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[35S]Sulfate incorporation was measured in populations of Chinese hamster ovary cells enriched for mitotics, early G1 cells, and interphase monolayers or suspensions. Incorporation was determined by biochemical analysis of extracts and quantitative autoradiography of thick sections. 90% of [35S]sulfate was incorporated into glycosaminoglycan (GAG). Incorporation was depressed fourfold in mitotics and stimulated by from two- to three-fold in early G1 cells relative to mixed interphase cells. GAG synthesis was maintained into late G2. Thus, the rate of GAG biosynthesis was correlated temporally with the detachment and reattachment of cells to substrate. Inhibitors of protein synthesis brought about the rapid arrest of GAG biosynthesis. However, xylosides, which bypass the requirement for core protein, did not bring oligosaccharide sulfation in mitotics to interphase levels. These observations indicate an inhibition of Golgi processing and are consistent with a generalized defect of membrane vesicle-mediated transport during mitosis.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus productively infects and integrates into cells that have been arrested in the cell cycle with either gamma irradiation or aphidicolin. Integration by oncoretroviruses such as the murine leukemia virus (MuLV), on the other hand, depends on cell proliferation. Although the entire cell cycle is not necessary for MuLV infection, it is essential that the infected cells pass through mitosis. The long terminal repeat circle junction, a marker for nuclear entry, is first observed in MuLV-infected cells immediately after mitosis. These results suggest that mitosis is necessary for nuclear entry of MuLV, but not human immunodeficiency virus, unintegrated proviral DNA.  相似文献   

Whether chromosomes maintain their nuclear positions during interphase and from one cell cycle to the next has been controversially discussed. To address this question, we performed long-term live-cell studies using a HeLa cell line with GFP-tagged chromatin. Positional changes of the intensity gravity centers of fluorescently labeled chromosome territories (CTs) on the order of several microm were observed in early G1, suggesting a role of CT mobility in establishing interphase nuclear architecture. Thereafter, the positions were highly constrained within a range of approximately 1 microm until the end of G2. To analyze possible changes of chromosome arrangements from one cell cycle to the next, nuclei were photobleached in G2 maintaining a contiguous zone of unbleached chromatin at one nuclear pole. This zone was stably preserved until the onset of prophase, whereas the contiguity of unbleached chromosome segments was lost to a variable extent, when the metaphase plate was formed. Accordingly, chromatin patterns observed in daughter nuclei differed significantly from the mother cell nucleus. We conclude that CT arrangements were stably maintained from mid G1 to late G2/early prophase, whereas major changes of CT neighborhoods occurred from one cell cycle to the next. The variability of CT neighborhoods during clonal growth was further confirmed by chromosome painting experiments.  相似文献   

We have studied the interactions of exogenous prions with an epithelial cell line inducibly expressing PrPc protein and permissive to infection by a sheep scrapie agent. We demonstrate that abnormal PrP (PrPSc) and prion infectivity are efficiently internalized in Rov cells, whether or not PrPc is expressed. At odds with earlier studies implicating cellular heparan sulfates in PrPSc internalization, we failed to find any involvement of such molecules in Rov cells, indicating that prions can enter target cells by several routes. We further show that PrPSc taken up in the absence of PrPc was unable to promote efficient prion multiplication once PrPc expression was restored in the cells. This observation argues that interaction of PrPSc with PrPc has to occur early, in a specific subcellular compartment(s), and is consistent with the view that the first prion multiplication events may occur at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Microtubules in interphase mammalian cells usually form a radial array with minus-ends concentrated in the central region and plus-ends placed at the periphery. This is accepted as correct, that two factors determinate the radial organization of microtubules - the centrosome, which nucleate and anchor the microtubules minus-ends, and the interaction of microtubules with cortical dynein, which positions centrosome in the cell center. However, it looks as if there are additional factors, affecting the radial structure of microtubule system. We show here that in aged Vero cytoplasts (17 h after enucleation) microtubule system lost radial organization and became chaotic. To clear up the reasons of that, we studied centrosome activity, its position in the cytoplasts and microtubule dynamics. We found that centrosome in aged cytoplasts was still active and placed in the central region of the cytoplasm, while after total disruption of the microtubules it was displaced from the center. Microtubules in aged cytoplasts were not stabilized, but they lost their ability to stop to grow near cell cortex and continued to grow reaching it. Aged cytoplast lamellae was partially depleted with dynactin though Golgi remained compact indicating dynein activity. We conclude that microtubule stoppage at cell cortex is mediated by some (protein) factors, and these factors influence radial structure of microtubule system. It seems that the key role in centrosome positioning is played by dynein complexes anchored everywhere in the cytoplasm rather than anchored in cell cortex.  相似文献   

