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在四川宝兴蜂桶寨绿尾虹雉研究中心开展绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii卵人工孵化研究,用不同湿度孵化2组卵:梯度湿度组使用3种湿度,使卵失重率趋于15%;均衡湿度组始终使用50%~55%的湿度。观察记录卵质量、胚胎发育情况。结果显示:成功孵化雏鸟12只,孵化率70.6%,雏鸟3个月成活率100%;卵孵化期28.1~30.2 d,平均(29.5±0.6) d,卵失重率10.7%~17.6%,平均(14.0±2.0)%,啄壳时间26.1~28.3 d,平均(27.4±0.6) d,出壳持续时间36.5~58.5 h,平均(48.7±6.8) h;卵的日平均质量与孵化天数极显著负相关;梯度湿度组和均衡湿度组在卵的失重率和初始雏重上的差异有统计学意义,而啄壳时间和卵孵化期的差异无统计学意义;卵失重率越小,初始雏重越大;与家鸡Gallus gallus domesticus卵胚胎的发育特征相似。保持卵失重率10%~15%可做为绿尾虹雉卵孵化湿度设置的参考。  相似文献   

程彩云  谭玉洁 《动物学研究》1993,14(4):354-354,360,366
绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)的人工孵化研究,国内未见有专题论述。1989年至今我们承担了国家科委和林业部下达的“绿尾虹雉繁殖研究”科研课题。现将结果简报如下:  相似文献   

中国林蛙卵人工孵化试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国林蛙 (Rana chinensis)是我国重要的经济蛙类之一。近年来 ,由于人们的生态经济意识不强 ,森林环境破坏严重 ,以及滥捕乱捉 ,使得中国林蛙种群数量急剧下降。但在一些地区 ,由于加强对中国林蛙的管护 ,大力发展林蛙人工养殖业 ,使之成为当地经济发展的一项重要支柱产业。由于林蛙人工饲养刚刚起步 ,饲养经验不完善 ,一些问题有待深入研究。如在自然条件下母蛙产卵时期 (4月上旬 )大致相同 ,但据以往观察 ,幼蛙出池时间却有很大差别 ,而出池时间的早晚表现在秋季回归时的体重差别较大 (约 1倍体重 )。因此缩短卵孵化时间 ,促使幼蛙提早…  相似文献   

血雉的声谱分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用野外实地录音,室内语图分析和制图的方法,对血雉的呼吸声、报警叫声、取食叫声、争食叫声、联络叫声等5种鸣声的频率变化范围和持续时间进行了分析,并探讨了不同的鸣声与其相应行为的关系。/  相似文献   

陕西太白山的血雉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1982—1985年在太白山进行了血雉生态学研究。血雉秦岭亚种,分布于太白山北坡2200—3200米,南坡1800—3200米之间的落叶松林、冷杉林、桦木林和针叶混交林。雌雄性比北坡为1:1.04,雏鸟为成鸟的46%;南坡为1:1.17,雏鸟为成鸟的57%。南坡每公里平均遇见率为0.92只,北坡为0.66只。血雉以植物性食物为主,在繁殖期间亦食一些动物住食物。据剖检155只嗉嚷分析,发现全年取食60多种植物,占取食总量的87%,繁殖期间也吃一些动物性食物,但仅占总食量的13%。血雉的食物随着季节和植物的生长阶段而改变。  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区血雉的社群组织   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
1994年11月至1995年9月在四川卧龙自然保护区五一棚地区,采用无线电追踪技术并结合野外观察,对血雉的社群组织进行了研究。血雉冬季集群活动,相邻群体相遇,有驱逐行为发生。分群配对时,雌鸟长距离迁移。血雉为单配偶制,配偶关系联结紧密,可维持整个繁殖季节。孵卵由雌鸟承担,取食时由雄鸟相伴,雌雄鸟共同育雏。繁殖季节不参加繁殖的亚成体雄鸟、参加繁殖的成体雄鸟或配偶对往往也有集群活动的倾向。在繁殖季节,  相似文献   

血雉属的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过查看采自中国各地的血雉标本259号及有关文献资料,作者将血雉属鸟类列为1个种,另9个亚种及1个混交类型,并发现血雉羽色的地理变异规律,雄鸟头、颏、喉和胸部的红色以采自高黎贡山1个混交类型,并发现血雉羽色的地理变异规律,雄岛头、颏、喉和胸部的红色以采自高黎贡山、怒山和云岭西南地区的标本最为鲜艳,其范围也最大,页向东,向西和向北头、颏、喉和胸部的红色渲染程度呈逐渐递减的趋势。这与Vaurie(19  相似文献   

