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Diversity in animal coloration is generally associated with adaptation to their living habitats, ranging from territorial display and sexual selection to predation or predation avoidance, and thermoregulation. However, the mechanism underlying color variation in toad‐headed Phrynocephalus lizards remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the population color variation of Phrynocephalus versicolor. We found that lizards distributed in dark substrate have darker dorsal coloration (melanic lizards) than populations living in light substrates. This characteristic may improve their camouflage effectiveness. A reciprocal substrate translocation experiment was conducted to clarify the potential role of morphological adaptation and physiological plasticity of this variation. Spectrometry technology and digital photography were used to quantify the color variation of the above‐mentioned melanic and nonmelanic P. versicolor populations and their native substrate. Additionally, substrate color preference in both populations was investigated with choice experiments. Our results indicate that the melanic and nonmelanic populations with remarkable habitat color difference were significantly different on measured reflectance, luminance, and RGB values. Twenty‐four hours, 30 days, and 60 days of substrate translocation treatment had little effects on dorsal color change. We also found that melanic lizards choose to live in dark substrate, while nonmelanic lizards have no preference for substrate color. In conclusion, our results support that the dorsal coloration of P. versicolor, associated with substrate color, is likely a morphological adaptation rather than phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Selection for efficient conversion of solar radiation to body heat has favored the evolution of dark coloration in many ectotherms. The thermal melanism hypothesis posits that dark coloration is beneficial under conditions of low ambient temperatures because it results in faster heating rates and higher body temperatures. Fast heating rates, however, may come at a cost of overheating unless compensated for by thermal physiology or behaviour. Pygmy grasshopper (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) populations that inhabit fire-ravaged areas characterized by blackened backgrounds and hot surface temperatures due to high absorbance of solar radiation show an increased frequency of black phenotypes. I raised the progeny of wild-captured Tetrix undulata in cold and hot temperatures and used data on color patterns and survival in a greenhouse to examine whether a cold thermal environment triggered the development of melanic coloration or differently affected survival of melanic versus non-melanic individuals. My results indicate that melanism was not influenced by rearing temperature but by genes or epigenetic maternal effects. Temperature also did not affect survival. However, melanic individuals produced by melanic mothers survived longer than melanic individuals produced by non- melanic mothers, whereas non-melanic individuals produced by non-black mothers survived longer than melanic individuals produced by non-black mothers. This suggests a mismatch between color and physiology in offspring belonging to a different color morph than their mother. Future investigations into the evolution of melanism should consider conflicting selection pressures on thermal capacity and camouflage as well as the influence of correlated responses to selection on traits associated with coloration.  相似文献   