How DNA is folded into chromosomes is unknown. Mitotic chromosome banding shows reproducibility in longitudinal compaction at a resolution of several megabase pairs, but it is less clear whether DNA sequences are targeted laterally to specific locations. The in vitro chromosome assembly of prokaryotic DNA suggests that there is a lack of sequence requirements for chromosome condensation, implying an absence of DNA targeting. Protein extraction experiments indicate, however, that specific DNA sequences may bind to a chromosome scaffold. Chromosome banding patterns, using dyes with differential sequence specificity, have been interpreted to result from the alignment of AT-rich sequences in a partially helically folded chromosome scaffold. But fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments, perhaps owing to technical limitations, have shown at best only slight deviation from a random, lateral sequence distribution. Here we show that there is highly reproducible targeting of specific chromosome segments to the metaphase chromatid axis, but that these segments localize to the periphery of prophase and telophase chromosomes. Unfolding intermediates during anaphase and telophase suggest that sequence repositioning occurs through the global uncoiling of an underlying chromatid structure.  相似文献   

Mitogenically stimulated human and mouse lymphocytes enter the cell cycle (G0, G1A, G1B, S, G2+M) via a newly recognized subphase, G1'. This subphase precedes G1A and is distinct from G0. The G1' subphase is absent in immortalized and tumorigenic lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) by cytofluorimetric criteria. Furthermore, colcemid inhibits transition through the G0/G1' as well as G2 phases in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes and in LCLs. Tumorigenic LCLs are not sensitive to growth inhibition by colcemid during early G1. These observations suggest that a progressive series of changes have occurred during G0/G1' which lead to deregulation of growth control.  相似文献   

We show that the dynamin-like proteins Dnm1p and Vps1p are not required for re-introduction of peroxisomes in Hansenula polymorpha pex3 cells upon complementation with PEX3-GFP. Instead, Dnm1p, but not Vps1p, plays a crucial role in organelle proliferation via fission. In H. polymorpha DNM1 deletion cells (dnm1) a single peroxisome is present that forms long extensions, which protrude into developing buds and divide during cytokinesis. Budding pex11.dnm1 double deletion cells lack these peroxisomal extensions, suggesting that the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex11p is required for their formation. Life cell imaging revealed that fluorescent Dnm1p-GFP spots fluctuate between peroxisomes and mitochondria. On the other hand Pex11p is present over the entire organelle surface, but concentrates during fission at the basis of the organelle extension in dnm1 cells.Our data indicate that peroxisome fission is the major pathway for peroxisome multiplication in H. polymorpha.  相似文献   

