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《Molecular cell》2014,53(5):726-737
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Resting platelets maintain a stable level of low cytoplasmic calcium ([Ca2+]cyt) and high dense tubular system calcium ([Ca2+]dts). During thrombosis, activators cause a transient rise in inositol trisphosphate (IP3) to trigger calcium mobilization from stores and elevation of [Ca2+]cyt. Another major source of [Ca2+]cyt elevation is store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) through plasmalemmal calcium channels that open in response to store depletion as [Ca2+]dts drops. A 34-species systems model employed kinetics describing IP3-receptor, DTS-plasmalemma puncta formation, SOCE via assembly of STIM1 and Orai1, and the plasmalemma and sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases. Four constraints were imposed: calcium homeostasis before activation; stable in zero extracellular calcium; IP3-activatable; and functional SOCE. Using a Monte Carlo method to sample three unknown parameters and nine initial concentrations in a 12-dimensional space near measured or expected values, we found that model configurations that were responsive to stimuli and demonstrated significant SOCE required high inner membrane electric potential (>−70 mV) and low resting IP3 concentrations. The absence of puncta in resting cells was required to prevent spontaneous store depletion in calcium-free media. Ten-fold increases in IP3 caused saturated calcium mobilization. This systems model represents a critical step in being able to predict platelets’ phenotypes during hemostasis or thrombosis.  相似文献   



The local concentration of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) in bone microenvironment is accumulated during bone remodeling. In the present study we investigated whether elevating [Ca2+]o induced store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) in primary rat calvarial osteoblasts and further examined the contribution of elevating [Ca2+]o to osteoblastic proliferation.


Cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) of primary cultured rat osteoblasts was detected by fluorescence imaging using calcium-sensitive probe fura-2/AM. Osteoblastic proliferation was estimated by cell counting, MTS assay and ATP assay. Agonists and antagonists of calcium-sensing receptors (CaSR) as well as inhibitors of phospholipase C (PLC), SOCE and voltage-gated calcium (Cav) channels were applied to study the mechanism in detail.


Our data showed that elevating [Ca2+]o evoked a sustained increase of [Ca2+]c in a dose-dependent manner. This [Ca2+]c increase was blocked by TMB-8 (Ca2+ release inhibitor), 2-APB and BTP-2 (both SOCE blockers), respectively, whereas not affected by Cav channels blockers nifedipine and verapamil. Furthermore, NPS2143 (a CaSR antagonist) or U73122 (a PLC inhibitor) strongly reduced the [Ca2+]o-induced [Ca2+]c increase. The similar responses were observed when cells were stimulated with CaSR agonist spermine. These data indicated that elevating [Ca2+]o resulted in SOCE depending on the activation of CaSR and PLC in osteoblasts. In addition, high [Ca2+]o significantly promoted osteoblastic proliferation, which was notably reversed by BAPTA-AM (an intracellular calcium chelator), 2-APB, BTP-2, TMB-8, NPS2143 and U73122, respectively, but not affected by Cav channels antagonists.


Elevating [Ca2+]o induced SOCE by triggering the activation of CaSR and PLC. This process was involved in osteoblastic proliferation induced by high level of extracellular Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   



Endothelial dysfunction, including increased endothelial permeability, is considered an early marker for atherosclerosis. High-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) and extracellular Ca2+ entry, primarily mediated through store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), are known to be involved in increasing endothelial permeability. The aim of this study was to clarify how HMGB1 could lead to endothelia hyperpermeability.

Methods and Results

We have shown that human vascular endothelial cell permeability is increased, while transendothelial electrical resistance and VE-cadherin expression were reduced by HMGB1 treatment. Two SOCE inhibitors and knockdown of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), a Ca2+ sensor mediating SOCE, inhibited the HMGB1-induced influx of Ca2+ and Src activation followed by significant suppression of endothelial permeability. Moreover, knockdown of Orai1, an essential pore-subunit of SOCE channels, decreased HMGB1-induced endothelial hyperpermeability.


