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Shotgun proteomics is rapidly becoming one of the most efficient and popular tools to examine protein expression in cells. Numerous laboratories now have a wide array of low- and high-performance mass spectrometry instrumentation necessary to complete proteome-wide projects. Often these laboratories have time and financial constraints that prohibit all projects from being conducted on high-performance state-of-the-art mass spectrometers. Here, we compare shotgun proteomic results using a direct 'lyse, digest and analyse' approach on a high-performance mass spectrometer (i.e. the LTQ-FT) with the results from a much lower-performance instrument (i.e. the LCQ-DUO) where, for the latter, various traditional protein pre-fractionation steps and gas-phase fractionation were used to increase the proteome coverage. Our results demonstrate that shotgun proteomic analyses conducted on the lower-performance LCQ-DUO mass spectrometer could adequately characterize a PhoP constitutive strain of Salmonella typhimurium if proteome pre-fractionation steps and gas-phase fractionation were included.  相似文献   

Hirano H  Islam N  Kawasaki H 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(11):1487-1498
Since the completion of genome sequences of several organisms, attention has been focused to determine the function and functional network of proteins by proteome analysis. This analysis is achieved by separation and identification of proteins, determination of their function and functional network, and construction of an appropriate database. Many improvements in separation and identification of proteins, such as two-dimensional electrophoresis, nano-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, have rapidly been achieved. Some new techniques which include top-down mass spectrometry and tandem affinity purification have emerged. These techniques have provided the possibility of high-throughput analysis of function and functional network of proteins in plants. However, to cope with the huge information emerging from proteome analyses, more sophisticated techniques and software are essential. The development and adaptation of such techniques will ease analyses of protein profiling, identification of post-translational modifications and protein-protein interaction, which are vital for elucidation of the protein functions.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis directed to a specific glycosylation site has been widely used to examine biological roles of individual glycans. However, occurrence of any post-translational modification on such deglycosylated mutants has not yet been well characterized. Here we performed mass spectrometric analyses of the Fc fragment of an unglycosylated mutant of mouse immunoglobulin G2b, whose conserved N-glycosylation site, i.e. Asn297, was substituted with alanine. We found that a major part of this mutant is sulfated at Tyr296, which adjacently precedes the originally glycosylated site. Our findings demonstrate that mutational deglycosylation can induce an unexpected post-translational modification in the protein.  相似文献   

Ihling C  Sinz A 《Proteomics》2005,5(8):2029-2042
The basic problem of complexity poses a significant challenge for proteomic studies. To date two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by enzymatic in-gel digestion of the peptides, and subsequent identification by mass spectrometry (MS) is the most commonly used method to analyze complex protein mixtures. However, 2-DE is a slow and labor-intensive technique, which is not able to resolve all proteins of a proteome. To overcome these limitations gel-free approaches are developed based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The high resolution and excellent mass accuracy of FT-ICR MS provides a basis for simultaneous analysis of numerous compounds. In the present study, a small protein subfraction of an Escherichia coli cell lysate was prepared by size-exclusion chromatography and proteins were analyzed using C4 reversed phase (RP)-HPLC for pre-separation followed by C18 RP nanoHPLC/nanoESI FT-ICR MS for analysis of the peptide mixtures after tryptic digestion of the protein fractions. We identified 231 proteins and thus demonstrated that a combination of two RP separation steps - one on the protein and one on the peptide level - in combination with high-resolution FT-ICR MS has the potential to become a powerful method for global proteomics studies.  相似文献   

The Double-stranded DNA bacteriophage P22 has a ring-shaped dodecameric complex composed of the 84 kDa portal protein subunit that forms the central channel of the phage DNA packaging motor. The overall morphology of the P22 portal complex is similar to that of the portal complexes of Phi29, SPP1, T3, T7 phages and herpes simplex virus. Secondary structure prediction of P22 portal protein and its threading onto the crystal structure of the Phi29 portal complexes suggested that the P22 portal protein complex shares conserved helical modules that were found in the dodecameric interfaces of the Phi29 portal complex. To identify the amino acids involved in intersubunit contacts in the P22 portal ring complexes and validate the threading model, we performed comparative hydrogen/deuterium exchange analysis of monomeric and in vitro assembled portal proteins of P22 and the dodecameric Phi29 portal. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments provided evidence of intersubunit interactions in the P22 portal complex similar to those in the Phi29 portal that map to the regions predicted to be conserved helical modules.  相似文献   