Previous experiments in Xenopus egg extracts identified what appeared to be two independently assembled prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) for DNA replication: the stepwise assembly of ORC, Cdc6, and Mcm onto chromatin, and the FFA-1-mediated recruitment of RPA into foci on chromatin. We have investigated whether both of these pre-RCs can be detected in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Early- and late-replicating chromosomal domains were pulse-labeled with halogenated nucleotides and prelabeled cells were synchronized at various times during the following G1-phase. The recruitment of Mcm2 and RPA to these domains was examined in relation to the formation of a nuclear envelope, specification of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) replication origin and entry into S-phase. Mcm2 was loaded gradually and cumulatively onto both early- and late-replicating chromatin from late telophase throughout G1-phase. During S-phase, detectable Mcm2 was rapidly excluded from PCNA-containing active replication forks. By contrast, detergent-resistant RPA foci were undetectable until the onset of S-phase, when RPA joined only the earliest-firing replicons. During S-phase, RPA was present with PCNA specifically at active replication forks. Together, our data are consistent with a role for Mcm proteins, but not RPA, in the formation of mammalian pre-RCs during early G1-phase.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that insulin increases the synthesis de novo of phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and diacylglycerol (DAG) in BC3H-1 myocytes and/or rat adipose tissue. Here we have further characterized these effects of insulin and examined whether there are concomitant changes in inositol phosphate generation and Ca2+ mobilization. We found that insulin provoked very rapid increases in PI content (20% within 15 s in myocytes) and, after a slight lag, PIP and PIP2 content in both BC3H-1 myocytes and rat fat pads (measured by increases in 32P or 3H content after prelabelling phospholipids to constant specific radioactivity by prior incubation with 32Pi or [3H]inositol). Insulin also increased 32Pi incorporation into these phospholipids when 32Pi was added either simultaneously with insulin or 1 h after insulin. Thus, the insulin-induced increase in phospholipid content appeared to be due to an increase in phospholipid synthesis, which was maintained for at least 2 h. Insulin increased DAG content in BC3H-1 myocytes and adipose tissue, but failed to increase the levels of inositol monophosphate (IP), inositol bisphosphate (IP2) or inositol trisphosphate (IP3). The failure to observe an increase in IP3 (a postulated 'second messenger' which mobilizes intracellular Ca2+) was paralleled by a failure to observe an insulin-induced increase in the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ in BC3H-1 myocytes as measured by Quin 2 fluorescence. Like insulin, the phorbol diester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) increased the transport of 2-deoxyglucose and aminoisobutyric acid in BC3H-1 myocytes. These effects of insulin and TPA appeared to be independent of extracellular Ca2+. We conclude that the phospholipid synthesis de novo effect of insulin is provoked very rapidly, and is attended by increases in DAG but not IP3 or Ca2+ mobilization. The insulin-induced increase in DAG does not appear to be a consequence of phospholipase C acting upon the expanded PI + PIP + PIP2 pool, but may be derived directly from PA. Our findings suggest the possibility that DAG (through protein kinase C activation) may function as an important intracellular 'messenger' for controlling metabolic processes during insulin action.  相似文献   

Cdc20 is an activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome that initiates anaphase onset by ordering the destruction of cyclin B1 and securin in metaphase. To study the physiological significance of Cdc20 in higher eukaryotes, we generated hypomorphic mice that express small amounts of this essential cell cycle regulator. In this study, we show that these mice are healthy and not prone to cancer despite substantial aneuploidy. Cdc20 hypomorphism causes chromatin bridging and chromosome misalignment, revealing a requirement for Cdc20 in efficient sister chromosome separation and chromosome-microtubule attachment. We find that cyclin B1 is newly synthesized during mitosis via cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein-dependent translation, causing its rapid accumulation between prometaphase and metaphase of Cdc20 hypomorphic cells. Anaphase onset is significantly delayed in Cdc20 hypomorphic cells but not when translation is inhibited during mitosis. These data reveal that Cdc20 is particularly rate limiting for cyclin B1 destruction because of regulated de novo synthesis of this cyclin after prometaphase onset.  相似文献   

