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Background and Aims

Only very few studies have been carried out on seed dormancy/germination in the large monocot genus Narcissus. A primary aim of this study was to determine the kind of seed dormancy in Narcissus hispanicus and relate the dormancy breaking and germination requirements to the field situation.


Embryo growth, radicle emergence and shoot growth were studied by subjecting seeds with and without an emerged radicle to different periods of warm, cold or warm plus cold in natural temperatures outdoors and under controlled laboratory conditions.

Key Results

Mean embryo length in fresh seeds was approx. 1·31 mm, and embryos had to grow to 2·21 mm before radicle emergence. Embryos grew to full size and seeds germinated (radicles emerged) when they were warm stratified for 90 d and then incubated at cool temperatures for 30 d. However, the embryos grew only a little and no seeds germinated when they were incubated at 9/5, 10 or 15/4 °C for 30 d following a moist cold pre-treatment at 5, 9/5 or 10 °C. In the natural habitat of N. hispanicus, seeds are dispersed in late May, the embryo elongates in autumn and radicles emerge (seeds germinate) in early November; however, if the seeds are exposed to low temperatures before embryo growth is completed, they re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy). The shoot does not emerge until March, after germinated seeds are cold stratified in winter.


Seeds of N. hispanicus have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy (MPD), with the dormancy formula C1bB(root) – C3(epicotyl). This is the first study on seeds with simple MPD to show that embryos in advanced stages of growth can re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy).  相似文献   

We examined the germination ecology and the temperature requirements for germination of Erythronium dens-canis, under both outdoor and laboratory conditions. E. dens-canis is a spring flowering woodland geophyte widely distributed across Europe. Germination phenology, including embryo development and radicle and cotyledon emergence, were investigated in a natural population growing in Northern Italy. Immediately after harvest, seeds of E. dens-canis were either sown on agar in the laboratory under simulated seasonal temperatures or placed in nylon mesh sachets and buried in the wild. Embryos, undifferentiated at the time of seed dispersal, grew during summer and autumn conditions in the laboratory and in the wild, culminating in radicle emergence in winter when temperatures fell to ≈ 5 °C. Emergence of cotyledons did not occur immediately after radicle emergence, but was delayed until the end of winter. Laboratory experiments showed that temperature is the main factor controlling dormancy and germination, with seeds becoming non-dormant only when given warmth, followed by cold stratification. Unlike seeds of E. dens-canis that germinate in winter, in other Erythronium species radicle emergence occurs in autumn, while in some it is delayed until seeds are transferred from winter to spring conditions. Our results suggest that there is genetic and environmental control of the expression of seed dormancy amongst Erythronium species, which is related to local climate.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the germination ecology with special reference to the temperature requirements for embryo development and germination of Corydalis cava subsp. cava, under both outdoor and laboratory conditions. Corydalis cava is a spring flowering woodland tuberous geophyte widely distributed across Europe. Germination phenology, including embryo development and radicle and cotyledon emergence, was investigated in a population growing in northern Italy. Immediately after harvest, seeds of C. cava were sown both in the laboratory under simulated seasonal temperatures and naturally. Embryos, undifferentiated at the time of seed dispersal, grew during summer and autumn conditions, culminating in radicle emergence in winter, when temperatures fell to ca 5°C. Cotyledon emergence also occurred at ca 5°C, but first emergence was delayed until late winter and early spring. Laboratory experiments showed that high (summer) followed by medium (autumn) and low temperatures (winter) are needed for physiological dormancy loss, embryo development and germination respectively. Unlike seeds of C. cava that germinated in winter, in other Corydalis species radicle emergence occurred in autumn (C. flavula) or did not depend on a period of high summer temperature to break dormancy (C. solida). Our results suggest that subtle differences in dormancy and germination behavior between Corydalis species could be related to differences in their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