All major fragment ions of codeine and morphine were elucidated using LC-electrospray MS/MS and high resolution FT-ICR-MS combined with an IRMPD system. Nanogram quantities of labeled codeine were isolated and purified from Papaver somniferum seedlings, which were grown for up to 9 days in the presence of [ring-13C6]-l-tyrosine, [ring-13C6]-tyramine and [1,2-13C2], [6-O-methyl 13C]-(R,S)-coclaurine. The labeling degree of codeine up to 57% into morphinans was observed.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 complex plays a central role in the de novo nucleation of filamentous actin as branches on existing filaments. The complex must bind ATP, protein activators [e.g., Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp)], and the side of an actin filament to form a new actin filament. Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry was used to examine the structural and dynamic properties of the mammalian Arp2/3 complex in the presence of both ATP and the activating peptide segment from WASp. Changes in the rate of hydrogen exchange indicate that ATP binding causes conformational rearrangements of Arp2 and Arp3 that are transmitted allosterically to the Arp complex (ARPC)1, ARPC2, ARPC4, and ARPC5 subunits. These data are consistent with the closure of nucleotide-binding cleft of Arp3 upon ATP binding, resulting in structural rearrangements that propagate throughout the complex. Binding of the VCA domain of WASp to ATP-Arp2/3 further modulates the rates of hydrogen exchange in these subunits, indicating that a global conformational reorganization is occurring. These effects may include the direct binding of activators to Arp3, Arp2, and ARPC1; alterations in the relative orientations of Arp2 and Arp3; and the long-range transmission of activator-dependent signals to segments proposed to be involved in binding the F-actin mother filament.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) has first been described in Drosophila as an essential component of constitutive heterochromatin required for stable epigenetic gene silencing. Less is known about the three mammalian HP1 isotypes CBX1, CBX3 and CBX5. Here, we applied a tandem affinity purification approach coupled with tandem mass spectrometry methodologies in order to identify interacting partners of the mammalian HP1 isotypes. Our analysis identified with high confidence about 30–40 proteins co-eluted with CBX1 and CBX3, and around 10 with CBX5 including a number of novel HP1-binding partners. Our data also suggest that HP1 family members are mainly associated with a single partner or within small protein complexes composed of limited numbers of components. Finally, we showed that slight binding preferences might exist between HP1 family members.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an enveloped virus constituted by two monomeric RNA molecules that encode for 15 proteins. Among these are the structural proteins that are translated as the gag polyprotein. In order to become infectious, HIV must undergo a maturation process mediated by the proteolytic cleavage of gag to give rise to the isolated structural protein matrix, capsid (CA), nucleocapsid as well as p6 and spacer peptides 1 and 2. Upon maturation, the 13 N-terminal residues from CA fold into a β-hairpin, which is stabilized mainly by a salt bridge between Pro1 and Asp51. Previous reports have shown that non-formation of the salt bridge, which potentially disrupts proper β-hairpin arrangement, generates noninfectious virus or aberrant cores. To date, however, there is no consensus on the role of the β-hairpin. In order to shed light in this subject, we have generated mutations in the hairpin region to examine what features would be crucial for the β-hairpin's role in retroviral mature core formation. These features include the importance of the proline at the N-terminus, the amino acid sequence, and the physical structure of the β-hairpin itself. The presented experiments provide biochemical evidence that β-hairpin formation plays an important role in regard to CA protein conformation required to support proper mature core arrangement. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange and in vitro assembly reactions illustrated the importance of the β-hairpin structure, its dynamics, and its influence on the orientation of helix 1 for the assembly of the mature CA lattice.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of chemically stable compounds to reactive metabolites which can bind covalently to macromolecules, such as proteins and DNA, is considered as an undesirable feature of drug candidates. As part of an overall assessment of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties, many pharmaceutical companies have put methods in place to screen drug candidates for their tendency to generate reactive metabolites and as well characterize the nature of the reactive metabolites through in vitro and in vivo studies. After identification of the problematic compounds, steps can be taken to minimize the potential of bioactivation through appropriate structural modifications. For these reasons, detection, structural characterization and quantification of reactive metabolites by mass spectrometry have become an important task in the drug discovery process. Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry is traditionally employed for the analysis of reactive metabolites. In the past 3 years, a number of new mass spectrometry methodologies have been developed to improve the sensitivity, selectivity and throughput of the analysis. This review focuses on the recent advances in the detection and characterization of reactive metabolites by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in drug discovery and development, especially through the use of linear ion trap (LTQ), hybrid triple quadrupole-linear ion trap (Q-trap) and the high resolution LTQ-Orbitrap instruments.  相似文献   

Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a multiligand receptor that is engaged in many pathological processes. Potentially beneficial modification of its activity requires sound knowledge of its structural properties. However, up to now, only the structures of its separated domains have been published or deposited in databases. In this work, we used hydrogen-deuterium exchange and mass spectrometry to gain insight into the structural properties of exRAGE (extracellular region of RAGE)—the full extracellular part of the protein. The present work indicates the common and disparate features of full exRAGE as compared to the structural models of its separate domains. The highlight of the present study is the contrasting behavior of the different regions of the protein, with the protected regions neighboring fully exposed parts especially in the N-terminal V domain.  相似文献   

Saw Yen Ow 《FEBS letters》2009,583(11):1744-5912
Advancements in genome sequencing and high throughput proteomics of cyanobacterial strains led to 13 published reports, from a small number of laboratories. These successful studies focused on Synechocystis, Nostoc and Anabaena strains, prochlorococcus, and halotolerant Euhalothece. The implications of emerging quantitative aspects developed and applied in these large-scale studies are assessed in the wake of advanced cyanobacterial research. Furthermore, contributions from traditional and early high throughput analysis of cyanobacterial proteomics are compared and summarised. Finally, opinions are provided to link both the trends and the future challenges. This review aims to push the synergy between proteomics and cyanobacterial research to improve both the technical and biological significance.  相似文献   

We report a sensitive and robust method to determine cholic acid (CA), chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), deoxycholic acid (DCA), lithocholic acid (LCA), ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), and their taurine- and glycine-conjugate concentrations in human plasma using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Activated charcoal was utilized to prepare bile acid-free plasma, which served as the biological matrix for the preparation of standard and quality control samples. Plasma sample preparation involved solid-phase extraction. A total of 16 bile acids and 5 internal standards were separated on a reverse column by gradient elution and detected by tandem mass spectrometry in negative ion mode. The calibration curve was linear for all the bile acids over a range of 0.005–5 μmol/L. The extraction recoveries for all the analytes fell in the range of 88–101%. Intra-day and inter-day coefficients of variation were all below 10%. A stability test showed that all the bile acids were stable in plasma for at least 6 h at room temperature, at least three freeze–thaw cycles, in the −70 °C or −20 °C freezer for 2 months, and also in the reconstitution solution at 8 °C for 48 h. Comparison of the matrix effect of bile acid-free plasma with that of real plasma indicated that the charcoal purification procedure did not affect the properties of charcoal-purified plasma as calibration matrix. This method has been used to determine the bile acid concentrations in more than 300 plasma samples from healthy individuals. In conclusion, this method is suitable for the simultaneous quantification of individual bile acids in human plasma.  相似文献   

The cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans is an important dental pathogen that forms biofilms on tooth surfaces, which provide a protective niche for the bacterium where it secretes organic acids leading to the demineralization of tooth enamel. Lipids, especially glycolipids are likely to be key components of these biofilm matrices. The UA159 strain of S. mutans was among the earliest microorganisms to have its genome sequenced. While the lipids of other S. mutans strains have been identified and characterized, lipid analyses of UA159 have been limited to a few studies on its fatty acids. Here we report the structures of the four major glycolipids from stationary-phase S. mutans UA159 cells grown in standing cultures. These were shown to be monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGDAG), diglucosyldiacylglycerol (DGDAG), diglucosylmonoacylglycerol (DGMAG) and, glycerophosphoryldiglucosyldiacylglycerol (GPDGDAG). The structures were determined by high performance thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The glycolipids were identified by accurate, high resolution, and tandem mass spectrometry. The identities of the sugar units in the glycolipids were determined by a novel and highly efficient NMR method. All sugars were shown to have α-glycosidic linkages and DGMAG was shown to be acylated in the sn-1 position by NMR. This is the first observation of unsubstituted DGMAG in any organism and the first mass spectrometry data for GPDGDAG.  相似文献   

