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We report the first characterization of a recombinant protein involved in the polymerization of wall teichoic acid. Previously, a study of the teichoic acid polymerase activity associated with membranes from Bacillus subtilis 168 strains bearing thermosensitive mutations in tagB, tagD, and tagF implicated TagF as the poly(glycerol phosphate) polymerase (Pooley, H. M., Abellan, F. X., and Karamata, D. (1992) J. Bacteriol. 174, 646-649). In the work reported here, we have demonstrated an unequivocal role for tagF in the thermosensitivity of one such mutant (tagF1) by conditional complementation at the restrictive temperature with tagF under control of the xylose promoter at the amyE locus. We have overexpressed and purified recombinant B. subtilis TagF protein, and we provide direct biochemical evidence that this enzyme is responsible for polymerization of poly(glycerol phosphate) teichoic acid in B. subtilis 168. Recombinant hexahistidine-tagged TagF protein was purified from Escherichia coli and was used to develop a novel membrane pelleting assay to monitor poly(glycerol phosphate) polymerase activity. Purified TagF was shown to incorporate radioactivity from its substrate CDP-[(14)C]glycerol into a membrane fraction in vitro. This activity showed a saturable dependence on the concentration of CDP-glycerol (K(m) of 340 microm) and the membrane acceptor (half-maximal activity at 650 microg of protein/ml of purified B. subtilis membranes). High pressure liquid chromatography analysis confirmed the polymeric nature of the reaction product, approximately 35 glycerol phosphate units in length.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis divIC gene is involved in the initiation of cell division. It encodes a 14.7 kDa protein, with a potential transmembrane region near the N-terminus. In this paper, we show that DivIC is associated with the cell membrane and, in conjunction with previously published sequence data, conclude that it is oriented such that its small N-terminus is within the cytoplasm and its larger C-terminus is external to the cytoplasm. DivIC is shown to be a highly abundant division protein, present at approximately 50 000 molecules per cell. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, DivIC was seen to localize at the division site of rapidly dividing cells between well-segregated nucleoids. Various DivIC immunostaining patterns were observed, and these correlated with different cell lengths, suggesting that the DivIC localization takes on various forms during the cell cycle. The DivIC immunolocalization patterns are very similar to those of another membrane-bound B . subtilis division protein, DivIB.  相似文献   

The hemY gene of the Bacillus subtilis hemEHY operon is essential for protoheme IX biosynthesis. Two previously isolated hemY mutations were sequenced. Both mutations are deletions affecting the hemY reading frame, and they cause the accumulation of coproporphyrinogen III or coproporphyrin III in the growth medium and the accumulation of trace amounts of other porphyrinogens or porphyrins intracellularly. HemY was found to be a 53-kDa peripheral membrane-bound protein. In agreement with recent findings by Dailey et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 269:813-815, 1994) B. subtilis HemY protein synthesized in Escherichia coli oxidized coproporphyrinogen III and protoporphyrinogen IX to coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin, respectively. The protein is not a general porphyrinogen oxidase since it did not oxidize uroporphyrinogen III. The apparent specificity constant, kcat/Km, for HemY was found to be about 12-fold higher with coproporphyrinogen III as a substrate compared with protoporphyrinogen IX as a substrate. The protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase activity is consistent with the function of HemY in a late step of protoheme IX biosynthesis, i.e., HemY catalyzes the penultimate step of the pathway. However, the efficient coproporphyrinogen III to coproporphyrin oxidase activity is unexplained in the current view of protoheme IX biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescence method for determining acetylcholinesterase activity is described. It is an adaptation of the chemiluminescence assay of acetylcholine described by Israël & Lesbats [(1981) Neurochem. Int. 3, 81-90; (1981) J. Neurochem. 37, 1475-1483]. The acetylcholinesterase activity is measured by monitoring the increase in light emission produced by the accumulation of choline or by determining the amount of choline generated after a short interval. The assay is rapid and sensitive, and uses the natural substrate of the enzyme. Kinetic data obtained with this procedure for acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo and Electrophorus electric organs were comparable with those obtained by using the method of Ellman, Courtney, Andres & Featherstone [(1961) Biochem. Pharmacol. 7, 88-95]. In addition, it was shown that sodium deoxycholate totally inactivated Torpedo acetylcholinesterase but not the Electrophorus enzyme. Competitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase protected the enzyme from inactivation.  相似文献   

