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A finite element formulation of streaming potentials in articular cartilage was incorporated into a fibril-reinforced model using the commercial software ABAQUS. This model was subsequently used to simulate interactions between an arthroscopic probe and articular cartilage in a knee joint. Fibril reinforcement was found to account for large fluid pressure at considerable strain rates, as has been observed in unconfined compression. Furthermore, specific electromechanical responses were associated with specific changes in tissue properties that occur with cartilage degeneration. For example, the strong strain-rate dependence of the load response was only observed when the collagen network was intact. Therefore, it is possible to use data measured during arthroscopy to evaluate the degree of cartilage degeneration and the source causing changed properties. However, practical problems, such as the difficulty of controlling the speed of the handheld probe, may greatly reduce the reliability of such evaluations. The fibril-reinforced electromechanical model revealed that high-speed transient responses were associated with the collagen network, and equilibrium response was primarily determined by proteoglycan matrix. The results presented here may be useful in the application of arthroscopic tools for evaluating cartilage degeneration, for the proper interpretation of data, and for the optimization of data collection during arthroscopy.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative contributions of the shape of a sensory organ and the arrangement of receptors to the overall performance of the organ has long been a challenge for sensory biologists. We tackled this issue using the wind-sensing system of crickets, the cerci, two conical abdominal appendages covered with arrays of filiform hairs. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with 3D reconstruction methods were used for mapping of all cercal filiform hairs. The hairs are arranged according to their diameter in a way that avoids collisions with neighbours during hair deflection: long hairs are regularly spaced, whereas short hairs are both randomly and densely distributed. Particle image velocimetry showed that the variation in diameter of the cercus along its length modifies the pattern of fluid velocities. Hairs are subject to higher air flow amplitudes at the base than at the apex of the cercus. The relative importance of interactions between receptors and the air flow around the organ may explain the performance of the cricket's cercal system: it is characterised by a high density of statistically non-interacting short hairs located at the base of the cercus where sensitivity to air currents is the highest.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high-intensity locomotor training on knee extensor and flexor muscle activation and adaptability to increased body-weight (BW) support during walking in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Thirteen male patients with idiopathic PD and eight healthy participants were included. The PD patients completed an 8-week training program on a lower-body, positive-pressure treadmill. Knee extensor and flexor muscles activation during steady treadmill walking (3 km/h) were measured before, at the mid-point, and after training. Increasing BW support decreased knee extensor muscle activation (normalization) and increased knee flexor muscle activation (abnormal) in PD patients when compared to healthy participants. Training improved flexor peak muscle activation adaptability to increased (BW) support during walking in PD patients. During walking without BW support shorter knee extensor muscle off-activation time and increased relative peak muscle activation was observed in PD patients and did not improve with 8 weeks of training. In conclusion, patients with PD walked with excessive activation of the knee extensor and flexor muscles when compared to healthy participants. Specialized locomotor training may facilitate adaptive processes related to motor control of walking in PD patients.  相似文献   

