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3-Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC is a key enzyme in the glycolytic pathway and catalyzes an important phosphorylation step leading to the production of ATP. The crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum phosphoglycerate kinase (PfPGK) in the open conformation is presented in two different groups, namely I222 and P6122. The structure in I222 space group is solved using MAD and refined at 3 Å whereas that in P6122A is solved using MR and refined at 2.7 Å. I222 form has three monomers in asymmetric unit whereas P6122 form has two monomers in the asymmetric unit. In both crystal forms a sulphate ion is located at the active site where ATP binds, but no Mg2+ ion is observed. For the first time another sulphate ion is found at the basic patch where the 3-phosphate of 1,3-biphosphoglycerate normally binds. This was found in both chains of P6122 form but only in chain A of I222 form.  相似文献   

Koh S  Kim J  Shin HJ  Lee D  Bae J  Kim D  Lee DS 《Carbohydrate research》2003,338(12):1339-1343
This paper questions what types of molecular transformation are involved in the conversion of maltose to trehalose by trehalose synthase from Thermus caldophilus GK24. The reverse reaction pathway has been examined with the aid of alpha,alpha-(2,4,6,6',2',4',6",6"'-(2)H(8))trehalose (1). The mass data of the isolated reaction products clearly indicate that deuterated glucose is confined only to substrate molecules, and thus the reversible enzymatic conversion of trehalose into maltose proceeds through an intramolecular pathway.  相似文献   

Histone deactylases (HDACs) are members of an ancient enzyme family found in eukaryotes as well as in prokaryotes such as archaebacteria and eubacteria. We here report a new histone deacetylase (Tca HDAC) that was cloned from the genomic library of Thermus caldophilus GK24 based on homology analysis with human histone deacetylase1 (HDAC1). The gene contains an open reading frame encoding 375 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 42,188 Da and the deduced amino acid sequence of Tca HDAC showed a 31% homology to human HDAC1. The Tca HDAC gene was over-expressed in Escherichia coli using a Glutathione-S transferase (GST) fusion vector (pGEX-4T-1) and the purified protein showed a deacetylase activity toward the fluorogenic substrate for HDAC. Moreover, the enzyme activity was inhibited by trichostatin A, a specific HDAC inhibitor, in a dose-dependent manner. Optimum temperature and pH of the enzyme was found to be approximately 70 degrees C and 7.0, respectively. In addition, zinc ion is required for catalytic activity of the enzyme. Together, these data demonstrate that Tca HDAC is a new histone deacetylase-like enzyme from T. caldophilus GK24 and will be a useful tool for deciphering the role of HDAC in the prokaryote and development of new biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

dTDP-L-Rhamnose biosynthetic gene cluster was cloned from Thermus caldophilus. A cluster of four open reading frames, strmlA, B, C and D, responsible for the production of dTDP-L-rhmanose, was screened from the genomic library. Thermophilic glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase, encoding 356 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight 38 kDa, was expressed under the control of the tac promoter in E. coli. The expressed enzyme, stRmlA is thermostable up to 70 degrees C and apparently retained its activity even up to 90 degrees C. It shares 73% sequence identity to glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase from Streptomyces argillaceus. Amino acid sequence comparison of stRmlA with ten glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferases indicated higher number of unusual hydrophobic residues (A10, A58, A69, A252, V225, V257, V265, 1242 and 1246) and charged residues (D43, D160, D248, D249, D315, H124, H201, H283 and H354) in stRmlA.  相似文献   

The purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Thermus thermophilus crystallized in space group P4(3)2(1)2 with the unit cell dimensions a = 131.9 A and c = 169.9 A and one biologically active hexamer in the asymmetric unit. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined at a 1.9A resolution to an r(free) value of 20.8%. The crystals of the binary complex with sulfate ion and ternary complexes with sulfate and adenosine or guanosine were also prepared and their crystal structures were refined at 2.1A, 2.4A and 2.4A, respectively. The overall structure of the T.thermophilus enzyme is similar to the structures of hexameric enzymes from Escherichia coli and Sulfolobus solfataricus, but significant differences are observed in the purine base recognition site. A base recognizing aspartic acid, which is conserved among the hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylases, is Asn204 in the T.thermophilus enzyme, which is reminiscent of the base recognizing asparagine in trimeric purine nucleoside phosphorylases. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements indicate that both adenosine and guanosine bind the enzyme with nearly similar affinity. However, the functional assays show that as in trimeric PNPs, only the guanosine is a true substrate of the T.thermophilus enzyme. In the case of adenosine recognition, the Asn204 forms hydrogen bonds with N6 and N7 of the base. While in the case of guanosine recognition, the Asn204 is slightly shifted together with the beta(9)alpha(7) loop and predisposed to hydrogen bond formation with O6 of the base in the transition state. The obtained experimental data suggest that the catalytic properties of the T.thermophilus enzyme are reminiscent of the trimeric rather than hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylases.  相似文献   

2-Keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase (KDGK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate (KDG) to 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDGP). The genome sequence of Thermus thermophilus HB8 contains an open reading frame that has a 30% identity to Escherichia coli KDGK. The KDGK activity of T.thermophilus protein (TtKDGK) has been confirmed, and its crystal structure has been determined by the molecular replacement method and refined with two crystal forms to 2.3 angstroms and 3.2 angstroms, respectively. The enzyme is a hexamer organized as a trimer of dimers. Each subunit is composed of two domains, a larger alpha/beta domain and a smaller beta-sheet domain, similar to that of ribokinase and adenosine kinase, members of the PfkB family of carbohydrate kinases. Furthermore, the TtKDGK structure with its KDG and ATP analogue was determined and refined at 2.1 angstroms. The bound KDG was observed predominantly as an open chain structure. The positioning of ligands and the conservation of important catalytic residues suggest that the reaction mechanism is likely to be similar to that of other members of the PfkB family, including ribokinase. In particular, the Asp251 is postulated to have a role in transferring the gamma-phosphate of ATP to the 5'-hydroxyl group of KDG.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the nucleotide sequence of both genomic and complementary DNA (cDNA) for the gene encoding the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase from the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The amino acid sequence for the enzyme has also been derived from the cDNA sequence. The gene contains an open reading frame of 1260 nucleotides encoding 420 amino acids. Coding sequence in genomic DNA is interrupted by two introns at positions corresponding to introns 3 and 4 in mammalian phosphoglycerate kinase genes. The derived amino acid sequence was used to prepare a phylogeny by aligning the Tetrahymena sequence with 25 other phosphoglycerate kinase amino acid sequences. The Tetrahymena sequence is a typical eukaryotic sequence. There is recognizable and clear homology across species that cover nearly the complete range of life forms. The phylogenetic reconstruction of these sequences generally supports the conclusions that have been reached using rRNA sequences.Offprint requests to: R.E. Pearlman  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus synthesizes lysine through the alpha-aminoadipate pathway, which uses alpha-aminoadipate as a biosynthetic intermediate of lysine. LysX is the essential enzyme in this pathway, and is believed to catalyze the acylation of alpha-aminoadipate. We have determined the crystal structures of LysX and its complex with ADP at 2.0A and 2.38A resolutions, respectively. LysX is composed of three alpha+beta domains, each composed of a four to five-stranded beta-sheet core flanked by alpha-helices. The C-terminal and central domains form an ATP-grasp fold, which is responsible for ATP binding. LysX has two flexible loop regions, which are expected to play an important role in substrate binding and protection. In spite of the low level of sequence identity, the overall fold of LysX is surprisingly similar to that of other ATP-grasp fold proteins, such as D-Ala:D-Ala ligase, PurT-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase, glutathione synthetase, and synapsin I. In particular, they share a similar spatial arrangement of the amino acid residues around the ATP-binding site. This observation strongly suggests that LysX is an ATP-utilizing enzyme that shares a common evolutionary ancestor with other ATP-grasp fold proteins possessing a carboxylate-amine/thiol ligase activity.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L27 is located near the peptidyltransferase center at the interface of ribosomal subunits, and is important for ribosomal assembly and function. We report the crystal structure of ribosomal protein L27 from Thermus thermophilus HB8, which was determined by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion method and refined to an R-factor of 19.7% (R(free) = 23.6%) at 2.8 A resolution. The overall fold is an all beta-sheet hybrid. It consists of two sets of four-stranded beta-sheets formed around a well-defined hydrophobic core, with a highly positive charge on the protein surface. The structure of ribosomal protein L27 from T. thermophilus HB8 in the RNA-free form is investigated, and its functional roles in the ribosomal subunit are discussed.  相似文献   

