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The nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE) of N2 fixation, primary NH 4+ assimilation and NO 3 assimilation are compared. The photon and water costs of the various biochemical and transport processes involved in plant growth, N-assimilation, pH regulation and osmolarity generation, per unit N assimilated are respectively likely to be around 5 and 7% greater for N2 fixation than for a combination of NH 4+ and root and shoot NO 3 assimilation as occurs with most crops. Studies on plant and rhizobial genes involved in nodulation and N2 fixation may lead to more rapid nodulation, production of more stress-tolerant N2 fixing systems and transfer of the hydrogenase system to rhizobium/legume symbioses which currently do not have this ability. The activity of an uptake hydrogenase is predicted to decrease the photon cost of diazotrophic plant growth by about 1%.  相似文献   

Uptake regions of inorganic nitrogen in roots of carob seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three-week-old seedlings of carob ( Ceratonia siliqua L. cv. Mulata) were grown for 9 weeks under different root temperatures (20, 30 and 40°C) at pH values of 5, 7 and 9 with nitrate or ammonium as nitrogen source. Nitrogen uptake rates were determined by depletion from the medium and decreased with distance from the apex. The decline of nitrogen uptake rates along the roots depended on the form of inorganic nitrogen in the medium as well as on pH and temperature, such that the NO3 and NH+4 ions were taken up essentially by the root tips (0–2 cm) through processes requiring energy. The uncharged NH3 species entered passively, through the mature parts of the root (2–10 cm). Root zone temperature and pH affect the NH+4/NH3 equilibrium in the nutrient solution and, consequently, the uptake areas of the root for these ions. Furthermore. while root tip uptake of nitrogen is energy dependent, uptake through mature root areas is essentially passive and seems to depend on a well developed apparent free space.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对小麦产量、氮素利用效率和光能利用率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
连续2年在西南冬麦区的重庆、仁寿、广汉、西昌4个地点,开展3种施氮水平(每公顷纯氮0、120、180 kg,简写为N0、N120、N180)和3种氮肥分配模式(NA:底肥100%;NB:底肥70%+苗肥30%;NC:底肥60%+拔节肥40%)的田间试验,监测小麦花后冠层叶片SPAD值、群体光合速率(CAP)、光能利用等生理参数和籽粒产量,计算氮素利用效率、光能利用率等.结果表明: 随施氮水平增加,小麦上三叶SPAD值、CAP、光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率和产量均呈增加趋势,而氮肥农学利用效率、生产效率、吸收效率和利用效率呈降低趋势.氮肥后移的增效作用因施氮水平而异,SPAD于N180增效明显,而CAP于N120增效明显,不同氮肥管理模式的光能利用率因地点而异.氮肥后移能明显提高小麦氮肥农学效率、生产效率、吸收效率和氮素表观回收率,但氮肥利用效率则略有减少.氮肥后移效果NC总体优于NB处理.不同地点比较,广汉的SPAD值、CAP、PAR截获率、氮肥利用参数较高,其产量也相应最高;西昌的产量、SPAD值及氮素利用效率较高,但其光能利用率和CAP较低;重庆和仁寿的SPAD值、光能利用率及氮素利用效率均较低,其产量也最低.小麦生物产量与各地点的籽粒产量、CAP、SPAD值和PAR累积截获量均呈显著或极显著的正相关关系.表明不同生态区域增施氮肥都能促进小麦增产,氮肥后移可进一步优化产量结构、改善氮肥和光能利用效率,但存在年份和地点差异,各地需要制定有针对性的氮肥管理模式.  相似文献   

本研究分析添加不同种硝化抑制剂及其组合的高效稳定性氯化铵氮肥对红壤硝化作用、玉米产量和氮肥利用率的影响,旨在筛选出适合酸性红壤的高效稳定性氯化铵态氮肥。在氯化铵中分别添加硝化抑制剂2-氯-6-三甲基吡啶(CP)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)和双氰胺(DCD)及其组合,制成6种高效稳定性氯化铵态氮肥,以不施氮肥(CK)和施氯化铵(N)为对照,进行等氮量玉米盆栽试验。结果表明: 与N处理相比,CP+DMPP和DMPP+DCD处理红壤中铵态氮含量提高56%~62%,显著高于CP、DMPP和DCD处理;土壤表观硝化率显著降低33%~34%。添加硝化抑制剂及其组合的6个处理均显著提高了玉米生物量和氮肥吸收利用率。与N处理相比,单独添加硝化抑制剂处理生物量均显著高于硝化抑制剂组合处理,平均提高1.3倍;添加DCD处理效果最显著,玉米籽粒产量、吸氮量和氮肥吸收利用率分别显著提高4.1、6.3和4.4倍。为了达到既能低成本又能提高产量和氮肥利用率的效果,在红壤上添加硝化抑制剂DCD是最佳选择。  相似文献   