海草种子休眠、萌发、幼苗生长及其影响因素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang PD  Sun Y  Niu SN  Zhang XM 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):3060-3066
海草床是沿岸海域重要的初级生产者,具有极其重要的生态价值和经济价值,是重要的浅海生态系统之一.本文综述了近年来国内外对海草种子休眠、萌发、幼苗生长及其影响因素的研究进展,总结了海草种子的休眠方式和休眠历期及其影响因素,探讨了盐度、温度、光、激素、溶解氧及种群等因素对海草种子萌发、幼苗存活和生长的影响,并对目前研究中存在的问题和今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the seeds of most Trillium species have reported double dormancy, a type of seed dormancy where two cold periods and one warm period are needed for complete germination. In the present paper, we describe a field study examining the federally endangered Trillium reliquum Freeman (Trilliaceae) in which moderate to high numbers of seeds germinated after one winter following seed production. Sixteen baskets with seeds were placed in four T. reliquum populations (four baskets in each population) in Georgia, USA, in June 2005. In spring 2006, all seed baskets contained seedlings. Germination percentages ranged from 33.3 to 83.3% across sites with a mean of 56.9 ± 3.9%. Trillium reliquum had higher germination percentages compared with other field‐based germination studies with other Trillium species. Our findings will inform future demographic studies of T. reliquum and suggest that double dormancy in seeds may not be as widespread as previously reported within the genus Trillium.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several ecologically important plant families in Mediterranean biomes have seeds with morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) but have been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to understand the seed ecology of these species by focusing on the prominent, yet intractably dormant Australian genus Hibbertia. It was hypothesized that the slow germination in species of this genus is caused by a requirement for embryo growth inside the seed before germination, and that initiation of embryo growth is reliant upon a complex sequence of environmental cues including seasonal fluctuations in temperature and moisture, and an interplay with light and smoke. Using the results, the classification of the MPD level in species of Hibbertia is considered.


Four species of Hibbertia in winter rainfall south-western Australia were selected. These species, whilst differing in geographic distributions, are variously sympatric, and all are important understorey components of plant communities. The following aspects related to dormancy break, embryo growth and germination were investigated: temperature and moisture requirements; effects of karrikinolide, gibberellic acid and aerosol smoke; and phenology.

Key Results

Following exposure to wet/dry cycles at low or high temperatures, embryo growth and germination occurred, albeit slowly in all species at low temperatures when moisture was unlimited, corresponding to winter in south-west Australia. Photo regime influenced germination only in H. racemosa. Aerosol smoke triggered substantial germination during the 1st germination season in H. huegelii and H. hypericoides.


Although the study species are con-generic, sympatric and produce seeds of identical morphology, they possessed different dormancy-break and germination requirements. The physiological component of MPD was non-deep in H. racemosa but varied in the other three species where more deeply dormant seeds required >1 summer to overcome dormancy and, thus, germination was spread over time. Embryos grew during winter, but future studies need to resolve the role of cold versus warm stratification by using constant temperature regimes. To include Mediterranean species with MPD, some modifications to the current seed-dormancy classification system may need consideration: (a) wet/dry conditions for warm stratification and (b) a relatively long period for warm stratification. These outcomes have important implications for improving experimental approaches to resolve the effective use of broadcast seed for ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Morphophysiological dormancy was investigated in seeds of Ribes multiflorum Kit ex Roem et Schult. ssp. sandalioticum Arrigoni, a rare mountain species endemic to Sardinia (Italy). There were no differences in imbibition rates between intact and scarified seeds, suggesting a lack of physical dormancy, while methylene blue solution (0.5%) highlighted a preferential pathway for solution entrance through the raphe. Embryos were small at seed dispersal, with an initial embryo:seed ratio (E:S) of ca. 0.2 (embryo length, ca. 0.5 mm), whereas the critical E:S ratio for germination was three times longer (ca. 0.6). Gibberellic acid (GA(3), 250 mg · l(-1)) and warm stratification (25 °C for 3 months) followed by low temperature (<15 °C) enhanced embryo growth rate (maximum of ca. 0.04 mm · day(-1) at 10 °C) and subsequent seed germination (radicle emergence; ca. 80% at 10 °C). Low germination occurred at warmer temperatures, and cold stratification (5 °C for 3 months) induced secondary dormancy. After radicle emergence, epicotyl emergence was delayed for ca. 2 months for seeds from three different populations. Mean time of epicotyl emergence was affected by GA(3) . Seeds of this species showed non-deep simple (root) - non-deep simple (epicotyl) morphophysiological dormancy, highlighting a high synchronisation with Mediterranean seasonality in all the investigated populations.  相似文献   

