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Pregnant rats of 19th and 21st days were given an acute nitrogen overload produced by an infusion of either 0.2 M ammonium acetate or 0.2 M glutamine. Metabolic adaptations to nitrogen excess were studied measuring--in fetomaternal unit--non-protein nitrogen content and the activities of enzymes related with ammonia metabolism. Maternal and fetal plasma urea levels were increased by ammonium acetate treatment. Glutamine overload increased more the amino acid content in the mothers than in conceptus. As response to ammonium acetate treatment, glutamate dehydrogenase activity in liver was more sensitive in pregnant than in nonpregnant rats, suggesting more nitrogen incorporation into amino acids in pregnancy. Regarding glutamine synthetase activity, both treatments had an opposite effect except in kidney. The adenylate deaminase activity of pregnant rats was inhibited similarly to nonpregnant rats by nitrogen overloads, but stronger after glutamine infusion. Placenta and fetal metabolism were adjusted, as the dams, to lack of ammonia production by nitrogen overloads and to glutamine synthesis by ammonium acetate infusion.  相似文献   

The amino acid gamma-carboxyglutamate is the product of post-translational vitamin K-dependent carboxylation of peptide bound glutamic acid residues. Activity of the microsomal vitamin K-dependent carboxylase which catalyzes gamma-carboxyglutamate formation has been studied in numerous tissues, including liver and lung. Catabolism of gamma-carboxyglutamate containing proteins leads to gamma-carboxyglutamate excretion into the urine, thus quantitation of urinary gamma-carboxyglutamate can be used to assess vitamin K status, as well as the turnover of gamma-carboxyglutamate containing proteins. Since fetal urine is a major component of amniotic fluid, samples were obtained during late gestation in the rat (days 18-20) and analyzed for gamma-carboxyglutamate by reversed phase liquid chromatography to better define gestational changes in fetal vitamin K-dependent carboxylation. Relative to gestational age 18 days, amniotic fluid gamma-carboxyglutamate concentrations increased by 25% at 19 days (P less than 0.02) and by 105% at 20 days (P less than 0.001). When expressed per unit creatinine to correct for change in body mass and/or amniotic fluid volume, these differences are 15% (NS) at 19 days and 70% (P less than 0.02) at 20 days. These increases are prevented by maternal treatment with sodium warfarin. Amniotic fluid gamma-carboxyglutamate concentrations are 7-12 times greater than those in adult rat urine. During the same developmental interval (18-20 days), both lung and liver carboxylase activities increase by more than two-fold. These studies suggest that gestational age associated increases in carboxylase activity measured in vitro are associated with increased turnover of gamma-carboxyglutamate containing proteins in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Blood samples were drawn from uterine arteries and veins of pregnant gilts and from the umbilical artery and vein of each of their fetuses during laparotomy at Day 80. Concentrations of progesterone (P) were greater in fetal than maternal plasma. Uptake of P from the placenta by the fetal blood was evident but was not equivalent to the maternal uterine arterial-venous difference in P concentration. No correlation between plasma P and fetal weight was noted. Concentrations of P in both umbilical vessels of female fetuses were higher than in male fetuses. These data indicate that fetal sex affects the rate of transport and/or synthesis of P in the utero/placental compartment and/or the rate of metabolism of P in the fetus. The relative importance of de novo synthesis and transplacental transport of P in establishing concentrations of P in fetal blood remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin is a potent, endogenous vasodilator peptide synthesized and secreted by diverse locations such as adrenal glands, lungs, kidneys, vascular smooth muscle, and endothelium. Homozygous deletion of the adrenomedullin gene is embryonic lethal. We hypothesized that adrenomedullin has an important role in placental and fetal growth and development in rat pregnancy. The current study evaluated maternal systolic blood pressure, litter size, placental and pup weight, pup mortality, and placental pathology in pregnant rats following continuous in utero exposure to an adrenomedullin antagonist. Osmotic minipumps were inserted on Gestational Day 14 to continuously deliver either adrenomedullin, adrenomedullin antagonist, or vehicle control. Systolic blood pressure was recorded daily. Pregnant rats were killed on Gestational Day 15-18, 20, and/or 22 to evaluate placental development and fetal growth. The placentas were graded for the presence of necrosis in the decidua and fetal labyrinth as well as fetal vessel development in the labyrinth. A trend toward increased systolic blood pressure was noted between Gestational Days 17 and 20 in mothers treated with adrenomedullin antagonist, but the difference was not statistically significant. Antagonism of adrenomedullin function during rat pregnancy caused fetal growth restriction, decreased placental size, gross necrosis of placental margins and amniotic membranes, histologically deficient fetal vessel development in the labyrinth, and fetal edema. Adrenomedullin contributes to angiogenesis, functions as a growth factor, and helps regulate vascular tone during rat gestation.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were studied in developing rat fetal kidney using cytological and biochemical techniques. These compounds were detected with immunoperoxidase in the nephron basement membranes from the earliest stages of differentiation. In the glomerular basement membrane, immunostaining appeared as both diffuse and granular deposits, as long as this membrane consisted of loose material; however, as soon as a three-layered membrane had formed, staining was confined to the laminae rarae as regularly arranged granules. The same pattern of staining was observed during differentiation of the basement membrane of the proximal tubule. In Bowman's capsule, immunostaining appeared as granules, which were sparsely distributed in the developing glomerulus and then regularly lined the stacked laminae when differentiation was complete. In all basement membranes, anionic sites (disclosed by polyethyleneimine) were colocated with immunostained granular deposits. Total glycosaminoglycan content gradually increased from the beginning of metanephros development to birth. During this period, the relative proportions of glycosaminoglycans changed: heparan sulfate increased and hyaluronic acid decreased as differentiation proceeded. The possible relationship between morphological observations and biochemical changes in glycosaminoglycan content is discussed.  相似文献   