血雉分类地位和遗传分化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来对血雉Ithaginis应划归雉类还是鹑类和是多型属还是单型属一直存在着争议.在此对3个亚种,西藏亚种Ithaginis cruentus tibetanus,甘肃亚种I.c.berezawskii和四川亚种I.c.geoffroyii的6个个体的血雉与典型的雉类雉属Phasiamus、锦鸡属Chrysolophus、长尾雉属Syrmaticus及典型的鹑类石鸡属Alectoris、鹌鹑属Coturnix和雪鸡属Tetraogallus的线粒体DNA细胞色素6的部分基因序列比较,系统进化树中血雉与雉类聚在一起.根据血雉地理分布,多亚种中心理论,区域地理历史,环境演变和分子钟指示的时间,血雉可能于早上新世起源于横断山脉.3个亚种之间序列差异为4.1%-7.2%,与雉科其它属的种问差异度比较,其遗传分化已达到种的水平,与形态差异相吻合.  相似文献   

血雉(Ithaginis cruentus,封面照片)隶属于鸡形目(Galliformes)雉科(Phasianidae)血雉属,主要分布于中国的青藏高原边缘及邻近的山系,包括喜马拉雅山、横断山脉、岷山-祁连山脉和秦岭地区,地理位置大约在26°0′~39°2′N,84°0′~108°3′E之间.在国外见于尼泊尔、不丹、印度和缅甸.血雉为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,同时被列入中国濒危鸟类红皮书和CITES公约附录Ⅱ(郑光美,中国濒危动物红皮书鸟类.1998).血雉亚种分化众多,由于羽色变异较大,其种下分类一直比较混乱.学者们的观点不同,从9个亚种至14个亚种不等,横断山区很可能是其分化中心(郑作新,中国动物志鸟纲第四卷.1978).  相似文献   

黑鹳人工孵化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑鹳人工孵化研究THESTUDIESOFARTIFICIALINCUBATIONFORBLACKSTORK关键词黑鹳,人工孵化,卵失重率KeywordsBlackStork,Artificialincubation,Eggweightlosrate中...  相似文献   

2007年4~6月对红翅薮鹛滇西亚种卵进行了人工孵化试验.入孵10枚, 受精9枚,受精率为90%; 出雏4羽, 孵化率为44%; 孵化温度为37.7℃, 相对湿度为45%~60%; 平均孵化期为15 d; 平均卵失重为0.91 g,平均失重率为19.43%; 孵化期卵的实际重量(y)与卵孵化期天数(x)的直线回归方程是y=4.792-0.054x (P<0.01).  相似文献   

乌梢蛇的人工孵化与冬眠前的人工饲养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
室内人工孵化乌梢蛇卵16 7枚。平均卵重10 . 4 1g ,孵化出幼蛇14 2条,孵化率85 % ,其中11枚未受精,受精率93. 5 %。对幼蛇做了形体度量,挑选活泼健康的幼蛇98条,平均体重6 . 2 6±0 . 89g ,随机分成3组进行人工饲养,一组为群体饲养,另两组为单个饲养。开口饲料采用两种处理,一种是人工填喂瘦猪肉,另一种是饲喂活幼体泽蛙。饲养时间为冬眠前两个月。群体饲养组冬眠前平均增重率达4 0. 4 % ,单个饲养组平均增重率达4 6. 5 % ,未达差异显著(P >0 . 0 5 )。结果表明,活幼体泽蛙是乌梢蛇幼蛇良好的开口饲料  相似文献   

血雉繁殖期活动区与栖息地特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用无线电追踪技术并结合野外观察,对血雉繁殖期活动区与栖息地特征进行了研究。孵卵期(5月)雄鸟的活动区面积为31.90hm^2,雌鸟为8.67hm^2。育雏期一个家族的活动区面积为15.45hm^2(6月)和17.33hm^2(7月)。繁殖季节相邻两个繁殖对的活动区有重叠。血雉繁殖季节喜欢在北坡和东坡活动,这种选择与食物的分布有关。倒木在繁殖期栖息地选择中占有一定地位。用多元总体假设检验、单变量F检验及主成分分析法对实验样方与对照样方间进行了比较分析。结果表明,繁殖期喜选择山脊附近下层空间较为斤阔的灌木林或林间空地。  相似文献   

Eggs collected from captive trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in 1993 (n = 33) and 1994 (n = 42) were artificially incubated with careful monitoring to identify factors contributing to the low hatch success reported by the Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program. Fertility was > 80% in both years, whereas hatch success of fertile eggs was 14.3% (n = 4) of 28 eggs in 1993 and 37.1% (n = 13) of 35 eggs in 1994. Necropsy of non‐viable eggs indicated a high incidence of embryonic mortality during early and late incubation. Early embryonic mortality was associated with egg storage times exceeding 7 days (P < 0.05) and bacterial contamination of eggs (P < 0.01). Late mortality was associated with (P < 0.001) increased weight loss during incubation period and may have resulted from incubator temperature and humidity fluctuations. We established patterns of weight loss for eggs and determined that hatched eggs lost 11–15% of initial mass and that weight loss >15% resulted in embryo mortality. Results from this study indicate that collection and handling of eggs before incubation and precise control of the incubator environment are critical to hatchability of eggs. Zoo Biol 18:403–414, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

