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M Ruegger  C Chapple 《Genetics》2001,159(4):1741-1749
The products of phenylpropanoid metabolism in Arabidopsis include the three fluorescent sinapate esters sinapoylglucose, sinapoylmalate, and sinapoylcholine. The sinapoylmalate that accumulates in cotyledons and leaves causes these organs to appear blue-green under ultraviolet (UV) illumination. To find novel genes acting in phenylpropanoid metabolism, Arabidopsis seedlings were screened under UV for altered fluorescence phenotypes caused by changes in sinapoylmalate content. This screen identified recessive mutations at four Reduced Epidermal Fluorescence (REF) loci that reduced leaf sinapoylmalate content. Further analyses showed that the ref mutations affected other aspects of phenylpropanoid metabolism and some led to perturbations in normal plant development. A second class of mutations at the Bright Trichomes 1 (BRT1) locus leads to modest reductions in sinapate ester content; however, the most notable phenotype of brt1 mutants is the development of hyperfluorescent trichomes that appear to contain elevated levels of sinapate esters when compared to the wild type. These results indicate that at least five new loci affecting the developmentally regulated accumulation of phenylpropanoid secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis, and the cell specificity of their distribution, have been identified by screening for altered UV fluorescence phenotypes.  相似文献   

Inherited and isolated nail malformations are rare and heterogeneous conditions. We identified two consanguineous pedigrees in which some family members were affected by isolated nail dysplasia that suggested an autosomal-recessive inheritance pattern and was characterized by claw-shaped nails, onychauxis, and onycholysis. Genome-wide SNP array analysis of affected individuals from both families showed an overlapping and homozygous region of 800 kb on the long arm of chromosome 8. The candidate region spans eight genes, and DNA sequence analysis revealed homozygous nonsense and missense mutations in FZD(6), the gene encoding Frizzled 6. FZD(6) belongs to a family of highly conserved membrane-bound WNT receptors involved in developmental processes and differentiation through several signaling pathways. We expressed the FZD(6) missense mutation and observed a quantitative shift in subcellular distribution from the plasma membrane to the lysosomes, where the receptor is inaccessible for signaling and presumably degraded. Analysis of human fibroblasts homozygous for the nonsense mutation showed an aberrant response to both WNT-3A and WNT-5A stimulation; this response was consistent with an effect on both canonical and noncanonical WNT-FZD signaling. A detailed analysis of the Fzd(6)(-/-) mice, previously shown to have an altered hair pattern, showed malformed claws predominantly of the hind limbs. Furthermore, a transient Fdz6 mRNA expression was observed in the epidermis of the digital tips at embryonic day 16.5 during early claw morphogenesis. Thus, our combined results show that FZD6 mutations can result in severe defects in nail and claw formation through reduced or abolished membranous FZD(6) levels and several nonfunctional WNT-FZD pathways.  相似文献   

Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (ECCL) is a sporadic condition characterized by ocular, cutaneous, and central nervous system anomalies. Key clinical features include a well-demarcated hairless fatty nevus on the scalp, benign ocular tumors, and central nervous system lipomas. Seizures, spasticity, and intellectual disability can be present, although affected individuals without seizures and with normal intellect have also been reported. Given the patchy and asymmetric nature of the malformations, ECCL has been hypothesized to be due to a post-zygotic, mosaic mutation. Despite phenotypic overlap with several other disorders associated with mutations in the RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT pathways, the molecular etiology of ECCL remains unknown. Using exome sequencing of DNA from multiple affected tissues from five unrelated individuals with ECCL, we identified two mosaic mutations, c.1638C>A (p.Asn546Lys) and c.1966A>G (p.Lys656Glu) within the tyrosine kinase domain of FGFR1, in two affected individuals each. These two residues are the most commonly mutated residues in FGFR1 in human cancers and are associated primarily with CNS tumors. Targeted resequencing of FGFR1 in multiple tissues from an independent cohort of individuals with ECCL identified one additional individual with a c.1638C>A (p.Asn546Lys) mutation in FGFR1. Functional studies of ECCL fibroblast cell lines show increased levels of phosphorylated FGFRs and phosphorylated FRS2, a direct substrate of FGFR1, as well as constitutive activation of RAS-MAPK signaling. In addition to identifying the molecular etiology of ECCL, our results support the emerging overlap between mosaic developmental disorders and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Despite considerable reduction of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV through use of maternal and infant antiretroviral therapy (ART), over 150,000 infants continue to become infected with HIV annually, falling far short of the World Health Organization goal of reaching <20,000 annual pediatric HIV cases worldwide by 2020. Prior to the widespread use of ART in the setting of pregnancy, over half of infants born to HIV-infected mothers were protected against HIV acquisition. Yet, the role of maternal immune factors in this protection against vertical transmission is still unclear, hampering the development of synergistic strategies to further reduce MTCT. It has been established that infant transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses are often resistant to maternal plasma, yet it is unknown if the neutralization resistance profile of circulating viruses predicts the maternal risk of transmission to her infant. In this study, we amplified HIV-1 envelope genes (env) by single genome amplification and produced representative Env variants from plasma of 19 non-transmitting mothers from the U.S. Women Infant Transmission Study (WITS), enrolled in the pre-ART era. Maternal HIV Env variants from non-transmitting mothers had similar sensitivity to autologous plasma as observed for non-transmitting variants from transmitting mothers. In contrast, infant variants were on average 30% less sensitive to paired plasma neutralization compared to non-transmitted maternal variants from both transmitting and non-transmitting mothers (p = 0.015). Importantly, a signature sequence analysis revealed that motifs enriched in env sequences from transmitting mothers were associated with broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) resistance. Altogether, our findings suggest that circulating maternal virus resistance to bnAb-mediated neutralization, but not autologous plasma neutralization, near the time of delivery, predicts increased MTCT risk. These results caution that enhancement of maternal plasma neutralization through passive or active vaccination during pregnancy may potentially drive the evolution of variants fit for vertical transmission.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) comprises a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous diseases that affect the upper motor neurons and their axonal projections. For the novel SPG31 locus on chromosome 2p12, we identified six different mutations in the receptor expression-enhancing protein 1 gene (REEP1). REEP1 mutations occurred in 6.5% of the patients with HSP in our sample, making it the third-most common HSP gene. We show that REEP1 is widely expressed and localizes to mitochondria, which underlines the importance of mitochondrial function in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Activating FGFR3 germline mutations cause skeletal dysplasia and craniosynostosis syndromes. Somatic FGFR3 mutations have been identified in several cancer entities such as urothelial carcinoma and multiple myeloma. Recently, the same FGFR3 mutations known from skeletal dysplasia syndromes and urothelial carcinoma have been shown to cause benign human skin tumors such as seborrheic keratoses and epidermal nevi. The underlying mechanisms for the somatic FGFR3 mutations in the epidermis are unknown so far, as well as details of the involved signaling pathways in the mutant keratinocytes leading to the formation of acanthotic skin tumors. Herein we discuss potential mechanisms and functional consequences of activating FGFR3 mutations in human skin. Further studies are required to provide insights in the pathogenesis of benign skin tumors caused by FGFR3 mutations. These studies will add to new non-invasive therapeutical strategies for benign acanthotic skin tumors in dermatology.  相似文献   

Congenital cataracts (CCs), responsible for about one-third of blindness in infants, are a major cause of vision loss in children worldwide. Autosomal-recessive congenital cataracts (arCC) form a clinically diverse and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders of the crystalline lens. To identify the genetic cause of arCC in consanguineous Pakistani families, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis and fine mapping and identified linkage to 3p21-p22 with a summed LOD score of 33.42. Mutations in the gene encoding FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1 (FYCO1), a PI(3)P-binding protein family member that is associated with the exterior of autophagosomes and mediates microtubule plus-end-directed vesicle transport, were identified in 12 Pakistani families and one Arab Israeli family in which arCC had previously been mapped to the overlapping CATC2 region. Nine different mutations were identified, including c.3755 delC (p.Ala1252AspfsX71), c.3858_3862dupGGAAT (p.Leu1288TrpfsX37), c.1045 C>T (p.Gln349X), c.2206C>T (p.Gln736X), c.2761C>T (p.Arg921X), c.2830C>T (p.Arg944X), c.3150+1 G>T, c.4127T>C (p.Leu1376Pro), and c.1546C>T (p.Gln516X). Fyco1 is expressed in the mouse embryonic and adult lens and peaks at P12d. Expressed mutant proteins p.Leu1288TrpfsX37 and p.Gln736X are truncated on immunoblots. Wild-type and p.L1376P FYCO1, the only missense mutant identified, migrate at the expected molecular mass. Both wild-type and p. Leu1376Pro FYCO1 proteins expressed in human lens epithelial cells partially colocalize to microtubules and are found adjacent to Golgi, but they primarily colocalize to autophagosomes. Thus, FYCO1 is involved in lens development and transparency in humans, and mutations in this gene are one of the most common causes of arCC in the Pakistani population.  相似文献   

