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Investigation of fixation screw pull-out strength on human spine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
For the purpose of fixation and stabilizing the spine, the pull-out strength of the screw is one of the most important factors to be considered. The material properties of the bone, coupled with the principal dimensions of the screw such as major diameter, minor diameter, pitch and purchase length, may affect the pull-out strength of the fixation screw. In this study, the effects of various factors on the bone screw pull-out strength were studied using finite element method of analysis. A three-dimensional finite element model simulating the threaded connection of bone and surgical screw was constructed. The behavior of both the bone and the screw during screw pull-out were analyzed and discussed. The effect of the screw parameters on the screw pull-out strength was also investigated. The results showed that failure of the connection was due to bone shearing which occurred along a cylindrical surface determined by the outer perimeter of the screw and penetrated length. The distribution of the shear stress along the threaded length in the bone was nearly uniform. The effect of the major diameter on the screw pull-out strength was more significant than those of the minor diameter and the pitch. The minor diameter hardly affected the pull-out strength.  相似文献   

An experimental and computational study of screw pullout from cortical bone has been conducted. A novel modification of standard pullout tests providing real time image capture of damage mechanisms during screw pullout was developed. Pullout forces, measured using the novel test rig, have been validated against standard pullout tests. Pullout tests were conducted, considering osteon alignment, to investigate the effect of osteons aligned parallel to the axis of the orthopaedic screw (longitudinal pullout) as well as the effect of osteons aligned perpendicular to the axis of the screw (transverse pullout). Distinctive alternate failure mechanisms, for longitudinally and transversely orientated cortical bone during screw pullout, were uncovered. Vertical crack propagation, parallel to the axis of the screw, was observed for a longitudinal pullout. Horizontal crack propagation, perpendicular to the axis of the screw, was observed for a transverse pullout. Finite element simulation of screw pullout, incorporating material damage and crack propagation, was also performed. Simulations revealed that a homogenous material model for cortical bone predicts vertical crack propagation patterns for both longitudinal and transverse screw pullout. A bi-layered composite model representing cortical bone microstructure was developed. A unique set of material and damage properties was used for both transverse and longitudinal pullout simulations, with only layer orientations being changed. Simulations predicted: (i) higher pullout forces for transverse pullout; (ii) horizontal crack paths perpendicular to screw axis for transverse pullout, whereas vertical crack paths were computed for longitudinal pullout. Computed results agreed closely with experimental observations in terms of pullout force and crack propagation.  相似文献   

In the past few years there has been a considerable interest in the role of bone in osteoarthritis. Despite the increasing evidence of the involvement of bone in osteoarthritis, it remains very difficult to attribute the cause or effect of changes in subchondral bone to the process of osteoarthritis. Although osteoarthritis in mice provides a useful model to study changes in the subchondral bone, detailed quantification of these changes is lacking. Therefore, the goal of this study was to quantify subchondral bone changes in a murine osteoarthritis model by use of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). We induced osteoarthritis-like characteristics in the knee joints of mice using collagenase injections, and after four weeks we calculated various 3D morphometric parameters in the epiphysis of the proximal tibia. The collagenase injections caused cartilage damage, visible in histological sections, particularly on the medial tibial plateau. Micro-CT analysis revealed that the thickness of the subchondral bone plate was decreased both at the lateral and the medial side. The trabecular compartment demonstrated a small but significant reduction in bone volume fraction compared to the contralateral control joints. Trabeculae in the collagenase-injected joints were thinner but their shape remained rod-like. Furthermore, the connectivity between trabeculae was reduced and the trabecular spacing was increased. In conclusion, four weeks after induction of osteoarthritis in the murine knee subtle but significant changes in subchondral bone architecture could be detected and quantified in 3D with micro-CT analysis.  相似文献   

