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Fungal biomass associated with decaying leaf litter in a stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, was determined on alder leaf litter incubated during autumn in a softwater Pyrenean stream. The ergosterol content of the leaf litter increased rapidly to a maximum of 462 μg/g detrital dry mass. Ergosterol contents of aquatic Hyphomycetes grown in shake culture were typically ≤5 mg/g mycelial dry mass. Using the corresponding ergosterol-to-biomass conversion factor of 200, peak fungal mass accounted for 9.2% of total system mass, or 10.2% of leaf dry mass. For the period of highest activity (incubation days 7–28), net fungal production on leaf litter was estimated as 2.3 mg d−1 g−1 leaf mass. A conservative estimate of the growth efficiency for the same period was 105 mg mycelial mass per gram leaf mass degraded, assuming that non-leaf organic matter did not constitute an important carbon source supporting fungal production.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2021,125(10):785-795
Fungi play key roles in forest ecosystems and help to shape the forest’s diverse functions. However, little is known about the diversity of phyllospheric fungi or their possible relationships with fungal communities residing in different micro-environments of Pinus massoniana forests. We investigated seven different sample types: mature needles (NM), dead needles (ND), needles falling as litter (L), fermenting needles (F), humus (H), top soil (0–20 cm) (TS), and secondary soil (20–40 cm) (SS). These seven fungal communities were examined and compared with ITS amplicons using a high-throughput sequencing technique. A total of 1213 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were obtained at a 97% sequence similarity level. Distinct fungal communities were associated with different sample types. A greater number of OTUs were present in both NM and F samples than those shared by both NM and TS samples, indicating that phyllospheric fungi may play crucial roles in litter decomposition. Sixty OTUs (the core microbiome) were found in all sample types, and they may probably play different ecological roles in different sample types. These findings extend our knowledge of the fungal diversity of the phyllosphere and its possible interactions with fungal communities found in distinct forest micro-habitats.  相似文献   

The cherry rootstock 'Colt' line was transformed with a phytochrome A rice gene with the aim of altering light perception. Three transgenic events were chosen because of a modified developmental behavior. When red enriched light was supplied horizontally to stems, the PD3 transgenic line showed an increased rate of phytomer formation associated to a superior rate of plant growth compared to wild type (WT). Under the same light conditions, the PO1 and PA lines were less altered in morphology and development. When far-red enriched light was supplied, all transgenic lines had a reduced rate of growth, with the PD3 line being the most similar to the WT. The influence of the alien gene on root and leaf-associated bacteria was studied for a duration of 1 year. Significantly more culturable bacteria were recovered from PA lines than from PO1, PD3 and WT lines. On average, significantly more fluorescent pseudomonads were recovered from the rhizosphere of PA and PO1 lines than from PD3 and WT. No significant differences were detected in the number of bacteria recovered from the phyllosphere of transgenic and WT plant lines. A total of 143 Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from rhizosphere of transgenic and WT lines were tested for their antagonistic activity against Phytophthora nicotianae and differences between bacteria derived from transgenic and WT were not detected. Fluorescent pseudomonads strains isolated from phyllosphere of PA and PO1 lines showed antagonistic activity against P. syringae pv. syringae, whereas no difference among the transgenic and WT lines was detected when fluorescent Pseudomonas strains were tested against P. syringae pv. mors-prunorum. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on rooted and micropropagated plants with P. s. pv. syringae and P. s. pv. mors-prunorum: in all assays, the PO1 lines were the most tolerant to P. s. pv. Syringae, and the PO1 and PD3 were tolerant to P. s. pv. mors-prunorum.  相似文献   

英格兰喀斯特瀑布苔藓植物水生群落生态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
喀斯特(Karst)是指在可溶性碳酸盐岩(主要石灰岩和白云岩)上发育并演化而形成的独特地貌类型[1,2].  相似文献   

