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The upper operon of the TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida encodes a set of enzymes which transform toluene and xylenes to benzoate and toluates. The genetic organization of the operon was characterized by cloning of the upper operon genes into an expression vector and identification of their products in Escherichia coli maxicells. This analysis showed that the upper operon contains at least five genes in the order of xylC-xylM-xylA-xylB-xylN. Between the promoter of the operon and xylC, there is a 1.7-kilobase-long space of DNA in which no gene function was identified. In contrast, most of the DNA between xylC and xylN consists of coding sequences. The xylC gene encodes the 57-kilodalton benzaldehyde dehydrogenase. The xylM and xylA genes encode 35- and 40-kilodalton polypeptides, respectively, which were shown by genetic complementation tests to be subunits of xylene oxygenase. The structural gene for benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, xylB, encodes a 40-kilodalton polypeptide. The last gene of this operon is xylN, which synthesizes a 52-kilodalton polypeptide of unknown function.  相似文献   

During growth on benzoate-minimal medium Pseudomonas putida mt-2 (PaW1) segregates derivative ('cured') strains which have lost the ability to use the pathway encoded by its resident catabolic plasmid pWW0. Experiments with two plasmids identical to pWW0 but each with an insert of Tn401, which confers resistance to carbenicillin, suggested that the 'benzoate curing' occurs far more frequently by the specific deletion of the 39 kbp region carrying the catabolic genes than by total plasmid loss. This effect was not pH-dependent, and was not produced during growth on other weak organic acids, such as succinate or propionate, or when benzoate was present in the medium with an alternative, preferentially used carbon source such as succinate. Growth on benzoate did not cause loss from strain PaW174 of the plasmid pWW0174, a derivative of pWW0 which has deleted the 39 kbp region but carries Tn401. Similarly the naphthalene-catabolic plasmid pWW60-1, of the same incompatibility group as pWW0, was not lost from PaW701 during growth on benzoate. Competition between wild-type PaW1 and PaW174, which has the 'cured' phenotype, showed that the latter has a distinct growth advantage on benzoate over the wild-type even when initially present as only 1% of the population: when PaW174 was seeded at lower cell ratios, spontaneously 'cured' derivatives of PaW1 took over the culture after 60-80 generations, indicating that they are present in PaW1 cultures at frequencies between 10(-2) and 10(-3). We conclude that the progressive takeover of populations of PaW1 only occurs when benzoate is present as the sole growth source and that neither benzoate, nor other weak acids, affect plasmid segregation or deletion events: a sufficient explanation is that the 'cured' segregants grow faster than the wild-type using the chromosomally determined beta-ketoadipate pathway.  相似文献   

The meta operon of the Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid (pWWO) encodes all enzymes of a meta-cleavage pathway for the metabolism of benzoic acids to Krebs-cycle intermediates. We have determined and analysed the nucleic acid sequence of a 3442 bp region of the meta operon containing the xyl-GFJ genes whose products are involved in the post meta-ring fission transformation of catechols. Homology analysis of the xylGFJ gene products revealed evidence of biochemical relatedness, suggested enzymatic mechanisms, and permitted us to propose evolutionary events which may have generated the current variety of aromatic degradative pathways. The xylG gene, which specifies 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (HMSD), was found to encode a protein of 51.7 kDa. The predicted protein sequence exhibits significant homology to eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases (ADHs) and to the products of two other Pseudomonas catabolic genes, i.e. xylC and alkH. Expansion of the ADH superfamily to include these prokaryotic enzymes permitted a broader analysis of functionally critical ADH residues and phylogenetic relationships among superfamily members. The importance of three regions of these enzymes previously thought to be critical to ADH activity was reinforced by this analysis. However glutamine-487, also thought to be critical, is less well conserved. The revised ADH phylogeny proposed here suggests early catabolic ADH divergence with subsequent interkingdom gene exchange. The xylF gene, which specifies 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase (HMSH), was delineated by N-terminal sequence analysis of the purified gene product and is shown to encode a protein of 30.6 kDa. Homology analysis revealed sequence similarity to a chromosomally encoded serine hydrolase, especially in the region of the previously identified active-site serine residue, suggesting that HMSH may also possess a serine hydrolytic enzymatic mechanism. Likewise, the xylJ gene, which specifies 2-hydroxy-pent-2,4-dienoate hydratase (HPH), was delineated by N-terminal sequence analysis of purified HPH, and was found to encode a 23.9 kDa protein. Sequence comparisons revealed that both HMSH and HPH have analogues in the tod gene cluster, which specifies a toluene/benzene degradative pathway. Although the newly identified todF and todJ genes had been at least partially sequenced (Zylstra and Gibson, 1989), the open reading frames had not been positively identified. The presence of todJ provides strong evidence that the reactions following ring fission in the tod pathway are identical to those of the TOL pathway.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Flagellin gene central regions from 111 isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 obtained from soil during a field release experiment were analysed using a combined PCR/RFLP technique to look for variation. In addition, a 858 bp flagellin gene sequence from the original strain and the last isolate obtained from the release site were compared. There was no variation in flagellin gene sequences indicating that the gene was stable over the period of the release, and that the flagellin gene is a suitable marker for use in the detection of bacteria in release experiments. A comparison of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 flagellin with other sequenced flagellins revealed closest homology to the flagellin of Ps. putida PRS2000.  相似文献   