Changes in germination percentage and germination rate of Polygonum persicaria resulting from loss of primary dormancy during chilling of imbibed seeds were quantified. Both percentage and rate of germination increased with increasing loss of dormancy. It was concluded that retardation of germination caused by dormancy was not due to dormancy release prior to germination, but to retardation of the germination process itself. When evaluated in relation to competition between sugar-beet and P. persicaria, the effect of dormancy on the germination percentage was more important than the effect on germination rate, but for an accurate prediction of yield loss, the latter effect cannot be neglected.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In seeds with deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, warm and cold stratification are required to break dormancy of the radicle and shoot, respectively. Although the shoot remains inside the seed all winter, little is known about its growth and morphological development prior to emergence in spring. The aims of the present study were to determine the temperature requirements for radicle and shoot emergence in seeds of Viburnum betulifolium and V. parvifolium and to monitor growth of the epicotyl, plumule and cotyledons in root-emerged seeds.


Fresh and pre-treated seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium were incubated under various temperature regimes and monitored for radicle and shoot emergence. Growth of the epicotyl and cotyledons at different stages was observed with dissecting and scanning electron microscopes.

Key Results

The optimum temperature for radicle emergence of seeds of both species, either kept continuously at a single regime or exposed to a sequence of regimes, was 20/10 °C. GA3 had no effect on radicle emergence. Cold stratification (5 °C) was required for shoot emergence. The shoot apical meristem in fresh seeds did not form a bulge until the embryo had grown to the critical length for radicle emergence. After radicle emergence, the epicotyl–plumule and cotyledons grew slowly at 5 and 20/10 °C, and the first pair of true leaves was initiated. However, the shoot emerged only from seeds that received cold stratification.


Seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, C1bB (root)–C3 (epicotyl). Warm stratification was required to break the first part of physiological dormancy (PD), thereby allowing embryo growth and subsequently radicle emergence. Although cold stratification was not required for differentiation of the epicotyl–plumule, it was required to break the second part of PD, thereby allowing the shoot to emerge in spring.  相似文献   

Aims There are a number of mechanisms that regulate germination; among these, seed dormancy, one of the most important, is an adaptative mechanism in plants to promote survival by dispersing germination in space and time until environmental conditions are favourable for germination. The main goals of this study were to determine the temperature requirements for seed dormancy release and germination of Gentiana lutea subsp. lutea, to identify the class and level of seed dormancy and to suggest an optimal germination protocol.Methods Seeds belonging to two different localities were subjected to various pre-treatments, including cold stratification (0 and 5°C), warm stratification (25/10°C) and different combinations of these, and then incubated at a range of constant temperatures (5–25°C) and 25/10°C. Embryo growth during pre-treatments and incubation conditions were assessed at different times by measuring the embryo to seed length ratio (E:S ratio). The final germination percentage (FGP) and the germination rate (t 50) were calculated.Important findings Fleshy mature seeds of G. lutea subsp. lutea have linear underdeveloped embryos. Cold stratification at 0°C was effective in overcoming the physiological dormancy (PD) and promoted embryo growth and subsequent germination. After cold stratification at 0°C, both the root and the shoot emerged readily under a wide range of temperatures. G. lutea subsp. lutea seeds showed an intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). As regards the optimal germination protocol for this taxon, we suggest a period of cold stratification at ca. 0°C followed by seed incubation at 10–20°C. The optimal germination temperatures found for seeds of this taxon, as well as its pre-chilling requirement at 0°C, suggest that it is well adapted to a temperate climate; this behavior highlights an increasing threat from global warming for G. lutea, which could reduce the level of natural emergence in the field, prejudicing also the long-term persistence of the natural populations in Sardinia.  相似文献   