Animal proteins are naturally 15N enriched relative to the diet and the extent of this difference (Δ15Nanimal-diet or N isotopic fractionation) has been correlated to N use efficiency (NUE; N gain or milk N yield/N intake) in some recent ruminant studies. The present study used meta-analysis to investigate whether Δ15Nanimal-diet can be used as a predictor of NUE across a range of dietary conditions, particularly at the level of between-animal variation. An additional objective was to identify variables related to N partitioning explaining the link between NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet. Individual values from eight publications reporting both NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet for domestic ruminants were used to create a database comprising 11 experimental studies, 41 treatments and individual animal values for NUE (n=226) and Δ15Nanimal-diet (n=291). Data were analyzed by mixed-effect regression analysis taking into account experimental factors as random effects on both the intercept and slope of the model. Diets were characterized according to the INRA feeding system in terms of N utilization at the rumen, digestive and metabolic levels. These variables were used in a partial least squares regression analysis to predict separately NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet variation, with the objective of identifying common variables linking NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet. For individuals reared under similar conditions (within-study) and at the same time (within-period), the variance of NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet not explained by dietary treatments (i.e. between-animal variation plus experimental error) was 35% and 55%, respectively. Mixed-effect regression analysis conducted with treatment means showed that Δ15Nanimal-diet was significantly and negatively correlated to NUE variation across diets (NUE=0.415 −0.055×Δ15Nanimal-diet). When using individual values and taking into account the random effects of study, period and diet, the relationship was also significant (NUE=0.358 −0.035×Δ15Nanimal-diet). However, there may be a biased prediction for animals close to zero, or in negative, N balance. When using a novel statistical approach, attempting to regress between-animal variation in NUE on between-animal variation in Δ15Nanimal-diet (without the influence of experimental factors), the negative relationship was still significant, highlighting the ability of Δ15Nanimal-diet to capture individual variability. Among the studied variables related to N utilization, those concerning N efficiency use at the metabolic level contributed most to predict both Δ15Nanimal-diet and NUE variation, with rumen fermentation and digestion contributing to a lesser extent. This study confirmed that on average Δ15Nanimal-diet can predict NUE variation across diets and across individuals reared under similar conditions.  相似文献   

顾峰雪  黄玫  张远东  李洁  郭瑞  严昌荣 《生态学报》2017,37(8):2770-2778
由于人类活动影响,通过沉降和施肥方式进入生态系统的活性氮显著增加,其对土壤有机碳库产生重要影响。氮素利用效率(NUE)作为深入理解陆地生态系统碳氮耦合关系的重要参数,对NUE时空规律的研究不仅可以评估目前氮输入对陆地生态系统碳汇增加的贡献,同时也有助于预测未来氮输入情况下陆地生态系统的碳平衡。利用生态系统过程模型——CEVSA2模型的模拟结果,分析了东北地区氮输入情况下,土壤碳的氮素利用效率(SNUE)的时空变化规律及其影响因素,结果表明:(1)1961—2010年,氮输入的显著增加促进了土壤碳的蓄积,但SNUE显著下降;(2)森林的平均SNUE最高,农田最低;灌丛的下降速率最大,森林的SNUE变化趋势最不显著;(3)三江平原和长白山地区以及大小兴安岭的部分地区SNUE最大,其次是辽河平原、松嫩平原地区;内蒙古高原、呼伦贝尔高原地区以及大、小兴安岭的部分地区SNUE出现负值,说明在这些地区,外援氮输入抑制了土壤碳的蓄积;(4)氮输入的空间分异和不同生态系统响应氮输入的差异共同决定了SNUE及其变化的空间格局。该研究结果可为进一步分析不同区域氮促汇潜力和预测未来氮输入情景下的区域碳平衡提供参考。  相似文献   