不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围微生物群落结构特点解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】了解不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围细菌群落结构。【方法】以不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围样品为分析材料,采用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术研究根围、叶围细菌群落结构,并对细菌群落多样性进行分析。【结果】不同品种葡萄根围微生物优势菌群为变形菌门,不同品种葡萄叶围微生物优势菌群为放线菌目。根围Simpson指数大小顺序为白福尔琼瑶浆白诗南赛美蓉白玉霓米勒长相思,Shannon指数与Simpson指数基本保持一致。叶围Simpson指数最大的为白诗南,最小的为米勒,与Shannon指数基本吻合。【结论】葡萄细菌群落结构综合多样性指数和品种以及定殖部位密切相关。  相似文献   

We examined effects of abandonment on species diversity and species composition by comparing 21 calcareous fen meadows in the pre-alpine zone of central and northeastern Switzerland. Meadows were divided into three classes of successional stages (mown: annually mown in late summer, young fallow: 4–15 years, and old fallow: >15 years of abandonment). In each fen, we measured litter mass in four 20 cm×20 cm plots, as well as (aboveground) biomass and species density (number of species per unit area) of bryophytes and vascular plants. Bryophyte biomass was reduced in abandoned fens, whereas litter mass and aboveground biomass of vascular plants increased. Species density of both taxonomic groups was lower in abandoned than in mown fens. Young and old successional stages were not different except for bryophytes, for which old successional stages had higher species density than young stages. We used litter mass and aboveground biomass of vascular plants as covariables in analyses of variance to reveal their effects on species density of both taxonomic groups. For bryophytes, litter mass was more important than vascular plant biomass in explaining variance of species density. This indicates severe effects of burying by litter on bryophyte species density. For species density of vascular plants, both vascular plant biomass and litter mass were of similar importance in explaining the decreased species density. Canonical correspondence analyses showed that abandonment also had an effect on species composition of both bryophytes and vascular plants. However, young and old successional stages were not different indicating fast initial changes after abandonment, but slow secondary succession afterwards. Furthermore, indicator species analysis showed that there was no establishment of new species after abandonment that might dramatically alter fen communities. Re-introduction of mowing as a nature conservation strategy may thus be very promising – even for old fallows.  相似文献   

Summary Thein vitro effects of twelve commonly used pesticides, including the fungicides Cuman-L (Ziram) and Hinosan (Ediphenphos), the acaricides Nuvacron (Monocrotophos), Ekatin 25EC (Thiometon) and Ekalux-G5 (Quinalphos) and other insecticides namely Dimecron (Phosphamidon), Anthio 25EC (Formothion), Baytex (Fenthion), Metasystox (Methyl demeton) and Phosalone (Zolone), on the nitrogen fixing bacteria isolated from the phyllosphere of some crop plants were tested. A very wide variation of the effect of these pesticides on the different organisms was noted. At a concentration of 700 g/ml in the medium, most of the pesticides completely inhibited growth of the nitrogen fixing bacterial isolates. However, with some pesticides, when used at a lower concentration, a degree of growth stimulation was recorded.  相似文献   

Green plants including representatives of angiosperms, gymnosperms, ferns, mosses, liverworts and green algae were shown to contain a specific sucrose phosphatase, the last enzyme in the pathway of sucrose synthesis. The enzyme from all species required Mg2+ for activity and it was partially inhibited by sucrose. It was not detected in a red alga, brown algae, or mushroom species which contain little or no sucrose.  相似文献   

Summary The utility of spraying some known N2-fixing microorganisms on rice leaves grown both in N-less sand culture and under field conditions was examined. The effect was compared with that of spraying a phyllosphere N2-fixing isolate of Klebsiella, KUPBR2, and application of nitrogenous fertilizers. All the growth parameters studied including dry weight and N-content were enhanced. Under field conditions number of tillers was increased by 26% withKlebsiella pneumoniae M5al and by 65% with Aphanothece. The dry weight of the plants was enhanced by 61–119%. The yield per 10 m2 was almost doubled with Aphanothece, Beijerinckia 8007,Mycobacterium flavum, K. pneumoniae M5al and KUPBR2. The increases observed withStreptomyces sp. G12 though less spectacular was significant at 1% level with respect to several growth parameters.K. pneumoniae M5al,M. flavum andStreptomyces sp. G12 exhibited nitrogenase activity both in laboratory culture and in association with rice plants.  相似文献   

