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The lipid organization in the stratum corneum (SC), plays an important role in the barrier function of the skin. SC lipids form two lamellar phases with a predominantly orthorhombic packing. In previous publications a lipid model was presented, referred to as the stratum corneum substitute (SCS), that closely mimics the SC lipid organization and barrier function. Therefore, the SCS serves as a unique tool to relate lipid organization with barrier function. In the present study we examined the effect of the orthorhombic to hexagonal phase transition on the barrier function of human SC and SCS. In addition, the SCS was modified by changing the free fatty acid composition, resulting in a hexagonal packing and perturbed lamellar organization. By measuring the permeability to benzoic acid as function of temperature, Arrhenius plots were constructed from which activation energies were calculated. The results suggest that the change from orthorhombic to hexagonal packing in human SC and SCS, does not have an effect on the permeability. However, the modified SCS revealed an increased permeability to benzoic acid, which we related to its perturbed lamellar organization. Thus, a proper lamellar organization is more crucial for a competent barrier function than the presence of an orthorhombic lateral packing.  相似文献   

The basic concept of the fluid-mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson, an essential point of which is that the membrane proteins are floating in a sea of excess lipid molecules organized in the lipid bilayer, may be misleading in understanding the movement of membrane components in biological membranes that show distinct domain structure. It seems that the lipid bilayer is an active factor in forming the membrane structure, and the lipid composition is responsible for the presence of domains in the membrane. The main role in the process of domain formation is played by cholesterol and sphingolipids. The results presented here show that in a binary mixture of cholesterol and unsaturated phospholipids, cholesterol is segregated out from the bulk unsaturated liquid-crystalline phase. This forms cholesterol-enriched domains or clustered cholesterol domains due to the lateral nonconformability between the rigid planar ring structure of cholesterol and the rigid bend of the unsaturated alkyl chain at double bond position. These cholesterol-enriched domains may be stabilized by the presence of saturated alkyl chains of sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids, and also by specific proteins which selectively locate in these domains and stabilize them as a result of protein-protein interaction. Such lipid domains are called "rafts" and have been shown to be responsible both for signal transduction to and from the cell and for protein sorting. We also looked at whether polar carotenoids, compounds showing some similarities to cholesterol and affecting membrane properties in a similar way, would also promote domain formation and locate preferentially in one of the lipid phases. Our preliminary data show that in the presence of cholesterol, lutein (a polar carotenoid) may segregate out from saturated lipid regions (liquid-ordered phase) and accumulate in the regions rich in unsaturated phospholipids forming carotenoid-rich domains there. Conventional and pulse EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spin labeling techniques were employed to assess the molecular organization and dynamics of the raft-constituent molecules and of the raft itself in the membrane.  相似文献   

Invasions of freshwater habitats by marine and brackish species have become more frequent in recent years with many of those species originating from the Ponto‐Caspian region. Populations of Ponto‐Caspian species have successfully established in the North and Baltic Seas and their adjoining rivers, as well as in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River region. To determine if Ponto‐Caspian taxa more readily acclimatize to and colonize diverse salinity habitats than taxa from other regions, we conducted laboratory experiments on 22 populations of eight gammarid species native to the Ponto‐Caspian, Northern European and Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River regions. In addition, we conducted a literature search to survey salinity ranges of these species worldwide. Finally, to explore evolutionary relationships among examined species and their populations, we sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from individuals used for our experiments. Our study revealed that all tested populations tolerate wide ranges of salinity, however, different patterns arose among species from different regions. Ponto‐Caspian taxa showed lower mortality in fresh water, while Northern European taxa showed lower mortality in fully marine conditions. Genetic analyses showed evolutionary divergence among species from different regions. Due to the geological history of the two regions, as well as high tolerance of Ponto‐Caspian species to fresh water, whereas Northern European species are more tolerant of fully marine conditions, we suggest that species originating from the Ponto‐Caspian and Northern European regions may be adapted to freshwater and marine environments, respectively. Consequently, the perception that Ponto‐Caspian species are more successful colonizers might be biased by the fact that areas with highest introduction frequency of NIS (i.e., shipping ports) are environmentally variable habitats which often include freshwater conditions that cannot be tolerated by euryhaline taxa of marine origin.  相似文献   

Matsuno K  Paton RC 《Bio Systems》2000,55(1-3):39-46
This paper briefly considers the notion of a biology of quantum information from a number of complementary points of view. We begin with a very brief look at some of the biomolecular systems that are thought to exploit quantum mechanical effects and then turn to the issue of measurement in these systems and the concomitant generation of information. This leads us to look at the internalist stance and the exchange interaction of quantum particles. We suggest that exchange interaction can also be viewed using ecological ideas related to apparatus-object. This can also help develop the important notion of complementarity in biosystems in relation to the nature and generation of information at the microphysical scale.  相似文献   

