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对内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃等荒漠和半荒漠地区的气候和其他一些因素所导致的阿拉善黄耆(Astragalus grubovii Sancz.)的多态现象和变异规律进行了分析,对其存在的分类问题予以订正,将长期以来混乱不清的8个名称处理为异名,为阿拉善黄耆种的界定提供分类学依据.  相似文献   

James Grimes 《Brittonia》1988,40(3):296-297
Psoralea (Leguminosae: Papilionoidae) sectionsAxillariflorae, Capitatae, andSpicatae, andPsoralea subseriesSparsiflorae, Fasciculatae, Spicato-capitatae, andSpicato-racemosae are lectotypified.  相似文献   

黄耆属簇毛黄耆亚属系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
簇毛黄耆亚属以其柱头上具簇毛等形态特征与黄耆属其它类群相区别,约含49种(变种)。主要分布在青藏高原及其邻近地区,绝大多数种类分布于横断山区。本文基于形态特征和分支系统学方法分析亚属内种系发生关系。结果表明,49种(变种)可分为9组。其中双小苞组Sect.Bibracteolati含种类最多,是一个并系类群。借助于分支图,分析了6个较重要的鉴定特征的演化,习性,茎的着生方式,小苞片,果实形态,柱头具簇毛,果实膨胀状况等。最后作出了这个亚属的一个分类纲要。  相似文献   

簇毛黄耆亚属的种类主要沿亚洲的“山链”分布,即横断山,喜马拉雅,查谟和克什米尔,帕米尔—阿赖,兴都库什和苏莱曼山脉,表达了东亚、西亚和中亚的植物区系地理关系。本文基于亚属的分布式样,对其8个分布区进行了分析生物地理学中的成分分析。结果表明,这8个分布区可划分为4类,即1)华北—东北;2)横断山和西藏;3)西喜马拉雅,西巴基斯坦,塔吉克斯坦;4)内蒙古—新疆。在本亚属的分布式样中,有两个地理“结点”,即横断山和西喜马拉雅,后者主要指克什米尔。推断地理上的衍进方向是由东向西发展,喜马拉雅是连接东西分布的通道。  相似文献   

A new variety Astragalus englennr^s Ulbr. var. gindongensis Z. G. Qian, var. nov. and new synonyms Astragalus saccatocarpus K. T. Fu, Astragalus naigruchus Y. H. Xu et Q. R. Liu As. tragalus voburus Y. H. Xu et Q. R. Liu are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

通过文献、标本研究,结合野外考察及数据统计分析,确认疏花长柄山蚂蝗复合体包括4种1亚种,讨论了各分类群的重要性状,并给出了新的检索表。将湘西长柄山蚂蝗(Hylodesmum laxum subsp.falfolium)处理为原亚种的新异名;订正了《中国植物志》和《Flora of China》等著作中该类群的几个错误的地理分布,记载了我国几个省区的分布新记录,并给出了凭证标本。  相似文献   

Astragalus neobarnebyanus, a new Peruvian species from Lomas de Atiquipa. Dept. Arequipa, is described and illustrated; its relationships with other South American species are discussed.  相似文献   

Astragalus columbianus, known from only two collections, was designated as rare, endangered and probably extinct. This species has been rediscovered and, while occupying a strip only 0.1 by about 10 km, is vigorous and in no immediate danger.  相似文献   

A new species Astragalus yilmazii Aytac & M. Ekici sp. nov. (Leguminosae) is described and illustrated from South Anatolia, Turkey. Diagnostic, morphological and molecular data are discussed for the new taxon. In addition its pollen structure is examined.  相似文献   

Astragalus yildirimlii is described and illustrated from Central Anatolia-Turkey. Pollen and seed morphology and chromosome number is given as well. The relationships of the new species are discussed.  相似文献   

Within the Thalia geniculata complex, which corresponds to subgen. Arthrothalia Schum., three species have been recognized in recent taxonomic literature, viz. T. geniculata L., T. trichocalyx Gagnepain, and T. welwitschii Ridley. The variation pattern within this complex has been analyzed with the aid of pictorialized scatter diagrams and it is concluded that the entire complex is made up of a single polymorphic species, of which no further subdivision is justified. T. geniculata is redescribed and full synonymy is given.  相似文献   

