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Kinetics and physiology of Corynebacterium glutamicum 2262 cultured for extended periods in continuous mode were investigated at 33, 39 and 41 degrees C. At 33 degrees C no glutamate production occurred whatever the dilution rates tested (ranging between 0.05 and 0.5 h(-1)). When the continuous culture was performed at 39 degrees C and D=0.05 h(-1), the glutamate was actively produced, while the activities of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (ODHC) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) were, respectively completely inhibited and 35% decreased. Simultaneously, the intracellular glutamate was 62% reduced compared to the level found at 33 degrees C and the co-metabolites lactate and trehalose were excreted. The decrease in PDH activity during the glutamate production was suggested to be responsible for the accumulation of by-products and for limiting the carbon flux required for glutamate synthesis. When the culture was prolonged for more than 100 h, a cell selection occurred, in favor of growth and to the detriment of glutamate production. In fact, these selected cells presented high levels of ODHC and PDH activities even at 39 degrees C, resulting in a complete inhibition of the glutamate production after 150 h of culture. A further temperature increase till 41 degrees C restored the glutamate production and abolished the ODHC activity of these selected cells.  相似文献   

In Corynebacterium glutamicum, the activity of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex was shown to be controlled by the phosphorylation of a 15-kDa protein OdhI by different serine/threonine protein kinases. In this paper, the phosphorylation status and kinetics of OdhI dephosphorylation were assessed during glutamate producing processes triggered by either a biotin limitation or a temperature upshock from 33°C to 39°C. A dephosphorylation of OdhI in C. glutamicum 2262 was observed during the biotin-limited as well as the temperature-induced glutamate-producing process. Deletion of pknG in C. glutamicum 2262 did not affect the phosphorylation status of OdhI during growth and glutamate production phases triggered by a temperature upshock, though a 40% increase in the specific glutamate production rate was measured. These results suggest that, under the conditions analyzed, PknG is not the kinase responsible for the phosphorylation of OdhI in C. glutamicum 2262. The phosphorylation status of OdhI alone is, as expected, not the only parameter that determines the performance of a specific strain, as no clear relation between the specific glutamate production rate and OdhI phosphorylation level was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Metabolic analysis of glutamate production by Corynebacterium glutamicum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic behavior of the metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum during L-glutamic acid fermentation, was evaluated by quantitative analysis of the evolution of intracellular metabolites and key enzyme concentrations. Glutamate production was induced by an increase of the temperature and a final concentration of 80 g/l was attained. During the production phase, various other compounds, notably lactate, trehalose, and DHA were secreted to the medium. Intracellular metabolites analysis showed important variations of glycolytic intermediates and NADH, NAD coenzymes levels throughout the production phase. Two phenomena occur during the production phase which potentially provoke a decrease in the glutamate yield: Both the intracellular concentrations of glycolytic intermediates and the NADH/NAD ratio increase significantly during the period in which the overall metabolic rates decline. This correlates with the decrease in glutamate yield due in part to the production of lactate and also to the period of the fermentation in which growth no longer occurred.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum 2262 strain, when triggered for glutamate excretion, experiences a rapid decrease in growth rate and increase in glutamate efflux. In order to gain a better quantitative understanding of the factors controlling the metabolic transition, the fermentation dynamics was investigated for a temperature-sensitive strain cultivated in batch and glucose-limited continuous cultures. For non-excreting cells at 33°C, increasing the growth rate resulted in strong increases in the central metabolic fluxes, but the intracellular glutamate level, the oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (ODHC) activity and the flux distribution at the oxoglutarate node remained essentially constant. When subjected to a temperature rise to 39°C, at both high- and low-metabolic activities, the bacteria showed a rapid attenuation in ODHC activity and an increase from 28% to more than 90% of the isocitrate dehydrogenase flux split towards glutamate synthesis. Simultaneously to the reduction in growth rate, the cells activated a high capacity export system capable of expelling the surplus of synthesized glutamate.  相似文献   

