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Control of Rous sarcoma virus RNA splicing depends in part on the interaction of U1 and U11 snRNPs with an intronic RNA element called the negative regulator of splicing (NRS). A 23mer RNA hairpin (NRS23) of the NRS directly binds U1 and U11 snRNPs. Mutations that disrupt base-pairing between the loop of NRS23 and U1 snRNA abolish its negative control of splicing. We have determined the solution structure of NRS23 using NOEs, torsion angles, and residual dipolar couplings that were extracted from multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectra. Our structure showed that the 6-bp stem of NRS23 adopts a nearly A-form duplex conformation. The loop, which consists of 11 residues according to secondary structure probing, was in a closed conformation. U913, the first residue in the loop, was bulged out or dynamic, and loop residues G914-C923, G915-U922, and U916-A921 were base-paired. The remaining UUGU tetraloop sequence did not adopt a stable structure and appears flexible in solution. This tetraloop differs from the well-known classes of tetraloops (GNRA, CUYG, UNCG) in terms of its stability, structure, and function. Deletion of the bulged U913, which is not complementary to U1 snRNA, increased the melting temperature of the RNA hairpin. This hyperstable hairpin exhibited a significant decrease in binding to U1 snRNP. Thus, the structure of the NRS RNA, as well as its sequence, is important for interaction with U1 snRNP and for splicing suppression.  相似文献   

In spite of the axially orientated hydroxy group at C-4, the benzyl alpha-glycoside of N-acetyl-4-epi-D-neuraminic acid (4-epi-NeuAc) is a substrate for sialidases from Vibrio cholerae, Clostridium perfringens, and Arthrobacter ureafaciens, although to an extent which differs depending on the enzyme. Surprisingly, V. cholerae sialidase is by far the slowest acting enzyme; this is in contrast to its usual behavior. Fowl plague virus sialidase and bovine testis sialidase also cleave this glycoside slowly. 4-Epi-NeuAc is not a substrate for N-acetylneuraminic acid aldolase from C. perfringens but reversibly inhibits the enzyme with a Ki = 2.3 mM. The N-acetylneuraminic acid analogue is not converted to the corresponding CMP-glycoside by CMP-sialic acid synthase from bovine brain; however, it is an effective reversible inhibitor of the enzyme. The kinetic properties were analyzed with an assay system at pH 9 as well as an assay system at pH 7.5. The results from Dixon and Hanes plots did not agree. Therefore, no conclusions about the mechanism of the inhibition could be reached. This is the first reported sialic acid analogue which can act as an inhibitor of CMP-sialic acid synthase.  相似文献   

The structure and absolute configuration of salvifaricin, a neo-clerodane diterpenoid isolated from Salvia farinacea, have been firmly established by extensive NOE experiments and by chemical correlation with salvifarin, another diterpenoid isolated from the same source. These results slightly modify the structure previously assigned to the compound.  相似文献   

Inferences of population structure and more precisely the identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals are essential to the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology. Such population structure inferences are routinely investigated via the program structure implementing a Bayesian algorithm to identify groups of individuals at Hardy–Weinberg and linkage equilibrium. While the method is performing relatively well under various population models with even sampling between subpopulations, the robustness of the method to uneven sample size between subpopulations and/or hierarchical levels of population structure has not yet been tested despite being commonly encountered in empirical data sets. In this study, I used simulated and empirical microsatellite data sets to investigate the impact of uneven sample size between subpopulations and/or hierarchical levels of population structure on the detected population structure. The results demonstrated that uneven sampling often leads to wrong inferences on hierarchical structure and downward‐biased estimates of the true number of subpopulations. Distinct subpopulations with reduced sampling tended to be merged together, while at the same time, individuals from extensively sampled subpopulations were generally split, despite belonging to the same panmictic population. Four new supervised methods to detect the number of clusters were developed and tested as part of this study and were found to outperform the existing methods using both evenly and unevenly sampled data sets. Additionally, a subsampling strategy aiming to reduce sampling unevenness between subpopulations is presented and tested. These results altogether demonstrate that when sampling evenness is accounted for, the detection of the correct population structure is greatly improved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) fold is found in several different classes of enzymes, most of which are oligomers; TIM itself always functions as a very tight dimer. It has recently been shown that a monomeric form of TIM ('monoTIM') can be constructed by replacing a 15-residue interface loop, loop-3, with an eight-residue fragment; modelling suggests that this should result in a short strain-free turn, resulting in the subsequent helix, helix-A3, having an additional turn at its amino terminus. RESULTS: The crystal structure of monoTIM shows that it retains the characteristic TIM-barrel (betaalpha)8-fold and that the new loop has a structure very close to that predicted. Two other interface loops, loop-1 and loop-4, which contain the active site residues Lys13 and His95, respectively, show significant changes in structure in monoTIM compared with dimeric wild-type TIM. CONCLUSION: The observed structural differences between monoTIM and wild-type TIM indicate that the dimeric appearance of TIM determines the location and conformation of two of the four catalytic residues.  相似文献   