Complete deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) in 13 primiparous Sprague-Dawley rats was performed on or about Day 14 of gestation. The most significant result was a depression in litter growth as evidenced by the marked number of dead pups by the postpartal Day 5 and the loss of weight in those that survived. Control animals deafferented in the same region but only along one side (the incomplete deafferented rats, n = 9) adequately maintained young. Animals in both groups gave birth as expected. There were no significant differences in the latency and duration of retrieving and crouching behaviors. Therefore, nursing behavior appeared normal. Only milk ejection seemed disturbed, judging from the fact that suckling alone could not release milk, oxytocin in addition was needed. Thus, by the methods we employed, the MBH appears to be necessary for lactation but not for nursing behavior in the primiparous rat.  相似文献   

B Metzger  S Pek  J Hare  N Freinkel 《Life sciences》1974,15(2):301-308
Plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon were measured in pregnant and age-matched virgin rats in the fed state and after fasting 6, 48 or 120 hours during day 16–21 of gestation. The fed state in pregnancy was characterized by a metabolic setting favoring anabolism. The lower plasma glucose in the fed pregnant rats was associated with higher insulin, slightly lower glucagon and higher insulin/glucose and insulin/glucagon ratios than in virgin rats. During fasting, glucose fell to sustained hypoglycemic levels in the pregnant animals whereas glucose declined but did not achieve hypoglycemia at any point in the virgins. Despite the hypoglycemia, greater levels of plasma insulin persisted in the pregnant throughout the 120 hours of fasting and insulin/glucagon ratios did not differ significantly from the euglycemic virgins. Thus, “accelerated starvation” in pregnancy cannot be ascribed to relative glucagon excess. Rather, the preservation of normal insulin/glucagon ratios despite prevailing hypoglycemia, may provide a mechanism during fasting in pregnancy for restraining maternal protein catabolism in the face of the added fuel demands of the conceptus.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of maternal exercise on fetal liver glycogen content, fed and fasted rats that were pregnant for 20.5 or 21.5 days were run on a rodent treadmill for 60 min at 12 m/min with a 0% grade or 16 m/min up a 10% grade. The rats were anesthetized by intravenous injection of pentobarbital sodium, and fetal and maternal liver and plasma samples were collected and frozen. Fetal liver glycogenolysis did not occur as a result of maternal exercise. Fetal blood levels of lactate increased 22-60%, but glucose, plasma glucagon, and insulin were unchanged during maternal exercise. Maternal liver glycogen decreased as a result of exercise in all groups of rats except the fasted 20.5-day-pregnant group. Plasma free fatty acids increased in all groups and blood lactate increased in fed (20.5 days) and fasted (21.5 days) pregnant rats. Maternal glucose, glucagon, and insulin values remained constant during exercise. The fetus appears to be well-protected from metabolic stress during moderate-intensity maternal exercise.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 is thought to be required for biosynthesis of the cell's translational apparatus, a critical component of cell growth and proliferation. We have studied the signal transduction pathways involved in hepatic S6 phosphorylation during late gestation in the rat. This is a period during which hepatocytes show a high rate of proliferation that is, at least in part, independent of mitogenic signaling pathways that are operative in mature hepatocytes. Our initial studies demonstrated that there was low basal activity of two S6 kinases in liver, S6K1 and S6K2, on embryonic day 19 (2 days preterm). In addition, insulin- and growth factor-mediated S6K1 and S6K2 activation was markedly attenuated compared with that in adult liver. Nonetheless, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated that fetal liver S6 itself was highly phosphorylated. To characterize the fetal hepatocyte pathway for S6 phosphorylation, we went on to study the sensitivity of hepatocyte proliferation to the S6 kinase inhibitor rapamycin. Unexpectedly, administration of rapamycin to embryonic day 19 fetuses in situ did not affect hepatocyte DNA synthesis. This resistance to the growth inhibitory effect of rapamycin occurred even though S6K1 and S6K2 were inhibited. Furthermore, fetal hepatocyte proliferation was sustained even though rapamycin administration resulted in the dephosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6. In contrast, rapamycin blocked hepatic DNA synthesis in adult rats following partial hepatectomy coincident with S6 dephosphorylation. We conclude that hepatocyte proliferation in the late gestation fetus is supported by a rapamycin-resistant mechanism that can function independently of ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that hepatocyte proliferation in the late gestation fetal rat is mediated by growth factor-independent mechanisms that are distinct from the signaling pathways that promote proliferation of adult rat hepatocytes. In the present studies, we identified six candidate growth-regulating genes that are overexpressed in fetal rat liver (embryonic day 19, 2 days pre-term) relative