Two aldehyde dehydrogenases involved in the degradation of toluene and xylenes, namely, benzaldehyde dehydrogenase and 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase, are encoded by the xylC and xylG genes, respectively, on TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida. The nucleotide sequence of xylC was determined in this study. A protein exhibiting benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity had been purified from cells of P. putida (pWW0) (J. P. Shaw and S. Harayama, Eur. J. Biochem. 191:705-714, 1990); however, the amino-terminal sequence of this protein does not correspond to that predicted from the xylC sequence but does correspond to that predicted from the xylG sequence. The protein purified in the earlier work was therefore 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (the xylG gene product). This conclusion was confirmed by the fact that this protein oxidized 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde (kcat/Km = 1.6 x 10(6) s-1 M-1) more efficiently than benzaldehyde (kcat/Km = 3.2 x 10(4) s-1 M-1). The xylC product, the genuine benzaldehyde dehydrogenase, was purified from extracts of P. putida (pWW0-161 delta rylG) which does not synthesize 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase. The amino-terminal sequence of the purified protein corresponds to the amino-terminal sequence deduced from the xylC sequence. This enzyme efficiently oxidized benzaldehyde (kcat/Km = 1.7 x 10(7) s-1 M-1) and its analogs but did not oxidize 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde or its analogs.  相似文献   

In a recent screen for novel virulence factors involved in the interaction between Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi and the olive tree, a mutant was selected that contained a transposon insertion in a putative cyclic diguanylate (c‐di‐GMP) phosphodiesterase‐encoding gene. This gene displayed high similarity to bifA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida. Here, we examined the role of BifA in free‐living and virulence‐related phenotypes of two bacterial plant pathogens in the Pseudomonas syringae complex, the tumour‐inducing pathogen of woody hosts, P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335, and the pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. We showed that deletion of the bifA gene resulted in decreased swimming motility of both bacteria and inhibited swarming motility of DC3000. In contrast, overexpression of BifA in P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi had a positive impact on swimming motility and negatively affected biofilm formation. Deletion of bifA in NCPPB 3335 and DC3000 resulted in reduced fitness and virulence of the microbes in olive (NCPPB 3335) and tomato (DC3000) plants. In addition, real‐time monitoring of olive plants infected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐tagged P. savastanoi cells displayed an altered spatial distribution of mutant ΔbifA cells inside olive knots compared with the wild‐type strain. All free‐living phenotypes that were altered in both ΔbifA mutants, as well as the virulence of the NCPPB 3335 ΔbifA mutant in olive plants, were fully rescued by complementation with P. aeruginosa BifA, whose phosphodiesterase activity has been demonstrated. Thus, these results suggest that P. syringae and P. savastanoi BifA are also active phosphodiesterases. This first demonstration of the involvement of a putative phosphodiesterase in the virulence of the P. syringae complex provides confirmation of the role of c‐di‐GMP signalling in the virulence of this group of plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Mammalian Tolloid‐like 1 (Tll‐1) is a pleiotropic metalloprotease that is expressed by a small subset of cells within the precardiac mesoderm and is necessary for proper heart development. Following heart tube formation Tll‐1 is expressed by the endocardium and regions of myocardium overlying the region of the muscular interventricular septum. Mutations in Tll‐1 lead to embryonic lethality due to cardiac defects. We demonstrate that the Tll‐1 promoter contains Nkx2–5 binding sites and that the Tll‐1 promoter is activated by and directly binds Nkx2–5. Tll‐1 expression is ablated by a dominant negative Nkx2–5 or by mutation of the Nkx2–5 binding sites within the Tll‐1 promoter. In vivo, Tll‐1 expression is decreased in the hearts of Nkx2–5 knockout embryos when compared with hemizygous and wild‐type embryos. These results show that Nkx2–5 is a direct activator of Tll‐1 expression and provide insight into the mechanism of the defects found in both the Tll‐1 and Nkx2–5 knockout mice.  相似文献   