Cultured kidney cells of Xenopus laevis were pulse-labeled with [3H]uridine for 10, 20 and 30 min during their logarithmic growth phase and then processed for autoradiography. The labeled cells were assigned into two categories, one- and two-nucleolated cells, and the rate of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis was measured by counting the number of grains in nucleoli. The results obtained revealed that a two-nucleolated cell incorporated significantly much more radioactivity into its nucleoli than did a one-nucleolated partner for all the periods examined. Cells of these different nucleolar types, however, contained essentially the same amount of rDNA (DNA complementary to rRNA) as estimated by in situ hybridization with [125I]rRNA.Although it remains to be proved that the observed increase in incorporation represents the increased rate of rRNA synthesis in two-nucleolated cells, the present findings seem to be very interesting, since they might indicate that the activity of rRNA genes is in some way regulated or affected by their spatial relationship in a cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Objective interpretation of metabolomics data requires understanding both analytical and biological measurement errors. Here we address analytical measurement errors, the sources of these errors, and how this variability can impact metabolomic profiles. Sources considered include room temperature exposure (which could affect sample stability), spiking with authentic standards, the number of study replicates, the overall temporal design of the experimental series, and the complexity of the biological matrix of the samples (individual or pooled sera). The study focused on the analysis of 80 rat sera metabolites by HPLC coupled with coulometric array detectors. Time delay and room temperature exposure had minimal effects on the total relative metabolite concentrations and variability (mean: 94–98% of control, CVmedian: ±5–7%), but the concentrations of some specific metabolites were significantly altered. Changes observed in the concentrations of specific metabolites ranged as high as ±7-fold, with changes in variability ranging from 0.3% to 68%. Spiked samples demonstrated more complex behavior when allowed to decay over time than did control samples. The spiking of sera and standards with 43 known metabolites increased variability of the apparent concentrations of metabolites up to 24% as opposed to 3% in pure sera. Increased variability was metabolite-specific. In both pure and spiked sera, 80–95% of metabolites had CVs equivalent to standard analytical CVs for these metabolites. Experimental design, number of replicates, and complexity of the biological matrix had comparable effects. These results suggest that, under carefully controlled conditions, these analytical issues are not significant sources of variability relative to biological variation for most metabolites.This work was supported by NIA-AG15354.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of articular cartilage growth and maturation have been elucidated by studying composition-function dynamics during in vivo development and in vitro culture with stimuli such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1). This study tested the hypothesis that IGF-1 and TGF-β1 regulate immature cartilage compressive moduli and Poisson’s ratios in a manner consistent with known effects on tensile properties. Bovine calf articular cartilage from superficial-articular (S) and middle-growth (M) regions were analyzed fresh or following culture in medium with IGF-1 or TGF-β1. Mechanical properties in confined (CC) and unconfined (UCC) compression, cartilage matrix composition, and explant size were assessed. Culture with IGF-1 resulted in softening in CC and UCC, increased Poisson’s ratios, substantially increased tissue volume, and accumulation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen (COL). Culture with TGF-β1 promoted maturational changes in the S layer, including stiffening in CC and UCC and increased concentrations of GAG, COL, and pyridinoline crosslinks (PYR), but little growth. Culture of M layer explants with TGF-β1 was nearly homeostatic. Across treatment groups, compressive moduli in CC and UCC were positively related to GAG, COL, and PYR concentrations, while Poisson’s ratios were negatively related to concentrations of these matrix components. Thus, IGF-1 and TGF-β1 differentially regulate the compressive mechanical properties and size of immature articular cartilage in vitro. Prescribing tissue growth, maturation, or homeostasis by controlling the in vitro biochemical environment with such growth factors may have applications in cartilage repair and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Higher-order polynomial functions can be used as a constitutive model to represent the mechanical behaviour of biological materials. The goal of this study was to present a method for assessing the fit of a given constitutive three-dimensional material model. Goodness of fit was assessed using multiple parameters including the root mean square error and Hotelling's T 2-test. Specifically, a polynomial model was used to characterise the stress–strain data, varying the number of model terms used (45 combinations of between 3 and 11 terms) and the manner of optimisation used to establish model coefficients (i.e. determining coefficients either by parameterisation of all data simultaneously or averaging coefficients obtained by parameterising individual data trials). This framework for model fitting helps to ensure that a given constitutive formulation provides the best characterisation of biological material mechanics.  相似文献   

Bone loss is a serious health problem. In vivo studies have found that mechanical stimulation may inhibit bone loss as elevated strain in bone induces osteogenesis, i.e. new bone formation. However, the exact relationship between mechanical environment and osteogenesis is less clear. Normal strain is considered as a prime stimulus of osteogenic activity; however, there are some instances in the literature where osteogenesis is observed in the vicinity of minimal normal strain, specifically near the neutral axis of bending in long bones. It suggests that osteogenesis may also be induced by other or secondary components of mechanical environment such as shear strain or canalicular fluid flow. As it is evident from the literature, shear strain and fluid flow can be potent stimuli of osteogenesis. This study presents a computational model to investigate the roles of these stimuli in bone adaptation. The model assumes that bone formation rate is roughly proportional to the normal, shear and fluid shear strain energy density above their osteogenic thresholds. In vivo osteogenesis due to cyclic cantilever bending of a murine tibia has been simulated. The model predicts results close to experimental findings when normal strain, and shear strain or fluid shear were combined. This study also gives a new perspective on the relation between osteogenic potential of micro-level fluid shear and that of macro-level bending shear. Attempts to establish such relations among the components of mechanical environment and corresponding osteogenesis may ultimately aid in the development of effective approaches to mitigating bone loss.  相似文献   

During osteoarthritis (OA)-development extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules are lost from cartilage, thus changing gene-expression, matrix synthesis and biomechanical competence of the tissue. Mechanical loading is important for the maintenance of articular cartilage; however, the influence of an altered ECM content on the response of chondrocytes to loading is not well understood, but may provide important insights into underlying mechanisms as well as supplying new therapies for OA. Objective here was to explore whether a changing ECM-content of engineered cartilage affects major signaling pathways and how this alters the chondrocyte response to compressive loading.Activity of canonical WNT-, BMP-, TGF-β- and p38-signaling was determined during maturation of human engineered cartilage and followed after exposure to a single dynamic compression-episode. WNT/β-catenin- and pSmad1/5/9-levels declined with increasing ECM-content of cartilage. While loading significantly suppressed proteoglycan-synthesis and ACAN-expression at low ECM-content this catabolic response then shifted to an anabolic reaction at high ECM-content. A positive correlation was observed between GAG-content and load-induced alteration of proteoglycan-synthesis. Induction of high β-catenin levels by the WNT-agonist CHIR suppressed load-induced SOX9- and GAG-stimulation in mature constructs. In contrast, the WNT-antagonist IWP-2 was capable of attenuating load-induced GAG-suppression in immature constructs.In conclusion, either ECM accumulation-associated or pharmacologically induced silencing of WNT-levels allowed for a more anabolic reaction of chondrocytes to physiological loading. This is consistent with the role of proteoglycans in sequestering WNT-ligands in the ECM, thus reducing WNT-activity and also provides a novel explanation of why low WNT-activity in cartilage protects from OA-development in mechanically overstressed cartilage.  相似文献   