Spring is often the most suitable period for seedling establishment of temperate woodland species. Different physiological mechanisms resulting in spring emergence have evolved in seeds of such plants. The aim of this study was to determine the requirements for breaking dormancy and for seed germination of the European perennial spring geophyte Corydalis solida (Fumariaceae). Ripe seeds of C. solida contain an underdeveloped embryo, consisting of no more than a clump of cells. As a consequence, the embryo has to differentiate and grow to a critical length before germination can occur. In nature, seeds are dispersed in spring, while growth of the embryo starts in the autumn and continues in winter. Germination starts in late winter, immediately after embryo growth is completed, resulting in seedling emergence in the following spring. Experiments in controlled conditions showed that temperature is the main factor controlling dormancy and germination. Incubation at autumn temperatures (15/6 °C; 20/10 °C) for at least 8 weeks is required to initiate embryo growth, while a transfer to 5 °C is needed for completion of embryo growth and germination. Growth of the embryo of C. solida occurs at different temperatures over an extended period, a feature typical of temperate forest herbs. Our results indicate that the dormancy mechanism in seeds of C. solida is very similar to mechanisms in other Corydalis species studied thus far, suggesting that stasis in the dormancy trait has occurred.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seedlings of Acanthocarpus preissii are needed for coastal sand dune restoration in Western Australia. However, seeds of this Western Australian endemic have proven to be very difficult to germinate. The aims of this study were to define a dormancy-breaking protocol, identify time of suitable conditions for dormancy-break in the field and classify the type of seed dormancy in this species. METHODS: Viability, water-uptake (imbibition) and seed and embryo characteristics were assessed for seeds collected in 2003 and in 2004 from two locations. The effects of GA(3), smoke-water, GA(3) + smoke-water and warm stratification were tested on seed dormancy-break. In a field study, soil temperature and the moisture content of soil and buried seeds were monitored for 1 year. KEY RESULTS: Viability of fresh seeds was >90 %, and they had a fully developed, curved-linear embryo. Fresh seeds imbibed water readily, with mass increasing approx. 52 % in 4 d. Non-treated fresh seeds and those exposed to 1000 ppm GA(3), 1 : 10 (v/v) smoke-water/water or 1000 ppm GA(3) + 1 : 10 (v/v) smoke-water/water germinated <8 %. Fresh seeds germinated to >80 % when warm-stratified for at least 7 weeks at 18/33 degrees C and then moved to 7/18 degrees C, whereas seeds incubated continuously at 7/18 degrees C germinated to <20 %. CONCLUSIONS: Seeds of A. preisii have non-deep physiological dormancy that is released by a period of warm stratification. Autumn (March/April) is the most likely time for warm stratification of seeds of this species in the field. This is the first report of the requirement for warm stratification for dormancy release in seeds of an Australian species.  相似文献   

黄振英  董鸣  张淑敏 《生态学报》2005,25(2):298-303
沙鞭是鄂尔多斯高原流动沙丘上分布的多年生禾草。对位于沙层不同深度的种子萌发和幼苗出土进行了测定。结果表明 ,种子的萌发和幼苗的出土随着沙埋深度的增加而减少 ,最高的幼苗出土率来自 0 .5~ 2 .0 cm浅层沙埋的种子 ,并且沙埋的深度影响种子萌发的时间。沙埋越深 ,越多的种子不能萌发并且处于强迫休眠的状态。但是 ,当被埋较深种子上层的沙层被移走使种子位于较浅的沙层时 ,种子能够克服强迫休眠。种子的强迫休眠还能够通过改善沙层中的空气含量来克服。在自然生境中 ,沙丘的流动性能够使萌发后的幼苗整个暴露在空气中遭受干旱胁迫 ,或者萌发后的幼苗在因无后续的降雨而变干。但是 ,沙鞭在幼苗的早期具有忍受干燥 ,在下次水合后能够恢复生长的能力。幼根的长度和干燥时间影响幼苗的生长恢复率  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is considerable confusion in the literature concerning impermeability of seeds with 'hard' seed coats, because the ability to take up (imbibe) water has not been tested in most of them. Seeds of Opuntia tomentosa were reported recently to have a water-impermeable seed coat sensu lato (i.e. physical dormancy), in combination with physiological dormancy. However, physical dormancy is not known to occur in Cactaceae. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if seeds of O. tomentosa are water-permeable or water-impermeable, i.e. if they have physical dormancy. METHODS: The micromorphology of the seed coat and associated structures were characterized by SEM and light microscopy. Permeability of the seed-covering layers was assessed by an increase in mass of seeds on a wet substrate and by dye-tracking and uptake of tritiated water by intact versus scarified seeds. KEY RESULTS: A germination valve and a water channel are formed in the hilum-micropyle region during dehydration and ageing in seeds of O. tomentosa. The funicular envelope undoubtedly plays a role in germination of Opuntia seeds via restriction of water uptake and mechanical resistance to expansion of the embryo. However, seeds do not exhibit any of three features characteristic of those with physical dormancy. Thus, they do not have a water-impermeable layer(s) of palisade cells (macrosclereids) or a water gap sensu stricto and they imbibe water without the seed coat being disrupted. CONCLUSIONS: Although dormancy in seeds of this species can be broken by scarification, they have physiological dormancy only. Further, based on information in the literature, it is concluded that it is unlikely that any species of Opuntia has physical dormancy. This is the first integrative study of the anatomy, dynamics of water uptake and dormancy in seeds of Cactaceae subfamily Opuntioideae.  相似文献   