The possibility of biologically detoxifying a contaminated soil from an Italian dump site containing about 1500 mg/kg (in dry soil) of polychlorinated biphenyls was studied in the laboratory in this work. The soil, which contained indigenous aerobic bacteria capable of growing on biphenyl or on monochlorobenzoic acids at concentration of about 300 CFU per g of air‐dried soil, was amended with inorganic nutrients, saturated with water and treated in aerobic 3‐L batch slurry reactors (soil suspension at 20% w/v). Either Pseudomonas sp. CPE1 strain, capable of cometabolising low‐chlorinated biphenyls into chlorobenzoic acids, or a bacterial co‐culture capable of aerobically dechlorinating polychlorobiphenyls constituted by this bacterium and the two chlorobenzoic acid degrading bacteria Pseudomonas sp. CPE2 strain and Alcaligenes sp. CPE3 strain, were used as inocula (final concentration of about 108 CFU/mL for each bacterium), in the absence and in the presence of biphenyl (4 g/kg of air dried soil). Significant soil polychlorobiphenyl depletions were observed in all the reactors after 119 days of treatment. The soil inoculation with the sole CPE1 was found to slightly enhance the polychlorobiphenyl depletions (about 20%) and the soil detoxification; the effect was higher in the presence of biphenyl. The use of the polychlorobiphenyl mineralising bacterial co‐culture as inoculum resulted in a strong enhancement of the depletions of both the soil polychlorobiphenyls (from 50 to 65%) and of the original soil ecotoxicity. The bacterial biomass inoculated was found to implant into the soil; the higher specialised biomass availability thus reached in the inoculated soil was probably responsible of a more extensive biodegradation of polychlorobiphenyls and therefore of the higher detoxification yields observed in the inoculated reactors. The soil ecotoxicity, measured through two different soil contact assays, i.e., the Lepidium sativum germination test and the Collembola mortality test, was often found to decrease proportionally with the soil polychlorobiphenyl concentration. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 240–249, 1999.  相似文献   