An account is given of the morphology and the taxonomy of the Asian, Australian and Pacific genus Archidendron (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae). A new infrageneric classification based on morphological data is presented, the genus being subdivided in 8 series. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed, the base of discussion being all available morphological, palynological and wood-anatomical characters. The presence/absence of stipules, the length of the staminal tube compared with that of the corolla-tube, the sessile/stipitate ovary(-ies), the morphology of the pods and the wood-anatomy have been particularly useful in determining the evolutionary trends within the genus. Analyses of the geographical range of selected character states are presented. The data suggest a Central - W. Malesian origin of the genus. The series endemic to the E. Malesian - Australian area have probably evolved more recently. The pluricarpellate condition of the flowers in several species endemic to the E. Malesian and Australian area is considered to be a derived character state. The following new taxa are proposed: Ser. Calycinae Nielsen, ser. Ptenopae Nielsen, ser. Bellae Nielsen, Archidendron falcatum Nielsen, A. cockburnii Nielsen, A. sabahense Nielsen, A. fagifolium (Bl. ex Miq.) Nielsen var. borneense Nielsen, A. kunstleri (Prain) Nielsen subsp. ashtonii Nielsen, A. ellipticum (Bl.) Nielsen subsp. cordifoliolatum Nielsen. New combinations are proposed in the Malesian species formerly referred to Abarema, Zygia and Morolobium by Kostermans. Keys to and an enumeration of the species are presented.  相似文献   

国产黄耆属簇毛黄耆亚属花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察了国产黄耆属簇毛黄耆亚属6组12种植物的花粉形态。这些花粉的外壁表面纹饰可分为网状纹饰,穿孔或小沟渠状,以及穴网状纹饰3种类型。所有种类都具三孔沟的萌发孔,根据内孔明显与否可分为两类。虽然萌发孔类型与分组并没有严格的对应关系,但综合一些花粉特征,仍然发现6个组间花粉形态差异较为明显,与一般的形态差异有一定的对应性。特别是Sect.Robusti比较特殊,根据花粉大小等特征,推测它和Sect.Phyllolobium等有可能是本亚属的原始类群。Sect.Sesbanella的两个近缘种Astragalus heydei和A.hendersonii,花粉形态却很有区别。Sect.Bibacteola种类较多,有24种,花粉形态呈多样性。总之,花粉形态在簇毛亚属中具有一定的系统学意义。  相似文献   

From the Patagonian region in ArgentinaAstragalus neocarpus is described and illustrated. The false septum of its fruit is formed by union of the seed-funicles with the endocarp.
Se describe e ilustraAstragalus neocarpus de la región Patagónica de Argentina, su principal característica distintiva es la morfología del fruto, donde el falso tabique que divide en dos a la cavidad está formado por la unión de largos funículos de las semillas con el endocarpo.

李世晋  张奠湘  陈忠毅   《广西植物》2006,26(1):8-12,109
对中国云实属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国产云实属植物有20种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》39卷中未记载的3种植物进行了详细的描述,对鸡嘴簕的名称进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The style morphologies of Astragalus subgenus Pogonophace (Leguminosae) were examined using the scanning electron microscope. The results showed that in most species, there are erect and upwardly pointed trichomes on the style. This kind of structure is exactly a pollen brush. The style of A. craibianus Simps. is glabrous, and there are finger-like projections formed by the epidermal cells only on the stigma. A. hoantchy Franch. has a penicillate stigma. The three types of styles are not homologous. These supported the exclusion of sect. Sesbanella and A. craibianus from Pogonophace. In molecular studies, some Pogonophace species are nested within the Coluteinae clade. This study found that those species rightly have the structure of pollen brush. Therefore, the pollen brush is likely to be a synapomorphy of Pogonophace and Coluteinae. The close relationship between Pogonophace and subtribe Coluteinae (tribe Galegeae) can be supported by the pollen brush.  相似文献   

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