Different lettuce genotypes supported significantly different phyllosphere fungal communities. Phyllosphere fungal diversity was low and fungi fell into five similarity groups. These groups were represented in significantly different proportions throughout 26 lettuce accessions indicating cultivar-level variation in the fungal colonization of the lettuce phyllosphere. Significant differences in the proportions of the two dominant groups (with similarity to Cladosporium spp. and Sporobolomyces roseus) were identified between parental lines of two lettuce mapping populations providing opportunities to further investigate the genetic control of cultivar-level variation in fungal phyllosphere colonisation.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(9-10):814-834
The Pleurotus eryngii species-complex comprises choice edible mushrooms growing on roots and lower stem residues of Apiaceae (umbellifers) plants. Material deriving from extensive sampling was studied by mating compatibility, morphological and ecological criteria, and through analysis of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and IGS1 rRNA sequences. Results revealed that P. eryngii sensu stricto forms a diverse and widely distributed aggregate composed of varieties elaeoselini, eryngii, ferulae, thapsiae, and tingitanus. Pleurotuseryngii subsp. tuoliensis comb. nov. is a phylogenetically sister group to the former growing only on various Ferula species in Asia. The existence of Pleurotusnebrodensis outside of Sicily (i.e., in Greece) is reported for the first time on the basis of molecular data, while P. nebrodensis subsp. fossulatus comb. nov. is a related Asiatic taxon associated with the same plant (Prangos ferulacea). Last, Pleurotusferulaginis sp. nov. grows on Ferulago campestris in northeast Italy, Slovenia and Hungary; it occupies a distinct phylogenetic position accompanied with significant differences in spore size and mating incompatibility versus other Pleurotus populations. Coevolution with umbellifers and host/substrate specificity seem to play key roles in speciation processes within this fungal group. An identification key to the nine Pleurotus taxa growing in association with Apiaceae plants is provided.  相似文献   

Three solution experiments were performed to test the importance of NH 4 + versus NO 3 - +NH 4 + to growth of 23 wild-forest and open-land species, using field-relevant soil solution concentrations at pH 4.5. At N concentrations of 1–200 M growth increased with increasing N supply in Carex pilulifera, Deschampsia flexuosa, Elymus caninus and Bromus benekenii. Geum urbanum was the most N demanding species and had little growth below 200 M. The preference for NH 4 + or NO 3 - +NH 4 + was tested also at pH 4.0; no antagonism was found between NH 4 + and H+, as indicated by similar relative growth in both of the N treatments at both pH levels. Growth in solution with NH 4 + relative to NO 3 - +NH 4 + , 200 M, was negatively related to the mean pH of the field occurrence of the species tested; acid-tolerant species grew equally well with only NH 4 + as with NO 3 - +NH 4 + (Oxalis acetosella, Carex pilulifera, Festuca gigantea, Poa nemoralis, Deschampsia flexuosa, Stellaria holostea, Rumex acetosella), while species of less acid soils were favoured by NO 3 - +NH 4 + (Urtica dioica, Ficaria verna, Melandrium rubrum, Aegopodium podagraria, Geum urbanum, Bromus benekenii, Sanguisorba minor, Melica ciliata, Silene rupestris, Viscaria vulgaris, Plantago lanceolata). Intermediate species were Convallaria majalis, Elymus caninus, Hordelymus europaeus and Milium effusum. No antagonism between NH 4 + and Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ was indicated by the total uptake of the elements during the experiment.  相似文献   