Expanding the scope of stereoselectivity is of current interest in enzyme catalysis. In this study, using error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a thermostable adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) from Thermus caldophilus GK-24 has been altered to improve its catalytic activity toward enatiomeric substrates including [glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) + uridine triphosphate (UTP)] and [N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate (GlcNAc) + UTP] to produce uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, respectively. To elucidate the amino acids responsible for catalytic activity, screening for UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (UNGPase) activities was carried out. Among 656 colonies, two colonies showed UGPase activities and three colonies for UNGPase activities. DNA sequence analyses and enzyme assays showed that two mutant clones (H145G) specifically have an UGPase activity, indicating that the changed glycine residue from histidine has the base specificity for UTP. Also, three double mutants (H145G/A325V) showed a UNGPase, and A325 was associated with sugar binding, conferring the specificity for the sugar substrates and V325 of the mutant appears to be indirectly involved in the binding of the N-acetylamine group of N-acetylglucosmine-1-phosphate. The authors Hosung Sohn and Yong-Sam Kim equally contributed to the study.  相似文献   

The 2'-5' RNA ligase family members are bacterial and archaeal RNA ligases that ligate 5' and 3' half-tRNA molecules with 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini, respectively, to the product containing the 2'-5' phosphodiester linkage. Here, the crystal structure of the 2'-5' RNA ligase protein from an extreme thermophile, Thermus thermophilus HB8, was solved at 2.5A resolution. The structure of the 2'-5' RNA ligase superimposes well on that of the Arabidopsis thaliana cyclic phosphodiesterase (CPDase), which hydrolyzes ADP-ribose 1",2"-cyclic phosphate (a product of the tRNA splicing reaction) to the monoester ADP-ribose 1"-phosphate. Although the sequence identity between the two proteins is remarkably low (9.3%), the 2'-5' RNA ligase and CPDase structures have two HX(T/S)X motifs in their corresponding positions. The HX(T/S)X motifs play important roles in the CPDase activity, and are conserved in both the CPDases and 2'-5' RNA ligases. Therefore, the catalytic mechanism of the 2'-5' RNA ligase may be similar to that of the CPDase. On the other hand, the electrostatic potential of the cavity of the 2'-5' RNA ligase is positive, but that of the CPDase is negative. Furthermore, in the CPDase, two loops with low B-factors cover the cavity. In contrast, in the 2'-5' RNA ligase, the corresponding loops form an open conformation and are flexible. These characteristics may be due to the differences in the substrates, tRNA and ADP-ribose 1",2"-cyclic phosphate.  相似文献   

The TT1542 protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 is annotated as a conserved hypothetical protein, and belongs to the DUF158 family in the Pfam database. A BLAST search revealed that homologs of TT1542 are present in a wide range of organisms. The TT1542 homologs in eukaryotes, PIG-L in mammals, and GPI12 in yeast and protozoa, have N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol (GlcNAc-PI) de-N-acetylase activity. Although most of the homologs in prokaryotes are hypothetical and have no known function, Rv1082 and Rv1170 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis are enzymes involved in the mycothiol detoxification pathway. Here we report the crystal structure of the TT1542 protein at 2.0 A resolution, which represents the first structure for this superfamily of proteins. The structure of the TT1542 monomer consists of a twisted beta-sheet composed of six parallel beta-strands and one antiparallel beta-strand (with the strand order 3-2-1-4-5-7-6) sandwiched between six alpha-helices. The N-terminal five beta-strands and four alpha-helices form an incomplete Rossmann fold-like structure. The structure shares some similarity to the sugar-processing enzymes with Rossmann fold-like domains, especially those of the GPGTF (glycogen phosphorylase/glycosyl transferase) superfamily, and also to the NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold domains. TT1542 is a homohexamer in the crystal and in solution, the six monomers forming a cylindrical structure. Putative active sites are suggested by the structure and conserved amino acid residues.  相似文献   

