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In the species‐specific and obligate mutualism between the fig (Moraceae: Ficus spp.) and its pollinator (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae), the continuity of lifecycle of both partners completely depends on the female pollinator's ability to detect receptive figs. To better understand the chemical location mechanism, we examined the antennae and their sensilla of the female fig pollinator Eupristina sp. using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The antennae of female Eupristina sp. are geniculated, and in total, there were seven types of sensilla found on the antennae: two types of multiporous placoid sensilla (type 1 is sausage‐like and type 2 is rounded), sensilla trichodea (ST), basiconic sensilla (BS), chaetica sensilla (ChS), coeloconic sensilla (CoS), and one specialized sensillum classified as sensillum obscurum (SO). We described external morphology, abundance, distribution, ultrastructure and discussed putative functions. We inferred from their ultrastructures as chemoreceptors that two types of multiporous placoid sensilla, BS and CoS, were innervated by sensory neurons. The aporous type ST, ChS, and SO were not innervated by dendrites which may function as mechanoreceptor/proprioceptor. These results were also discussed in relation to the interaction between Eupristina sp. and its host fig.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and cytochemistry of spores of Myxobolus sp. from plasmodia which occur in the gill filaments of the common shiner Notropis cornutus were studied by light microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thin-walled valves of the pyriform spores are thickened in the lateral sutural and apical regions. Mucous material is associated predominantly with the posterior end of many spores. The plasmodium is surrounded by a syncytial wall bounded by 2 membranes. Pinocytotic channels are formed by the inner membrane and numerous dense vesicles are pinched off at the distal ends of the channels. Sporogenesis is initiated by the envelopment of one vegetative cell by another. The larger, enveloped cell divides to form a disporous pansporoblast, which contains 2 pairs of capsulogenic and valvogenic cells and 2 binucleate sporoplasm cells. Each capsular primordium and connecting external tubule gives rise to a polar capsule which houses a helically coiled polar tubule. The apical end of each polar capsule is plugged by a stopper. The valvogenic cells surround the capsulogenic and posteriorly situated sporoplasm cells to form the spore valves. Iodinophilic (glycogen) inclusions were not seen in spores stained with iodine or Best's carmine. A darkly stained band was observed around the posterior region of most spores stained with Best's carmine. In the electron microscope large aggregates of β glycogen particles were seen in the cytoplasm of sporoplasm cells in mature spores.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Diplodinium (Ostracodinium) minorum sp. n., observed in rumen contents from several domestic sheep, resembles Diplodinium (O.) ypsilon and Diplodinium (O.) magnum. It differs from the latter 2 species primarily in the size and proportions of the body, size of the rectum and anus, and in the presence of a short right caudal lobe in many individuals. In the samples studied, D. (O.) minorum constituted from 0.06 to 0.67% of the total rumen ciliate population.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, a marine interstitial ciliate, is redescribed with the aid of light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy from cells collected at a New Hampshire beach. Presence of primitive membranelles as well an an advanced stomatogenesis is demonstrated. The ultrastructure, including a unique membrane-bounded septate structure, is described. The cell is tentatively placed in the nassulid suborder Microthoracina, but affinities with other groups are discussed.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜术和透射电镜术显示,纤毛虫念珠异列虫(Anteholosticha monilata)的射出胞器早期发生在细胞质深处,附近有不同类型的囊泡结构。成熟后射出胞器向表膜迁移,结构由不同电子密度片层的体部、结晶状的中心轴杆部和多层膜的帽部组成。受外界刺激时胞器冲破皮层射出,形态呈"蘑菇"状。据上述观察结果推测:该射出胞器具有防御作用,它可能起源于高尔基体活动产生的小泡;在亲缘关系较近的纤毛虫中,其射出胞器可能具有相似的分化特征。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Amblyospora sp. in Culex salinarius (Coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. In females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. Sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. In the male host, infections spread from oenocytes to adipose tissue where diplokaryotic cells undergo a 2nd merogony. During this merognic cylce, the number of diplokaryotic cells greatly increases and the infection is spread throughout the body of the larval host. Sporulation is initiated with the physical separation of the 2 members of the diplokaryon and the simulatneous secretion of a pansporoblastic membrane. Subsequent meiotic division and morphogenesis result in the formation of 8 haploid spores enclosed with a pansporoblastic membrane. Buildup of spores and subsequent destruction of host adipose tissue prove fatal to the male host during the 4th larval stage.  相似文献   