基于无人机SfM数据的挺水植物生物量反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井然  宫兆宁  赵文吉  邓磊  阿多  孙伟东 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7698-7709
生物量是衡量挺水植物生长状况的重要参数,对湿地生态系统健康评价具有重要意义。利用无人机影像生成运动重建结构Sf M(Structure from Motion,Sf M)数据,结合野外实测生物量构建定量反演模型,并根据反演模型对生物量进行空间制图,最后分析了挺水植物类型对生物量空间分布的影响。结果表明,文中基于Sf M数据建立的逐步线性回归模型(Stepwise Linear(SWL)regression model)具有较好的反演精度及估测能力。其模型显著性为显著(P0.01),决定系数为0.86,相对均方根误差为6.1%。挺水植物类型对生物量空间分布影响显著(P0.05)。通过对研究区挺水植物的生物量进行估算,为利用无人机遥感监测挺水植物生物量提供了新思路。  相似文献   

A survey was made of the major flavonoids in whole leaf extracts and in chloroplast preparations from twenty five species of vascular plants including Anthophyta (20), Coniferophyta (1), Ginkophyta (1), Pterophyta (2), and Arthrophyta (1). The chloroplasts variously contained derivatives of flavones, C-glycosylflavones, flavonols, flavanones, isoflavones, 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins. Twenty three species contain one or more flavonoids in isolated chloroplast, usually in a pattern quite similar to that found in whole-leaf extracts but occasionally showing enrichment of one or more flavonoids in the chloroplasts. Flavonoids are apparently absent from chloroplasts of Phaseolus aureus and Morus alba although whole-leaf extracts of these species are rich in quercetin derivatives.  相似文献   

We investigated allocation to roots, stems and leaves of 27 species of herbaceous clonal plants grown at two nutrient levels. Allocation was analyzed as biomass ratios and also allometrically. As in other studies, the fraction of biomass in stems and, to a lesser extent, in leaves, was usually higher in the high-nutrient treatment than in the low-nutrient treatment, and the fraction of biomass in roots was usually higher under low-nutrient conditions. The relationship between the biomass of plant structures fits the general allometric equation, with an exponent 1 in most of the species. The different biomass ratios under the two nutrient conditions represented points on simple allometric trajectories, indicating that natural selection has resulted in allometric strategies rather than plastic responses to nutrient level. In other words, in most of the species that changed allocation in response to the nutrient treatment, these changes were largely a consequence of plant size. Our data suggest that some allocation patterns that have been interpreted as plastic responses to different resource availabilities may be more parsimoniously explained as allometric strategies.  相似文献   

王彦峰  肖波  汪万福  余星兴  张雪 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6570-6580
生物结皮在干旱和半干旱气候区占据了广阔的生态位,深刻影响草本植物的空间格局,但其影响程度和作用途径目前仍存有争议。分别以黄土高原风沙土和黄绵土上的蓝藻结皮和藓结皮为对象,以无结皮为对照,通过样方法调查并测定了生物结皮与无结皮样地中草本植物的多样性和生物量,继而结合灰色关联分析和结构方程模型,对比分析了两类生物结皮对草本植物多样性和生物量的影响程度及作用途径。结果表明:(1)风沙土上,无结皮样地的优势科为禾本科和菊科,蓝藻结皮样地的优势科为藜科,藓结皮样地的优势科为禾本科,而黄绵土上无结皮样地的优势科为菊科、禾本科和豆科,蓝藻结皮样地的优势科与无结皮相似,藓结皮样地的优势科为禾本科和菊科;(2)与无结皮相比,风沙土上蓝藻结皮和藓结皮样地中多年生草本的株数分别增加了30%和16%,而黄绵土上两类生物结皮样地中多年生草本株数则分别增加了44%和减少了46%;(3)与无结皮相比,风沙土上蓝藻结皮和藓结皮样地中草本植物的Patrick和Shannon指数分别降低了1.0、0.2和3.4、0.5;而黄绵土上蓝藻结皮和藓结皮样地中两种多样性指数分别降低了4.8、0.2和4.2、0.4;(4)风沙土上蓝藻结皮和藓结皮样地的草本植物生物量比无结皮减少了111.5 g/m2和145.0 g/m2,而在黄绵土上则分别减少了127.8 g/m2和172.2 g/m2;(5)灰色关联分析显示,土壤穿透阻力对草本植物的多样性影响最大(关联系数分别为0.960和0.996),而NH4+-N和NO3--N含量对草本植物的生物量影响最大(两种土壤上关联系数分别为0.727和0.752)。综上,黄土高原生物结皮显著降低了草本植物的多样性和生物量,其途径为通过增加土壤穿透阻力以降低草本植物的种子萌发几率并限制幼苗根系伸展,同时通过土壤氮竞争限制了草本植物生长。  相似文献   