目的:探究不同分辨率对显微CT测量腰椎松质骨显微结构及显微有限元分析松质骨生物力学参数精确性的影响。方法:以人腰椎L5椎体标本为对象,通过显微CT扫描得到松质骨显微CT数据,扫描分辨率为14μm,通过对合并像素点将分辨率降低至28μm~224μm等,分别测量不同分辨率下,松质骨标本的结构参数;利用不同分辨率下的显微CT数据建立显微有限元模型,计算各正交异性的弹性模量,应用统计学分析比较结构参数和力学参数的在不同分辨率下的差异。结果:各参数与分辨率间相关性不尽相同,BV/TV(骨体积分数)和Tb.Th(平均骨小梁厚度)的数值大小随着分辨率的降低呈增高趋势,Conn.D(骨小梁连接度),BS/BV(骨表面积体积比),Tb.N(平均骨小梁密度)和Tb.Sp(平均骨小梁间距)随着分辨率的降低呈降低趋势。分辨率的改变对SMI(结构模型指数)和DA(骨小梁各向异性度)没有显著影响。在三个轴向上,弹性模量均随着分辨率的降低呈增高趋势,当分辨率大于126μm时,该分辨率下的弹性模量和对照组存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:该实验证实了不同分辨率对显微CT测量腰椎松质骨显微结构和生物力学参数有显著影响。提示在研究腰椎松质骨显微结构和生物力学参数时,采用126μm以上分辨率,可以在不降低准确度的情况下提高运算效率。  相似文献   

Accuracy of cancellous bone volume fraction measured by micro-CT scanning   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Volume fraction, the single most important parameter in describing trabecular microstructure, can easily be calculated from three-dimensional reconstructions of micro-CT images. This study sought to quantify the accuracy of this measurement. One hundred and sixty human cancellous bone specimens which covered a large range of volume fraction (9.8-39.8%) were produced. The specimens were micro-CT scanned, and the volume fraction based on Archimedes' principle was determined as a reference. After scanning, all micro-CT data were segmented using individual thresholds determined by the scanner supplied algorithm (method I). A significant deviation of volume fraction from method I was found: both the y-intercept and the slope of the regression line were significantly different from those of the Archimedes-based volume fraction (p < 0.001). New individual thresholds were determined based on a calibration of volume fraction to the Archimedes-based volume fractions (method II). The mean thresholds of the two methods were applied to segment 20 randomly selected specimens. The results showed that volume fraction using the mean threshold of method I was underestimated by 4% (p = 0.001), whereas the mean threshold of method II yielded accurate values. The precision of the measurement was excellent. Our data show that care must be taken when applying thresholds in generating 3-D data, and that a fixed threshold may be used to obtain reliable volume fraction data. This fixed threshold may be determined from the Archimedes-based volume fraction of a subgroup of specimens. The threshold may vary between different materials, and so it should be determined whenever a study series is performed.  相似文献   

The Orientation of trabecular bone specimens for mechanical testing must be carefully controlled. A method for accurately preparing on-axis cylindrical specimens using high-resolution micro-CT imaging was developed. Sixteen cylindrical specimens were prepared from eight bovine tibiae. High-resolution finite element models were generated from micro-CT images of parallelepipeds and used to determine the principal material coordinate system of each parallelepiped. A cylindrical specimen was then machined with a diamond coring bit. The resulting specimens were scanned again to evaluate the orientation. The average deviation between the principal fabric orientation and the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical specimen was only 4.70 +/- 3.11 degrees.  相似文献   

This study compared the capabilities of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and dental cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in assessing trabecular bone parameters and cortical bone strength. Micro-CT and CBCT scans were applied to 28 femurs from 14 rats to obtain independent measurements of the volumetric cancellous bone mineral density (vCanBMD) in the femoral head, volumetric cortical bone mineral density (vCtBMD) in the femoral diaphysis, cross-sectional moment of inertia (CSMI), and bone strength index (BSI) (=CSMI×vCtBMD). Five structural parameters of the trabecular bone of the femoral head were calculated from micro-CT images. A three-point bending test was then conducted to measure the fracture load of each femur. Bivariate linear Pearson analysis was conducted to calculate the correlation coefficients (r values) of the micro-CT, dental CBCT, and three-point bending measurements. The statistical analyses showed a strong correlation between vCanBMD values obtained using micro-CT and dental CBCT (r=0.830). There were strong or moderate correlation between vCanBMD measured using dental CBCT and five parameters of trabecular structure measured using micro-CT. Additionally, the results were satisfactory regardless of whether micro-CT or dental CBCT was used to measure the femoral diaphysis vCtBMD (r=0.733 and 0.680, respectively), CSMI (r=0.756 and 0.726, respectively), or BSI (r=0.846 and 0.847, respectively) to predict fracture loads. This study has yielded a new method for using dental CBCT to evaluate bone parameters and bone strength; however, further studies are necessary to validate the use of dental CBCT on humans.  相似文献   