The cell division gene divIB of Bacillus subtilis is essential for the normal rate of growth and division. The gene product, DivIB, is a membrane-bound protein in which the bulk of the protein (at the C-terminal end) is on the exterior surface of the cell membrane. DivIB is involved in the early stages of septum formation, but its exact role in cell division is unknown. To gain more information about the mode of action of DivIB in septum formation, we determined the location of DivIB within the cell membrane using immunofluorescence. This immunolocalization approach established that DivIB becomes localized to the division site before visible septation and remains localized to this site throughout the division process. Various DivIB immunostaining patterns were observed in immunofluorescence experiments and, together with cell length and nucleoid distance measurements, have allowed us to propose two models to describe DivIB localization during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Fifty-six mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168 were selected for resistance to bacteriophages phi 29 or phi 25. The mutations were all linked to previously described teichoic acid markers gtaA, gtaB or gtaC, for the first and last of which, the gene products have previously been identified. Each linkage group was shown to have two distinct phenotypes with respect to phage resistance and cell-wall galactosamine content. Recombination indexes of 0.35, 0.13 and 0.41 for groups A, B and C respectively were consistent with the presence of two average-sized genes in groups A and C. Correlation between genetic and phenotypic differences supported this conclusion and led to the designation of two new markers, gtaD and gtaE. Two- and three-factor transformation crosses suggested the order hisA-gtaB-gtaD-gtaA-tag-1 and gtaC-gtaE-argC. Assays for UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase activities in soluble extracts of representative mutants revealed that, in contrast to previous findings, the former activity was virtually undetectable in all nine group B mutants examined, suggesting that gtaB is the structural gene of this enzyme. Our results allow us to account for discrepancies with respect to previous reports. The thermosensitive mutation previously designated rodC1 was shown to be 90% cotransformable with tag-1. In view of their extremely similar phenotypes the former mutation was renamed tag-3, and the likely order obtained was gtaA-tag-3-tag-1. This suggests that many mutations associated with deformation of cell shape in B. subtilis are located in the region where teichoic acid genes map.  相似文献   

The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis is a C-S-lyase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis had both cystathionine beta-lyase and cysteine desulfhydrase activities in vitro. The apparent K(m) value of the PatB protein for cystathionine was threefold higher than that of the MetC protein, the previously characterized cystathionine beta-lyase of B. subtilis. In the presence of cystathionine as sole sulfur source, the patB gene present on a multicopy plasmid restored the growth of a metC mutant. In addition, the patB metC double mutant was unable to grow in the presence of sulfate or cystine while the patB or metC single mutants grew similarly to the wild-type strains in the presence of the same sulfur sources. In a metC mutant, the PatB protein can replace the MetC enzyme in the methionine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Heme A is a prosthetic group of many respiratory oxidases. It is synthesized from protoheme IX (heme B) seemingly with heme O as a stable intermediate. The Bacillus subtilis ctaA and ctaB genes are required for heme A and heme O synthesis, respectively (B. Svensson, M. Lübben, and L. Hederstedt, Mol. Microbiol. 10:193-201, 1993). Tentatively, CtaA is involved in the monooxygenation and oxidation of the methyl side group on porphyrin ring D in heme A synthesis from heme B. B. subtilis ctaA and ctaB on plasmids in both B. subtilis and Escherichia coli were found to result in a novel membrane-bound heme-containing protein with the characteristics of a low-spin b-type cytochrome. It can be reduced via the respiratory chain, and in the reduced state it shows light absorption maxima at 428, 528, and 558 nm and the alpha-band is split. Purified cytochrome isolated from both B. subtilis and E. coli membranes contained one polypeptide identified as CtaA by amino acid sequence analysis, about 0.2 mol of heme B per mol of polypeptide, and small amounts of heme A.  相似文献   

