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Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements function as plasmid replication origins. Our studies of the H4 ARS and ARS307 have established the requirement for a DNA unwinding element (DUE), a broad easily-unwound sequence 3' to the essential consensus that likely facilitates opening of the origin. In this report, we examine the intrinsic ease of unwinding a variety of ARS elements using (1) a single-strand-specific nuclease to probe for DNA unwinding in a negatively-supercoiled plasmid, and (2) a computer program that calculates DNA helical stability from the nucleotide sequence. ARS elements that are associated with replication origins on chromosome III are nuclease hypersensitive, and the helical stability minima correctly predict the location and hierarchy of the hypersensitive sites. All well-studied ARS elements in which the essential consensus sequence has been identified by mutational analysis contain a 100-bp region of low helical stability immediately 3' to the consensus, as do ARS elements created by mutation within the prokaryotic M13 vector. The level of helical stability is, in all cases, below that of ARS307 derivatives inactivated by mutations in the DUE. Our findings indicate that the ease of DNA unwinding at the broad region directly 3' to the ARS consensus is a conserved property of yeast replication origins.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA replication is initiated from multiple origins of replication, but little is known about the global regulation of origins throughout the genome or in different types of cell cycles. Here, we identify 401 strong origins and 503 putative weaker origins spaced in total every 14 kb throughout the genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The same origins are used during premeiotic and mitotic S-phases. We found that few origins fire late in mitotic S-phase and that activating the Rad3 dependent S-phase checkpoint by inhibiting DNA replication had little effect on which origins were fired. A genome-wide analysis of eukaryotic origin efficiencies showed that efficiency was variable, with large chromosomal domains enriched for efficient or inefficient origins. Average efficiency is twice as high during mitosis compared with meiosis, which can account for their different S-phase lengths. We conclude that there is a continuum of origin efficiency and that there is differential origin activity in the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles.  相似文献   

DNA replication origins fire stochastically in fission yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
DNA replication initiates at discrete origins along eukaryotic chromosomes. However, in most organisms, origin firing is not efficient; a specific origin will fire in some but not all cell cycles. This observation raises the question of how individual origins are selected to fire and whether origin firing is globally coordinated to ensure an even distribution of replication initiation across the genome. We have addressed these questions by determining the location of firing origins on individual fission yeast DNA molecules using DNA combing. We show that the firing of replication origins is stochastic, leading to a random distribution of replication initiation. Furthermore, origin firing is independent between cell cycles; there is no epigenetic mechanism causing an origin that fires in one cell cycle to preferentially fire in the next. Thus, the fission yeast strategy for the initiation of replication is different from models of eukaryotic replication that propose coordinated origin firing.  相似文献   

Cao XQ  Zeng J  Yan H 《Physical biology》2008,5(3):036012
Sequence-dependent DNA flexibility is an important structural property originating from the DNA 3D structure. In this paper, we investigate the DNA flexibility of the budding yeast (S. Cerevisiae) replication origins on a genome-wide scale using flexibility parameters from two different models, the trinucleotide and the tetranucleotide models. Based on analyzing average flexibility profiles of 270 replication origins, we find that yeast replication origins are significantly rigid compared with their surrounding genomic regions. To further understand the highly distinctive property of replication origins, we compare the flexibility patterns between yeast replication origins and promoters, and find that they both contain significantly rigid DNAs. Our results suggest that DNA flexibility is an important factor that helps proteins recognize and bind the target sites in order to initiate DNA replication. Inspired by the role of the rigid region in promoters, we speculate that the rigid replication origins may facilitate binding of proteins, including the origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdc6, Cdt1 and the MCM2-7 complex.  相似文献   

Studies in th Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided a framework for understanding how eukaryotic cells replicate their chromosomal DNA to ensure faithful transmission of genetic information to their daughter cells. In particular, S. cerevisiae is the first eukaryote to have its origins of replication mapped on a genomic scale, by three independent groups using three different microarray-based approaches. Here we describe a new technique of origin mapping via detection of single-stranded DNA in yeast. This method not only identified the majority of previously discovered origins, but also detected new ones. We have also shown that this technique can identify origins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, illustrating the utility of this method for origin mapping in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Despite its evolutionarily conserved function in controlling DNA replication, the chromosomal binding sites of the budding yeast Rif1 protein are not well understood. Here, we analyse genome‐wide binding of budding yeast Rif1 by chromatin immunoprecipitation, during G1 phase and in S phase with replication progressing normally or blocked by hydroxyurea. Rif1 associates strongly with telomeres through interaction with Rap1. By comparing genomic binding of wild‐type Rif1 and truncated Rif1 lacking the Rap1‐interaction domain, we identify hundreds of Rap1‐dependent and Rap1‐independent chromosome interaction sites. Rif1 binds to centromeres, highly transcribed genes and replication origins in a Rap1‐independent manner, associating with both early and late‐initiating origins. Interestingly, Rif1 also binds around activated origins when replication progression is blocked by hydroxyurea, suggesting association with blocked forks. Using nascent DNA labelling and DNA combing techniques, we find that in cells treated with hydroxyurea, yeast Rif1 stabilises recently synthesised DNA. Our results indicate that, in addition to controlling DNA replication initiation, budding yeast Rif1 plays an ongoing role after initiation and controls events at blocked replication forks.  相似文献   

