叶50%和去叶90%;整合水平:匍匐茎切断和连接。结果表明:无论保持或切断匍匐茎的连接,酸雨处理都不影响空心莲子草生物量。当保持匍匐茎连接时,pH值4.5酸雨处理增加了空心莲子草匍匐茎长度和分株数目,因此,低度酸雨可能对空心莲子草生长有一定的促进作用。同样,无论匍匐茎是否被切断,采食处理都显著降低了空心莲子草克隆片段生物量,而显著增加了叶片数目。当切断匍匐茎连接时,采食处理使空心莲子草分株数目显著增加。本文得出的结论是:空心莲子草能较好地适应酸雨和采食的环境压力,当空心莲子草全部克隆分株遭受均质环境胁迫时,克隆整合并不能显著改善它的生长。 相似文献
光照和溶氧是水环境和陆地环境间差异显著的两个环境因子,对水淹植物的生长和存活具有重要的意义。以三峡库区常见外来入侵植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为研究对象,考察了水体中的光照(L)和溶氧(DO)对完全水淹环境中喜旱莲子草的形态特征和生物量分配等表型可塑性的影响。实验设置水淹和非水淹对照两组处理,对水淹组的光照和溶氧两个环境因子再分别设置有(+)、无(-)以及高(+)、低(-)两种水平,共计4个处理。实验结果表明:(1)水淹可促进喜旱莲子草主茎和叶片发生可塑性反应,引发伸长生长。水淹后,其细长的主茎以及长而薄的直立叶更有利于植株早日出露水面。(2)完全水淹条件下,喜旱莲子草主茎和叶片的表型可塑性受光照和溶氧的复合影响,其中主茎的伸长生长主要受溶氧的影响,而叶片的形态变化则主要受光照影响。高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草的主茎伸长生长显著(P0.05)。在相同光照条件下,高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草的主茎长、节间数、节间长以及主茎长/主茎直径均明显高于低溶氧处理。不论有光还是无光,高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草主茎长以及节间数的平均增长率均处于最高水平,分别为61.8%、34.2%。喜旱莲子草叶片的形态变化在有光处理下表现得尤为显著,其平均叶片长宽比、比叶面积以及叶倾角分别较水淹前增加了39.65%、28.3%、45.9°。(3)光照和溶氧对于喜旱莲子草不定根和分枝的发生及发展存在影响差异。有光条件下可促进植株抽枝,而高溶氧处理时更有利于植株生根。这些形态变化有助于喜旱莲子草扩大株型占据有利生境,进一步提高植株的水下存活能力。 相似文献
入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)给许多地区带来了较大危害,目前常采用化学防除法进行防除,但除草剂防治入侵植物的同时难免会影响土著植物的生长。为探讨草甘膦对入侵植物与本地植物光合特性的影响,以加拿大一枝黄花及其伴生种白茅(Imperata cylindrica)为研究对象,采用盆栽控制试验方法,研究不同浓度草甘膦处理21后单种、混种加拿大一枝黄花和白茅的生长特征及光响应过程。结果表明:1)草甘膦显著抑制两种植物的生长。随处理浓度升高,加拿大一枝黄花的株高增长量不断减小、叶片枯萎率不断增加;白茅的分蘖死亡率、叶片枯萎率不断升高。白茅对草甘膦较敏感,0.6mL/L浓度下白茅先失绿,1.2mL/L下其分蘖死亡率、叶片枯萎率均超50%;1.8mL/L下加拿大一枝黄花叶片枯萎率超50%。施药后与单种相比,混种加拿大一枝黄花株高增长略快、叶片枯萎率略低,混种白茅分蘖死亡率及叶片枯萎率均较低,但单、混种之间差异不显著。种间关系显著影响白茅的分蘖数。2)随处理浓度递增,加拿大一枝黄花和白茅叶片净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)、蒸腾速率(T_r)均不断降低,白茅下降更快。两个物种胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)的变化不同,随着浓度升高,单种加拿大一枝黄花C_i先下降而后上升,而混种时的C_i则不断下降;单、混种白茅C_i均上升。3)草甘膦显著影响加拿大一枝黄花和白茅最大净光合速率(P_(nmax))、光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP);对两个物种暗呼吸速率(R_d)的影响不显著,对加拿大一枝黄花表观量子效率(AQY)的影响同样不显著,但显著影响白茅AQY。种植方式显著影响两个物种P_(nmax)、LSP以及白茅R_d和AQY。0.6mL/L草甘膦对混种加拿大一枝黄花和白茅P_(nmax)的影响要大于对单种植株的影响,随处理浓度上升,对不同种植方式下两种植物P_(nmax)的影响趋近。与本地种白茅相比,入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花具有更高的光合速率和生长速率;草甘膦显著降低两个物种的生长和光合作用,白茅对草甘膦处理更敏感。 相似文献
The alkaloidal responses of wild tobacco to real and simulated herbivory 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Ian T. Baldwin 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):378-381
Summary I compared the induced alkaloidal response in undamaged leaves of plants subjected to herbivory by the larvae of Manduca sexta and to different simulations of this herbivory; all herbivory treatments removed similar amounts of leaf mass. Although larval feeding induced a significant increase (2.2x) in alkaloid concentrations compared to undamaged plants, the alkaloid responses to larval feeding were significantly lower than the responses to an herbivory simulation (4x controls) which involved removing the same amount of leaf area from the same positions on the leaf, over a similar time