With the completion of the many genomes, genetics is positioned to meet physiology. In this review, we summarize the coming of "systems metabolism" in mammals through the use of the mouse, as a model system to study metabolism. Building on mouse genetics with increasingly sophisticated clinical and molecular phenotyping strategies has enabled scientists to now tackle complex biomedical questions, such as those related to the pathogenesis of the common metabolic disorders. The ultimate goal of such strategies will be to mimic human metabolism with the click of a mouse.  相似文献   

A properly functioning organism must maintain metabolic homeostasis. Deleterious mutations degrade organismal function, presumably at least in part via effects on metabolic function. Here we present an initial investigation into the mutational structure of the Caenorhabditis elegans metabolome by means of a mutation accumulation experiment. We find that pool sizes of 29 metabolites vary greatly in their vulnerability to mutation, both in terms of the rate of accumulation of genetic variance (the mutational variance, VM) and the rate of change of the trait mean (the mutational bias, ΔM). Strikingly, some metabolites are much more vulnerable to mutation than any other trait previously studied in the same way. Although we cannot statistically assess the strength of mutational correlations between individual metabolites, principal component analysis provides strong evidence that some metabolite pools are genetically correlated, but also that there is substantial scope for independent evolution of different groups of metabolites. Averaged over mutation accumulation lines, PC3 is positively correlated with relative fitness, but a model in which metabolites are uncorrelated with fitness is nearly as good by Akaike's Information Criterion.  相似文献   

A unique feature of the class-C-type sortases, enzymes essential for Gram-positive pilus biogenesis, is the presence of a flexible “lid” anchored in the active site. However, the mechanistic details of the “lid” displacement, suggested to be a critical prelude for enzyme catalysis, are not yet known. This is partly due to the absence of enzyme-substrate and enzyme-inhibitor complex crystal structures. We have recently described the crystal structures of the Streptococcus agalactiae SAG2603 V/R sortase SrtC1 in two space groups (type II and type III) and that of its “lid” mutant and proposed a role of the “lid” as a protector of the active-site hydrophobic environment. Here, we report the crystal structures of SAG2603 V/R sortase C1 in a different space group (type I) and that of its complex with a small-molecule cysteine protease inhibitor. We observe that the catalytic Cys residue is covalently linked to the small-molecule inhibitor without lid displacement. However, the type I structure provides a view of the sortase SrtC1 lid displacement while having structural elements similar to a substrate sorting motif suitably positioned in the active site. We propose that these major conformational changes seen in the presence of a substrate mimic in the active site may represent universal features of class C sortase substrate recognition and enzyme activation.  相似文献   

The inhibition of N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminase activity by 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-gluconolactone was examined. Separation of the (1-->4)- and (1-->5)-lactones was achieved by using paper chromatography or countercurrent distribution and identification was obtained by examination of the relative stability of the components of separated material. Quantitative measurement of the two lactones was by kinetic titration or by a colorimetric method based on their reaction with hydroxylamine. It was shown that only the (1-->5)-lactone acted as an inhibitor of N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminase.  相似文献   

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