Two MOB1 genes, MOB1-A and MOB1-B, were identified in Trypanosoma brucei. MOB1-A of T. brucei was shown to form a complex with TbPK50, a functional homologue of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein kinase Orb6, and immune precipitated MOB1-A exhibited histone H1 protein kinase activity. MOB1-A and TbPK50 were also shown to bind p12cks1, a cyclin-dependent kinase accessory protein. Immune fluorescence of epitope-tagged MOB1-A and MOB1-B in bloodstream form trypanosomes showed they had a punctate distribution all through the cell cytoplasm and were excluded from the nucleus throughout the cell cycle. Using RNA interference (RNAi), MOB1 was shown to be essential in both bloodstream and procyclic life cycle stages. In the bloodstream form, RNAi of MOB1 resulted, after 8 h, in a significant increase in post-mitotic cells, the majority of which had a visible cleavage furrow. This was followed by the appearance of cells with abnormal complements of nuclei and kinetoplasts, often with the number of nuclei exceeding the number of kinetoplasts. Thus, downregulation of MOB1 in the bloodstream form results in a delay in cytokinesis, and leads to a deregulation of the cell cycle, possibly through an inhibitory effect on kinetoplast replication. In contrast, downregulation of MOB1 in the procyclic form appears to impede the accuracy of cytokinesis, by allowing mispositioning of the cleavage furrow and inappropriate cytokinesis. Unlike its counterpart in budding yeast, T. brucei MOB1 does not appear to be required for mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me) and small RNAs are associated with constitutively silent chromatin in diverse eukaryotes including plants. In plants, silent transposons are also marked by cytosine methylation, especially at non‐CpG sites. Transposon‐specific non‐CpG methylation in plants is controlled by small RNAs and H3K9me. Although it is often assumed that small RNA directs H3K9me, interaction between small RNA and H3K9me has not been directly demonstrated in plants. We have previously shown that a mutation in the chromatin remodeling gene DDM1 (DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION 1) induces a global decrease but a local increase of cytosine methylation and accumulation of small RNA at a locus called BONSAI. Here we show that de novo BONSAI methylation does not depend on RNAi but does depend on H3K9me. In mutants of H3K9 methyltransferase gene KRYPTONITE or the H3K9me‐dependent DNA methyltransferase gene CHROMOMETHYALSE3, the ddm1‐induced de novo cytosine methylation was abolished for all three contexts (CpG, CpHpG and CpHpH). Furthermore, RNAi mutants showed strong developmental defects when combined with the ddm1 mutation. Our results revealed unexpected interactions of epigenetic modifications that may be conserved among diverse eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RCC1) is the only known guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for the Ran GTPase and has pivotal roles in nucleo-cytoplasmic transport, mitosis, and nuclear-envelope assembly. RCC1 associates dynamically with chromatin through binding to histones H2A and/or H2B in a Ran-regulated manner. Here, we report that, unexpectedly, the amino-terminal serine or proline residue of RCC1 is uniquely methylated on its alpha-amino group. Methylation requires removal of the initiating methionine, and the presence of proline and lysine at positions 3 and 4, respectively. Methylation-defective mutants of RCC1 bind less effectively than wild-type protein to chromatin during mitosis, which causes spindle-pole defects. We propose a bimodal attachment mechanism for RCC1 in which the tail promotes stable RCC1 association with chromatin through DNA binding in an alpha-N-methylation-dependent manner. These data provide the first known function for N-terminal protein methylation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry is of clinical interest for making treatment decisions or for predicting response and survival, through proliferation rate (labeling index or S-phase fraction) assessment or T(pot) calculation. Thymidylate synthase expression was tested in vitro, in vivo, and clinically as a prognostic factor for 5-fluorouracil (5FU) sensitivity. However, results were still controversial. Moreover, we had reported that 5FU sensitivity was related to the labeling index of untreated cell cultures. METHODS: We used six human cancer cell lines that exhibited a wide range of 5FU sensitivity. Cell cycle analysis was performed using flow cytometry monovariate propidium iodide (PI) analysis and bivariate distributions of BrdU incorporation versus DNA content. 5FU sensitivity was assayed using a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) colorimetric assay. RESULTS: In all cell lines, 5FU exposure resulted in a statistically significant G(1)/S accumulation. No statistically significant relationship was seen between G(0)/G(1) delay determined by monovariate analysis and 5FU sensitivity. However, 5FU sensitivity was statistically correlated to the labeling index and G(1)/S subpopulation assessed with bivariate analysis using BrdU incorporation versus DNA content. CONCLUSIONS: Cellular proliferation parameters using BrdU incorporation are more informative than PI for in vitro 5FU sensitivity. Because BrdU incorporation could be assessed clinically, it could also be informative for 5FU clinical response prediction.  相似文献   