Organization of DNA sequences and replication origins at yeast telomeres   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
C S Chan  B K Tye 《Cell》1983,33(2):563-573
We have shown that the DNA sequences adjacent to the telomeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes are highly conserved and contain a high density of replication origins. The salient features of these telomeres can be summarized as follows. There are three moderately repetitive elements present at the telomeres: the 131 sequence (1 to 1.5 kb), the highly conserved Y sequence (5.2 kb), and the less conserved X sequence (0.3 to 3.75 kb). There is a high density of replication origins spaced about 6.7 kb apart at the telomeres. These replication origins are part of the X or the Y sequences. Some of the 131-Y repetitive units are tandemly arranged. The terminal sequence T (about 0.33 to 0.6 kb) is different from the 131, X, or Y sequences and is heterogeneous in length. The order of these sequences from the telomeric end towards the centromere is T-(Y-131)n-X-, where n ranges from 1 to no more than 4. Although these telomeric sequences are conserved among S. cerevisiae strains, they show striking divergence in certain closely related yeast species.  相似文献   



In budding yeast, the replication checkpoint slows progress through S phase by inhibiting replication origin firing. In mammals, the replication checkpoint inhibits both origin firing and replication fork movement. To find out which strategy is employed in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we used microarrays to investigate the use of origins by wild-type and checkpoint-mutant strains in the presence of hydroxyurea (HU), which limits the pool of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) and activates the replication checkpoint. The checkpoint-mutant cells carried deletions either of rad3 (which encodes the fission yeast homologue of ATR) or cds1 (which encodes the fission yeast homologue of Chk2).


Our microarray results proved to be largely consistent with those independently obtained and recently published by three other laboratories. However, we were able to reconcile differences between the previous studies regarding the extent to which fission yeast replication origins are affected by the replication checkpoint. We found (consistent with the three previous studies after appropriate interpretation) that, in surprising contrast to budding yeast, most fission yeast origins, including both early- and late-firing origins, are not significantly affected by checkpoint mutations during replication in the presence of HU. A few origins (~3%) behaved like those in budding yeast: they replicated earlier in the checkpoint mutants than in wild type. These were located primarily in the heterochromatic subtelomeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 2. Indeed, the subtelomeric regions defined by the strongest checkpoint restraint correspond precisely to previously mapped subtelomeric heterochromatin. This observation implies that subtelomeric heterochromatin in fission yeast differs from heterochromatin at centromeres, in the mating type region, and in ribosomal DNA, since these regions replicated at least as efficiently in wild-type cells as in checkpoint-mutant cells.


The fact that ~97% of fission yeast replication origins – both early and late – are not significantly affected by replication checkpoint mutations in HU-treated cells suggests that (i) most late-firing origins are restrained from firing in HU-treated cells by at least one checkpoint-independent mechanism, and (ii) checkpoint-dependent slowing of S phase in fission yeast when DNA is damaged may be accomplished primarily by the slowing of replication forks.  相似文献   

G-quadruplexes and i-motifs are complementary examples of non-canonical nucleic acid substructure conformations. G-quadruplex thermodynamic stability has been extensively studied for a variety of base sequences, but the degree of duplex destabilization that adjacent quadruplex structure formation can cause has yet to be fully addressed. Stable in vivo formation of these alternative nucleic acid structures is likely to be highly dependent on whether sufficient spacing exists between neighbouring duplex- and quadruplex-/i-motif-forming regions to accommodate quadruplexes or i-motifs without disrupting duplex stability. Prediction of putative G-quadruplex-forming regions is likely to be assisted by further understanding of what distance (number of base pairs) is required for duplexes to remain stable as quadruplexes or i-motifs form. Using oligonucleotide constructs derived from precedented G-quadruplexes and i-motif-forming bcl-2 P1 promoter region, initial biophysical stability studies indicate that the formation of G-quadruplex and i-motif conformations do destabilize proximal duplex regions. The undermining effect that quadruplex formation can have on duplex stability is mitigated with increased distance from the duplex region: a spacing of five base pairs or more is sufficient to maintain duplex stability proximal to predicted quadruplex/i-motif-forming regions.  相似文献   