A common, long‐held belief is that metabolic rate drives the rates of various biological, ecological and evolutionary processes. Although this metabolic pacemaker view (as assumed by the recent, influential ‘metabolic theory of ecology’) may be true in at least some situations (e.g. those involving moderate temperature effects or physiological processes closely linked to metabolism, such as heartbeat and breathing rate), it suffers from several major limitations, including: (i) it is supported chiefly by indirect, correlational evidence (e.g. similarities between the body‐size and temperature scaling of metabolic rate and that of other biological processes, which are not always observed) – direct, mechanistic or experimental support is scarce and much needed; (ii) it is contradicted by abundant evidence showing that various intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g. hormonal action and temperature changes) can dissociate the rates of metabolism, growth, development and other biological processes; (iii) there are many examples where metabolic rate appears to respond to, rather than drive the rates of various other biological processes (e.g. ontogenetic growth, food intake and locomotor activity); (iv) there are additional examples where metabolic rate appears to be unrelated to the rate of a biological process (e.g. ageing, circadian rhythms, and molecular evolution); and (v) the theoretical foundation for the metabolic pacemaker view focuses only on the energetic control of biological processes, while ignoring the importance of informational control, as mediated by various genetic, cellular, and neuroendocrine regulatory systems. I argue that a comprehensive understanding of the pace of life must include how biological activities depend on both energy and information and their environmentally sensitive interaction. This conclusion is supported by extensive evidence showing that hormones and other regulatory factors and signalling systems coordinate the processes of growth, metabolism and food intake in adaptive ways that are responsive to an organism's internal and external conditions. Metabolic rate does not merely dictate growth rate, but is coadjusted with it. Energy and information use are intimately intertwined in living systems: biological signalling pathways both control and respond to the energetic state of an organism. This review also reveals that we have much to learn about the temporal structure of the pace of life. Are its component processes highly integrated and synchronized, or are they loosely connected and often discordant? And what causes the level of coordination that we see? These questions are of great theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

Despite strict regulation and a clean safety record, research and development of genetically modified (GM) crops and other organisms has been confronted with tremendous public hostility. Why has this happened, and how can scientists try to guide the debate into more rational channels? The answers may determine the future of GM technology and our ability to provide for a growing world population.  相似文献   

Convertase has homology with carboxylesterases, but its substrate(s) is not known. Accordingly, we determined whether dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), the major phospholipid in surfactant, was a substrate for convertase. We measured [(3)H]choline release during cycling of the heavy subtype containing [(3)H]choline-labeled DPPC with convertase, phospholipases A(2), B, C, and D, liver esterase, and elastase. Cycling with liver esterase or peanut or cabbage phospholipase D produced the characteristic profile of heavy and light peaks observed on cycling with convertase. In contrast, phospholipases A(2), B, and C and yeast phospholipase D produced a broad band of radioactivity across the gradient without distinct peaks. [(3)H]choline was released when natural surfactant containing [(3)H]choline-labeled DPPC was cycled with yeast phospholipase D but not with convertase or peanut and cabbage phospholipases D. Similarly, yeast phospholipase D hydrolyzed [(3)H]choline from [(3)H]choline-labeled DPPC after incubation in vitro, whereas convertase, liver esterase, or peanut and cabbage phospholipases D did not. Thus convertase, liver esterase, and plant phospholipases D did not hydrolyze choline from DPPC either on cycling or during incubation with enzyme in vitro. In conclusion, conversion of heavy to light subtype of surfactant by convertase may require a phospholipase D type hydrolysis of phospholipids, but the substrate in this reaction is not DPPC.  相似文献   

Xu W  Huang J  Li B  Li J  Wang Y 《Cell research》2008,18(4):472-478
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a major group of plant hormones that regulate plant growth and development. BRI1, a protein localized to the plasma membrane, functions as a BR receptor and it has been proposed that its kinase activity has an essential role in BR-regulated plant growth and development. Here we report the isolation and molecular characterization of a new allele of bri1, bri1-301, which shows moderate morphological phenotypes and a reduced response to BRs under normal growth conditions. Sequence analysis identified a two-base alteration from GG to AT, resulting in a conversion of 989G to 989I in the BRI1 kinase domain. An in vitro assay of kinase activity showed that bri1-301 has no detectable autophosphorylation activity or phosphorylation activity towards the BRI1 substrates TTL and BAK1. Furthermore, our results suggest that bri1-301, even with extremely impaired kinase activity, still retains partial function in regulating plant growth and development, which raises the question of whether BRI1 kinase activity is essential for BR-mediated growth and development in higher plants.  相似文献   