Correlation of the mean and standard deviation of trabecular stresses has been proposed as a mechanism by which a strong relationship between the apparent strength and stiffness of cancellous bone can be achieved. The current study examined whether the relationship between the mean and standard deviation of trabecular von Mises stresses can be generalized for any group of cancellous bone. Cylindrical human vertebral cancellous bone specimens were cut in the infero-superior direction from T12 of 23 individuals (inter-individual group). Thirty nine additional specimens were prepared similarly from the T4-T12 and L2-L5 vertebrae of a 63 year old male (intra-individual group). The specimens were scanned by micro-computed tomography (microCT) and trabecular von Mises stresses were calculated using finite element modeling. The expected value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the von Mises stress were calculated form a three-parameter Weibull function fitted to von Mises stress data from each specimen. It was found that the average and standard deviation of trabecular von Mises shear stress were: (i) correlated with each other, supporting the idea that high correlation between the apparent strength and stiffness of cancellous bone can be achieved through controlling the trabecular level shear stress variations, (ii) dependent on anatomical site and sample group, suggesting that the variation of stresses are correlated to the mean stress to different degrees between vertebrae and individuals, and (iii) dependent on bone volume fraction, consistent with the idea that shear stress is less well controlled in bones with low BV/TV. The conversion of infero-superior loading into trabecular von Mises stresses was maximum for the tissue at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar spine (T12-L1) consistent with this junction being a common site of vertebral fracture.  相似文献   

The method of considering a single loading condition in the study of stress/morphology relationships in trabecular bone is expanded to include the multiple loading conditions experienced by bone in vivo. The bone daily loading histories are characterized in terms of stress magnitudes or cyclic strain energy density and the number of loading cycles. Relationships between local bone apparent density and loading history are developed which assume that bone mass is adjusted in response to strength or energy considerations. Three different bone maintenance criteria are described which are formulated based upon: (1) continuum model effective stress, (2) continuum model fatigue damage accumulation density, and (3) bone tissue strain energy density. These approaches can be applied to predict variations in apparent density within bone and among bones. We show that all three criteria have similar mathematical forms and may be related to the density (or concentration) of bone strain energy which is transferred (dissipated) in the mineralized tissue. The loading history and energy transfer concepts developed here can be applied to many different situations of growth, functional adaptation, injury, and aging of connective tissues.  相似文献   

Subchondral stiffening is a hallmark pathologic feature of osteoarthritis but its mechanical and temporal relationship to the initiation or the progression of osteoarthritis is not established. The mechanical effect of subchondral stiffening on the surrounding trabecular bone is poorly understood. This study employs a relatively new application of digital image correlation to measure strain in the trabecular region of the proximal medial tibia in normal specimens and in specimens with simulated subchondral bone stiffening. Coronal sections from eight normal human cadaveric proximal tibiae were loaded in static compression and high resolution contact radiographs were made. Repeat contact radiographs were collected after the subchondral bone near the jointline was stiffened using polymethylmethacrylate. Digital images, made from loaded and unloaded contact radiographs, were compared using in-house software to measure trabecular displacement and calculate trabecular bone strain. Overall strain was higher in the stiffened specimens suggesting experimental artifiact significantly affected our results. Consistent increases in median maximum shear strain, median maximum principal strain, median minimum principal strain, and peak shear strain were measured near the inner and outer edges of the stiffened segment. Our experiment provides direct experimental measurement of increases in trabecular bone strain caused by subchondral stiffening, however, the clinical and biologic importance of strain increases is unknown.  相似文献   