TT1426, from Thermus thermophilus HB8, is a conserved hypothetical protein with a predicted phosphoribosyltransferase (PRTase) domain, as revealed by a Pfam database search. The 2.01 A crystal structure of TT1426 has been determined by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method. TT1426 comprises a core domain consisting of a central five-stranded beta sheet surrounded by four alpha-helices, and a subdomain in the C terminus. The core domain structure resembles those of the type I PRTase family proteins, although a significant structural difference exists in an inserted 43-residue region. The C-terminal subdomain corresponds to the "hood," which contains a substrate-binding site in the type I PRTases. The hood structure of TT1426 differs from those of the other type I PRTases, suggesting the possibility that TT1426 binds an unknown substrate. The structure-based sequence alignment provides clues about the amino acid residues involved in catalysis and substrate binding.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinones exist widely among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They play essential roles in respiratory electron transport and in controlling oxidative stress and gene regulation. In the isoprenoid quinone biosynthetic pathway, polyprenyl pyrophosphates are used as isoprenoid side-chain precursors. Here we report the crystal structure of a novel polyprenyl pyrophosphate binding protein, TT1927b, from Thermus thermophilus HB8, complexed with its ligand. This protein belongs to the YceI-like family in the Pfam database, and its sequence homologs are present in a broad range of bacteria and archaea. The structure consists of an extended, eight-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel. In the hydrophobic pore of the barrel, the protein binds the polyisoprenoid chain by hydrophobic interactions. Its overall structure resembles the lipocalin fold, but there is no sequence homology between TT1927b and the lipocalin family of proteins.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae, a ubiquitous gram-positive pathogen with an alarming, steadily evolving resistance to frontline antimicrobials, poses a severe global health threat both in the community and in the clinic. The recent discovery that diphosphomevalonate (DPM), an essential intermediate in the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway, potently and allosterically inhibits S. pneumoniae mevalonate kinase (SpMK) without affecting the human isozyme established a new target and lead compound for antimicrobial design. Here we present the crystal structure of the first S. pneumoniae mevalonate kinase, at a resolution of 2.5 A and in complex with DPM.Mg(2+) in the active-site cleft. Structural comparison of SpMK with other members of the GHMP kinase family reveals that DPM functions as a partial bisubstrate analog (mevalonate linked to the pyrophosphoryl moiety of ATP) in that it elicits a ternary-complexlike form of the enzyme, except for localized disordering in a region that would otherwise interact with the missing portion of the nucleotide. Features of the SpMK-binding pockets are discussed in the context of established mechanistic findings and inherited human diseases linked to MK deficiency.  相似文献   

It was recently established that fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) aldolase (FBA) and tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate (TBP) aldolase (TBA), two class II aldolases, are highly specific for the diastereoselective synthesis of FBP and TBP from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), respectively. In this paper, we report on a FBA from the thermophile Thermus caldophilus GK24 (Tca) that produces both FBP and TBP from C(3) substrates. Moreover, the FBP:TBP ratio could be adjusted by manipulating the concentrations of G3P and DHAP. This is the first native FBA known to show dual diastereoselectivity among the FBAs and TBAs characterized thus far. To explain the behavior of this enzyme, the X-ray crystal structure of the Tca FBA in complex with DHAP was determined at 2.2A resolution. It appears that as a result of alteration of five G3P binding residues, the substrate binding cavity of Tca FBA has a greater volume than those in the Escherichia coli FBA-phosphoglycolohydroxamate (PGH) and TBA-PGH complexes. We suggest that this steric difference underlies the difference in the diastereoselectivities of these class II aldolases.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of 1l-1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-allo-inositol, is described. The inositol ring deviate slightly from the ideal chair conformation to a flattened chair. A comparison of its conformation in solution with that in solid was made by the use of 1H NMR. This conformational analysis revealed that the title compound adopts similar conformations in solid state and in solution in low polar solvents like benzene and CHCl3 while in high polar solvents such as Me2SO, the solid state conformation is not retained.  相似文献   

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