Cells respond to stress conditions by synthesizing general or specific stress proteins. The Ctc protein of Bacillus subtilis belongs to the general stress proteins. The synthesis of Ctc is controlled by an alternative sigma factor of RNA polymerase, sigmaB. Sequence analyses revealed that Ctc is composed of two domains, an N-terminal domain similar to the ribosomal protein L25 of Escherichia coli, and a C-terminal domain. The similarity of the N-terminal domain of Ctc to L25 suggested that Ctc might be a ribosomal protein in B. subtilis. The function of the C-terminal domain is unknown. We purified Ctc to homogeneity and used the pure protein to raise antibodies. Western blot analyses demonstrate that Ctc is induced under stress conditions and can be found in ribosomes of B. subtilis. As observed for its E. coli counterpart L25, Ctc is capable of binding 5S ribosomal RNA in a specific manner. The stress-specific localization of Ctc in B. subtilis ribosomes and the sporulation defect of ctc mutants at high temperatures suggest that Ctc might be required for accurate translation under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) is metabolically stable and abundant in Bacillus subtilis cells. Consisting of 271 nucleotides, it is structurally homologous to mammalian signal recognition particle RNA. In contrast to 4.5 S RNA of Escherichia coli, B. subtilis scRNA contains an Alu domain in addition to the evolutionarily conserved S domain. In this study, we show that a 10-kDa protein in B. subtilis cell extracts has scRNA binding activity at the Alu domain. The in vitro binding selectivity of the 10-kDa protein shows that it recognizes the higher structure of the Alu domain of scRNA caused by five consecutive complementary sequences in the two loops. Purification and subsequent analyses demonstrated that the 10-kDa protein is HBsu, which was originally identified as a member of the histone-like protein family. By constructing a HBsu-deficient B. subtilis mutant, we showed that HBsu is essential for normal growth. Immunoprecipitating cell lysates using anti-HBsu antibody yielded scRNA. Moreover, the co-precipitation of HBsu with (His)6-tagged Ffh depended on the presence of scRNA, suggesting that HBsu, Ffh, and scRNA make a ternary complex and that scRNA serves as a functional unit for binding. These results demonstrated that HBsu is the third component of a signal recognition particle-like particle in B. subtilis that can bind the Alu domain of scRNA.  相似文献   

Two types of fosfomycin-resistant mutants of Bacillus subtilis were isolated. Mutants of the first type (GlpT mutants) were resistant to at least 200 microgram of fosfomycin per ml and failed to take up exogenous glycerol 3-phosphate. Mutants of the second type were resistant to lower concentrations of fosfomycin and transported glycerol-3-phosphate as efficiently as wild-type bacteria. The glpT mutations, but not the mutations in the second type of fosfomycin-resistant mutants, map in the cysA-aroI region of the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

Immunoblot analysis of Bacillus subtilis cell extracts with polyclonal antibodies, raised against purified exocellular alpha-amylase, revealed one protein species of 82,000 Da. This protein was found even in cells in which the amyE gene, encoding exocellular alpha-amylase, was disrupted. Isolated from the membrane fraction, the 82,000-M(r) protein displayed an alpha-amylase activity in vitro.  相似文献   

In DNA binding-deficient mutants of Bacillus subtilis a competence-specific protein with a subunit molecular weight of 18,000 was absent. The native protein containing this subunit was purified from B. subtilis membranes by chromatography on hydroxyapatite, DEAE-cellulose, and Sephacryl S-200. This protein appeared to be complexed with a second protein of slightly lower molecular weight (17,000) and a different isoelectric point. The native protein complex (apparent molecular weight, 75,000) contained approximately equal amounts of the two polypeptides and showed a strong DNA-binding activity. Incubation of the complex with plasmid and bacteriophage DNA revealed nuclease activity, specifically directed toward double-stranded DNA. Predominantly single-stranded nicks and a limited number of double-stranded breaks were introduced in the presence of Mg2+ ions. In the presence of Mn2+ ions the complex produced low-molecular-weight breakdown products from the DNA.  相似文献   