The relationship between mandibular form and biomechanical function is a topic of significant interest to morphologists and paleontologists alike. Several previous studies have examined the morphology of the mandible in gouging and nongouging primates as a means of understanding the anatomical correlates of this feeding behavior. The goal of the current study was to quantify the trabecular bone structure of the mandibular condyle of gouging and nongouging primates to assess the functional morphology of the jaw in these animals. High‐resolution computed tomography scan data were collected from the mandibles of five adult common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), saddle‐back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), respectively, and various three‐dimensional morphometric parameters were measured from the condylar trabecular bone. No significant differences were found among the taxa for most trabecular bone structural features. Importantly, no mechanically significant parameters, such as bone volume fraction and degree of anisotropy, were found to vary significantly between gouging and nongouging primates. The lack of significant differences in mechanically relevant structural parameters among these three platyrrhine taxa may suggest that gouging as a habitual dietary behavior does not involve significantly higher loads on the mandibular condyle than other masticatory behaviors. Alternatively, the similarities in trabecular architecture across these three taxa may indicate that trabecular bone is relatively unimportant mechanically in the condyle of these primates and therefore is functionally uninformative. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using cryostatic microscopic computed tomography (micro-CT), we sought to determine the role of coronary vasa vasorum (VV) in transendothelial solute transport in arteries with normal and increased permeability due to high plasma cholesterol levels. In 6-mo-old pigs on a normal (n=23) and 2% high cholesterol (HC) diet (n=8), 2-cm segments of the proximal left anterior descending coronary arteries were removed in vivo after a selective injection of X-ray contrast solution. Harvesting of the specimens occurred at 0, 15, 25, 35, or 45 s after completion of the contrast injection. Specimens were snap frozen and scanned in our cryostatic micro-CT. The spatial distribution of contrast in the coronary artery wall was quantified using the CT images. Right coronary arteries were infused with Microfil to determine VV density (VV/mm2) and the cumulative lumen surface area (mm2/mm3). Transendothelial diffusion of contrast into the coronary vessel wall is a dynamic process starting at both the subintima and the adventitia. The subintimal opacification moves as a wave toward the adventitia, whereas the adventitial wave resolves. The coronary vessel wall in animals on a HC diet shows higher opacification than in normal coronary arteries without an increase of VV total luminal surface area. The loss of endothelial integrity in hypercholesterolemia significantly alters VV solute washin to, and washout from, the coronary artery wall.  相似文献   

Bone ingrowth has been studied extensively in rats by use of bone chambers. However, it is not known whether results in small animals, with respect to bone ingrowth processes, are similar in large animals, in which more realistic models are often used. Since the metabolic rate in small animals is, in general, higher than that in larger species, we hypothesized that bone ingrowth in chambers develops more rapidly in small animals. Therefore, identical bone chambers were placed in the tibias of rats and goats. After 6 and 12 weeks, histologic and histomorphometric examinations were carried out to measure bone and tissue ingrowth distances. Bone ingrowth was higher in both species at 12, compared with 6 weeks (P < 0.01). Tissue ingrowth in general (including soft tissue) was less in rats than in goats at both time periods (P < 0.001). However, bone ingrowth did not differ between species. Thus, when differences in size of an osseous defect are corrected for, there seems to be only little influence of differences in body size.  相似文献   

The trabecular bone mass (TBM) of 29 bone cylinders (obtained at the iliac crest with a Bordier's trephine) belonging to non-sanile adult skeletons of the prehispanic inhabitants of the Western Canary Islands was determined histomorphometrically. Scanbning electron microscope and/or binocular microscope observations of the cylinders were also performed in order to exclude diagenetic alterations of the bones. Bone content of Sr, Mg, Mn, Co, Cu, Fe and Zn of the skeletons and of soil samples from the burials where they were found were also measured. These procedures were also performed in a control group of 21 preciously healthy individuals dead as a result of trauma. Although mean TBM values of the prehispanic samples not different from those of the control group, some individual TBM values of skeletons from La Palma and El Hierro were fully in the osteoporotic range. Individuals from La Palma and El Hierro showed high mean Sr, Mg and Mn bone contents, whereas Zn and Fe contents were below the normal range, indicating a mainly vegetarian diet. Individuals from Tenerife showed nearly normal Sr and Mg bone contents, low Zn and higher Fe values than those from the other islands; these results indicate a more mixed diet. No relationship was found between TBM and bone trace element contents.  相似文献   

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