Multiple biological processes can generate sexual selection on male visual signals such as color. For example, females may prefer colorful males because those males are more readily detected (perceptual bias), or because male color conveys information about male quality and associated direct or indirect benefits to females. For example, male threespine stickleback often exhibit red throat coloration, which females prefer both because red is more visible in certain environments, and red color is correlated with male immune function and parasite load. However, not all light environments favor red nuptial coloration: more tannin-stained water tends to favor the evolution of a melanic male phenotype. Do such population differences in stickleback male color, driven by divergent light environments, lead to changes in the relationship between color and immunity? Here, we show that, within stickleback populations, multiple components of male color (brightness and hue of four body parts) are correlated with multiple immune variables (ROS production, phagocytosis rates, and lymphocyte:leukocyte ratios). Some of these color-immune associations persist across stickleback populations with very different male color patterns, whereas other color-immune associations are population-specific. Overall, lakes with red males exhibit stronger color-immune covariance while melanic male populations exhibit weak if any color-immune associations. Our finding that color-immunity relationships are labile implies that any evolution of male color traits (e.g., due to female perceptual bias in a given light environment), can alter the utility of color as an indicator of male quality.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence supporting convergent character displacement is rare; only one example exists and it is in the form of orientation and territory competition experiments performed in the laboratory. However, outcomes of laboratory experiments involving behaviour or competition can be artefacts of unnatural conditions and, therefore, the results of the previous experiments supporting convergent character displacement are equivocal. In this study, we re-examine the evolution of melanic nuptial coloration in male three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) inhabiting the Chehalis River drainage in Washington State. This novel nuptial coloration has been thought to have evolved in response to competition for nesting territories with the co-distributed Olympic mudminnow (Norzumbra hubbsi), which is also melanic and breeds at the same time. I found that melanic stickleback males did not have an advantage over their red counterparts from typical populations when competing for nesting territories with Olympic mudminnows. Additionally competitive interactions between sticklebacks and mudminnows were rare in both cage experiments and naturally breeding sticklebacks. Finally, melanic coloration in the Chehalis populations did not develop until males were parental, well after the hypothesized territory establishment period. These results refute the only experimental support for convergent character displacement and emphasize the importance of conducting behavioural experiments and observations under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The ventral skin of the wild Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is creamy at metamorphosis, but turns red when mature. The color of the ventral skin of laboratory (lab)‐reared newts stays yellow throughout their life. However, the mechanism for the red coloration of this animal still remains unknown. In this study, we have performed ultrastructural and carotenoid analyses of the red ventrum of wild and lab‐reared Japanese newts. Using electron microscopy, we observed a number of xanthophores having ring carotenoid vesicles (rcv) and homogenous carotenoid granules (hcg) in the ventral red skin of the wild newt. In the skin, β‐carotene and five other kinds of carotenoids were detected by thin‐layer chromatography (TLC). In the ventral yellow skin of lab‐reared newts, however, only β‐carotene and three other kinds of carotenoids were found. The total amount of carotenoids in the red skin of the wild adult newt was six times more than that of the yellow skin of the lab‐reared newt. Moreover, rcv were more abundant in xanthophores in red skin, but hcg were more abundant in yellow skin. These results, taken together, suggest that the presence of carotenoids in rcv in xanthophores is one of the critical factors for producing the red ventral coloration of the Japanese newt C. pyrrhogaster.  相似文献   

The ventral skin of the wild Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is creamy at metamorphosis, but turns red when mature. The color of the ventral skin of laboratory (lab)-reared newts stays yellow throughout their life. However, the mechanism for the red coloration of this animal still remains unknown. In this study, we have performed ultrastructural and carotenoid analyses of the red ventrum of wild and lab-reared Japanese newts. Using electron microscopy, we observed a number of xanthophores having ring carotenoid vesicles (rcv) and homogenous carotenoid granules (hcg) in the ventral red skin of the wild newt. In the skin, beta-carotene and five other kinds of carotenoids were detected by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). In the ventral yellow skin of lab-reared newts, however, only beta-carotene and three other kinds of carotenoids were found. The total amount of carotenoids in the red skin of the wild adult newt was six times more than that of the yellow skin of the lab-reared newt. Moreover, rcv were more abundant in xanthophores in red skin, but hcg were more abundant in yellow skin. These results, taken together, suggest that the presence of carotenoids in rcv in xanthophores is one of the critical factors for producing the red ventral coloration of the Japanese newt C. pyrrhogaster.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first report of black nuptial coloration on the ventral side for a population of threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, in Northern California. Black nuptial coloration was least intense during precourtship. Although the black coloration intensified during courtship, it was not a significant predictor of female choice and, unlike the red throat and blue eyes, was not inversely correlated with the number of female introductions necessary before spawning occurred. Black coloration was the most intense for males who successfully hatched embryos, supporting a parental-defense role late in the cycle. Unsuccessful fathers had more intensely colored red throats, blue eyes, and black bellies during most of the reproductive cycle than successful fathers. Some females in this study developed red coloration on their throat, although none to the intensity or distribution typical of a breeding male.  相似文献   

Geographical variation of elytra color pattern in two sibling ladybird species, Harmonia yedoensis and H. axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), was examined. The two species are distributed sympatrically in central Japan; however, only H. yedoensis and H. axyridis occur in the Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan) and Hokkaido island (northern Japan), respectively. The frequency of elytra color patterns was significantly different between the two species in all sympatric locations and our results were inconsistent with the classical theory on Müllerian mimicry. The most dominant pattern of H. axyridis was the least dominant of H. yedoensis in all sympatric populations. Furthermore, the frequency of the non‐melanic form (red ground color with or without black spots) increased towards the south in H. yedoensis. This tendency was in contrast to the known geographical cline in H. axyridis in which the melanic form (black ground color with red spots) was gradually displaced with the non‐melanic form northwards in the Japanese archipelago. We discuss possible selective factors including predator avoidance, thermal adaptation and reproductive character displacement, all of which might contribute to the maintenance of the color polymorphism in the two Harmonia species.  相似文献   

