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本文研究东北大骨节病病区土壤中硒的形态和含量与大骨节病的关系。研究结果表明,病区土壤中硒以有机结合态硒为主,又以富里酸态硒占主要比重。根据20个土壤样点的对比研究,显示土壤富里酸中硒含量与病情呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

土壤硒及其与植物硒营养的关系   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
综述了土壤中Se的形态分布、有效性及其与植物关系研究方面的进展。论述了不同形态的Se在土壤中分布情况、对植物的有效性与土壤pH值、化学及矿物学组成、吸附表面、氧化还原状态等物理化学性质的关系;Se在植物中的富集、转化及其对植物的抗氧化、促进生长、提高产量和质量等各种生物学效应;并在此基础上对Se的应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

西藏草地植物功能性状与多项生态系统服务关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对植被功能性状与生态系统服务功能之间的相互关系,构建了西藏草地株高和可食性两种功能性状的9项指标,并基于土壤和植物采样,分析了9项植物功能性状指标和5项生态系统服务指标间的相关性,探讨了4种机制(Mass ratio,Selection,Niche complementarity及Insurance)在西藏草地的适用性。结果表明,9项功能性状指标中,株高Rao和可食种与所有种株高CWM比分别与土壤有机碳、土壤全氮和土壤含水率3项生态系统服务指标呈显著负相关及显著正相关。说明群落植被对光能竞争的互补性及可食性状植株在群落中的光能资源相对竞争力,与土壤固碳、肥力供给及水源涵养有显著相关关系。而群落可食种、优势种、优势种与次优势种对光能资源竞争力水平,可食植株多样性、可食植株在群落中的优势度及其光能资源竞争力均值,对草地生态系统服务无显著影响。西藏草地植物功能性状对多项生态系统服务的影响机制从光能资源竞争角度更符合Niche complementarity和Insurance理论,而从可食功能性状角度更符合Mass ratio和Selection理论。  相似文献   

刘德旺  张树仁 《西北植物学报》2007,27(11):2320-2322
发现了分布于西藏的2个珍珠茅属新记录种:小型珍珠茅和毛果珍珠茅,并补充记载了2个新记录种的文献和标本引证。  相似文献   

环境与植物中硒形态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左银虎 《植物学报》1999,16(4):378-380
本文综述了近年来在环境及植物中的硒形态研究方面的进展。在土壤和水中各种不同形态硒的分布情况与pH值及其它特性之间的关系;植物中各种有机硒化合物的含量,可能的结构和硫素之间的关系,植物对硒的吸收转化过程等等。  相似文献   

环境与植物中硒形态研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
左银虎 《植物学通报》1999,16(4):378-380
本文综述了近年来在环境及植物中的硒形态研究方面的进展。在土壤和水中各种不同形态硒的分布情况与pH值及其它特性之间的关系;植物中各种有机硒化合物的含量,可能的结构和硫素之间的关系,植物对硒的吸收转化过程等等  相似文献   

《西藏植物志》的新增补(1)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

茶园土壤及与茶叶中微量元素锌硒含量相关性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物生长的环境适应及其内含物质功能和变化规律的研究已成为热点问题。该研究对贵州省地标品牌湄潭翠芽、凤冈锌硒茶4个样地12个样点茶园土壤及其对应种植点茶叶样品中锌硒含量变化进行了检测与分析。结果表明:(1)4个样地中,3个样地的锌含量都是原土高于种植土,而硒含量没有明显规律性变化;各主产区土壤锌硒含量的标准差均大于均值的5%,土质均匀度都较低;(2)4个样地新叶(一芽二叶)与老叶的锌含量都呈现显著差异,而硒在新叶和老叶中的含量差异无明显变化规律;(3)锌元素在茶树体内转移现象明显,由老叶向新叶中转移,新叶中含量较高;硒元素在新叶和老叶中的含量变化不明显。新叶中锌的含量与其0~20 cm表层土样和21~40 cm深层土样中锌的含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01),相关系数为0.768;而新叶硒的含量与0~20 cm表层土中硒含量呈显著正相关(P0.05)。茶叶中锌硒主要是通过茶树根系从土壤中吸收和传输,但其吸收转移效率不由土壤中的含量多少直接决定,还受到茶园土壤质地、茶园温湿度等环境管控因素的影响,锌硒微量元素参与茶树体内的生理作用和代谢途径具有较大的差异。因此,进一步探索茶树吸收与转化锌硒微量元素的存在形态和作用机理,了解不同产区茶叶中微量元素锌硒含量与其茶园土壤的关系,对于生产适宜于人类身体健康适当锌硒含量的有机茶具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用正交试验研究了碎米荠、韭菜、大豆、马铃薯的产量、含硒量与土壤酸碱度、硒酸盐、亚硒酸盐含量的关系。结果表明:影响作物含硒量最大的因素是作物品种,不同作物间差异极显著。在土壤中施用硒酸钠和亚硒酸钠均能够提高作物含硒量,用量均以1.0 mg/kg为宜;硒酸钠会使作物产量降低,用量过高使作物硒吸收总量下降;土壤pH值增加有利于植物对硒的吸收,但综合考虑作物产量、含硒量和硒摄入总量,土壤适合的pH值应在6.7~7.9之间。  相似文献   