to adult rat liver using suppressive subtractive hybridization. These included the following: Grb10, a growth factor receptor binding protein; eps15, a growth factor receptor substrate; nuc2+, a retinoblastoma protein binding protein; cdc25B, a cell cycle tyrosine phosphatase; the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor PPAR alpha; and a deoxyuridine triphosphatase that functions as a PPAR alpha binding partner. In every case, the ontogeny of the expression of these genes declined postnatally in a manner consistent with the transition from a fetal to an adult hepatocyte phenotype. None were found to be cell cycle-dependent, in that they did not show expression that followed perinatal changes in hepatocyte cell cycle activity. Based on our identification of these genes and previous work characterizing their role in growth regulation, we conclude that they may contribute to the mitogenic signaling phenotype of fetal rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid overexposure in utero may underlie the association between low birth weight and subsequent development of common cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies. Previously, we have shown that prenatal dexamethasone (DEX) exposure in rat reduces birth weight and programs the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia in adult males and hypertension in adult males and females. This study aimed to determine 1) whether there were gender differences in prenatal DEX-programmed offspring, and 2) whether the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a role in the programming of hypertension. Rats exposed to DEX in utero (100 microg.kg(-1).day(-1) from embryonic days 14-21) were of lower birth weight (by 12%, P < 0.01) and displayed full catch-up growth within the first month of postnatal life. DEX-treated male offspring in adulthood selectively displayed elevated plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (by 221%) and corticosterone (by 188%, P < 0.05), postprandial insulin-glucose ratios (by 100%, P < 0.05), and hepatic expression of the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (by 38%, P < 0.05). Conversely, DEX-programmed females were hypertensive (by 11%, P < 0.05), with elevated hepatic angiotensinogen mRNA expression (by 9%, P < 0.05), plasma angiotensinogen (by 61%, P < 0.05), and renin activity (by 88%, P < 0.05). These findings demonstrate that prenatal glucocorticoids program adulthood cardiovascular and metabolic physiology in a gender-specific pattern, and that an activated RAS may in part underlie the hypertension associated with prenatal DEX programming.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine ANG peptide content [ANG I, ANG II, ANG-(1-7)], ACE2 mRNA, and the immunocytochemical distribution of ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 in the uteroembryonic unit during early and late gestation in Sprague-Dawley rats and in a rat model of pregnancy-induced hypertension, the reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP) model. At early pregnancy ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 staining were localized in the primary and secondary decidual zone and luminal and glandular epithelial cells. During late gestation, ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 staining was visualized in the labyrinth placenta and amniotic and yolk sac epithelium. Uterine ANG II concentration at early pregnancy was significantly decreased by 21-55% in the implantation and interimplantation sites compared with virgin rats, whereas ANG-(1-7) levels were maintained at prepregnancy levels. At late gestation, uterine concentrations of ANG I and ANG II were significantly increased (30% and 25%, respectively). In RUPP animals, ANG-(1-7) concentration is significantly reduced in the uterus (181 +/- 16 vs. 372 +/- 74 fmol/g of tissue) and placenta (143 +/- 26 vs. 197 +/- 20 fmol/g of tissue). ACE2 mRNA increased in the uterus of early pregnant compared with virgin rats, yet within the implantation site it was downregulated. At late pregnancy, ACE2 mRNA is elevated by 58% in the uterus and decreased by 59% in RUPP animals. The regulation of ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 in early and late pregnancy supports the hypothesis that ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 may act as a local autocrine/paracrine regulator throughout pregnancy, participating in the early (angiogenesis, apoptosis, and growth) and late (uteroplacental blood flow) events of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Glycogen levels, glycogen synthase activities, and glycogen synthase protein levels were determined in liver tissues obtained from 14- to 19-day-old fetal mice, newborn mice, and adult mice. The results of these experiments demonstrate a significant increase in the quantity of hepatic glycogen synthase beginning at Day 17 of gestation and reaching adult levels at birth. However, during the same time period, there is a dramatic decrease in total glycogen synthase activity suggesting that the accumulating glycogen synthase molecules are unable to transfer UDP-glucose to glycogen. These inversely coordinated changes in the quantity and activity of glycogen synthase are consistent with the suggestion that glycogen synthesis in the near-term fetal mouse is being maintained by preexisting enzyme, while accumulating enzyme molecules may represent a quiescent isozyme.  相似文献   