多疣壁虎 (Gekkojaponicus)是华东地区蜥蜴区系的重要成分 ,向西分布至四川东部 ,向北分布至甘肃和陕西南部 ,国外见于朝鲜南部和日本部分岛屿[7,3 2 ] 。有关该种的生态学研究已涉及 ,①雌雄两性异形和繁殖习性[4 ,16,2 4 ] ;②卵孵化和温度决定性别[3 ,17,2 6,2 7] ;③贮能部位及各部位的年变化和相对重要性评估[1,16] ;④温度对摄食量和食物同化的影响[2 ] ;⑤胚胎和成体的代谢率[6,13 ,3 0 ,3 1] 。浙江杭州产多疣壁虎年产 1~ 3窝卵 ,窝卵数通常恒定为 2枚 ,大个体产多窝卵 ,第 1窝卵和第 2窝卵的卵重无显著差异[4 ] 。…  相似文献   

观察了2001~2004年冬季分布于历山保护区的勺鸡的集群行为行。野外共观察120次,见到勺鸡1034只,其中95.3%的个体营集群生活,环境的异质性和天敌的捕食压力可能是导致勺鸡等雉类冬季集群的重要因素。  相似文献   

杜卫国  计翔 《生态学报》2002,22(4):548-553
用4个恒定温(24-32℃)孵化灰鼠蛇卵,检测温度对孵化期,孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响。在24-32℃范围内,孵化温度显影响孵化期及孵出幼体的体长和剩余卵黄大小,但不影响孵化成功率和孵出幼体的性别,体重,躯干重和脂肪体重。24,26,30和32℃孵化期分别为99.0,72.2,54.7和48.7d。24℃和26℃孵出幼体的体筮大于30℃和32℃孵出幼体;24℃和32℃孵同幼体内的卵黄较多。不同温度下发育的胚胎对卵内物质和能量的利用一定的差异,但差异不显。雌性幼体的体长,尾长和总长均大于雄性幼体,这些两性差异与孵化温度无关。孵出幼体和新生卵内容的灰分含量无显差异,孵化前后卵壳灰分含量也无显差异,表明灰鼠蛇的卵黄可提供胚胎发育所需的所有无机物。  相似文献   

The rising average global temperature can lead to changes both in the physical and biological environments and affect the survival of organisms. Freshwater turtles are considered to be susceptible species since their development is dependent on incubation temperature. In Thailand, although several species of freshwater turtle are present, the extent of their susceptibility to temperature change is unknown due to the lack of information on their developmental patterns. This research, therefore, is aimed at examining the effects of temperature on somatic development in Malayemys macrocephala, a native species and the most common freshwater turtle in Thailand. Turtle eggs were collected from rice fields in the central part of Thailand during December 2011 to February 2012 inclusive. Eggs (237-238 per condition) were incubated in microprocessor-controlled incubators at three different temperatures (26 ℃, 29℃ and 32℃) with a relative humidity in excess of 80%. Each week, until the remaining eggs hatched, eggs were randomly selected, removed and dissected to reveal the developing embryo to screen for developmental stage and any abnormalities. The incubation period (lay to hatch) was not significantly different among the three temperatures (115 ±11.3 d, 115 ±20.3 d and 109±17.8 d, respectively), but the growth patterns, as indicated by the stages of development and carapace lengths, were significantly different. At a high temperature (32℃), turtle embryos showed a significantly faster growth rate than at the intermediate and low temperatures (29 ℃and 26 ℃), but had a significantly (over 3.3-fold) higher incidence of developmental abnormalities (especially deformed bodies) than at the lower temperatures. Overall, the results indicate that incubation temperature is an important variable affecting the somatic development of this tropical freshwater turtle species, whilst abnormalities in the embryonic body may be a sensitive indicator of extreme thermal stress.  相似文献   

We incubated eggs of five Phrynocephalus species (P. albolineatus, P. axillaries, P. grumgrzimailoi, P. helioscopus and P. przewalskii) at three constant temperatures (24℃, 28℃ and 32℃) to examine differences in incubation length and hatchling morphology among species and among temperature treatments. We combined data from this study with those reported previously for P. frontalis and P. versicolor to examine whether embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor for interspecific variation in incubation length, and whether the phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is consistent with the relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Mean values for incubation length differed among the five species studied herein and, in all these five species, incubation length decreased at a decreasing rate as temperature increased. In none of the five species did hatchling size (snout-vent length and body mass) and other morphological variables differ among the three temperature treatments. The seven oviparous Phrynocephalus lizards found in China differ from each other in hatchling morphology, and embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor of inter- and intra-specific variation in incubation length. The phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is not always consistent with the currently known relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Data from this study and those reported previously allow the conclusion that any Phrynocephalus species may have its unique position along the axis defined by hatchling morphology.  相似文献   

白冠长尾雉的越冬生态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
白冠长尾雉的越冬生态方成良丁玉华(河南省信阳林业学校,464031)Over_WinteringEcologyoftheWhite_crownedLong_TailedPheasant.FangChengliang,DingYuhua(Xinyang...  相似文献   

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