施氮量对小麦/玉米带田土壤水分及硝态氮的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨蕊菊  柴守玺  马忠明 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7905-7912
通过田间试验研究了河西绿洲灌区典型的小麦/玉米间作群体不同施氮量(0、210、420和630 kg/hm2)对小麦、玉米带田土壤水分和硝态氮(NO3(-)-N)的动态的影响.结果表明:小麦/玉米总籽粒产量随着施氮量的增加而增加,但当施氮量超过420kg/hm2时,总籽粒产量不再随施氮量增加而增加,最高总籽粒产量可达13661-14668 kg/hm2.水分利用效率在施氮420 kg/hm2时最高可达21.25 kg·hm-2·mm-1.小麦收获后,0-120 cm土层内土壤含水量随施氮量增加而减少,NO3(-)-N的累积量随施氮量增加而增加,并且表层土壤(0-60 cm) NO3(-)-N含量明显高于深层土壤(60-200 cm).在小麦/玉米整个生育期,土壤硝态氮的变化呈双峰曲线.施氮0和210 kg/hm2的土壤硝态氮第一峰值和第二峰值均分别出现在小麦三叶期和玉米大喇叭口期;施氮420和630 kg/hm2的土壤硝态氮第一峰值出现在小麦挑旗期,第二峰值分别出现在玉米大喇叭口期和玉米灌浆期.因此,在该地区小麦/玉米间作栽培模式下,施氮水平控制在420 kg/hm2时,使混合产量达到最高,同时可减轻土壤硝态氮的累积和运移,从而达到高效、安全的目的.  相似文献   

The concentration of both nitrate and ammonium nitrogen was measured in soil taken from an upland acidic (pH 4.5) grassland habitat, containing four co-existing species, Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., Festuca ovina L., Juncus squarrosus L. and Nardus stricta L. Both nitrate and ammonium nitrogen were found to be present in the soil, in similarly small quantities. The effect of both sources of nitrogen on relative growth rate was studied, and an attempt was made to determine whether nitrate or ammonium nitrogen is the immediate source of nitrogen for these plants using assays of nitrate reductase (EC and ammonium uptake. All four species showed larger growth rates on the same concentration of ammonium nitrogen compared to nitrate nitrogen. All species showed low activities of leaf nitrate reductase, even in plants grown on 18 mol nitrate m−3. Ammonium uptake activity appeared to be higher in species which showed the lowest nitrate reductase activity and least response to increasing nitrate concentration in the growth medium.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth-chamber cultivated Raphanus plants accumulate nitrate during their vegetative growth. After 25 days of growth at a constant supply to the roots of 1 mol m?3 (NO?3) in a balanced nutrient solution, the oldest leaves (eight-leaf stage) accumulated 2.5% NO?3-nitrogen (NO3-N) in their lamina, and almost 5% NO3-N in their petioles on a dry weight basis. This is equivalent to approximately 190 and 400 mol?3 m?3 concentration of NO?3 in the lamina and the petiole, respectively, as calculated on a total tissue water content basis. Measurements were made of root NO?3 uptake, NO?3 fluxes in the xylem, nitrate uptake by the mesophyll cells, and nitrate reduction as measured by an in vivo test. NO?3 uptake by roots and mesophyll cells was greater in the light than in the dark. The NO?3 concentration in the xylem fluid was constant with leaf age, but showed a distinct daily variation as a result of the independent fluxes of root uptake, transpiration and mesophyll uptake. NO?3 was reduced in the leaf at a higher rate in the light than in the dark. The reduction was inhibited at the high concentrations calculated to exist in the mesophyll vacuoles, but reduction continued at a low rate, even when there was no supply from the incubation medium. Sixty-four per cent of the NO?3 influx was turned into organic nitrogen, with the remaining NO?3 accumulating in both the light and the dark.  相似文献   

Nitrogen use efficiency. 2. Amino acid metabolism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a previous article, we highlighted the latest developments in the isolation and characterisation of genes involved in the uptake of nitrogen from the soil, which might be used to improve the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crop plants. In this article, we have concentrated on the genes controlling the enzymes of amino acid metabolism that may be involved in transferring nitrogen to the protein in the grain. Evidence is now accumulating from the use of knockout mutants, of the role of individual isoenzymes involved in amino acid metabolism, which are encoded by specific genes that are often members of a multigene family. In addition, a significant number of overexpressing plant lines have been obtained, which have increased activities of cytosol located, glutamine synthetase, asparagine synthetase and alanine aminotransferase that appear to have improved NUE.  相似文献   

用盆栽试验研究了12个冬小麦品种(TriticumaestivumL.)在低、高氮条件下的籽粒产量差异,及吸收和利用氮素的效率对其影响。结果证明在低氮处理中吸收效率和利用效率(UtEG)的共同影响导致了产量差异,但利用效率的影响更大;高氮处理则主要是吸收效率的影响,利用效率的影响较小。研究还发现能高效吸收或利用氮素的品种多为矮秆品种,因此高产品种多为矮秆。在低氮处理中的高产品种具有高效吸收或高效利用的特点;高氮处理中的高产品种主要具有高效吸收的特点,利用效率并不高。在所有品种中,只有低氮条件下的太核5025兼具高效吸收和高效利用的优点,说明多数品种的吸收、利用效率有待提高,以充分发挥氮肥的增产效果,达到少施氮肥多增产和保护环境的目的  相似文献   