Hereditary hearing impairment is an extremely heterogeneous trait, with more than 70 identified loci. Only two of these loci are associated with an auditory phenotype that predominantly affects the low frequencies (DFNA1 and DFNA6/14). In this study, we have completed mutation screening of the WFS1 gene in eight autosomal dominant families and twelve sporadic cases in which affected persons have low-frequency sensorineural hearing impairment (LFSNHI). Mutations in this gene are known to be responsible for Wolfram syndrome or DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness), which is an autosomal recessive trait. We have identified seven missense mutations and a single amino acid deletion affecting conserved amino acids in six families and one sporadic case, indicating that mutations in WFS1 are a major cause of inherited but not sporadic low-frequency hearing impairment. Among the ten WFS1 mutations reported in LFSNHI, none is expected to lead to premature protein truncation, and nine cluster in the C-terminal protein domain. In contrast, 64% of the Wolfram syndrome mutations are inactivating. Our results indicate that only non-inactivating mutations in WFS1 are responsible for non-syndromic low-frequency hearing impairment.  相似文献   

Three adult patients with acid beta-galactosidase deficiency/GM1 gangliosidosis who were from two unrelated families of Scandinavian descent were found to share a common point mutation in the coding region of the corresponding gene. The patients share common clinical features, including early dysarthria, mild ataxia, and bone abnormalities. When cDNA from the two patients in family 1 was PCR amplified and sequenced, most (39/41) of the clones showed a C-to-T transition (C-->T) at nucleotide 245 (counting from the initiation codon). This mutation changes the codon for Thr(ACG) to Met(ATG). Mutant and normal sequences were also found in that position in genomic DNA, indicating the presence of another mutant allele. Genomic DNA from the patient in family 2 revealed the same point mutation in one allele. It was determined that in each family only the father carried the C-->T mutation. Expression studies showed that this mutation produced 3%-4% of beta-galactosidase activity, confirming its deleterious effects. The cDNA clones from the patients in family 1 that did not contain the C-->T revealed a 20-bp insertion of intronic sequence between nucleotides 75 and 76, the location of the first intron. Further analysis showed the insertion of a T near the 5' splice donor site which led to the use of a cryptic splice site. It appears that the C-->T mutation results in enough functional enzyme to produce a mild adult form of the disease, even in the presence of a second mutation that likely produces nonfunctional enzyme.  相似文献   

N-terminal acetylation of proteins is a widespread and highly conserved process. Aminoacylase 1 (ACY1; EC 3.5.14) is the most abundant of the aminoacylases, a class of enzymes involved in hydrolysis of N-acetylated proteins. Here, we present four children with genetic deficiency of ACY1. They were identified through organic acid analyses using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, revealing increased urinary excretion of several N-acetylated amino acids, including the derivatives of methionine, glutamic acid, alanine, leucine, glycine, valine, and isoleucine. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of urine samples detected a distinct pattern of N-acetylated metabolites, consistent with ACY1 dysfunction. Functional analyses of patients' lymphoblasts demonstrated ACY1 deficiency. Mutation analysis uncovered recessive loss-of-function or missense ACY1 mutations in all four individuals affected. We conclude that ACY1 mutations in these children led to functional ACY1 deficiency and excretion of N-acetylated amino acids. Questions remain, however, as to the clinical significance of ACY1 deficiency. The ACY1-deficient individuals were ascertained through urine metabolic screening because of unspecific psychomotor delay (one subject), psychomotor delay with atrophy of the vermis and syringomyelia (one subject), marked muscular hypotonia (one subject), and follow-up for early treated biotinidase deficiency and normal clinical findings (one subject). Because ACY1 is evolutionarily conserved in fish, frog, mouse, and human and is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) in human, a role in CNS function or development is conceivable but has yet to be demonstrated. Thus, at this point, we cannot state whether ACY1 deficiency has pathogenic significance with pleiotropic clinical expression or is simply a biochemical variant. Awareness of this new genetic entity may help both in delineating its clinical significance and in avoiding erroneous diagnoses.  相似文献   