Glutamate availability in the argF-argR-proBDelta strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum was increased by addition of glutamate to the cell or inactivation of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity and simultaneous overexpression of the pyruvate carboxylase activity to assess its effect on Lornithine production. When glutamate was increased in an Lornithine- producing strain, the production of L-ornithine was not changed. This unexpected result indicated that the intracellular concentration and supply of glutamate is not a rate-limiting step for the L-ornithine production in an L-ornithine-producing strain of C. glutamicum. In contrast, overexpression of the L-ornithine biosynthesis genes (argCJBD) resulted in approximately 30% increase of L-ornithine production, from 12.73 to 16.49 mg/g (dry cell weight). These results implied that downstream reactions converting glutamate to L-ornithine, but not the availability of glutamate, is the rate-limiting step for elevating L-ornithine production in the argF-argR-proBDelta strain of C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 17965 was cultivated in a 4-L batch aerated fermentor with glucose, fructose and mixtures of these two sugars in various proportions as carbon sources and with different concentrations of minerals and vitamins. A multilayer centrifugation technique was devised to obtain cell extracts in order to assess intracellular production of glutamate and partitioning between intracellular and extracellular spaces for lactate and acetate, the main by-products produced during the growth phase. Glutamate production increased with the proportion of glucose in the carbon source. The average value for the intracellular concentration of glutamate obtained with basic glucose medium was increased three-fold when initial concentrations of vitamins and minerals were increased four-fold. In this case, overall production of glutamate (16.3 mM) reached the highest value obtained. Production of acetate was weak on all media types (< 1.6 mm). it was the same for lactate synthesis in media where glucose remained the major carbon source (< 2.3 mm). production of lactate was significantly higher on media where fructose was the main carbon source (> 10 mM to 60 mM). The increase in lactate production and the decrease in glutamate production were correlated to a modification of carbon flux distribution between the metabolic pathways as the fructose proportion was increased. An increase in the concentration of minerals favoured production of glutamate during growth. This was correlated with an increase in the NADPH,H+ production rate. Received 16 January 1996/ Accepted in revised form 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum possesses both phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCx) and pyruvate carboxylase (PCx) as anaplerotic enzymes for growth on carbohydrates. To analyze the significance of PCx for the amino acid production by this organism, the wild-type pyc gene, encoding PCx, was used for the construction of defined pyc-inactive and pyc-overexpressing strains and the glutamate, lysine and threonine production capabilities of these recombinant strains of C. glutamicum were tested in comparison to the respective host strains. No PCx activity was observed in the pyc-inactive mutants whereas the pyc-overexpressing strains showed eight-to elevenfold higher specific PCx activity when compared to the host strains. In a detergent-dependent glutamate production assay, the pyc-overexpressing strain showed more than sevenfold higher, the PCx-deficient strain about twofold lower glutamate production than the wild-type. Overexpression of the pyc gene and thus increasing the PCx activity in a lysine-producing strain of C. glutamicum resulted in approximately 50% higher lysine accumulation in the culture supernatant whereas inactivation of the pyc gene led to a decrease by 60%. In a threonine-producing strain of C. glutamicum, the overexpression of the pyc gene led to an only 10 to 20% increase in threonine production, however, to a more than 150% increase in the production of the threonine precursor homoserine. These results identify the anaplerotic PCx reaction as a major bottleneck for amino acid production by C. glutamicum and show that the enzyme is an important target for the molecular breeding of hyperproducing strains.  相似文献   

Protein Nε‐acylation is emerging as a ubiquitous post‐translational modification. In Corynebacterium glutamicum, which is utilized for industrial production of l ‐glutamate, the levels of protein acetylation and succinylation change drastically under the conditions that induce glutamate overproduction. Here, the acylation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), an anaplerotic enzyme that supplies oxaloacetate for glutamate overproduction was characterized. It was shown that acetylation of PEPC at lysine 653 decreased enzymatic activity, leading to reduced glutamate production. An acetylation‐mimic (KQ) mutant of K653 showed severely reduced glutamate production, while the corresponding KR mutant showed normal production levels. Using an acetyllysine‐incorporated PEPC protein, we verified that K653‐acetylation negatively regulates PEPC activity. In addition, NCgl0616, a sirtuin‐type deacetylase, deacetylated K653‐acetylated PEPC in vitro. Interestingly, the specific activity of PEPC was increased during glutamate overproduction, which was blocked by the K653R mutation or deletion of sirtuin‐type deacetylase homologues. These findings suggested that deacetylation of K653 by NCgl0616 likely plays a role in the activation of PEPC, which maintains carbon flux under glutamate‐producing conditions. PEPC deletion increased protein acetylation levels in cells under glutamate‐producing conditions, supporting the hypothesis that PEPC is responsible for a large carbon flux change under glutamate‐producing conditions.  相似文献   

Lv Y  Wu Z  Han S  Lin Y  Zheng S 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(21):6096-6097
Here we report the genome sequence of Corynebacterium glutamicum S9114, an industrial producer widely used in production of glutamate in China. Preliminary comparison with the sequences of the Corynebacterium glutamicum strains ATCC 13032 and R revealed some notable mutagenesis that might be related to the high yield of glutamate.  相似文献   

Summary Corynebacterium glutamicum was used in fed-batch fermentation for glutamate production. Both intracellular and extracellular concentrations were determined which allowed us to study the repartition of the amino acid according to the culture conditions and in the presence or absence of surfactants. A decrease in cell volume was observed after addition of surfactants during the exponential phase of growth; glutamate accumulates in the cell, whereas in standard industrial conditions the glutamate concentration in the medium during the production phase can be 30-fold higher than that found inside the cell. The level of excretion is compatible with industrial production.  相似文献   