In species where females preferentially select the most colourful males, males may strategically invest in courtship and nuptial colour according to the presence of rivals. In this experimental study, we tested this in the three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in which mature males exhibit carotenoid‐based red coloration to attract mates and defend their territories against male competitors. We challenged experimental males with either a red‐ornamented dummy male or a non‐ornamented dummy for five min per day in six‐d experimental trial, which was repeated twice during the breeding season. We found that the males presented with a coloured rival exhibited more frequent courtship behaviours (i.e. fanning and gluing) to females than those presented with a non‐coloured intruder during the second experimental trial. At the end of each trial, the experimental males also showed a significantly larger area of red coloration in the presence of a coloured intruder. Our findings suggest that male sticklebacks regulate mating effort according to the presence of competitive rivals by increasing their investment in costly signals when successful mating and territory defence is at risk.  相似文献   

Two color morphs of freckled goatfish Upeneus tragula with different Vietnamese names and mainly black and red body coloration of fresh dead exemplars are found off Hon Thóm (Thom Island), the largest island of An Thoi Archipelago located to the south of Phu Quoc Island, Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea. The presence of the morphs may be connected with the occurrence of two sympatric stocks or with color variation within a single stock. To test these hypotheses, red color content on the body (based on digital analysis of images) and gonadal condition is compared in both morphs. Body coloration does not depend on the sex of the fish. The black morph differs from the red morph in a smaller body size (12.7 vs. 16.4 cm FL on average), and it is represented by mainly immature individuals of both sexes (mean gonadosomatic index of the females 0.5 vs. 2.0%). It is proposed that the change of body coloration is associated with sexual maturation, and it occurs in the ontogeny within a single stock.  相似文献   

The color of the ventral skin of the Japanese adult newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is red, whereas that of the small juvenile newts at metamorphosis is creamy. Xanthophores in the red skin have many ring carotenoid vesicles (rcv) and a few homogenous carotenoid granules (hcg), as reported earlier. To understand the reason for this change in coloration of the ventral skin of the newt, we carried out histological and biochemical studies to see whether the size and the number of carotenoid granules (hcg and rcv) in the xanthophores and also carotenoid content in the ventral skin change during the growth of this animal. By electron microscopic observation, only hcg were observed in the creamy skin of larvae at stage 59. The diameter of the hcg in the skin of the larvae was approximately 0.85 microm, but significantly decreased to 0.35 microm in the skin of the small juvenile newt. However, the number of the hcg/100 microm (2) of a xanthophore in the ventral skin was very low in the larva at stage 59, but increased in the small juvenile. The carotenoid content was very low in the creamy skin of small juveniles, but dramatically high in the red skin of the adult newts. In the red skin of the adult newt, many rcv (85%) and a few hcg (15%) were observed. However, the number of carotenoid granules (rcv and hcg)/100 microm(2) of a xanthophore in the red skin of adult newts was not different from that of hcg/100 microm (2) of a xanthophore in the creamy skin of small juveniles. The results, taken together, suggest that the increase in the size and the number of carotenoid granules and also carotenoid content in the ventral skin is very important for red body coloration during the growth of the Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism is common in lizards, and may play an important role in sex recognition and mating systems. Nonetheless, relatively few published papers provide quantitative analyses of colour, deal with Australian taxa or are based on large-bodied species. Water dragons Physignathus lesueurii (Agamidae) from eastern Australia are very large (upto 1 m total length) and sexually dichromatic, with conspicuous red ventral coloration in adult males. We quantified coloration in three ventral regions (throat, chest and abdomen) of males and females using a spectroradiometer and looked for associations of colour with sex and with morphological traits predicted to correlate with fitness (body size, body condition, relative head size and asymmetry of femoral pores). Among adult males, larger individuals showed less red on the abdomen than did smaller animals, and males with relatively large heads had darker, less red abdomens than did males with smaller heads. Among adult females, larger animals had darker chests, and less red on the abdomen and chest, than did smaller females. The similarity in these trends between the sexes, and the location of the sexually dichromatic and size-sensitive colours in an area (under the abdomen) where they presumably are not visible to other lizards cast doubt on their utility as sexual or dominance signals. Hence, although we documented significant sex and body-size effects on ventral coloration, our results suggest that ventral colours in water dragons do not function in sex-specific displays.  相似文献   