长期施肥对黄土高原黄绵土氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮肥利用率是确定推荐施氮量和施氮效果评价的关键参数.本文通过黄土高原黄绵土区持续34年(1981—2015年)的长期定位试验,研究了长期不同施肥处理对氮肥当季利用率和累积利用率的影响及氮肥当季利用率与累积利用率的关系.结果表明: 除试验起始年(1982)外,不同施肥处理对小麦、油菜和胡麻3种作物氮肥的当季利用率和累积利用率都有显著影响,其中小麦以氮磷钾配施(NPK)处理平均氮肥当季利用率最高,其次为氮磷配施(NP)处理,分别较单施氮肥(N)处理提高了77.7%和62.0%;油菜也以氮磷钾配施(NPK)处理平均氮肥当季利用率最高,其次为有机肥与氮磷钾配施(MNPK)处理,分别较单施氮肥处理提高了93.7%和65.6%.有机肥与氮肥配施(MN)处理氮肥当季利用率较单施氮肥(N)处理显著增加,而有机肥与氮磷配施(MNP)和氮磷钾配施(MNPK)处理氮肥当季利用率较相应氮磷配施(NP)和氮磷钾配施(NPK)处理明显降低.氮肥当季利用率与作物籽粒产量存在显著的线性正相关关系,而累积利用率与作物籽粒产量的相关关系不明显.表明与氮肥累积利用率相比,当季利用率能较及时地反映特定土壤肥力、作物种类、品种和环境条件下的肥料利用率特征.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is quantitatively the most essential nutrient for plants and a major factor limiting crop productivity. One of the critical steps limiting the efficient use of nitrogen is the ability of plants to acquire it from applied fertilizer. Therefore, the development of crop plants that absorb and use nitrogen more efficiently has been a long-term goal of agricultural research. In an attempt to develop nitrogen-efficient plants, rice ( Oryza sativa L.) was genetically engineered by introducing a barley AlaAT ( alanine aminotransferase ) cDNA driven by a rice tissue-specific promoter ( OsAnt1 ). This modification increased the biomass and grain yield significantly in comparison with control plants when plants were well supplied with nitrogen. Compared with controls, transgenic rice plants also demonstrated significant changes in key metabolites and total nitrogen content, indicating increased nitrogen uptake efficiency. The development of crop plants that take up and assimilate nitrogen more efficiently would not only improve the use of nitrogen fertilizers, resulting in lower production costs, but would also have significant environmental benefits. These results are discussed in terms of their relevance to the development of strategies to engineer enhanced nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants.  相似文献   

尽管近年来中国氮(N)沉降水平逐渐趋于稳定,但中国东南地区N沉降相比于其他地区仍处于较高水平。N沉降对陆地生态系统碳循环过程的影响不容忽视。微生物碳利用效率(CUE)是指微生物将吸收的碳转化为生物量碳的效率,高微生物CUE意味着高土壤有机碳存储潜力。因此,探究N沉降背景下微生物CUE的变化将有助于进一步认识陆地生态系统土壤碳存储的变化。然而,目前关于N沉降下微生物群落结构的变化如何影响微生物CUE鲜有报道。在福建省泉州市戴云山国家级自然保护区的罗浮栲林通过N添加模拟N沉降。实验共包括三个N添加处理:对照(CT,+0 kg hm-2 a-1)、低氮(LN,+40 kg hm-2 a-1)和高氮(HN,+80 kg hm-2 a-1)。测定不同处理土壤基本理化性质、微生物生物量、酶活性和CUE,并使用高通量测序对微生物群落结构和多样性进行测定。结果表明,N添加显著影响微生物CUE,随着N添加水平的增加,CUE逐渐增加;相反,土壤pH、可提取有机碳(EOC)和微...  相似文献   