Two epibiotic peritrichs infested the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, from the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi, USA. Epistylis callinectes n. sp. was isolated from the epipods of maxillipeds, bases of gill-cleaning setae, and gills, and Epistylis clampi n. sp. was isolated from the exterior surfaces of the exoskeleton. Epistylis callinectes has short, symmetrically and dichotomously branched stalks; its zooid is elongate ovoid and conspicuously longer than the individual stalk branches, measuring 40-57 (49) x 18-33 (26) microm in vivo and containing a thick, undivided peristomial lip (PL). It has a single contractile vacuole and a transverse horseshoe-shaped macronucleus. Its haplokinety (H) and polykinety (Po) complete one and one-half circuits on the peristome before entering the infundibulum. There is a distal kinetal fragment present at the distal end of both the H and Po. Epistylis callinectes has 48-70 transverse silverlines from the oral area to the trochal band (TB) and 19-26 from the TB to the scopula. Epistylis clampi has long, asymmetrically, and dichotomously branched stalks. Its zooid is elongate vase-shaped, measuring 35-64 (48) x 21-30 (27) microm in vivo and with a thick, transversely folded PL. The stalks supporting zooids are unequal in length. Its zooid has a single contractile vacuole and a transverse horseshoe-shaped macronucleus occurs in the upper half of the body. Its H and Po complete approximately one circuit around the peristome before entering the infundibulum. There is a distal kinetal fragment present at the distal end of both the H and Po. This species has 71-112 transverse silverlines from the peristome to the scopula.  相似文献   

Chlorophorus caragana is a species of long‐horned beetle that damages Caragana davazamcii Sancz. (Fabales: Papilionaceae) bushes in desert areas in China. The beetles cause substantial damage to local forestry plantations and the environment. Sensilla on the maxillary and labial palps of coleopterans a allow the insects to recognize their host plants. We used scanning and transmission electron microscopy to study the ultrastructure, distribution, and abundance of various sensilla on the maxillary and labial palps of C. caragana. We found four types of sensilla including ten subtypes: one of Böhm's bristles, three of sensilla chaetica, one of digitiform sensilla, and five of sensilla twig basiconica. The types and distribution of the sensilla on the maxillary and labial palps were highly similar between males and females. Finally, this article discusses the functions of the sensilla of related species in recognizing hosts and the significance of gustation studies in the context of the control of C. caragana.  相似文献   

Stempellia milleri sp. n. was found in blood cells and the adipose tissue of field-collected larvae of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say. Its development is different from other Stempellia species described in that it is dimorphic, producing two types of spores in adipose cells. Both were studied with the electron microscope. One spore is thin-walled and uninucleate; the other is thick-walled and binucleate. The latter spores are produced from sporonts that are somewhat similar to those of Nosema. Sporoblasts and spores of S. milleri were compared to those of Stempellia magna Kudo, and Stempellia lunata Hazard and Savage in both light and electron microscope preparations. S. milleri was transmitted experimentally to Culex pipiens pipiens, C. p. quinquefasciatus, C. salinarius, C. tarsalis, and C. territans. Transmission of S. magna to its host and other mosquito species was not possible. Although, generally low numbers of test larvae became infected with the pathogen, heavy infections were seen occasionally in individual specimens of its natural host, C. p. quinquefasciatus. Species of Aedes, Anopheles, Culiseta, Psorophora, and Uranotaenia exposed to spores of S. milleri were not susceptible to the disease.  相似文献   

苹毛丽金龟触角嗅感器超微结构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用扫描电镜和透射电镜对苹毛丽金龟Proagopertha lucidula (Faldermann)雌雄成虫触角嗅感器超微结构特征进行研究。结果表明:嗅感器集中于触角鳃片上,分布在触角鳃片表皮内陷形成的凹腔里,有5种感器,以板状感器为主,以外还有锥状感器、腔状感器、腔锥状感器和毛状感器。板状感器根据盘体形状的不同可分为4种类型,锥状感器根据锥体形状的差异可分为2种类型,腔锥状感器根据形状分为2种类型。嗅感器表皮有微孔和孔道微管。嗅感器内神经元的数目并不一致,1~2个不等。雄虫鳃片嗅感器总数显著多于雌性,是雌虫嗅感器总数1.8倍。其中雄性锥状感器的数目是雌性2倍,雌虫腔锥状感器数量是雄虫的4倍,雄虫板状感器数量是雌虫的2倍,雌雄腔状感器的数目无显著性差异。  相似文献   