Animals can learn about the value of resources and predation risk by exploring novel environments or exploring novel stimuli in their regular environments. Still, there is a disconnect in the way that exploration has been defined and measured; exploration is defined in terms of information acquisition, while measured in terms of movement speed and diversity of contacted items in a novel environment. If exploration is indeed a measurement of information gathering, fast explorers should seek to reduce uncertainty about their environment more than slow explorers. Exploration speed has also been linked to behavioral plasticity, where fast explorers move fast but collect less detailed information, thereby forming routines and expressing less plasticity than slow explorers. We test these two hypotheses by comparing exploration in a novel environment to individuals' attraction to novelty and behavioral plasticity. Our results support the view that exploration is a measurement of information-gathering tendencies as fast explorers were more likely to collect novel information, which should reduce uncertainty further than sampling familiar information sources, compared with slower explorers. Furthermore, faster explorers switched to sampling novel information more quickly than slow explorers when the value of the familiar option decreased, opposing the widely held view that faster explorers present more routine-like behavior. By providing familiar and novel foraging options in close spatial contiguity, we demonstrate an attraction to novelty in faster explorers that cannot be confounded by activity rate, thereby suggesting that these individuals seek to reduce uncertainty. In conclusion, our results support the biological validity of the term “exploration” through its association with information gathering.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenases catalyze peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids containing the 1-cis, 4-cis pentadiene structure. Linoleic (18:2), linolenic (18:3), and arachidonic (20:4) acids are the predominant substrates for this class of enzymes. Effects of 15-lipoxygenase on the hydrolysis of adenosine 5'-triphosphate were investigated in vitro using soybean lipoxygenase and adenosine 5'-[gamma-32P]triphosphate. The amount of inorganic phosphate released from adenosine 5'-triphosphate was dependent upon enzyme as well as substrate concentrations, pH, and the duration of incubation. The ATPase activity with a Vmax value of 3.3 mumol.mg protein-1.h-1 and a Km value of 5.9 mM was noted in the presence of different concentrations of ATP at pH = 7.4. Phenidone, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, had no effect on this reaction. These findings suggest that soybean lipoxygenase catalyzes the release of inorganic phosphate from ATP primarily via hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, is a highly allergenic North American plant that has become invasive in some parts of Europe, Asia and Australia following its introduction to many places in the world. Some earlier works suggested that a microcyclic autoecious rust fungus, Puccinia xanthii, known to infect A. artemisiifolia in the USA only, can be considered as a potential classical biocontrol agent (BCA) of this noxious weed in Europe and elsewhere. However, an extensive field survey did not reveal the presence of either P. xanthii or any other rusts on common ragweed in 14 US states and two Canadian provinces in 2002 and 2003. Moreover, P. xanthii infecting A. artemisiifolia has never been recorded in Canada, although it is known to occur on A. trifida and Xanthium spp. there. Nevertheless, herbarium specimens collected between 1855 and 1963 in five states of the USA confirmed the presence of P. xanthii on A. artemisiifolia. It is concluded that currently P. xanthii cannot be regarded as a promising BCA of A. artemisiifolia, although it did occur on common ragweed at least a few decades ago in the USA and some forms of this rust species have already been evaluated as effective BCAs of Xanthium in Australia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether a booklet given to patients being discharged from hospital giving details of their admission and treatment increased their knowledge and recall when reviewed in outpatient clinics. DESIGN--Patients alternately allocated to receive a booklet or to serve as controls. Assessment by a questionnaire at first attendance at outpatient clinic after discharge. Data were collected over nine months. SETTING--One general medical and cardiological ward in a large teaching hospital and associated outpatient clinics. PATIENTS--One hundred and thirty one patients discharged taking at least one drug and scheduled to return to clinic within 12 weeks. Patients stratified by age and by the number of weeks between discharge and outpatient appointment. INTERVENTION--A booklet was given to 65 patients at discharge from the ward; 66 patients served as controls. MAIN RESULTS--Of the patients who received the booklet, 56 (86%) knew the names of their drugs, 62 (95%) the frequency of the dose, and 55 (85%) the reasons for taking each drug. The numbers in the control group were 31 (47%), 38 (58%), and 28 (42%) respectively. These differences were highly significant (p less than 0.001). Twenty six (40%) who received the booklet brought all their drugs to clinic compared with 12 (18%) control patients. Appreciably more of the first group of patients than control patients knew the reason they had been in hospital, and more of the first group indicated that they would take the correct action when their prescribed drugs ran out. Most general practitioners thought that the booklet was a good idea, that it was helpful, and that it was better than the existing interim discharge letter. CONCLUSIONS--Giving patients an information booklet at discharge from hospital appreciably increased the accuracy and thoroughness of their recall of important medical details concerning their illness and its treatment. The booklet was shown to be feasible, helpful in the outpatient clinic, and preferred by most general practitioners.  相似文献   

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