These data suggest that SOCE, acting via STIM1, might be the predominant mechanism of Ca2+ entry in the modulation of endothelial cell permeability. STIM1 may thus represent a possible new therapeutic target against atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

During vertebrate locomotion, spinal neurons act as oscillators when initiated by glutamate release from descending systems. Activation of NMDA receptors initiates Ca2+-mediated intrinsic membrane potential oscillations in central pattern generator (CPG) neurons. NMDA receptor-dependent intrinsic oscillations require Ca2+-dependent K+ (KCa2) channels for burst termination. However, the location of Ca2+ entry mediating KCa2 channel activation, and type of Ca2+ channel – which includes NMDA receptors and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) – remains elusive. NMDA receptor-dependent Ca2+ entry necessitates presynaptic release of glutamate, implying a location at active synapses within dendrites, whereas VGCC-dependent Ca2+ entry is not similarly constrained. Where Ca2+ enters relative to KCa2 channels is crucial to information processing of synaptic inputs necessary to coordinate locomotion. We demonstrate that Ca2+ permeating NMDA receptors is the dominant source of Ca2+ during NMDA-dependent oscillations in lamprey spinal neurons. This Ca2+ entry is synaptically located, NMDA receptor-dependent, and sufficient to activate KCa2 channels at excitatory interneuron synapses onto other CPG neurons. Selective blockade of VGCCs reduces whole-cell Ca2+ entry but leaves membrane potential and Ca2+ oscillations unaffected. Furthermore, repetitive oscillations are prevented by fast, but not slow, Ca2+ chelation. Taken together, these results demonstrate that KCa2 channels are closely located to NMDA receptor-dependent Ca2+ entry. The close spatial relationship between NMDA receptors and KCa2 channels provides an intrinsic mechanism whereby synaptic excitation both excites and subsequently inhibits ventral horn neurons of the spinal motor system. This places the components necessary for oscillation generation, and hence locomotion, at glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

In pancreatic β-cells, ATP acts as a signaling molecule initiating plasma membrane electrical activity linked to Ca2+ influx, which triggers insulin exocytosis. The mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) mediates Ca2+ uptake into the organelle, where energy metabolism is further stimulated for sustained second phase insulin secretion. Here, we have studied the contribution of the MCU to the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation and metabolism-secretion coupling in intact and permeabilized clonal β-cells as well as rat pancreatic islets. Knockdown of MCU with siRNA transfection blunted matrix Ca2+ rises, decreased nutrient-stimulated ATP production as well as insulin secretion. Furthermore, MCU knockdown lowered the expression of respiratory chain complexes, mitochondrial metabolic activity, and oxygen consumption. The pH gradient formed across the inner mitochondrial membrane following nutrient stimulation was markedly lowered in MCU-silenced cells. In contrast, nutrient-induced hyperpolarization of the electrical gradient was not altered. In permeabilized cells, knockdown of MCU ablated matrix acidification in response to extramitochondrial Ca2+. Suppression of the putative Ca2+/H+ antiporter leucine zipper-EF hand-containing transmembrane protein 1 (LETM1) also abolished Ca2+-induced matrix acidification. These results demonstrate that MCU-mediated Ca2+ uptake is essential to establish a nutrient-induced mitochondrial pH gradient which is critical for sustained ATP synthesis and metabolism-secretion coupling in insulin-releasing cells.  相似文献   

For many years the calcium uniporter has eluded attempts of purification, partly because of the difficulties inherent in the purification of low-abundance hydrophobic proteins (Reed and Bygrave, 1974). Liquid-phase preparative isoelectric focusing improved the fractionation of mitochondrial membrane proteins. A single 6-h run resulted in a 90-fold increase in specific activity of pooled active fractions over a semipurified fraction, allowing for enrichment of the calcium transport function in cytochrome oxidase vesicles. An additional powerful tool in the isolation of the uniporter was the use of the labeled inhibitor 103Ru360 as an affinity ligand; by following this procedure a protein of 18 kDa was purified in nondenatured, but rather inactive, form. The labeled protein corresponds to the protein that showed Ca2+ transport activity.  相似文献   