The red skin color desired by most apple consumers is not easy to achieve in warm climates, as the expression of MYB10, which regulates red pigmentation in apple, is influenced negatively by high temperatures. We describe the development and validation of a genetic marker for red skin coloration that effectively predicts color in a warm summer environment in Spain, as well as more temperate climates in New Zealand and Italy. Following the determination of a major-effect quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling red skin coloration on linkage group (LG)9, using four segregating populations grown in New Zealand, and screened using the IRSC apple 8-K single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, the most significant SNP marker (ss475879531) was transformed into a marker suitable for use in a real-time PCR assay. This marker was validated using five apple seedling populations growing in a warm summer environment in Spain, demonstrating that the marker system efficiently predicts red skin coloration and can be used for marker assisted selection, even under conditions considered adverse for skin color development.  相似文献   

Butterflies and moths develop highly ordered coloration in their wing for signal transmission. We have investigated the ultrastructural arrangement of wing coloration of a moth Asota caricae, applying light, optical polarized, and scanning electron microscopy, and spectrophotometry. The forewing of the moth is brown in color with a white spot at the center. The hindwing is golden yellow in color with many black patches in it. The ventral part of the forewing and dorsal hindwing share the similar color pattern. The ventral part of the hindwing has dull coloration in comparison to the dorsal one although the pattern remains same. The spectrometry analysis reveals various patterns of absorbance and reflectance spectra for various colors. The peak observed for various colors remain same although the intensity of peak changes. Bright colors possess highly ordered structures whereas irregular structures are found in dull colored scales. The color variation observed due to dorsal and ventral part of the wing is due to the minute difference observed in terms of ultrastructural arrangement revealed by scanning electron microscope. The color pattern of A. caricae is due to variation of microstructures present within the scale.  相似文献   

Daily examination of five adult female gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) exhibiting menstruation discharges showed noncyclic changes in the coloration of the bare areas of skin in throat, chest, and pubic areas. The intensity of red color in these areas were, on the other hand, markedly affected by the social context (bouts of threats or fights generally heighten the intensity of red) and by sickness or injury (generally lessening color intensity).The features showing most marked cyclic variations were color and degree of swellings of the cutaneous vesicles present around the chest and ventral patches, the intensity of both increasing in the middle of the menstrual cycle and descending as menstruation approaches, to gain intensity again a few days after cessation of the discharges. Of these two features vesicle color appears to be more sensitive to the hormonal changes underlying the variations.  相似文献   

Studies on insect melanism have greatly contributed to our understanding of natural selection and the ultimate factors influencing the evolution of darkly pigmented phenotypes. Research on several species of melanic lepidopteran larvae have found that low levels of circulating juvenile hormone (JH) titers are associated with a melanic phenotype, suggesting that genetic changes in the JH biosynthetic pathway give rise to increased deposition of melanin granules in the cuticle in this group. But does melanism arise through different molecular mechanisms in different species? The present study reports on a Bicyclus anynana (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) dark larvae single locus mutation, in which larvae exhibit a darker cuticle relative to wild type. Unlike other lepidopteran melanic larvae mutations, this one is autosomal recessive and does not appear to involve a deficiency in JH titers. Unlike JH deficiency mutants, dark larvae mutants display similar growth rates and sexual behaviors as wild type, and topical application of a JH analogue failed to rescue the wild type cuticular coloration. Finally, transmission electron microscopy showed that sclerotization or deposition of diffuse melanin, rather than deposition of melanin granules, produces the dark coloration found in the cuticle of this species. We conclude that different molecular mechanisms underlie larval melanism in different species of Lepidoptera.  相似文献   



The MC1R (melanocortin-1 receptor) locus underlies intraspecific variation in melanin-based dark plumage coloration in several unrelated birds with plumage polymorphisms. There is far less evidence for functional variants of MC1R being involved in interspecific variation, in which spurious genotype-phenotype associations arising through population history are a far greater problem than in intraspecific studies. We investigated the relationship between MC1R variation and plumage coloration in swans (Cygnus), which show extreme variation in melanic plumage phenotypes among species (white to black).  相似文献   