A novel bacterium, strain SZ28, identified as Acinetobacter sp., showed anaerobic denitrification ability using Mn(II) as the electron donor. Nitrate-nitrogen concentration decreased from nearly 16.52–mg L?1 to 4.4–mg L?1, without accumulation of nitrite as an intermediate, with a maximum of 0.063–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, reaching a peak of 0.085–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1 in sodium acetate. The nitrate removal rate reached 0.067–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, 0.059–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1, and 0.078 mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1 using Mn(II), S(II), and Fe(II) as electron donors, respectively. The optimum pH was 6.0, with a removal rate of 0.063–mg NO3?-N L?1 h?1  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Troglocorys cava n. g., n. sp. is described from the feces of wild eastern chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in Uganda. This new species has a spherical body with a frontal lobe, a long vestibulum, a cytoproct located at the posterior dorsal side of the body, an ovoid macronucleus, a contractile vacuole near the cytoproct, and a large concavity on the left surface of the body. Buccal ciliature is non‐retractable and consists of three ciliary zones: an adoral zone surrounding the vestibular opening, a dorso‐adoral zone extending transversely at the basis of the frontal lobe, and a vestibular zone longitudinally extending in a gently spiral curve to line the surface of the vestibulum. Two non‐retractable somatic ciliary zones comprise arches over the body surface: a short dorsal ciliary arch extending transversely at the basis of the frontal lobe and a wide C‐shaped left ciliary arch in the left concavity. Because of the presence of three ciliary zones in the non‐retractable buccal ciliature, the present genus might be a member of the family Blepharocorythidae, but the large left concavity and the C‐shaped left ciliary arch are unique, such structures have never been described from other blepharocorythids.  相似文献   

LOURO, R. P., MIGUENS, F. C. & MACHADO, R. D., 1992. Structure and development of stellate trichomes in Andradea ftoribunda Fr. Allem. (Nyctaginaceae). Trichomes occur on both faces of young leaves. They are peltate-stellate on the abaxial face, and comprise a stalk and radiating cells with a rudimentary central apex. On the adaxial face the trichomes arc stellate with a large apex comprising one to three cells. In both cases the stalk is formed by three to six cells of which the most distal may contain a tannoid substance. In the adult leaf only the abaxial surface exhibits stellate trichomes, with two to three celled stalks. The central region of radial cells is depressed. On the adaxial side the hairs are shed during maturation of the leaf.  相似文献   

沙蒿大粒象触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用扫描电镜技术,对沙蒿大粒象Adosomus sp.触角感器的类型、分布、数量以及雌雄之间的差异进行了详细研究。结果表明:沙蒿大粒象触角上共有5种感器类型,包括板形感器(Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ型)、毛形感器和刺形感器。触角各节的感器类型和分布差异较大,以板形感器的分布最广、数量最多,在触角各节均有分布;刺形感器分布在索节第1亚节和棒节,而毛形感器仅分布在棒节且数量较少。雌雄触角的感器类型及分布基本一致,但分布数量上雄虫明显多于雌虫。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sphaeromyxa maiyai sp. n. (Myxosporidea: Myxiidae) is described from the gall bladder of the Pacific tomcod Microgadus proximus Girard, from Newport, Oregon. The plasmodial stage is discoid averaging between 1 and 2 cm. The spore averages 27.6 × 5.6 μm in breadth, with pyriform polar capsules measuring 9.3 × 3.7 μm. Scanning electron microscopy reveals the presence of numerous longitudinal striations.  相似文献   

A new species of Pararotylenchus Baldwin &Bell, 1981 from the Pacific coastal area of California is described. Numerous females and juveniles were recovered, but no males were found. Pararotylenchus belli n.sp. is most similar to P. sphaerocephalus, but females of P. belli are shorter and have a shorter stylet and a hemispherical tail. Specimens from a cereal field in South Dakota were identified as P. colocaudatus.  相似文献   

Kudoa cerebralis sp. n. is described from connective tissue of the nervous system in the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), from the southern Chesapeake Bay area. This is the first time the genus Kudoa has been found in association with the nervous system. The polar view mean diameter of the spores was 7.0 μm and the polar capsule mean length was 3.7 μm.  相似文献   

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