Aphids of the genus Cinara, feeding on Norway spruce, excrete copious amounts of honeydew, a carbon-rich waste product, which accumulates locally on needles and twigs. We investigated the role of honeydew as a potential source of energy which might promote the growth of micro-organisms in the phyllosphere of conifer trees. To approach this question, we followed the population dynamics of Cinara spp. in a natural forest stand over two seasons. We also studied the amounts of honeydew produced by individual aphids and identified potential parameters which might influence honeydew production. Finally, we determined the growth of micro-organisms on infested and uninfested needles of Norway spruce during the growing season. Confined to Picea abies, the investigated Cinara species only became abundant in midsummer, when needles and shoots were expanding. The populations showed only a single peak in abundance, the timing and magnitude of which may vary from year to year due to weather conditions, changes in plant quality in a yearly cycle or the impact of natural enemies. The amount of honeydew produced by individual aphids was dependent on the developmental stage of the aphid, the nutritional supply of its host plant and on the developmental state of the Norway spruce (e.g. bud burst, end of shoot extension). The presence of honeydew significantly increased the growth of bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi on the surface of needles and there was a pronounced seasonal trend, with the highest abundance in midsummer correlating with the period of peak aphid abundance. Taken together, these findings indicate that aphids have an influence on microbial ecology in the phyllosphere of trees. The implication of our study, from interactions at the population level to effects and potential consequences for C and N fluxes at the level of forest ecosystems, is discussed.  相似文献   

Monitoring tools are needed to assess changes in peatland biotic communities and ecosystem functions in response to on-going climate and other environmental changes. Although the responses of soil organisms and plants to ecological gradients and perturbations do not always correlate, peatland monitoring is mainly based on vegetation surveys. Testate amoebae, a group of protists, are important contributors to carbon and nitrogen cycling in organic soils and are useful bioindicators in peatland ecology and paleoecology. There is however little comparative data on the value of testate amoebae, vascular plants and bryophytes as bioindicators of micro-environmental gradients in peatlands.We compared the relationships of testate amoebae, bryophytes, and vascular plants with soil temperature, water table depth, micro-habitats and the carbon and nitrogen content of Sphagnum mosses in four peatlands along a 1300 m altitudinal gradient in Switzerland. We used the full diversity of vascular plants and bryophyte but only a selection of ten easily identifiable testate amoeba morpho-taxa (i.e. species or species-complexes).Indirect and direct gradient ordinations, multiple factor analysis (MFA) and transfer function models for inferring water table depth showed that a selection of ten testate amoeba taxa are more powerful (% variance explained in RDA) and accurate (discrimination among habitats) indicators of local conditions (micro-habitat type, water table depth and Sphagnum C/N ratio) than the vegetation (vascular plants and bryophytes either individually or combined and considering the full diversity).Our study showed that a limited list of ten easily identifiable testate amoeba taxa have higher bioindication value than the full bryophytes and vascular plants. Furthermore, testate amoebae can be analyzed on samples collected at any season (accessibility allowing and if precise sampling sites are well marked) – a clear advantage for biomonitoring and can be used to infer past changes from the peat record at the same taxonomic resolution. This simple approach could therefore be very useful for biomonitoring of peatlands.  相似文献   

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