The human disorders of peroxisome biogenesis (PBDs) are subdivided into 12 complementation groups (CGs). CG8 is one of the more common of these and is associated with varying phenotypes, ranging from the most severe, Zellweger syndrome (ZS), to the milder neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD) and infantile Refsum disease (IRD). PEX26, encoding the 305-amino-acid membrane peroxin, has been shown to be deficient in CG8. We studied the PEX26 genotype in fibroblasts of eight CG8 patients--four with the ZS phenotype, two with NALD, and two with IRD. Catalase was mostly cytosolic in all these cell lines, but import of the proteins that contained PTS1, the SKL peroxisome targeting sequence, was normal. Expression of PEX26 reestablished peroxisomes in all eight cell lines, confirming that PEX26 defects are pathogenic in CG8 patients. When cells were cultured at 30 degrees C, catalase import was restored in the cell lines from patients with the NALD and IRD phenotypes, but to a much lesser extent in those with the ZS phenotype, indicating that temperature sensitivity varied inversely with the severity of the clinical phenotype. Several types of mutations were identified, including homozygous G89R mutations in two patients with ZS. Expression of these PEX26 mutations in pex26 Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in cell phenotypes similar to those in the human cell lines. These findings confirm that the degree of temperature sensitivity in pex26 cell lines is predictive of the clinical phenotype in patients with PEX26 deficiency.  相似文献   

It is known that FGFR2 gene variations confer a risk for breast cancer. FGFR2 and FGF10, the main ligand of FGFR2, are both overexpressed in 5–10% of breast tumors. In our study, we sequenced the most important coding regions of FGFR2 in somatic tumor tissue of 140 sporadic breast cancer patients and performed MLPA analysis to detect copy number variations in FGFR2 and FGF10. We identified one somatic heterozygous missense mutation, p.K660N (c.1980G>C), within the tyrosine kinase domain of FGFR2 in tumor tissue of a sporadic breast cancer patient, which is likely mediated by the FGFR2-IIIb isoform. The presence of wild type and mutated alleles in equal quantities suggests that the mutation has driven clonal amplification of mutant cells. We have analyzed the tyrosine kinase activity of p.K660N and another recently described somatic breast cancer mutation in FGFR2, p.R203C, after expression in HEK293 cells and demonstrated that the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of both mutant proteins is strongly increased resulting in elevated phosphorylation and activity of downstream effectors. To our knowledge, this is the first report of functional analysis of somatic breast cancer mutations in FGFR2 providing evidence for the activating nature of FGFR2-mediated signalling in the pathogenesis of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations in LPIN1 cause recurrent acute myoglobinuria in childhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recurrent episodes of life-threatening myoglobinuria in childhood are caused by inborn errors of glycogenolysis, mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation, and oxidative phosphorylation. Nonetheless, approximately half of the patients do not suffer from a defect in any of these pathways. Using homozygosity mapping, we identified six deleterious mutations in the LPIN1 gene in patients who presented at 2-7 years of age with recurrent, massive rhabdomyolysis. The LPIN1 gene encodes the muscle-specific phosphatidic acid phosphatase, a key enzyme in triglyceride and membrane phospholipid biosynthesis. Of six individuals who developed statin-induced myopathy, one was a carrier for Glu769Gly, a pathogenic mutation in the LPIN1 gene. Analysis of phospholipid content disclosed accumulation of phosphatidic acid and lysophospholipids in muscle tissue of the more severe genotype. Mutations in the LPIN1 gene cause recurrent rhabdomyolysis in childhood, and a carrier state may predispose for statin-induced myopathy.  相似文献   