 The transition rate kinetics from ethanol oxidation to glucose utilisation, within a structured model of baker’s yeast, described previously, were experimentally identified. The shift in metabolism has been assessed through glucose pulses during batch growth on ethanol. The influence of glucose concentration (between 0.25 g l-1 and 0.90 g l-1) and initial biomass concentration (between 0.61 g l-1 and 1.44 g l-1) on the transition rate was determined. The transition rate can not be described by a first-order saturation-type kinetics with respect to glucose only. A corrective term, which takes into account biomass concentration should be included. Received: 28 April 1995/Received revision: 6 July 1995/Accepted: 22 August 1995  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleocapsid (NC) protein contains 15 basic residues located throughout its 55-amino acid sequence, as well as one aromatic residue in each of its two CCHC-type zinc finger motifs. NC facilitates nucleic acid (NA) rearrangements via its chaperone activity, but the structural basis for this activity and its consequences in vivo are not completely understood. Here, we investigate the role played by basic residues in the N-terminal domain, the N-terminal zinc finger and the linker region between the two zinc fingers. We use in vitro ensemble and single-molecule DNA stretching experiments to measure the characteristics of wild-type and mutant HIV-1 NC proteins, and correlate these results with cell-based HIV-1 replication assays. All of the cationic residue mutations lead to NA interaction defects, as well as reduced HIV-1 infectivity, and these effects are most pronounced on neutralizing all five N-terminal cationic residues. HIV-1 infectivity in cells is correlated most strongly with NC’s NA annealing capabilities as well as its ability to intercalate the DNA duplex. Although NC’s aromatic residues participate directly in DNA intercalation, our findings suggest that specific basic residues enhance these interactions, resulting in optimal NA chaperone activity.  相似文献   

Aggregation of α-synuclein is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Studies of in vitro aggregation of α-synuclein are rendered complex because of the formation of a heterogeneous population of oligomers. With the use of confocal single-molecule fluorescence techniques, we demonstrate that small aggregates (oligomers) of α-synuclein formed from unbound monomeric species in the presence of organic solvent (DMSO) and iron (Fe3+) ions have a high affinity to bind to model membranes, regardless of the lipid-composition or membrane curvature. This binding mode contrasts with the well-established membrane binding of α-synuclein monomers, which is accompanied with α-helix formation and requires membranes with high curvature, defects in the lipid packing, and/or negatively charged lipids. Additionally, we demonstrate that membrane-bound α-synuclein monomers are protected from aggregation. Finally, we identified compounds that potently dissolved vesicle-bound α-synuclein oligomers into monomers, leaving the lipid vesicles intact. As it is commonly believed that formation of oligomers is related PD progression, such compounds may provide a promising strategy for the design of novel therapeutic drugs in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   



Noninvasive diagnosis of allograft rejection in heart transplant recipients is challenging. The utility of 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) to predict severe rejection in heart transplant recipients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was evaluated.


Adult heart transplant patients with preserved LVEF (>?55%) and severe rejection by biopsy (Rejection Grade?≥?2R) or no rejection between 1997 and 2011 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota were evaluated. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed within 1?month of the biopsy. LV global longitudinal and circumferential strain and strain rates (GLS, GLSR, GCS, and GCSR) were analyzed retrospectively.


Of 65 patients included, 25 had severe rejection and 40 were normal transplant controls without rejection. Both groups had more men than women (64 and 75%, respectively). Baseline clinical variables were similar between the groups. Both groups had normal LVEF (64.3% vs 64.5%; P?=?.87). All non-strain echocardiographic variables were similar between the 2 groups. Strain analysis showed significantly increased early diastolic longitudinal strain rate (P?=?.02) and decreased GCS (P?<?.001) and GCSR (P?=?.02) for the rejection group compared with the control group. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for GCS was 0.77. With a GCS cutoff of ??17.60%, the sensitivity and specificity of GCS to detect severe acute rejection were 81.8 and 68.4%, respectively.


2D-STE may be useful in detecting severe transplant rejection in heart transplant patients with normal LVEF.

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