In the wild-type of Corynebacterium glutamicum, the specific activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) remained constant at 1.3 U (mg protein)–1 when raising the ammonia (NH4) concentration in the growth medium from 1 to 90 mM. In contrast, the glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activities decreased from 1.1 U (mg protein)–1 and 42 mU (mg protein)–1, respectively, to less than 10 % of these values at NH4 concentrations > 10 mM suggesting that under these conditions the GDH reaction is the primary NH4 assimilation pathway. Consistent with this suggestion, a GDH-deficient C. glutamicum mutant showed slower growth at NH4 concentrations 10 mM and, in contrast to the wild-type, did not grow in the presence of the GS inhibitor methionine sulfoximine. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Here, we report the engineering of the industrially relevant Corynebacterium glutamicum for putrescine production. C. glutamicum grew well in the presence of up to 500 mM of putrescine. A reduction of the growth rate by 34% and of biomass formation by 39% was observed at 750 mM of putrescine. C. glutamicum was enabled to produce putrescine by heterologous expression of genes encoding enzymes of the arginine- and ornithine decarboxylase pathways from Escherichia coli. The results showed that the putrescine yield by recombinant C. glutamicum strains provided with the arginine-decarboxylase pathway was 40 times lower than the yield by strains provided with the ornithine decarboxylase pathway. The highest production efficiency was reached by overexpression of speC, encoding the ornithine decarboxylase from E. coli, in combination with chromosomal deletion of genes encoding the arginine repressor ArgR and the ornithine carbamoyltransferase ArgF. In shake-flask batch cultures this strain produced putrescine up to 6 g/L with a space time yield of 0.1 g/L/h. The overall product yield was about 24 mol% (0.12 g/g of glucose).  相似文献   

The production of isobutanol in microorganisms has recently been achieved by harnessing the highly active 2-keto acid pathways. Since these 2-keto acids are precursors of amino acids, we aimed to construct an isobutanol production platform in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a well-known amino-acid-producing microorganism. Analysis of this host’s sensitivity to isobutanol toxicity revealed that C. glutamicum shows an increased tolerance to isobutanol relative to Escherichia coli. Overexpression of alsS of Bacillus subtilis, ilvC and ilvD of C. glutamicum, kivd of Lactococcus lactis, and a native alcohol dehydrogenase, adhA, led to the production of 2.6 g/L isobutanol and 0.4 g/L 3-methyl-1-butanol in 48 h. In addition, other higher chain alcohols such as 1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 1-butanol, and 2-phenylethanol were also detected as byproducts. Using longer-term batch cultures, isobutanol titers reached 4.0 g/L after 96 h with wild-type C. glutamicum as a host. Upon the inactivation of several genes to direct more carbon through the isobutanol pathway, we increased production by ∼25% to 4.9 g/L isobutanol in a ∆pycldh background. These results show promise in engineering C. glutamicum for higher chain alcohol production using the 2-keto acid pathways.  相似文献   

Mutations induced by classical whole-cell mutagenesis using N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) were determined for all genes of pathways from glucose to L-lysine in an industrial L-lysine producer of Corynebacterium glutamicum. A total of 50 mutations with a genome-wide distribution were identified and characterized for mutational types and mutagenic specificities. Those mutations were all point mutations with single-base substitutions and no deletions, frame shifts, and insertions were found. Among six possible types of base substitutions, the mutations consisted of only two types: 47 G.C-->A.T transitions and three A.T-->G.C transitions with no transversion. The findings indicate a limited repertoire of amino acid substitutions by classical NTG mutagenesis and thus raise a new possibility of further improving industrial strains by optimizing key mutations through PCR-mediated site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

考察谷氨酸棒状杆菌ATCC13032Δldh厌氧产丁二酸的发酵条件。结果发现:补加NaHCO3的效果最好,并且考察了NaHCO3浓度对葡萄糖转化速率及丁二酸生成速率的影响。运用代谢流分析方法分析了乳酸脱氢酶基因敲除对谷氨酸棒状杆菌厌氧代谢的影响,发现乳酸脱氢酶基因敲除导致磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸生成丁二酸的流量提高了214.3%,流向乳酸的流量变为0;分批厌氧转化36 h生成41.2 g/L丁二酸,产率45.0%。  相似文献   

Abstract Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase is present in crude extracts of Corynebacterium glutamicum grown on both glucose and lactate. Preparation of PEP carboxykinase free from interfering PEP carboxylase and oxaloacetate decarboxylase showed an absolute dependence on divalent manganese and IDP for activity in the oxaloacetate (OAA) formation. Other diphosphate nucleotides could not substitute for IDP. The enzyme activity displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the substrates PEP, IDP, KHCO3, OAA and ITP with a K m of 0.7 mM, 0.4 mM, 12 mM, 1.0 mM, and 0.5 mM, respectively. At the optimum pH of 6.6, 850 nmol of OAA were formed per min per mg of protein. ATP inhibited PEP carboxykinase in the OAA forming reaction for 60% at 0.1 mM, indicating that the enzyme mainly functions in gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

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