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Mable BK  Adam A 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(17):3565-3580
Arabidopsis lyrata is normally considered an obligately outcrossing species with a strong self-incompatibility system, but a shift in mating system towards inbreeding has been found in some North American populations (subspecies A. lyrata ssp. lyrata). This study provides a survey of the Great Lakes region of Canada to determine the extent of this mating system variation and how outcrossing rates are related to current population density, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity. Based on variation at microsatellite markers (progeny arrays to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates and population samples to estimate diversity measures) and controlled greenhouse pollinations, populations can be divided into two groups: (i) group A, consisting of individuals capable of setting selfed seed (including autogamous fruit set in the absence of pollinators), showing depressed outcrossing rates (T(m) = 0.2-0.6), heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.02-0.06) and genetic diversity (H(E) = 0.08-0.10); and (ii) group B, consisting of individuals that are predominantly self-incompatible (T(m) > 0.8), require pollinators for seeds set, and showing higher levels of heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.13-0.31) and diversity (H(E) = 0.19-0.410). Current population density is not related to the shift in mating system but does vary with latitude. Restricted gene flow among populations was evident among all but two populations (F(ST) = 0.11-0.8). Group A populations were more differentiated from one another (F(ST) = 0.78) than they were from group B populations (F(ST) = 0.59), with 41% of the variation partitioned within populations, 47% between populations, and 12% between groups. No significant relationship was found between genetic and geographical distance. Results are discussed in the context of possible postglacial expansion scenarios in relation to loss of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Transitions from outcrossing to selfing have been a frequent evolutionary shift in plants and clearly play a role in species divergence. However, many questions remain about the initial mechanistic basis of reproductive isolation during the evolution of selfing. For instance, how important are pre-zygotic pre-pollination mechanisms (e.g. changes in phenology and pollinator visitation) in maintaining reproductive isolation between newly arisen selfing populations and their outcrossing ancestors? To test whether changes in phenology and pollinator visitation isolate selfing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata from outcrossing populations, we conducted a common garden experiment with plants from selfing and outcrossing populations as well as their between-population hybrids. Specifically, we asked whether there was isolation between outcrossing and selfing plants and their between-population hybrids through differences in (1) the timing or intensity of flowering; and/or (2) pollinator visitation. We found that phenology largely overlapped between plants from outcrossing and selfing populations. There were also no differences in pollinator preference related to mating system. Additionally, pollinators preferred to visit flowers on the same plant rather than exploring nearby plants, creating a large opportunity for self-fertilization. Overall, this suggests that pre-zygotic pre-pollination mechanisms do not strongly reproductively isolate plants from selfing and outcrossing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic plants can potentially self‐fertilize, but most possess adaptations that promote outcrossing. However, evolutionary transitions to higher selfing rates are frequent. Selfing comes with a transmission advantage over outcrossing, but self‐progeny may suffer from inbreeding depression, which forms the main barrier to the evolution of higher selfing rates. Here, we assessed inbreeding depression in the North American herb Arabidopsis lyrata, which is normally self‐incompatible, with a low frequency of self‐compatible plants. However, a few populations have become fixed for self‐compatibility and have high selfing rates. Under greenhouse conditions, we estimated mean inbreeding depression per seed (based on cumulative vegetative performance calculated as the product of germination, survival and aboveground biomass) to be 0.34 for six outcrossing populations, and 0.26 for five selfing populations. Exposing plants to drought and inducing defences with jasmonic acid did not magnify these estimates. For outcrossing populations, however, inbreeding depression per seed may underestimate true levels of inbreeding depression, because self‐incompatible plants showed strong reductions in seed set after (enforced) selfing. Inbreeding‐depression estimates incorporating seed set averaged 0.63 for outcrossing populations (compared to 0.30 for selfing populations). However, this is likely an overestimate because exposing plants to 5% CO2 to circumvent self‐incompatibility to produce selfed seed might leave residual effects of self‐incompatibility that contribute to reduced seed set. Nevertheless, our estimates of inbreeding depression were clearly lower than previous estimates based on the same performance traits in outcrossing European populations of A. lyrata, which may help explain why selfing could evolve in North American A. lyrata.  相似文献   

We examined microsatellite variation in two diploid, outcrossing relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana, Arabis petraea and Arabis lyrata. The primer sequences were derived from A. thaliana. About 50% (14 loci) of the A. thaliana primers could successfully amplify microsatellites in the related species. Analysis of microsatellite structure in the related species showed that there had been large changes in the microsatellites: there were large differences in repeat numbers and many of the A. thaliana simple repeats were shorter in the related species. For the loci we compared, the related species had a much lower level of variability at the microsatellites than Japanese wild populations of A. thaliana. This is presumably related to the different microsatellite structures, because allozyme data showed that the outcrossing relatives were highly polymorphic compared to other outcrossing herbaceous species. Use of microsatellites in assessing variability or phylogenetic relationships between different species requires caution, because changes in microsatellite structure may alter evolutionary rates.   相似文献   