Concentrations of selenium in whole blood, plasma, and leucocytes were determined in 16 patients with coeliac disease confirmed by biopsy and 32 controls. All the patients were clinically well and receiving gluten free diets. The concentrations of selenium were significantly lower in the leucocytes, blood, and plasma of patients compared with controls, probably indicating a decrease in the body content of selenium. A high incidence of malignancy in coeliac disease has been reported. As a protective role for selenium against cancer has been postulated, the importance of this unexpected observation of lowered tissue concentrations of selenium requires further investigation.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between the distribution of DNA damage and repair in chromatin from confluent human fibroblasts treated with the carcinogen 7-bromomethylbenz (a) anthracene. Analysis of staphylococcal nuclease (SN)4 digestion kinetics and gel electrophoresis revealed that more total damage occurs in nucleosome core DNA (approximately 80-85% of chromatin DNA) than in SN sensitive DNA (APPROXIMATELY15-20%). Furthermore, over a 24 hr period, damage is removed at about the same rate from these two regions. In contrast, virtually all of the nucleotides incorporated during repair synthesis are initially SN sensitive even when measured at 12 hr after damage. With time many repair-incorporated nucleotides become SN resistant and coelectrophorese with nucleosome core DNA. To explain these data we propose a model whereby excision repair occurs in both linker and core DNA; however, in core DNA the repair process induces conformational changes resulting in temporarily increased SN sensitivity; subsequently, rearrangement occurs and results in the re-establishment of native or near-native nucleosome conformation and SN resistance.  相似文献   

The epidemiological relationship between selenium level and age-adjusted human cancer mortality (incidence) was studied in 24 regions located in eight provinces of China. Statistically significant inverse correlation was found between age-adjusted total cancer death rates and selenium levels in whole blood from local residents. In the areas with high selenium levels, there was significantly lower mortality in both males and females from cancer of the stomach and esophagus. In addition, an inverse correlation between regional distribution of liver cancer incidence and selenium contents in blood and grains in Qidong county, an area with high risk of hepatoma, was observed. With the intention of providing selenium supplements to residents living in low selenium regions, the selenium content in grains was raised by means of foliar spraying of crops with Na2SeO3 solution.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of the application of selenium on the selenium content of soybean and its products in two counties with selenium-deficient soil. Selenium-enriched soybean was produced by the application of sodium selenite and Se-enriched fertilizer. The selenium contents of soybeans, soybean protein and okra were determined by hydride-generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry. The results showed that the selenium contents of soybean, soybean protein, and okra were significantly increased by the application of sodium selenite and selenium-enriched fertilizer. Foliar application of selenium provided a higher efficiency for increasing the selenium content of soybean than soil application. Significant differences were found in that soybean cultivars exhibited different accumulation of selenium. There was no remarkable difference in soybean yield, soybean protein, and lipid between selenium and control. The selenium-enriched protein derived from selenium-enriched soybean could be used as a functional ingredient and soybean okra as a selenium-enriched feed for animals for increasing selenium intake.  相似文献   

A reduction in external phosphorus loading since 1984 to Loosdrecht lakes system by the dephosphorization of the inlet water, yielded only minor effects in Lake Loosdrecht. This reduction measure turned out to have decreased the loading only by a factor of two. A conceptual model was constructed based on laboratory measurements to describe phosphorus flow in the lake ecosystem for the summer of 1987. The role of zooplankton and fish was more important in phosphorus recycling than diffusion at the sediment-water interface. The input and output of phosphorus of the lake were at equilibrium and therefore, further reduction in external loading was needed for recovery. The results of the conceptual model agreed well with the output of the mathematical model PCLOOS. Additional measures such as dredging, flushing, chemomanipulation, or biomanipulation would be ineffective at the present level of external loading. Only a significant further reduction in external input will restore Lake Loosdrecht's water quality over a long period of time.  相似文献   

A cytofluorometric study was made of the total glycogen and its of fractions in liver cells of patients with hard mechanic trauma with or without intoxication. For studying glycogen dynamics in the course of traumatic illness, the aspiration biopsy material was obtained (30 patients) using repeated liver biopsy of one and the same patient. The total glycogen was found to change insignificantly in liver cells of patients with traumatic illness, both under favourable conditions and with intoxication, and at the normal level. The labile glycogen fraction in liver cells of patients with traumatic illness without intoxication is contained almost at the normal level (80-95%) of the total glycogen and is not changed for a long time. At that time the relative content of the labile glycogen fraction decreases appreciably in some cases to 45-50% due to intoxication development. A relative content of the labile glycogen fraction in hepatocytes with hard mechanical intoxication correlates well with the degree of intoxication. This makes hepatocyte glycogen microfluorometry a diagnostic tool in measuring the functional state of liver in the course of intoxication.  相似文献   

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