Mutations in ANKH cause chondrocalcinosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Chondrocalcinosis (CC) is a common cause of joint pain and arthritis that is caused by the deposition of calcium-containing crystals within articular cartilage. Although most cases are sporadic, rare familial forms have been linked to human chromosomes 8 (CCAL1) or 5p (CCAL2) (Baldwin et al. 1995; Hughes et al. 1995; Andrew et al. 1999). Here, we show that two previously described families with CCAL2 have mutations in the human homolog of the mouse progressive ankylosis gene (ANKH). One of the human mutations results in the substitution of a highly conserved amino acid residue within a predicted transmembrane segment. The other creates a new ATG start site that adds four additional residues to the ANKH protein. Both mutations segregate completely with disease status and are not found in control subjects. In addition, 1 of 95 U.K. patients with sporadic CC showed a deletion of a single codon in the ANKH gene. The same change was found in a sister who had bilateral knee replacement for osteoarthritis. Each of the three human mutations was reconstructed in a full-length ANK expression construct previously shown to regulate pyrophosphate levels in cultured cells in vitro. All three of the human mutations showed significantly more activity than a previously described nonsense mutation that causes severe hydroxyapatite mineral deposition and widespread joint ankylosis in mice. These results suggest that small sequence changes in ANKH are one cause of CC and joint disease in humans. Increased ANK activity may explain the different types of crystals commonly deposited in human CCAL2 families and mutant mice and may provide a useful pharmacological target for treating some forms of human CC.  相似文献   

Recent advances in DNA sequencing have enabled mapping of genes for monogenic traits in families with small pedigrees and even in unrelated cases. We report the identification of disease-causing mutations in a rare, severe, skeletal dysplasia, studying a family of two healthy unrelated parents and two affected children using whole-exome sequencing. The two affected daughters have clinical and radiographic features suggestive of anauxetic dysplasia (OMIM 607095), a rare form of dwarfism caused by mutations of RMRP. However, mutations of RMRP were excluded in this family by direct sequencing. Our studies identified two novel compound heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in POP1, which encodes a core component of the RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (RNase MRP) complex that directly interacts with the RMRP RNA domains that are affected in anauxetic dysplasia. We demonstrate that these mutations impair the integrity and activity of this complex and that they impair cell proliferation, providing likely molecular and cellular mechanisms by which POP1 mutations cause this severe skeletal dysplasia.  相似文献   

Resistance (R) proteins in plants confer specificity to the innate immune system. Most R proteins have a centrally located NB-ARC (nucleotide-binding adaptor shared by APAF-1, R proteins, and CED-4) domain. For two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) R proteins, I-2 and Mi-1, we have previously shown that this domain acts as an ATPase module that can hydrolyze ATP in vitro. To investigate the role of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis for the function of I-2 in planta, specific mutations were introduced in conserved motifs of the NB-ARC domain. Two mutations resulted in autoactivating proteins that induce a pathogen-independent hypersensitive response upon expression in planta. These mutant forms of I-2 were found to be impaired in ATP hydrolysis, but not in ATP binding, suggesting that the ATP- rather than the ADP-bound state of I-2 is the active form that triggers defense signaling. In addition, upon ADP binding, the protein displayed an increased affinity for ADP suggestive of a change of conformation. Based on these data, we propose that the NB-ARC domain of I-2, and likely of related R proteins, functions as a molecular switch whose state (on/off) depends on the nucleotide bound (ATP/ADP).  相似文献   

The analysis of Arabidopsis mutants deficient in the A, B, D, and E phytochromes has revealed that each of these phytochrome isoforms has both distinct and overlapping roles throughout plant photomorphogenesis. Although overexpression studies of phytochrome C (phyC) have suggested photomorphogenic roles for this receptor, conclusive evidence of function has been lacking as a result of the absence of mutants in the PHYC locus. Here, we describe the isolation of a T-DNA insertion mutant of phyC (phyC-1), the subsequent creation of mutant lines deficient in multiple phytochrome combinations, and the physiological characterization of these lines. In addition to operating as a weak red light sensor, phyC may perform a significant role in the modulation of other photoreceptors. phyA and phyC appear to act redundantly to modulate the phyB-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in red light and to function together to regulate rosette leaf morphology. In addition, phyC performs a significant role in the modulation of blue light sensing. Several of these phenotypes are supported by the parallel analysis of a quadruple mutant deficient in phytochromes A, B, D, and E, which thus contains only active phyC. Together, these data suggest that phyC has multiple functions throughout plant development that may include working as a coactivator with other phytochromes and the cryptochrome blue light receptors.  相似文献   

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