The biophysical mechanism underlying photoinhibition of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seed germination was investigated using three cultivars differing in sensitivity to continuous irradiation with far-red light (high-irradiance reaction of phytochrome). Sensitivity of germination to the inhibitory action of light was assessed by probing germination under osmotic stress (incubation in media of low water potentials adjusted with polyethylene glycol 6000) and expressed in terms of ‘germination potential’ (positive value of the water potential at which germination is inhibited by 50%). Far-red light decreases the germination potential to various degrees in the different cultivars, reflecting the light-sensitivity of germination in water. Removal of the seed coat increases the germination potential by a constant amount in darkness and light. It is concluded that germination depends on the expansive force of the embryo which can be drastically diminished by far-red light. Seed-coat constraint and expansive force of the embryo interact additively on the level of the germination potential. Photoinhibition of germination was accompanied by an inhibition of water uptake into the seed. Analysis of seed water relations showed that osmotic pressure and turgor assumed higher levels in photoinhibited seeds, compared to seeds germinating in darkness, while the water potential was close to zero under both conditions. Far-red light produced a shift (to less negative values) in the curve relating water-uptake rate to external water potential, i.e. a reduction in the driving force for water uptake. It is concluded that photoinhibition of germination results from the maintenance of a high threshold of cell-wall extensibility in the embryo.  相似文献   

Anderson S 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):277-280
Summary I examined the germination characteristics of weed and outcrop populations of Crepis tectorum to test the hypothesis that the presumably more ephemeral weed habitat favors the highest levels of seed dormancy. The winter annual habit characterizing most plants of this species was reflected in a rapid germination of seeds sown in late summer. A slightly higher fraction of surface-sown seeds of weed plants delayed germination. Buried seeds of weed plants also survived better than seeds produced by plants in most outcrop populations, supporting the idea that weediness favors seed dormancy and a persistent seed bank. However, the differences in seed dormancy between the two ecotypes were small and not entirely consistent. Furthermore, high levels of seed dormancy were induced during burial in the outcrop group, suggesting that there is a potential for a dormant seed population in this habitat as well. Demographic data from one of the outcrop populations verified the presence of a large between-year seed bank. Possible environmental factors favoring seed dormancy in outcrop populations are discussed. The unusually large seeds of weedy Crepis contrasts with the relatively small difference in seed dormancy between the two ecotypes.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy characteristics of Spartina alterniflora were delineated previously by Plyler and Carrick (American Journal of Botany, vol. 80, pp. 752–756, 1993). This study was undertaken in order to determine whether or not the dormancy characteristics of S. patens are similar. As in the previous study, the site of a dormancy mechanism was determined by assessing the germinability of surgically altered dormant seeds. Likewise, the effects of three growth-regulating substances (abscisic acid, fusicoccin, and gibberellic acid), prechilling, and light were studied by assessing the germinability of appropriately treated dormant seeds. Surgical injury to the endosperm, and to a lesser extent the scutellum, produced significant germination in S. patens, whereas only injury to the scutellum produced germination in S. alterniflora. Exogenously applied abscisic acid was highly effective in maintaining dormancy in injured seeds of both species. Gibberellic acid and fusicoccin were ineffective in promoting germination in S. patens, but fusicoccin was highly effective in breaking dormancy in 5. alterniflora. Prechilling was effective in breaking dormancy in S. patens but not in S. alterniflora. In S. patens, treatments that broke dormancy were only successful when seeds were exposed to light during the germination period. It is concluded that the dissimilarities in the dormancy mechanisms may be manifestations of the different environmental adaptations these closely related species display.  相似文献   

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