Size exclusion chromatographic analyses showed that Ca2+‐free VILIP‐1 contained both monomeric and dimeric forms, while no appreciable dimerization was noted with Ca2+‐free VILIP‐3. Swapping of EF‐hands 3 and 4 of VILIP‐1 with those of VILIP‐3 caused the inability of the resulting chimeric protein to form dimeric protein. Nonreducing SDS‐PAGE analyses revealed that most of the dimeric VILIP‐1 was noncovalently bound together. Reduced glutathione (GSH)/oxidized glutathione (GSSG) treatment notably enhanced the formation of disulfide‐linked VILIP‐1 dimer, while Ca2+ and Mg2+ enhanced disulfide dimerization of VILIP‐1 marginally in the presence of thiol compounds. Cys‐187 at the C‐terminus of VILIP‐1 contributed greatly to form S‐S‐crosslinked dimer as revealed by mutagenesis studies. The ability of GSH/GSSG‐treated VILIP‐1 to activate guanylyl cyclase B was reduced by substituting Cys‐187 with Ala. Together with disulfide dimer of VILIP‐1 detected in rat brain extracts, our data may imply the functional contribution of disulfide dimer to the interaction of VILIP‐1 with its physiological target(s). Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Broad host range plasmid RK2 encodes two versions of its essential replication initiation protein, TrfA, using in-frame translational starts spaced 97 amino acids apart. The smaller protein, TrfA-33, is sufficient for plasmid replication in many bacterial hosts. Efficient replication in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, however, specifically requires the larger TrfA-44 protein. With the aim of identifying sequences of TrfA-44 required for stable replication of RK2 in P. aeruginosa, specific deletions and a substitution mutant within the N terminus sequence unique to TrfA-44 were constructed, and the mutant proteins were tested for activity. Deletion mutants were targeted to three of the four predicted helical regions in the first 97 amino acids of TrfA-44. Deletion of TrfA-44 amino acids 21-32 yielded a mutant protein, TrfA-44Delta2, that had lost the ability to bind and load the DnaB helicase of P. aeruginosa or Pseudomonas putida onto the RK2 origin in vitro and did not support stable replication of an RK2 mini-replicon in P. aeruginosa in vivo. A substitution of amino acid 22 within this essential region resulted in a protein, TrfA-44E22A, with reduced activity in vitro, particularly with the P. putida helicase. Deletion of amino acids 37-55 (TrfA-44Delta3) slightly affected protein activity in vitro with the P. aeruginosa helicase and significantly with the P. putida helicase, whereas deletion of amino acids 71-88 (TrfA-44Delta4) had no effect on TrfA activity in vitro with either helicase. These results identify regions of the TrfA-44 protein that are required for recruitment of the Pseudomonas DnaB helicases in the initiation of RK2 replication.  相似文献   

Bacterial plasmids can vary from small selfish genetic elements to large autonomous replicons that constitute a significant proportion of total cellular DNA. By conferring novel function to the cell, plasmids may facilitate evolution but their mobility may be opposed by co‐evolutionary relationships with chromosomes or encouraged via the infectious sharing of genes encoding public goods. Here, we explore these hypotheses through large‐scale examination of the association between plasmids and chromosomal DNA in the phenotypically diverse Bacillus cereus group. This complex group is rich in plasmids, many of which encode essential virulence factors (Cry toxins) that are known public goods. We characterized population genomic structure, gene content and plasmid distribution to investigate the role of mobile elements in diversification. We analysed coding sequence within the core and accessory genome of 190 B. cereus group isolates, including 23 novel sequences and genes from 410 reference plasmid genomes. While cry genes were widely distributed, those with invertebrate toxicity were predominantly associated with one sequence cluster (clade 2) and phenotypically defined Bacillus thuringiensis. Cry toxin plasmids in clade 2 showed evidence of recent horizontal transfer and variable gene content, a pattern of plasmid segregation consistent with transfer during infectious cooperation. Nevertheless, comparison between clades suggests that co‐evolutionary interactions may drive association between plasmids and chromosomes and limit wider transfer of key virulence traits. Proliferation of successful plasmid and chromosome combinations is a feature of specialized pathogens with characteristic niches (Bacillus anthracis, B. thuringiensis) and has occurred multiple times in the B. cereus group.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptor 5 recognizes bacterial flagellin, plays a critical role in innate immunity, and contributes to flagellin‐specific humoral immunity. Further, TLR5‐expressing dendritic cells play an important role in IgA synthesis in the intestine; however, the contribution of TLR5 to antigen (Ag)‐specific mucosal immunity remains unclear. Thus, whether TLR5 is essential for the induction of intestinal secretory (S)IgA antibody (Ab) responses against flagellin and bacterial Ags attached to the bacterial surface in response to an oral flagellated bacterium, Salmonella, was explored in this study. Our results indicate that when TLR5 knockout (TLR5?/?) mice are orally immunized with recombinant Salmonella expressing fragment C of tetanus toxin (rSalmonella‐Tox C), tetanus toxoid (TT)‐ and flagellin (FliC)‐specific systemic IgG and intestinal SIgA Abs are elicited. The numbers of TT‐specific IgG Ab‐forming cells (AFCs) in the spleen and IgA AFCs in the lamina propria (LP) of TLR5?/? mice were comparable to those in wild‐type mice. rSalmonella‐Tox C was equally disseminated in TLR5?/? mice, TLR5?/? mice lacking Peyer's patches (PPs), and wild‐type mice. In contrast, TLR5?/? PP‐null mice failed to induce TT‐ and FliC‐specific SIgA Abs in the intestine and showed significantly reduced numbers of TT‐specific IgA AFCs in the LP. These results suggest that TLR5 is dispensable for the induction of flagellin and surface Ag‐specific systemic and mucosal immunity against oral flagellated bacteria. Rather, pathogen recognition, which occurs in PPs, is a prerequisite for the induction of mucosal immunity against flagellated bacteria.