We used a targeted proteomics approach to investigate whether introduction of new N-linked glycosylation sites in a chimeric protein influence the glycosylation of the existing glycosylation sites. To accomplish our goals, we over-expressed and purified a chimeric construct that contained the Fc region of the IgG fused to the exons 7 & 8 of mouse ZP3 (IgG-Fc-ZP3E7 protein). Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgG-HC protein) was used as control. We then analyzed the IgG-HC and IgG-Fc-ZP3E7 proteins by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and by Western blotting (WB). We concluded that in control experiments, the glycosylation site was occupied as expected. However, in the IgG-Fc-ZP3E7 protein, we concluded that only one out of three NXS/T glycosylation sites is occupied by N-linked oligosaccharides. We also concluded that in the IgG-Fc-ZP3E7 protein, upon introduction of additional potential NXS/T glycosylation sites within its sequence, the original NST/S glycosylation site from the Fc region of the IgG-Fc-ZP3E7 protein is no longer glycosylated. The biomedical significance of our findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The homodimeric Ocr (overcome classical restriction) protein of bacteriophage T7 is a molecular mimic of double-stranded DNA and a highly effective competitive inhibitor of the bacterial type I restriction/modification system. The surface of Ocr is replete with acidic residues that mimic the phosphate backbone of DNA. In addition, Ocr also mimics the overall dimensions of a bent 24-bp DNA molecule. In this study, we attempted to delineate these two mechanisms of DNA mimicry by chemically modifying the negative charges on the Ocr surface. Our analysis reveals that removal of about 46% of the carboxylate groups per Ocr monomer results in an ∼ 50-fold reduction in binding affinity for a methyltransferase from a model type I restriction/modification system. The reduced affinity between Ocr with this degree of modification and the methyltransferase is comparable with the affinity of DNA for the methyltransferase. Additional modification to remove ∼ 86% of the carboxylate groups further reduces its binding affinity, although the modified Ocr still binds to the methyltransferase via a mechanism attributable to the shape mimicry of a bent DNA molecule. Our results show that the electrostatic mimicry of Ocr increases the binding affinity for its target enzyme by up to ∼ 800-fold.  相似文献   

Deregulation of myosin II-based contractility contributes to the pathogenesis of human diseases, such as cancer, which underscores the necessity for tight spatial and temporal control of myosin II activity. Recently, we demonstrated that activation of the mammalian α-kinase TRPM7 inhibits myosin II-based contractility in a Ca2+- and kinase-dependent manner. However, the molecular mechanism is poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that TRPM7 phosphorylates the COOH-termini of both mouse and human myosin IIA heavy chains—the COOH-terminus being a region that is critical for filament stability. Phosphorylated residues were mapped to Thr1800, Ser1803 and Ser1808. Mutation of these residues to alanine and that to aspartic acid lead to an increase and a decrease, respectively, in myosin IIA incorporation into the actomyosin cytoskeleton and accordingly affect subcellular localization. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that TRPM7 regulates myosin IIA filament stability and localization by phosphorylating a short stretch of amino acids within the α-helical tail of the myosin IIA heavy chain.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones, besides their role in assisting protein folding, are key modulators of protein disaggregation, being consistently found as components of most macromolecular assemblies isolated in proteome-wide affinity purifications. A wealth of structural information has been recently acquired on Hsp70s complexed with Hsp40 and NEF co-factors and with small hydrophobic target peptides. However, knowledge of how Hsp70s recognize large protein substrates is still limited. Earlier, we reported that homologue Hsp70 chaperones (DnaK in Escherichia coli and Ssa1-4p/Ssb1-2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) bind strongly, both in vitro and in vivo, to the AAA+ domain in the Orc4p subunit of yeast origin recognition complex (ORC). ScORC is the paradigm for eukaryotic DNA replication initiators and consists of six distinct protein subunits (ScOrc1p-ScOrc 6p). Here, we report that a hydrophobic sequence (IL4) in the initiator specific motif (ISM) in Orc4p is the main target for DnaK/Hsp70. The three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction of a stable Orc4p2-DnaK complex suggests that the C-terminal substrate-binding domain in the chaperone clamps the AAA+ IL4 motif in one Orc4p molecule, with the substrate-binding domain lid subdomain wedging apart the other Orc4p subunit. Pairwise co-expression in E. coli shows that Orc4p interacts with Orc1/2/5p. Mutation of IL4 selectively disrupts Orc4p interaction with Orc2p. Allelic substitution of ORC4 by mutants in each residue of IL4 results in lethal (I184A) or thermosensitive (L185A and L186A) initiation-defective phenotypes in vivo. The interplay between Hsp70 chaperones and the Orc4p-IL4 motif might have an adaptor role in the sequential, stoichiometric assembly of ScORC subunits.  相似文献   

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