Regulation of critical cellular functions, including Ca2+-dependent gene expression, is determined by the temporal and spatial aspects of agonist-induced Ca2+ signals. Stimulation of cells with physiological concentrations of agonists trigger increases [Ca2+]i due to intracellular Ca2+ release and Ca2+ influx. While Orai1-STIM1 channels account for agonist-stimulated [Ca2+]i increase as well as activation of NFAT in cells such as lymphocytes, RBL and mast cells, both Orai1-STIM1 and TRPC1-STIM1 channels contribute to [Ca2+]i increases in human submandibular gland (HSG) cells. However, only Orai1-mediated Ca2+ entry regulates the activation of NFAT in HSG cells. Since both TRPC1 and Orai1 are activated following internal Ca2+ store depletion in these cells, it is not clear how the cells decode individual Ca2+ signals generated by the two channels for the regulation of specific cellular functions. Here we have examined the contributions of Orai1 and TRPC1 to carbachol (CCh)-induced [Ca2+]i signals and activation of NFAT in single cells. We report that Orai1-mediated Ca2+ entry generates [Ca2+]i oscillations at different [CCh], ranging from very low to high. In contrast, TRPC1-mediated Ca2+ entry generates sustained [Ca2+]i elevation at high [CCh] and contributes to frequency of [Ca2+]i oscillations at lower [agonist]. More importantly, the two channels are coupled to activation of distinct Ca2+ dependent gene expression pathways, consistent with the different patterns of [Ca2+]i signals mediated by them. Nuclear translocation of NFAT and NFAT-dependent gene expression display “all-or-none” activation that is exclusively driven by local [Ca2+]i generated by Orai1, independent of global [Ca2+]i changes or TRPC1-mediated Ca2+ entry. In contrast, Ca2+ entry via TRPC1 primarily regulates NFκB-mediated gene expression. Together, these findings reveal that Orai1 and TRPC1 mediate distinct local and global Ca2+ signals following agonist stimulation of cells, which determine the functional specificity of the channels in activating different Ca2+-dependent gene expression pathways.  相似文献   



Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) may be recruited from bone marrow to sustain tumor vascularisation and promote the metastatic switch. Understanding the molecular mechanisms driving EPC proliferation and tubulogenesis could outline novel targets for alternative anti-angiogenic treatments. Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), which is activated by a depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ pool, regulates the growth of human EPCs, where is mediated by the interaction between the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-sensor, Stim1, and the plasmalemmal Ca2+ channel, Orai1. As oncogenesis may be associated to the capability of tumor cells to grow independently on Ca2+ influx, it is important to assess whether SOCE regulates EPC-dependent angiogenesis also in tumor patients.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study employed Ca2+ imaging, recombinant sub-membranal and mitochondrial aequorin, real-time polymerase chain reaction, gene silencing techniques and western blot analysis to investigate the expression and the role of SOCE in EPCs isolated from peripheral blood of patients affected by renal cellular carcinoma (RCC; RCC-EPCs) as compared to control EPCs (N-EPCs). SOCE, activated by either pharmacological (i.e. cyclopiazonic acid) or physiological (i.e. ATP) stimulation, was significantly higher in RCC-EPCs and was selectively sensitive to BTP-2, and to the trivalent cations, La3+ and Gd3+. Furthermore, 2-APB enhanced thapsigargin-evoked SOCE at low concentrations, whereas higher doses caused SOCE inhibition. Conversely, the anti-angiogenic drug, carboxyamidotriazole (CAI), blocked both SOCE and the intracellular Ca2+ release. SOCE was associated to the over-expression of Orai1, Stim1, and transient receptor potential channel 1 (TRPC1) at both mRNA and protein level The intracellular Ca2+ buffer, BAPTA, BTP-2, and CAI inhibited RCC-EPC proliferation and tubulogenesis. The genetic suppression of Stim1, Orai1, and TRPC1 blocked CPA-evoked SOCE in RCC-EPCs.