Bacteria diversify into genetic clusters analogous to those observed in sexual eukaryotes, but the definition of bacterial species is an ongoing problem. Recent work has focused on adaptation to distinct ecological niches as the main driver of clustering, but there remains debate about the role of recombination in that process. One view is that homologous recombination occurs too rarely for gene flow to constrain divergent selection. Another view is that homologous recombination is frequent enough in many bacterial populations that barriers to gene flow are needed to permit divergence. Niche‐specific gene pools have been proposed as a general mechanism to limit gene flow. We use theoretical models to evaluate additional hypotheses that evolving genetic architecture, specifically the effect sizes of genes and gene gain and loss, can limit gene flow between diverging populations. Our model predicts that (a) in the presence of gene flow and recombination, ecological divergence is concentrated in few loci of large effect and (b) high rates of gene flow plus recombination promote gene loss and favor the evolution of niche‐specific genes. The results show that changing genetic architecture and gene loss can facilitate ecological divergence, even without niche‐specific gene pools. We discuss these results in the context of recent studies of sympatric divergence in microbes.  相似文献   

Many Gram‐negative bacteria use a type III secretion system (T3SS) to establish associations with their hosts. The T3SS is a conduit for direct injection of type‐III effector proteins into host cells, where they manipulate the host for the benefit of the infecting bacterium. For plant‐associated pathogens, the variations in number and amino acid sequences of type‐III effectors, as well as their functional redundancy, make studying type‐III effectors challenging. To mitigate this challenge, we developed a stable delivery system for individual or defined sets of type‐III effectors into plant cells. We used recombineering and Tn5‐mediated transposition to clone and stably integrate, respectively, the complete hrp/hrc region from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 into the genome of the soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0‐1. We describe our development of Effector‐to‐Host Analyzer (EtHAn), and demonstrate its utility for studying effectors for their in planta functions.  相似文献   

E Wahle  A Kornberg 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(6):1889-1895
A protein in extracts of Escherichia coli that specifically binds the stabilizing par sequence of pSC101 was identified as DNA gyrase. The purified enzyme protects par against digestion by DNase I and exonuclease III. Competition assays demonstrate that gyrase has a 40-fold higher affinity for the 100-bp par sequence than for nonspecific DNA and that par is the major gyrase-binding site in pSC101 derivatives used in this and other studies. Within par, AT-rich sequences occur with a pronounced 10-bp periodicity that is shifted by 5 bp from a similar periodicity of GC-rich sequences. As judged by DNase I digestion, the GC sequences are exposed on the outside of the DNA wrapped around gyrase. The data suggest that the site-specificity of DNA gyrase may be partly determined by the bendability of the DNA. A 4-bp deletion that interferes with Par function in vivo also reduces the affinity for gyrase in vitro. However, a deletion of par causes little reduction in superhelical density in vivo. We conclude that DNA gyrase, while involved in the Par function, may not affect plasmid stability through its supercoiling activity or by an influence on DNA replication.  相似文献   

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