period. Moreover, another herbivory simulation, identical in amount of leaf mass removed and duration of damage to the larval feeding, but without regard to spatial array of leaf damage, resulted in an alkaloidal response (5.5x controls) higher still than the previous herbivory simulation. In a second experiment the importance of leaf vein damage on the induced alkaloidal response was examined. Here, leaf removal that involved cutting leaf tissues from between secondary veins before removing the midrib, resulted in alkaloidal responses that were significantly lower (1.7x controls) than responses from leaf removal that involved cutting both veins and midribs along with the intervein tissues (2.6x controls). Vein damage alone did not produce a significant response. These results indicate that herbivory is difficult to simulate: that how a leaf is damaged can be as important as the magnitude of leaf damage in determining a plant's response to damage. 相似文献
为了探讨不同生境盐地碱蓬对低氮生境的适应机制,测定了盐渍环境下(200 mmol/L Na Cl)不同浓度硝态氮(0.3、5 mmol/L NO~-_3-N)预处理两种生境盐地碱蓬经氮饥饿后的NO~-_3含量、硝酸还原酶(NR)活性、光合特性及生长状况。结果表明,0.3和5 mmol/L NO~-_3-N处理以及进行氮饥饿时,潮间带生境盐地碱蓬叶片NO~-_3含量均高于内陆生境盐地碱蓬。与内陆生境盐地碱蓬相比,氮饥饿后,潮间带生境盐地碱蓬叶绿素含量、NR活性和光合放氧速率下降幅度均小于内陆生境盐地碱蓬,在0.3mmol/L NO~-_3-N预处理进行氮饥饿时趋势更加明显。0.3 mmol/L NO~-_3-N预处理后氮饥饿对潮间带生境盐地碱蓬根冠比没有影响,却降低内陆生境盐地碱蓬根冠比。上述结果表明,低氮条件下潮间带生境盐地碱蓬具有较高的NO~-_3储存能力,在环境持续氮素缺乏时具有较高的NO~-_3-N再利用能力,能更好地维持氮代谢以及光合性能。说明潮间带生境盐地碱蓬能更好地适应低氮生境。 相似文献
入侵杂草肿柄菊对我国热带和亚热带地区的生物多样性和生态系统功能产生严重影响,且其入侵呈现快速扩张态势。为提高对肿柄菊入侵危害的认识水平,加强对肿柄菊的监测预警及防控,本文通过搜集、整理和分析相关文献资料,总结肿柄菊在世界各国不同地区的入侵情况及其影响,分析肿柄菊在我国入侵的历史、分布现状及其入侵对遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性的影响。结合肿柄菊生态入侵防控研究与应用实践,指出肿柄菊入侵防控存在的主要问题和面临的挑战,并针对肿柄菊监测和高效防控技术体系提出高度重视肿柄菊入侵危害影响的分类风险评价、多元化开展肿柄菊入侵扩张的基础科学研究、建立早监测早预防的预警机制和构建针对肿柄菊入侵防控的综合技术体系等防控对策。 相似文献
空心莲子草响应南方菟丝子寄生的生长-防御权衡 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨全寄生植物南方菟丝子(Cuscuta australis)防治入侵植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的可行性,以二者野外天然生长的种群为研究对象,分析南方菟丝子寄生对空心莲子草生长及防御的影响,阐明空心莲子草在受到寄生胁迫时如何权衡自身生长与防御的关系,进而发展出一套应对南方菟丝子寄生的生长-防御策略。结果显示:(1)南方菟丝子寄生显著改变空心莲子草茎的形态,茎直径和平均节间长均增加,茎直径变化极显著(P0.01);(2)南方菟丝子寄生显著减少空心莲子草叶片数,但同时显著增加后者茎的分枝数,而茎上的节是潜在的无性繁殖体,故有利于空心莲子草的克隆繁殖;此外,南方菟丝子寄生显著降低了空心莲子草的根、茎、叶生物量和总生物量,抑制空心莲子草的生长;(3)南方菟丝子寄生显著增加空心莲子草茎的单宁、总酚、三萜皂苷含量,增强其防御能力;(4)南方菟丝子寄生的空心莲子草的生物量与茎部木质素、三萜皂苷、单宁和总酚含量均呈现显著负相关性(P0.01),对照组则不存在相关性;且寄生组较对照组相比,生物量的相对百分比显著低于对照组(P0.01),而用于防御的次生代谢产物总含量的相对百分比显著高于对照组(P0.01)。以上结果表明,受到南方菟丝子寄生胁迫后,空心莲子草改变自身的生长-防御策略,减少营养生长投入而将更多的资源投向克隆繁殖,同时增强对"防御"物质的投入,增强其防御能力,以利于后代生存和繁衍。 相似文献
缺乏专性天敌可能是外来植物扩散蔓延的原因之一.生物防治是环境友好且高效的防除方法,而人工模拟天敌危害对植物的生长、再生指标影响的效果与自然天敌的效果相似.在田间条件下,对入侵植物黄顶菊进行不同程度模拟天敌危害处理,探讨对黄顶菊生长、再生能力影响的效果,为生物防治提供理论基础.结果表明,轻度处理和摘顶处理下黄顶菊生物量、株高、分枝数、花蕾数、净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)指标表现出超补偿效应,只有重度处理下受到显著抑制;轻度至重度处理初始荧光(F0)则显著高于对照和摘顶处理,而PSⅡ的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ的潜在活性(FV/F0)则显著降低.分析发现,分枝数、花蕾数、生物量等具很高的表型可塑性指数,显示黄顶菊的生长指标对模拟天敌危害具有更强的适应能力.综上,轻度天敌危害对黄顶菊无明显抑制作用,重度危害对黄顶菊的生长、开花结实抑制效果最为理想.生产实践中建议结合其他方法以实现对黄顶菊的有效控制. 相似文献