In utero and lactational exposure to estrogenic agents has been shown to influence morphological and functional development of reproductive tissues. Thus, consumption of dietary phytoestrogens, such as isoflavones, during pregnancy and lactation could influence important periods of development, when the fetus and neonate are more sensitive to estrogen exposure. In this study, reproductive outcomes after developmental exposure to isoflavones were examined in Long-Evans rats maternally exposed to isoflavones via a commercial soy beverage or as the isolated isoflavone, genistein. Most reproductive endpoints examined at birth, weaning, and 2 months of age were not significantly modified in pups of either sex after lactational exposure to soy milk (provided to the dams in place of drinking water) from birth until weaning. However, soy milk exposure induced a significant increase in progesterone receptor (PR) in the uterine glandular epithelium of the 2-month-old pups. In pregnant dams treated with genistein (GEN; 15 mg/kg body weight) by gavage, from Gestational Day 14 through weaning, PR expression in the uterine glandular epithelium from 2-month-old GEN-treated females (postexposure) was also significantly increased. Diethylstilbesterol (DES) also stimulated uterine PR expression only in the glandular but not luminal epithelial cells. However, unlike DES, in utero/lactational exposure to GEN did not increase expression of the proliferation marker, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), in the luminal epithelial cells of the 2-month-old rat uteri. These experiments demonstrate that developmental exposure to dietary isoflavones, at levels comparable to the ranges of human exposure, modify expression of the estrogen-regulated PR in the uterus of sexually mature rats weeks after exposure ended. Since the PR is essential for regulating key female reproductive processes, such as uterine proliferation, implantation, and maintenance of pregnancy, its increased expression suggests that soy phytoestrogen exposure during reproductive development may have long-term reproductive health consequences.  相似文献   

Development of the porcine fetal adrenal in late gestation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Metabolomics - The study of lipoprotein metabolism at the population level can provide valuable information for the organisation of lipoprotein related processes in the body. To use this...  相似文献   

Kemp, Justin G., Felicia A. Greer, and Larry A. Wolfe.Acid-base regulation after maximal exercise testing in late gestation. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):644-651, 1997.This study employed Stewart's physicochemicalapproach to quantify the effects of pregnancy and strenuous exercise onthe independent determinants of plasmaH+ concentration([H+]). Subjects werenine physically active pregnant women [mean gestational age = 33 ± 1 (SE) wk] and 14 age-matched nonpregnant controls. Venousblood samples and respiratory data were obtained at rest and during 15 min of recovery from a maximal cycle ergometer test that involved 20 W/min increases in work rate to exhaustion. Mean values for[H+],PCO2, and total protein increased,whereas those for bicarbonate concentration([HCO3]) and the strong ion difference ([SID]) decreased in the transition fromrest to maximal exercise within both groups. At rest and throughoutpostexercise recovery, the pregnant group exhibited significantly lowermean values for PCO2,[HCO3], and total protein,whereas [SID] was significantly lower at rest and early recovery from exercise.[H+] was also lower atall sampling times in the pregnant group, but this effect wassignificant only at rest. Our results support the hypothesis thatreduced PCO2 and weak acidconcentration are important mechanisms to regulate plasma[H+] and to maintain aless acidic plasma environment at rest and after exercise in lategestation compared with the nonpregnant state. These effects areestablished in the resting state and appear to be maintained aftermaximal exertion.


Alanine and lactate as gluconeogenic substrates during late gestation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rates of alanine incorporation into glucose by isolated liver cells of fed rats are 5-fold higher than those observed when lactate was used as substrate. The rates of gluconeogenesis from alanine and lactate in isolated liver cells of fed pregnant rats increase 50 and 200-400%, respectively, over virgins during the last 3 days of gestation. The results support the existence of an increase in the alanine-glucose cycle in the late pregnancy as an important homeostatic pathway in the supply of glucose to the growing fetus.  相似文献   

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