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The sucrose operon from pUR400, a 78-kbp conjugative Salmonella plasmid, was cloned in Escherichia coli K12. The operon was located in a 5.7-kbp SalI restriction fragment and was subcloned, in each of two possible orientations, using the expression vector pUC18. The insert DNA was restriction mapped and duplicate restriction sites in the insert and in the polylinker of the vector were used to create various deletions promoter distal in the operon sequence. Additional deletions were made with the restriction exonuclease Bal31. Cells containing hybrid plasmids with specified deletions lacked the ability to transport sucrose or were constitutive for hydrolase and/or uptake activities. The scrA (enzyme IIScr) and scrR (regulatory) genes resided within 2900-bp SmaI-SalI DNA fragment and were assigned the order scrB, scrA, scrR. An amplified sucrose-inducible gene product, Mr 68,000, was detected only in the membrane fraction from recombinant cells that contained plasmid with the intact operon sequence. This protein represented 11% of the total membrane protein and was resistant to extraction with 0.5 M sodium chloride, 2% Triton X-100, and 0.5% sodium deoxycholate. The protein did not appear to be the product of either the scrA, scrB, or scrR gene and may therefore represent a previously unidentified membrane-bound sucrose protein. A new gene, scrC, is proposed. In addition, the cloned 5.7-kbp SalI and 2.5-kbp SmaI-SalI DNA fragments failed to hybridize to chromosomal DNA from Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus lactis, Streptococcus mutans, and Lactobacillus acidophilus as well as to DNA from a sucrose plasmid from Salmonella tennessee. However, the probes showed weak homology with a 20-kbp EcoRI restriction fragment from Klebsiella pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Cloning of a Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plasmid in Escherichia coli.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Three separate plasmids of 6, 7, 16, and greater than 23 kilobases were purified from a single clone of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 33020 grown in the presence of uranium. The 6.7-kilobase plasmid (pTf1) was cloned separately into the HindIII or BamHI site of Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322. Restriction maps of the recombinant plasmids, termed pTf100 and pTf110, respectively, were constructed, creating potential cloning vehicles for exchanging genetic information between E. coli and T. ferrooxidans. Evidence from restriction enzyme analysis and Southern blot DNA-DNA hybridization indicates that the three native plasmids share little sequence homology.  相似文献   

Cloning the KpnI restriction-modification system in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The genes encoding the KpnI restriction and modification (R-M) system from Klebsiella pneumoniae, recognizing the sequence, 5'-GGTAC decreases C-3', were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Although the restriction endonuclease (ENase)- and methyltransferase (MTase)-encoding genes were closely linked, initial attempts to clone both genes as a single DNA fragment in a plasmid vector resulted in deletions spanning all or part of the gene coding for the ENase. Initial protection of the E. coli host with MTase expressed on a plasmid was required to stabilize a compatible plasmid carrying both the ENase- and the MTase-encoding genes on a single DNA fragment. However, once established, the MTase activity can be supplied in cis to the kpnIR gene, without an extra copy of kpnIM. A chromosomal map was generated localizing the kpnIR and kpnIM genes on 1.7-kb and 3.5-kb fragments, respectively. A final E. coli strain was constructed, AH29, which contained two compatible plasmids: an inducible plasmid carrying the kpnIR gene which amplifies copy number at elevated temperatures and a pBR322 derivative expressing M.KpnI. This strain produces approx. 10 million units of R.KpnI/g of wet-weight cells, which is several 1000-fold higher than the level of R.KpnI produced by K. pneumoniae. In addition, DNA methylated with M.KpnI in vivo does not appear to be restricted by the mcrA, mcrB or mrr systems of E. coli.  相似文献   

C Vásquez  C Saavedra  E González 《Gene》1991,102(1):83-85
A standard DNA modification methyltransferase (MTase) selection protocol was followed to clone the BstVI restriction and modification system from Bacillus stearothermophilus in Escherichia coli. Both genes were contained in a 4.4-kb EcoRI fragment from B. stearothermophilus V chromosomal DNA. The heterologous expression of these genes did not depend on their orientation in the vector, suggesting that the genes are expressed in E. coli under the control of promoters located on the cloned fragment. Subcloning experiments demonstrated that the bstVIR gene was expressed in the absence of its cognate MTase.  相似文献   

M A Schell  D B Wilson 《Gene》1979,5(4):291-303
This report describes the construction and isolation of a plasmid, derived from pBR322, which carries a BglII restriction fragment of DNA containing the galactokinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This was accomplished by the following procedure: (1) Purified galactokinase mRNA, labelled with 125I, was hybridized to BglII digests of yeast DNA employing Southern's filter transfer technique to identify a restriction fragment containing the galactokinase gene. (2) This fragment was partially purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, ligated into the BamHI site of pBR322 and transformed into Escherichia coli to generate a clone bank containing the galactokinase gene. (3) This bank was screened by in situ colony hybridization with galactokinase mRNA resulting in the identification of a plasmid carrying this gene. This plasmid DNA hybridized with the galactokinase mRNA to the same extent in the presence of absence of a large excess of unlabelled mRNA from cells that were not induced for galactokinase synthesis, while the same amount of unlabelled galactose-induced mRNA reduced the hybridization by 95%. When this plasmid was introduced into an E. coli strain deleted for the galactose operon it caused the synthesis of low levels of yeast galactokinase activity.  相似文献   