As a starting point for a phylogenetic study of self-incompatibility (SI) in crucifers and to elucidate the genetic basis of transitions between outcrossing and self-fertilizing mating systems in this family, we investigated the SI system of Arabidopsis lyrata. A. lyrata is an outcrossing close relative of the self-fertile A. thaliana and is thought to have diverged from A. thaliana approximately 5 million years ago and from Brassica spp 15 to 20 million years ago. Analysis of two S (sterility) locus haplotypes demonstrates that the A. lyrata S locus contains tightly linked orthologs of the S locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene and the S locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR) gene, which are the determinants of SI specificity in stigma and pollen, respectively, but lacks an S locus glycoprotein gene. As described previously in Brassica, the S haplotypes of A. lyrata differ by the rearranged order of their genes and by their variable physical sizes. Comparative mapping of the A. lyrata and Brassica S loci indicates that the S locus of crucifers is a dynamic locus that has undergone several duplication events since the Arabidopsis--Brassica split and was translocated as a unit between two distant chromosomal locations during diversification of the two taxa. Furthermore, comparative analysis of the S locus region of A. lyrata and its homeolog in self-fertile A. thaliana identified orthologs of the SRK and SCR genes and demonstrated that self-compatibility in this species is associated with inactivation of SI specificity genes.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that polyploidy permits the proliferation of transposable elements, due to both the masking of deleterious recessive mutations and the breakdown of host silencing mechanisms. We investigated the patterns of insertion polymorphism of an Ac-like transposable element and nucleotide diversity at 18 gene fragments in the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and the autotetraploid A. arenosa. All identified insertions were fixed in A. suecica, and many were clearly inherited from the parental species A. thaliana or A. arenosa. These results are inconsistent with a rapid increase in transposition associated with hybrid breakdown but support the evidence from nucleotide polymorphism patterns of a recent single origin of this species leading to genomewide fixations of transposable elements. In contrast, most insertions were segregating at very low frequencies in A. arenosa samples, showing a significant departure from neutrality in favor of purifying selection, even when we account for population subdivision inferred from sequence variation. Patterns of nucleotide variation at reference genes are consistent with the TE results, showing evidence for higher effective population sizes in A. arenosa than in related diploid taxa but a near complete population bottleneck associated with the origins of A. suecica.  相似文献   

Nucleotide variation in the ACL5 gene region, which encodes spermine synthase, was analyzed for 21 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and one accession of Arabis gemmifera. In A. thaliana, dimorphism was also detected in the ACL5 region, as in other nuclear genes of this plant. The nucleotide diversity (pi) of the entire region, exon and intron was 0.0163, 0.0042 and 0.0293, respectively. The level of nucleotide variation in this region was among the highest of those reported for genes in this plant species. The neutrality tests of Tajima, and Fu and Li did not detect significant deviation from test assumptions for the polymorphism data. However, the HKA test indicated that the level of polymorphism in the intron was significantly high, compared with A. gemmifera. The high nucleotide variation in the intron is responsible for the high level of nucleotide variation in the entire region. These results can be explained by elevated mutation rate in the ACL5 region in the A. thaliana lineage after the two species were split.  相似文献   

DNA variation was studied in a 2.2 kb region of the regulatory gene Atmyb2 using 20 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana and one accession each of Arabis gemmifera and Arabidopsis himalaica. Nucleotide diversity (pi) in the region was 0.0027, which was lower than for other loci in A. thaliana. The MYB domain of the Atmyb2 gene (pi = 0.0036) had a larger variation than the non-MYB region (pi = 0.0013). Tajima's test and Fu and Li's test did not give a significant result. In contrast to the low level of polymorphism, the degree of divergence of the Atmyb2 region was higher between A. thaliana and A. gemmifera (K = 0.0730) than for other loci. The MYB domain (K = 0.0436) had smaller divergence than the non-MYB region (K = 0.0939). The HKA test detected significant discordance in the ratio of polymorphism to divergence in some comparisons. The pattern of low polymorphism and high divergence, which is mainly observed in the non-MYB region of the gene, is inconsistent with the neutral mutation theory. Strong purifying selection after establishment of A. thaliana and a species-specific adaptive process could be invoked to account for this pattern of polymorphism and divergence of Atmyb2.  相似文献   