This study provides insights into the role of nuclear lamins in DNA replication. Our data demonstrate that the Ig-fold motif located in the lamin C terminus binds directly to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), the processivity factor necessary for the chain elongation phase of DNA replication. We find that the introduction of a mutation in the Ig-fold, which alters its structure and causes human muscular dystrophy, inhibits PCNA binding. Studies of nuclear assembly and DNA replication show that lamins, PCNA, and chromatin are closely associated in situ. Exposure of replicating nuclei to an excess of the lamin domain containing the Ig-fold inhibits DNA replication in a concentration-dependent fashion. This inhibitory effect is significantly diminished in nuclei exposed to the same domain bearing the Ig-fold mutation. Using the crystal structures of the lamin Ig-fold and PCNA, molecular docking simulations suggest probable interaction sites. These findings also provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the numerous disease-causing mutations located within the lamin Ig-fold.  相似文献   

In many organisms, the replication of DNA requires the binding of a protein called the initiator to DNA sites referred to as origins of replication. Analyses of multiple initiator proteins bound to their cognate origins have provided important insights into the mechanism by which DNA replication is initiated. To extend this level of analysis to the study of eukaryotic chromosomal replication, we have investigated the architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae origin recognition complex (ORC) bound to yeast origins of replication. Determination of DNA residues important for ORC-origin association indicated that ORC interacts preferentially with one strand of the ARS1 origin of replication. DNA binding assays using ORC complexes lacking one of the six subunits demonstrated that the DNA binding domain of ORC requires the coordinate action of five of the six ORC subunits. Protein-DNA cross-linking studies suggested that recognition of origin sequences is mediated primarily by two different groups of ORC subunits that make sequence-specific contacts with two distinct regions of the DNA. Implications of these findings for ORC function and the mechanism of initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Site-specific initiation of DNA replication is a conserved function in all organisms. In Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA replication origins are sequence specific, but in multicellular organisms, origins are not so clearly defined. In this article, I present a model of origin specification by epigenetic mechanisms that allows the establishment of stable chromatin domains, which are characterized by autonomous replication. According to this model, origins of DNA replication help to establish domains of gene expression for the generation of cell diversity.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Cdc6 protein is important for regulating DNA replication intiation. Cdc6p acts at replication origins, and cdc6-1 mutants arrest with unreplicated DNA and show elevated minichromosome loss rates. Overexpression of the related Cdc 18 protein in fission yeast results in DNA rereplication; however, Cdc6p overexpression does not cause this result. A recent paper(1) further defines the role of Cdc6p in DNA replication. Cdc6p only promotes DNA replication between the end of mitosis and late G1, and although the Cdc6 protein is highly unstable, neither degradation nor nuclear localization is critical for limiting DNA replication to this interval.  相似文献   

Small circular plasmids containing replication origins and, in some cases, centromeres, can replicate autonomously in the nuclei of all tested yeast species. Because this autonomous replication is dependent on the replication origin within the plasmid, measurements of the efficiency of autonomous replication (by the methods summarized here) permit evaluation of the effects of mutations on origin function. Although alternative methods are available for genetic characterization of replication origins in other organisms, the simplicity of the autonomous replication assay in yeasts has permitted development of the deepest understanding to date of eukaryotic replication origin structure. This information has come primarily from studies with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, there are many other yeast species, each with its own variety of replication origins. Use of the methods summarized here to characterize origins in other yeast species is likely to provide additional insights into eukaryotic replication origin structure.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) play crucial roles in promoting DNA replication and preventing rereplication in eukaryotic cells [1-4]. In budding yeast, CDKs promote DNA replication by phosphorylating two proteins, Sld2 and Sld3, which generates binding sites for pairs of BRCT repeats (breast cancer gene 1 [BRCA1] C terminal repeats) in the Dpb11 protein [5, 6]. The Sld3-Dpb11-Sld2 complex generated by CDK phosphorylation is required for the assembly and activation of the Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG) replicative helicase. In response to DNA replication stress, the interaction between Sld3 and Dpb11 is blocked by the checkpoint kinase Rad53 [7], which prevents late origin firing [7, 8]. Here we show that the two key CDK sites in Sld3 are conserved in the human Sld3-related protein Treslin/ticrr and are essential for DNA replication. Moreover, phosphorylation of these two sites mediates interaction with the orthologous pair of BRCT repeats in the human Dpb11 ortholog, TopBP1. Finally, we show that DNA replication stress prevents the interaction between Treslin/ticrr and TopBP1 via the Chk1 checkpoint kinase. Our results indicate that Treslin/ticrr is a genuine ortholog of Sld3 and that the Sld3-Dpb11 interaction has remained a critical nexus of S phase regulation through eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

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