Calcium dependence plasmid pYV6953 (70.4 kb) in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells codes for the major quantities synthesis of 150; 48.5; 19.4 Kd outer membrane proteins and the 51, 38, 27 Kd proteins secreted into the culturing medium. These outer membrane and secreted proteins are synthesized in considerable amounts in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains 6953 and 9547 at 37 degrees C and in the absence of calcium ions in the culturing medium. BamHI fragments of the plasmid pYV6953 as components of the recombinant plasmids code for the synthesis of 150; 66.6; 51; 48.5; 47; 38 and 21.5 Kd proteins in Escherichia coli mini cells. The synthesis of 150 and 48.5 Kd proteins is determined by the BamHI fragment 9 of the plasmid pYV6953 (3.3 kb). Addition of up to 8% of ethanol inhibiting the protein synthesis eliminates the 150 Kd protein but not the 48.5 Kd synthesis. The 48.5 Kd protein is concluded to be a subunit of the 150 Kd protein. The plasmid pYV6953 is different from the known plasmids pIB1 and pCD1 plasmids as far as the outer membrane and secreted proteins coded by the plasmids are concerned.  相似文献   

The tricarboxylate transport operon (tctI) was cloned in Escherichia coli as a 12-kilobase (kb) fragment from an EcoRI library of the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome in lambda gtWES. It was further subcloned as a 12-kb fragment into pACYC184 and as an 8-kb fragment into pBR322. By insertional mutagenesis mediated by lambda Tn5, restriction mapping, and phenotypic testing, the tctI operon was localized to a 4.5-kb region. The tctC gene which encodes a periplasmic binding protein (C protein) was located near the center of the insert. E. coli/tctI clones on either multicopy or single-copy vectors grew on the same tricarboxylates as S. typhimurium, although unusually long growth lags were observed. E. coli/tctI clones exhibited similar [14C]fluorocitrate transport kinetics to those of S. typhimurium, whereas E. coli alone was virtually impermeable to [14C]fluorocitrate. The periplasmic C proteins (C1 and C2 isoelectric forms) were produced in prodigious quantities from the cloned strains. Motile E. coli/tctI clones were not chemotactic toward citrate, whereas tctI deletion mutants of S. typhimurium were. Taken together, these observations indicate that tctI is not an operon involved in chemotaxis.  相似文献   

I A Khmel' 《Genetika》1987,23(9):1705-1707
The presence of the ColIa-CA53 plasmid in umuC and umuD mutant Escherichia coli K-12 cells restores their mutability under UV irradiation to a level that even exceeds that of the isogenic umuC+umuD+ strains, as well as increases their resistance to the lethal effects of UV irradiation. The ColIb-P9 plasmid which suppresses the umuC mutant phenotype, as we have shown earlier, acts in the same manner with respect to the umuD mutant cells. The results of the study demonstrate that both plasmids encode products that are functionally similar to those of the chromosomal genes umuC and umuD. The plasmids ColIa-CA53, ColIb-P9 and pKM101 are shown to have practically the same effect upon the mutagenesis and survival of the umuC, umuD mutant cells.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the enzymes responsible for conversion of naphthalene to 2-hydroxymuconic acid (nahA through nahI) are contained on a 25-kilobase EcoRI fragment of an 85-kilobase NAH plasmid of Pseudomonas putida. These genes were cloned into the plasmid vectors pBR322 and RSF1010 to obtain the recombinant plasmids pKGX505 and pKGX511, respectively. To facilitate cloning and analysis, an NAH7 plasmid containing a Tn5 transposon in the salicylate hydroxylase gene (nahG) was used to derive the EcoRI fragment. The genes for naphthalene degradation were expressed at a low level in Escherichia coli strains containing the fragment on the recombinant plasmids pKGX505 or pKGX511. This was shown by the ability of whole cells to convert naphthalene to salicylic acid and by in vitro enzyme assays. The expression of at least two of these genes in E. coli appeared to be regulated by the presence of the inducer salicylic acid. In addition, high-level expression and induction appear to be mediated by an NAH plasmid promoter and a regulatory gene located on the fragment. A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of the cloned fragment was generated, and the map positions of several nah genes were determined by analysis of various subcloned DNA fragments.  相似文献   

pTAV-1 is an approximately 100 kb Thiobacillus versutus cryptic plasmid. pTAV-1 DNA was cloned in Escherichia coli. Nine recombinant plasmids containing pTAV-1 DNA inserted into the EcoRI restriction site of pACYC184 were constructed. The origin of DNA inserts was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. The expression of mixotrophic T. versutus plasmid genes was demonstrated in E. coli.  相似文献   