The study of prions and the discovery of candidate therapeutics for prion disease have been facilitated by the ability of prions to replicate in cultured cells. Paradigms in which prion proteins from different species are expressed in cells with low or no expression of endogenous prion protein (PrP) have expanded the range of prion strains that can be propagated. In these systems, cells stably expressing a PrP of interest are typically generated via coexpression of a selectable marker and treatment with an antibiotic. Here, we report the unexpected discovery that the aminoglycoside G418 (Geneticin) interferes with the ability of stably transfected cultured cells to become infected with prions. In G418-resistant lines of N2a or CAD5 cells, the presence of G418 reduced levels of protease-resistant PrP following challenge with the RML or 22L strains of mouse prions. G418 also interfered with the infection of cells expressing hamster PrP with the 263K strain of hamster prions. Interestingly, G418 had minimal to no effect on protease-resistant PrP levels in cells with established prion infection, arguing that G418 selectively interferes with de novo prion infection. As G418 treatment had no discernible effect on cellular PrP levels or its localization, this suggests that G418 may specifically target prion assemblies or processes involved in the earliest stages of prion infection.  相似文献   

Background: Enhanced expression of IGF-1 occurs in left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) associated with systemic hypertension. Cardiac dysfunction accompanied by LVH is also observed in hyperthyroidism. Objective: to assess the relative contributions of de novo protein synthesis and attenuated protein degradation to increased protein mass associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy elicited by IGF-1 and thyroid hormones (tri-iodo thyronine T3, and l-thyroxine T4), respectively. Methods: total mass of protein, and both the incorporation, and removal of previously incorporated l-U-14C-phenylalanine, indices of protein synthesis and degradation, respectively, were assessed in quiescent adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes maintained in short-term culture, and corrected for DNA content, as a index of cell number. Results: IGF-1 (1 pM-100 nM) increased cell protein significantly, maximally at 1 nM and by 38% above basal value after 24 h. T3 (10 pM-2 M) and T4 (10 pM-2 M) increased cell protein significantly maximally at 1 M and by 33.2 and 30.5%, respectively, above basal value. IGF-1 ( 10 pM), T3 (10 pM-2 M) and T4 (10 pM-2 M) did not increase incorporation of l-U-14C-phenylalanine above basal values. IGF-1 (100 pM-100 nM) increased incorporation of radiolabel significantly maximally at 100 nM and by 56%. T4 (100 pM) and IGF-1 (10 pM), concentrations that did not stimulate de novo protein synthesis, attenuated the degradation of radiolabelled protein by 13.6 and 11.8%, respectively, compared to control values after 48 h. Conclusion: These data indicate that the acute hypertrophic response to (i) thyroid hormones cannot be attributed to initiation of de novo protein synthesis; (ii) IGF-1 comprises two components; the response elicited by IGF-1 (< 10 pM) is independent of, while the response elicited by IGF-1 (> 100 pM) is due to de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosomal domains replicate at defined, developmentally regulated times during S phase. The positions of these domains in Chinese hamster nuclei were established within 1 hr after nuclear envelope formation and maintained thereafter. When G1 phase nuclei were incubated in Xenopus egg extracts, domains were replicated in the proper temporal order with nuclei isolated after spatial repositioning, but not with nuclei isolated prior to repositioning. Mcm2 was bound both to early- and late-replicating chromatin domains prior to this transition whereas specification of the dihydrofolate reductase replication origin took place several hours thereafter. These results identify an early G1 phase point at which replication timing is determined and demonstrate a provocative temporal coincidence between the establishment of nuclear position and replication timing.  相似文献   

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