At a global scale, cereal yields and fertilizer N consumption have increased in a near-linear fashion during the past 40 years and are highly correlated with one another. However,large differences exist in historical trends of N fertilizer usage and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)among regions, countries, and crops. The reasons for these differences must be understood to estimate future N fertilizer requirements. Global nitrogen needs will depend on: (i) changes in cropped cereal area and the associated yield increases required to meet increasing cereal demand from population and income growth, and (ii) changes in NUE at the farm level. Our analysis indicates that the anticipated 38% increase in global cereal demand by 2025 can be met by a 30% increase in N use on cereals, provided that the steady decline in cereal harvest area is halted and the yield response to applied N can be increased by 20%. If losses of cereal cropping area continue at the rate of the past 20 years (-0.33% per year) and NUE cannot be increased substantially, a 60% increase in global N use on cereals would be required to meet cereal demand. Interventions to increase NUE and reduce N losses to the environment must be accomplished at the farm- or field-scale through a combination of improved technologies and carefully crafted local policies that contribute to the adoption of improved N management; uniform regional or national directives are unlikey to be effective at both sustaining yield increases and improving NUE. Examples from several countries show that increases in NUE at rates of 1% per year or more can be achieved if adequate investments are made in research and extension. Failure to arrest the decrease in cereal crop area and to improve NUE in the world's most important agricultural systems will likely cause severe damage to environmental services at local, regional, and global scales due to a large increase in reactive N load in the environment.  相似文献   

At a global scale, cereal yields and fertilizer N consumption have increased in a near-linear fashion during the past 40 years and are highly correlated with one another. However, large differences exist in historical trends of N fertilizer usage and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) among regions, countries, and crops. The reasons for these differences must be understood to estimate future N fertilizer requirements. Global nitrogen needs will depend on: (i) changes in cropped cereal area and the associated yield increases required to meet increasing cereal demand from population and income growth, and (ii) changes in NUE at the farm level. Our analysis indicates that the anticipated 38% increase in global cereal demand by 2025 can be met by a 30% increase in N use on cereals, provided that the steady decline in cereal harvest area is halted and the yield response to applied N can be increased by 20%. If losses of cereal cropping area continue at the rate of the past 20 years (-0.33% per year) and NUE cannot be increased substantially, a 60% increase in global N use on cereals would be required to meet cereal demand. Interventions to increase NUE and reduce N losses to the environment must be accomplished at the farm- or field-scale through a combination of improved technologies and carefully crafted local policies that contribute to the adoption of improved N management; uniform regional or national directives are unlikey to be effective at both sustaining yield increases and improving NUE. Examples from several countries show that increases in NUE at rates of 1% per year or more can be achieved if adequate investments are made in research and extension. Failure to arrest the decrease in cereal crop area and to improve NUE in the world's most important agricultural systems will likely cause severe damage to environmental services at local, regional, and global scales due to a large increase in reactive N load in the environment.  相似文献   

作为调节土壤碳矿化过程的重要参数,微生物碳利用效率(CUE)对理解陆地生态系统中的碳循环至关重要。本研究在戴云山罗浮栲林设置对照(0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(40 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(80 kg N·hm-2·a-1) 3个氮添加水平以模拟氮沉降,测定了表层(0~10 cm)土壤基本理化性质、有机碳组分、微生物生物量和酶活性;并利用18O标记水方法测定土壤微生物CUE,以更好地理解氮沉降加剧对微生物CUE的影响及其影响因素。结果表明: 短期氮添加显著降低了土壤微生物的呼吸速率、碳和氮获取酶活性,但显著增加了土壤微生物CUE。β-N-乙酰氨基酸葡糖苷酶(NAG)/微生物生物量碳(MBC)、微生物呼吸速率、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)/MBC、纤维素水解酶(CBH)/MBC和土壤有机碳含量是影响CUE的主要因素,且CUE与NAG/MBC、微生物呼吸速率、BG/MBC和CBH/MBC呈显著负相关,与土壤有机碳呈显著正相关。综上,短期氮添加导致土壤微生物获取碳和氮的成本降低,减少微生物呼吸,从而提高了土壤微生物CUE,这将有助于提高罗浮栲林土壤碳固存潜力。  相似文献   

以宁麦9号和豫麦34号为材料,研究了氮肥基追比对土壤无机氮时空变化、氮素表观盈亏和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,施用基肥提高了越冬期0-60 cm土层NO3--N和NH4+-N含量,拔节期追肥对孕穗期各土层无机氮含量无显著影响,追施孕穗肥显著提高了开花期0-60 cm土层硝态氮含量和0-20 cm土层铵态氮含量。不施氮处理各生育阶段均表现为氮素亏缺,施氮处理氮素盈亏呈明显的阶段性,播种至孕穗阶段出现氮素盈余,孕穗至成熟阶段出现氮素亏缺;全生育期氮素表观盈余量两品种平均以5∶5处理最低,7∶3处理最高。两品种氮肥农学效率、氮肥表观回收率和产量均随基肥比例的增加呈先增后降的趋势,均以5∶5处理最高。因此,在小麦生产中应适当减少基施氮肥用量,在小麦拔节孕穗期适当增加追肥比例有利于提高产量和氮肥利用效率,并降低土壤氮素损失。  相似文献   

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