We report here the complete nucleotide sequence of pEntH10407 (65 147 bp), an enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli enterotoxin plasmid (Ent plasmid), which is self-transmissible at low frequency. Within the plasmid, we identified 100 open reading frames (ORFs) which could encode polypeptides. These ORFs included regions encoding heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (STIa) enterotoxins, regions encoding tools for plasmid replication and an incomplete tra (conjugation) region. The LT and STIa region was located 13.5 kb apart and was surrounded by three IS1s and an IS600 in opposite reading orientations, indicating that the enterotoxin genes may have been horizontally transferred into the plasmid. We identified a single RepFIIA replication region (2.0 kb) including RepA proteins similar to RepA1, RepA2, RepA3 and RepA4. The incomplete tra region was made up of 17 tra genes, which were nearly identical to the corresponding genes of R100, and showed evidence of multiple insertions of ISEc8 and ISEc8-like elements. These data suggest that pEntH10407 has the mosaic nature characteristic of bacterial virulence plasmids, which contains information about its evolution. Although the tra genes might originally have rendered pEntH10407 self-transferable to the same degree as R100, multiple insertion events have occurred in the tra region of pEntH10407 to make it less mobile. Another self-transmissible plasmid might help pEntH10407 to transfer efficiently into H10407 strain. In this paper, we suggest another possibility: that the enterotoxigenic H10407 strain might be formed by auto-transfer of pEntH10407 at a low rate using the incomplete tra region.  相似文献   

The histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium and its fragments were cloned in Escherichia coli cells on a multicopy plasmid. Expression of the cloned genes and histidine production by the variants possessing the hisG mutation which desensibilizes the ATP phosphoribosyl transferase for histidine were studied. Amplification of the complete operon including the hisG gene enables histidine accumulation of 2-3 g/l after 72 hours of fermentation.  相似文献   

The Clarke and Carbon bank of Col El - Escherichia coli DNa hybrid plasmids was screened for complementation of d-xylose negative mutants of E. coli. Of several obtained, the smallest, pRM10, was chosen for detailed study. Its size was 16 kilobases (kb) and that of the insert was 9.7 kg. By transformation or F'-mediated conjugation this plasmid complemented mutants of E. coli defective in either D-xylose isomerase or D-xylulose kinase activity, or both. The activity of D-xylulose kinase in E. coli transformants which bear an intact chromosomal gene for this enzyme was greater than that for the host, due to a gene dosage effect. The plasmid also complemented D-xylose negative mutants of Salmonella typhimurium by F'-mediated conjugation between E. coli and S. typhimurium. Salmonella typhimurium mutants complemented were those for D-xylose isomerase and for D-xylulose kinase in addition to pleiotropic D-xylose mutants which were defective in a regulatory gene of the D-xylose operon. In addition, the plasmid complemented the glyS mutation in E. coli and S. typhimurium. The glyS mutant of E. coli was temperature sensitive, indicating that the plasmid carried the structural gene for glycine synthetase. The glyS mutation in E. coli maps at 79 min, as do the xyl genes. The behaviour of the plasmid is consistent with the existence of a d-xylose operon in E. coli. The data also suggest that the plasmid carries three of the genes of this operon, specifically those for D-xylose isomerase, D-xylulose kinase, and a regulatory gene.  相似文献   

The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the gene encoding the Salmonella typhi OmpC outer membrane protein, and its deduced amino acid (aa) sequence are presented here. The S. typhi ompC gene consists of an open reading frame of 1134 nt, corresponding to a protein of 378 aa; with a 21-aa signal peptide. This protein is 11 aa longer than Escherichia coli OmpC, but it has an identical leader peptide. The mature OmpC sequence shows 79% similarity for both bacteria at the aa level, and 77% similarity at the nt level. Seven main variable regions in the OmpC protein were identified. Five of them correspond to hydrophilic regions and contain aa observed most frequently in turn configurations in soluble proteins. This suggests that these aa stretches could be located on the exterior of the outer membrane. To probe into the genus and species specificity of the main variable regions, we have constructed complementary oligodeoxyribonucleotides. The use of one of them with a small number of DNA samples is illustrated here; no restriction fragment length polymorphism or nt sequence heterogeneity could be found between S. typhi and Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

Two plasmids, pMH1 with 7 kilobase pairs and pM41 with 8 kilobase pairs, were purified from the plant pathogen Spiroplasma citri and characterized by restriction mapping. Upon in vitro DNA recombination with plasmid pBR328 as a vector, we have cloned pMH1 in Escherichia coli. A radioactive probe obtained upon nick translation of the recombinant plasmid was used to further characterize and compare pMH1 and pM41.  相似文献   

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