Using the strictly neutral model as a null hypothesis, we tested for deviations from expected levels of nucleotide polymorphism at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh-1) within and among four species of pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius major, G. knoxjonesi, G. texensis llanensis, and G. attwateri). The complete protein-encoding region was examined, and 10 unique alleles, representing both electromorphic and cryptic alleles, were used to test hypotheses (e.g., the neutral model) concerning the maintenance of genetic variation. Nineteen variable sites were identified among the 10 alleles examined, including 9 segregating sites occurring in synonymous positions and 10 that were nonsynonymous. Several statistical methods, including those that test for within-species variation as well as those that examine variation within and among species, failed to reject the null hypothesis that variation (both within and between species of Geomys) at the Adh locus is consistent with the neutral theory. However, there was significant heterogeneity in the ratio of polymorphism to divergence across the gene, with polymorphisms clustered in the first half of the coding region and fixed differences clustered in the second half of the gene. Two alternative hypotheses are discussed as possible explanations for this heterogeneity: an old balanced polymorphism in the first half of the gene or a recent selective sweep in the second half of the gene.   相似文献   

The formation of ecotypes has been invoked as an important driver of postglacial biodiversity, because many species colonized heterogeneous habitats and experienced divergent selection. Ecotype formation has been predominantly studied in outcrossing taxa, while far less attention has been paid to the implications of mating system shifts. Here, we addressed whether substrate‐related ecotypes exist in selfing and outcrossing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and whether the genomic footprint differs between mating systems. The North American subspecies colonized both rocky and sandy habitats during postglacial range expansion and shifted the mating system from predominantly outcrossing to predominantly selfing in a number of regions. We performed an association study on pooled whole‐genome sequence data of 20 selfing or outcrossing populations, which suggested genes involved in adaptation to substrate. Motivated by enriched gene ontology terms, we compared root growth between plants from the two substrates in a common environment and found that plants originating from sand grew roots faster and produced more side roots, independent of mating system. Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with substrate‐related ecotypes were more clustered among selfing populations. Our study provides evidence for substrate‐related ecotypes in A. lyrata and divergence in the genomic footprint between mating systems. The latter is the likely result of selfing populations having experienced divergent selection on larger genomic regions due to higher genome‐wide linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

In this study, we ask two questions: (1) Is reproductive success independent of parental genetic distance in predominately selfing plants? (2) In the absence of early inbreeding depression, is there substantial maternal and/or paternal variation in reproductive success in natural populations? Seed yield in single pollinations and proportion of seeds sired in mixed pollinations were studied in genetically defined accessions of the predominately selfing plant Arabidopsis thaliana by conducting two diallel crosses. The first diallel was a standard, single pollination design that we used to examine variance in seed yield. The second diallel was a mixed pollination design that utilized a standard pollen competitor to examine variance in proportion of seeds sired. We found no correlation between reproductive success and parental genetic distance, and self-pollen does not systematically differ in reproductive success compared to outcross pollen, suggesting that Arabidopsis populations do not experience embryo lethality due to early-acting inbreeding or outbreeding depression. We used these data to partition the contributions to total phenotypic variation from six sources, including maternal contributions, paternal contributions and parental interactions. For seed yield in single pollinations, maternal effects accounted for the most significant source of variance (16.6 %). For proportion of seeds sired in mixed pollinations, the most significant source of variance was paternal effects (17.9 %). Thus, we show that population-level genetic similarities, including selfing, do not correlate with reproductive success, yet there is still significant paternal variance under competition. This suggests two things. First, since these differences are unlikely due to early-acting inbreeding depression or differential pollen viability, this implicates natural variation in pollen germination and tube growth dynamics. Second, this strongly supports a model of fixation of pollen performance genes in populations, offering a focus for future genetic studies in differential reproductive success.  相似文献   

Kuittinen H  Aguadé M 《Genetics》2000,155(2):863-872
An approximately 1.9-kb region encompassing the CHI gene, which encodes chalcone isomerase, was sequenced in 24 worldwide ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and in 1 ecotype of A. lyrata ssp. petraea. There was no evidence for dimorphism at the CHI region. A minimum of three recombination events was inferred in the history of the sampled ecotypes of the highly selfing A. thaliana. The estimated nucleotide diversity theta(TOTAL) = 0.004, theta(SIL) = 0. 005 was on the lower part of the range of the corresponding estimates for other gene regions. The skewness of the frequency spectrum toward an excess of low-frequency polymorphisms, together with the bell-shaped distribution of pairwise nucleotide differences at CHI, suggests that A. thaliana has recently experienced a rapid population growth. Although this pattern could also be explained by a recent selective sweep at the studied region, results from the other studied loci and from an AFLP survey seem to support the expansion hypothesis. Comparison of silent polymorphism and divergence at the CHI region and at the Adh1 and ChiA revealed in some cases a significant deviation of the direct relationship predicted by the neutral theory, which would be compatible with balancing selection acting at the latter regions.  相似文献   