研究了不同颜色果袋对‘云红梨2号’果实着色的影响,比较了不同套袋处理下果皮外观着色、叶绿素、类黄酮、总酚、花色素苷含量以及花色素苷合成相关酶活性的差异.结果表明: 发育期的黑暗处理有利于解袋后梨果皮着色;不同套袋处理中,采前解袋自然光照射下梨果皮中花色素苷含量最高,着色最好,白色纸袋次之.不同套袋处理显著影响果皮中叶绿素、类黄酮、总酚和花色素苷含量,从而影响梨果皮的外观色泽.不同套袋处理的花色素苷合成酶活性差异显著;相关性分析表明,果皮中花色素苷含量与二氢黄酮醇-4-还原酶(DFR)和类黄酮3-O-葡萄糖基转移酶(UFGT)活性呈显著正相关,而与苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性相关性不显著.  相似文献   

Identifying general patterns of adaptive coloration in animals can help to elucidate the evolutionary processes that generate them. We examined the evolution of colour patterns in Australian agamid lizards, a morphologically and ecologically diverse group that relies primarily on visual communication. We tested whether certain types of colour (yellow–reds and black) were likely to be used as sexual signals, as indicated by their association with indices of sexual selection, namely, sexual dichromatism and sexual dimorphism in body size and head shape. We then tested whether sexually dichromatic colours are associated with specific patterns (uniform, mottled, striped, blotched, reticulated) or ecological variables such as habitat openness, arboreality, and substrate type. The presence of yellow–red on lateral and ventral body regions and black on ventral body regions was significantly more common in males than females. Lateral yellow–red in males was associated with the total extent of sexual dichromatism and size dimorphism, whereas ventral yellow–red was associated with sexual dichromatism. Both lateral and ventral yellow–red were associated with uniform patterning, suggesting that sexual signals in male agamid lizards may often comprise uniform patches or flushes of yellow–red. Although ventral black coloration was more prevalent on males (i.e. strongly sexually dichromatic), it was not associated with indices of sexual selection, suggesting that, in agamid lizards, yellow–red coloration is more likely to be sexually selected than black. Sexually dichromatic coloration was not strongly associated with any of the ecological variables measured. We found some associations, however, between female dorsal patterns and ecological variables, suggesting that female patterns are influenced by natural selection. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 101–112.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, the red‐winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus has served as a model species for studies of sexual selection and the evolution of ornamental traits. Particular attention has been paid to the role of the colorful red‐and‐yellow epaulets that are striking in males but reduced in females and juveniles. It has been assumed that carotenoid pigments bestow the brilliant red and yellow colors on epaulet feathers, but this has never been tested biochemically. Here, we use high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to describe the pigments present in these colorful feathers. Two red ketocarotenoids (astaxanthin and canthaxanthin) are responsible for the bright red hue of epaulets. Two yellow dietary precursors pigments (lutein and zeaxanthin) are also present in moderately high concentrations in red feathers. After extracting carotenoids, however, red feathers remained deep brown in color. HPLC tests show that melanin pigments (primarily eumelanin) are also found in the red‐pigmented barbules of epaulet feathers, at an approximately equal concentration to carotenoids. This appears to be an uncommon feature of carotenoid‐based ornamental plumage in birds, as was shown by comparable analyses of melanin in the yellow feathers of male American goldfinches Carduelis tristis and the red feathers of northern cardinals Cardinalis cardinalis, in which we detected virtually no melanins. Furthermore, the yellow bordering feathers of male epaulets are devoid of carotenoids (except when tinged with a carotenoid‐derived pink coloration on occasion) and instead are comprised of a high concentration of primarily phaeomelanin pigments. The dual pigment composition of red epaulet feathers and the melanin‐only basis for yellow coloration may have important implications for the honesty‐reinforcing mechanisms underlying ornamental epaulets in red‐winged blackbirds, and shed light on the difficulties researchers have had to date in characterizing the signaling function of this trait. As in several other birds, the melanic nature of feathers may explain why epaulets are used largely to settle aggressive contests rather than to attract mates.  相似文献   

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