The bacterium Bacillus subtilis undergoes endospore formation in response to starvation. sigma factors play a key role in spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression during development. Activation of sigma factors is coordinated by signal transduction between the forespore and the mother cell. sigma(E) is produced as pro-sigma(E), which is activated in the mother cell by cleavage in response to a signal from the forespore. We report that expression of SpoIIR, a putative signaling protein normally made in the forespore, and SpoIIGA, a putative protease, is necessary and sufficient for accurate, rapid, and abundant processing of pro-sigma(E) to sigma(E) in Escherichia coli. Modeling and mutational analyses provide evidence that SpoIIGA is a novel type of aspartic protease whose C-terminal half forms a dimer similar to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease. Previous studies suggest that the N-terminal half of SpoIIGA is membrane-embedded. We found that SpoIIGA expressed in E. coli is membrane-associated and that after detergent treatment SpoIIGA was self-associated. Also, SpoIIGA interacts with SpoIIR. The results support a model in which SpoIIGA forms inactive dimers or oligomers, and interaction of SpoIIR with the N-terminal domain of SpoIIGA on one side of a membrane causes a conformational change that allows formation of active aspartic protease dimer in the C-terminal domain on the other side of the membrane, where it cleaves pro-sigma(E).  相似文献   

The synthesis of a variety of proteins, including the well characterized degradative enzymes, which occurs during the transition state between vegetative growth and the onset of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis is controlled by a class of molecules known as transition state regulators. One of these regulators is the product of the hpr gene, first identified by mutations affecting the synthesis of extracellular proteases. We have purified the Hpr protein and found that it binds specifically to DNA fragments carrying the promoters and the upstream regions of the alkaline (aprE) and neutral (nprE) protease genes of B. subtilis. DNase I protection experiments revealed that the Hpr protein is able to bind at four and two regions of the aprE and nprE promoters, respectively. We have also located two Hpr binding sites in the promoter region of a gene of unknown function which is nevertheless known to be developmentally regulated during the transition state and which occurs in the same operon as the gene encoding another transition state regulator, Sin. The location of one of the Hpr binding sites on the aprE gene occurs adjacent to a region to which the Sin protein binds. However, in mixing competition experiments we have shown that Hpr and Sin binding occurred independently, and no visible alterations of protected regions were detected.  相似文献   

The TetL antiporter from the Bacillus subtilis inner membrane is a tetracycline-divalent cation efflux protein that is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. In this study, we expressed tetL in Escherichia coli and investigated the oligomeric state of TetL in the membrane and in detergent solution. Evidence for an oligomeric state of TetL emerged from SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of membrane samples as well as purified protein samples from cells that expressed two differently tagged TetL species. Furthermore, no formation or restoration of TetL oligomers occurred upon detergent solubilization of the membrane. Rather, oligomeric forms established in vivo persisted after solubilization. Mass spectrometry of the purified protein showed the absence of proteolysis and posttranslational modifications. Analytical size-exclusion chromatography of the purified protein revealed a dimeric TetL in dodecyl-maltoside solution. In addition, TetL dimers were found in a number of other detergents and over a wide pH range. It is therefore likely that the oligomeric form of the protein in the membrane is also a dimer.  相似文献   

When the genes coding for the outer membrane (OM) proteins OmpA and OmpF of Escherichia coli are fused to a signal sequence of a bacillar exoenzyme and expressed in Bacillus subtilis they remain cell-bound and the signal sequence is not cleaved. To identify the step of arrest in the export of these proteins we studied their accessibility to protease applied to intact protoplasts; they remained resistant indicating fully intracellular localization. Both proteins appeared associated with the cell membranes in sedimentation and flotation centrifugation experiments. However, OmpA and OmpF proteins synthesized in B. subtilis without a signal sequence were similarly associated with membranes in centrifugation experiments whereas electron microscopy showed the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies not obviously attached to the cytoplasmic membrane. We conclude that OmpA and OmpF proteins even when provided with a functional signal sequence do not enter the export pathway in B. subtilis, probably owing to lack of a specific export component in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The class 1 outer membrane protein of Neisseria meningitidis B:15:P1.7, 16 was expressed in Bacillus subtilis in high yield as intracellular aggregates. These were easy to isolate and the protein (called BacP1) could be solubilized under denaturing conditions. Sera of mice immunized with thus-solubilized BacP1 contained high titres of antibodies that reacted with the class 1 protein of the meningococcal envelope in immunoblots but did not react with native meningococcal envelope in enzyme immunoassays (EIA) or with intact meningococci in bactericidal assays. However, when the BacP1 protein was complexed with heterologous (Salmonella) lipopolysaccharide, the ensuing sera reacted with meningococcal envelope preparations in both EIA and immunoblots, showed subtype-specific bactericidal activity, and were protective in an infant rat meningitis model.  相似文献   

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