We analyzed the complete genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana and sequence data from 83 genes in the outcrossing A. lyrata, to better understand the role of gene expression on the strength of natural selection on synonymous and replacement sites in Arabidopsis. From data on tRNA gene abundance, we find a good concordance between codon preferences and the relative abundance of isoaccepting tRNAs in the complete A. thaliana genome, consistent with models of translational selection. Both EST-based and new quantitative measures of gene expression (MPSS) suggest that codon preferences derived from information on tRNA abundance are more strongly associated with gene expression than those obtained from multivariate analysis, which provides further support for the hypothesis that codon bias in Arabidopsis is under selection mediated by tRNA abundance. Consistent with previous results, analysis of protein evolution reveals a significant correlation between gene expression level and amino acid substitution rate. Analysis by MPSS estimates of gene expression suggests that this effect is primarily the result of a correlation between the number of tissues in which a gene is expressed and the rate of amino acid substitution, which indicates that the degree of tissue specialization may be an important determinant of the rate of protein evolution in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Kawabe A  Yamane K  Miyashita NT 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1339-1347
DNA variation in a 4.7-kb region of the cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase (PgiC) locus was investigated for 21 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. The estimated nucleotide diversity was 0.0038, which was one-third of those in previously investigated loci. Since most of the nucleotide variations (93%) were singleton and doubleton, Tajima's test statistic was significantly negative. About 50% of nucleotide polymorphisms in exons were replacement, which caused significance in McDonald and Kreitman's test when compared with Arabis gemmifera and Cardaminopsis petraea. These results indicated that DNA polymorphism at the PgiC locus was not under neutrality. There were two divergent sequence types in the PgiC region, which were associated with allozyme variation. The Fast allozyme was shown to have originated from the Slow allozyme, since two outgroup species had the Slow form. A phylogenetic tree of ecotypes with the Fast allozyme had the shape of a star phylogeny. Mismatch distribution of the Fast allozyme ecotypes resembled that expected under an expanding population model. These results suggest positive selection for the Fast allozyme of the PGIC in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Haudry A  Zha HG  Stift M  Mable BK 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(5):1130-1142
A breakdown of self‐incompatibility (SI) followed by a shift to selfing is commonly observed in the evolution of flowering plants. Both are expected to reduce the levels of heterozygosity and genetic diversity. However, breakdown of SI should most strongly affect the region of the SI locus (S‐locus) because of the relaxation of balancing selection that operates on a functional S‐locus, and a potential selective sweep. In contrast, a transition to selfing should affect the whole genome. We set out to disentangle the effects of breakdown of SI and transition to selfing on the level and distribution of genetic diversity in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Specifically, we compared sequence diversity of loci linked and unlinked to the S‐locus for populations ranging from complete selfing to fully outcrossing. Regardless of linkage to the S‐locus, heterozygosity and genetic diversity increased with population outcrossing rate. High heterozygosity of self‐compatible individuals in outcrossing populations suggests that SI is not the only factor preventing the evolution of self‐fertilization in those populations. There was a strong loss of diversity in selfing populations, which was more pronounced at the S‐locus. In addition, selfing populations showed an accumulation of derived mutations at the S‐locus. Our results provide evidence that beyond the genome‐wide consequences of the population bottleneck associated with the shift to selfing, the S‐locus of A. lyrata shows a specific signal either reflecting the relaxation of balancing selection or positive selection.  相似文献   

We isolated the gene encoding lysine-ketoglutarate reductase (LKR, EC and saccharopine dehydrogenase (SDH, ED from an Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA library based on the homology between the yeast biosynthetic genes encoding SDH (lysine-forming) or SDH (glutamate-forming) and Arabidopsis expressed sequence tags. A corresponding cDNA was isolated from total Arabidopsis RNA using RT-PCR and 5 and 3 Race. DNA sequencing revealed that the gene encodes a bifunctional protein with an amino domain homologous to SDH (lysine-forming), thus corresponding to LKR, and a carboxy domain homologous to SDH (glutamate-forming). Sequence comparison between the plant gene product and the yeast lysine-forming and glutamate-forming SDHs showed 25% and 37% sequence identity, respectively. No intracellular targeting sequence was found at the N-terminal or C-terminal of the protein. The gene is interrupted by 24 introns ranging in size from 68 to 352 bp and is present in Arabidopsis in a single copy. 5 sequence analysis revealed several conserved promoter sequence motifs, but did not reveal sequence homologies to either an Opaque 2 binding site or a Sph box. The 3-flanking region does not contain a polyadenylation signal resembling the consensus sequence AATAAA. The plant SDH was expressed in Escherichia coli and exhibited similar biochemical characteristics to those reported for the purified enzyme from maize. This is the first report of the molecular cloning of a plant LKR-SDH genomic and cDNA sequence.  相似文献   

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