SOCE is remodelled in EPCs from RCC patients and stands out as a novel molecular target to interfere with RCC vascularisation due to its ability to control proliferation and tubulogenesis.  相似文献   

目的:构建表达基因编辑钙探针(GECIs)的细胞系HeLa-GECIs,探究细胞应答外界ATP刺激中钙离子在细胞内的响应和变化。方法:分别用能够直接通过荧光强度反映细胞胞浆内和线粒体内钙离子相对浓度的2种钙探针cyto-GCaMP6和4mt-GCaMP6感染HeLa细胞,获得2种表达钙离子探针的HeLa细胞系;在感染了2种腺病毒探针24 h后,用共聚焦荧光显微镜检测荧光探针在HeLa细胞内的表达情况;在表达2种钙探针的细胞的培养基中加入外源ATP,用Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察HeLa细胞内钙离子对外环境中ATP的响应。结果:共聚焦荧光显微镜观察,确定95%以上的细胞表达了对应的钙离子指示荧光探针;Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察发现,在细胞培养基中加入ATP后,细胞胞浆钙探针荧光强度瞬时(3~6 s)升至10倍,200 s后逐渐降低到基础水平;线粒体钙到达峰值(4倍)的时间稍滞后(5~8 s),并且回落更慢,300 s时至1.5倍。在ATP受体P2X7抑制剂A438079预处理的实验组,上述胞浆钙和线粒体钙浓度上升不明显。结论:构建了能在活体细胞内通过荧光探针实时监测钙离子响应胞外ATP刺激的细胞实验体系,为进一步深入探究ATP等危险信号导致细胞的炎性损伤机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary The effects on the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of activating cholecystokinin receptors on single mouse pancreatic acinar cells have been investigated using patch-clamp whole-cell recording of Ca2+-dependent Cl current. We used the nonsulphated octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK8-NS) since the effects of even high concentrations were rapidly reversible which was not the case for the sulphated octapeptide. A submaximal concentration of CCK8-NS (10nm) evoked a current response consisting of short-lasting (a few seconds) spikes, and some of these spikes were seen to trigger larger and longer (about half a minute) current pulses. At a higher concentration (100nm) CCK8-NS evoked smooth and sustained responses. The effect of CCK8-NS was almost abolished when the internal perfusion solution contained a high concentration of the Ca2+ chelator EGTA (5mm). The responses evoked by CCK8-NS were independent of the presence of Ca2+ in the external solution at least for the first 5 min of stimulation. Internal perfusion with GTP--S markedly potentiated the effect of CCK8-NS or at a higher concentration itself induced responses very similar to those normally evoked by CCK8-NS. Caffeine added to the external solution at a low concentration (0.2–1mm) enhanced weak CCK8-NS responses, whereas high caffeine concentrations always inhibited the CCK8-NS-evoked responses. These inhibitory caffeine effects were quickly reversible. Forskolin evoked a similar inhibitory effect. Intracellular heparin (200 g/ml) infusion markedly inhibited the response to CCK8-NS stimulation. We conclude that the primary effect of activating CCK receptors is to induced inositoltrisphosphate (IP3) production. IP3 evokes a small and steady Ca2+ release, and this in turn evokes pulsatile release of a larger magnitude from a caffeine-sensitive Ca2+ pool. The action of CCK is thus very similar to that previously established for muscarinic receptor activation in the same cells. Nevertheless, the pattern of the cytosolic Ca2+ fluctuations are different, and the basic process of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and Ca2+ signal spreading must therefore be modulated by a messenger yet unknown.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle activities are regulated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-mediated increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c). Local Ca2+ release from an InsP3 receptor (InsP3R) cluster present on the sarcoplasmic reticulum is termed a Ca2+ puff. Ca2+ released via InsP3R may diffuse to adjacent clusters to trigger further release and generate a cell-wide (global) Ca2+ rise. In smooth muscle, mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake maintains global InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release by preventing a negative feedback effect of high [Ca2+] on InsP3R. Mitochondria may regulate InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals by operating between or within InsP3R clusters. In the former mitochondria could regulate only global Ca2+ signals, whereas in the latter both local and global signals would be affected. Here whether mitochondria maintain InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release by operating within (local) or between (global) InsP3R clusters has been addressed. Ca2+ puffs evoked by localized photolysis of InsP3 in single voltage-clamped colonic smooth muscle cells had amplitudes of 0.5–4.0 F/F0, durations of ∼112 ms at half-maximum amplitude, and were abolished by the InsP3R inhibitor 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate. The protonophore carbonyl cyanide 3-chloropheylhydrazone and complex I inhibitor rotenone each depolarized ΔΨM to prevent mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and attenuated Ca2+ puffs by ∼66 or ∼60%, respectively. The mitochondrial uniporter inhibitor, RU360, attenuated Ca2+ puffs by ∼62%. The “fast” Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid acted like mitochondria to prolong InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release suggesting that mitochondrial influence is via their Ca2+ uptake facility. These results indicate Ca2+ uptake occurs quickly enough to influence InsP3R communication at the intra-cluster level and that mitochondria regulate both local and global InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated that Plasmodium falciparum-infected red cells (pRBC) have an increased Ca2+ permeability. The magnitude of the increase is greater than that normally required to activate the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel (K Ca channel) of the red cell membrane. However, there is evidence that this channel remains inactive in pRBC. To clarify this discrepancy, we have reassessed both the functional status of the K Ca channel and the Ca2+ permeability properties of pRBC. For pRBC suspended in media containing Ca2+, K Ca channel activation was elicited by treatment with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. In the absence of ionophore the channel remained inactive. In contrast to previous claims, the unidirectional influx of Ca2+ into pRBC in which the Ca2+ pump was inhibited by vanadate was found to be within the normal range (30–55 μmol (1013 cells · hr)−1), provided the cells were suspended in glucose-containing media. However, for pRBC in glucose-free media the Ca2+ influx increased to over 1 mmol (1013 cells · hr)−1, almost an order of magnitude higher than that seen in uninfected erythrocytes under equivalent conditions. The pathway responsible for the enhanced influx of Ca2+ into glucose-deprived pRBC was expressed at approximately 30 hr post-invasion, and was inhibited by Ni2+. Possible roles for this pathway in pRBC are considered. Received: 12 May 1999/Revised: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

The process of store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), whereby the release of intracellular Ca2+ from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates Ca2+ influx channels in the plasma membrane, has been demonstrated to impact a diverse range of cell functions. In the present study, we investigated the potential protective effect of SOCE inhibition against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) injury by using pharmacological antagonists or specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) in PC12 cells. The results showed that both antagonists (15 μM MRS-1845 and 50 μM ML-9) and stromal interacting molecule-1 (STIM1) targeted siRNA (Si-STIM1) significantly increased cell viability, decreased apoptotic cell death and reduced intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and lipid peroxidation in MPP+ injured PC12 cells. SOCE inhibition also prevented MPP+ induced mitochondrial dysfunction and activation of mitochondrial related apoptotic factors, while had no effect on mitochondrial biogenesis. Moreover, inhibition of SOCE by antagonists and siRNA increased the expression levels of Homer1a mRNA and protein, and knockdown of Homer1a expression by specific siRNA partly reversed the protective effects induced by SOCE inhibition in PC12 cells. All these results indicated that SOCE inhibition protected PC12 cells against MPP+ insult through upregulation of Homer1a expression, and SOCE might be an ideal target for investigating therapeutic strategy against neuronal injury in PD patients.  相似文献   

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