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The single-strand specific nuclease S1 from Aspergillus oryzae (EC was purified 600-fold in 16% yield from dried mycelia. Determination of the isoelectric point of S1 nuclease as 4.3-4.4 allowed adjustment of chromatographic conditions such that the enzyme was isolated free of contaminating ribonucleases T1 and T2. S1 nuclease so purified was used for removal of single-stranded portions from the RNA of the Escherichia coli phage MS2, which has a helical content of about 65% in vitro. At 23 degrees, increasing amounts of enzyme converted the RNA to mononucleotides in about equimolar base ratios. No small intermediates of chain length 2-8 were found. At 0 degrees, MS2 RNA hydrolysis was slower and reached, in exhaustive digests, a plateau where 70% of the substrate RNA remained insoluble in 66% EtOH. With [32P]MS2 RNA, strip chart counting of 6% acrylamide-6 M urea electrophoresis patterns of such digests gave recoveries of 80-91% in the form of defined oligomer bands. On 2.5% acrylamide-0.5% agarose gels, the molecular weights of the major oligomers were found to range from 25,000 to 41,000. Similar to purified tRNAArg used as a control, these oligomers were not resistant to pancreatic RNase-RNase T1 hydrolysis at 37 degrees, and were not bound on hydroxylapatite at 50 degrees in 0.14 M sodium phosphate (pH 6.8). Melting of the oligomers gave complex profiles without a clear Tm and showed an increase in A260 of 35% at 93 degrees over that at 28 degrees. Upon formaldehyde denaturation of MS2 RNA prior to S1 nuclease hydrolysis, no resistant oligomers were found.  相似文献   

A helix-destabilizing protein, HD40 (Mr 40,000), isolated from the cytoplasm of Artemia salina (Marvil, D.K., Nowak, L., and Szer, W. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 6466-6472) stoichiometrically disrupts the secondary structures of synthetic single-stranded and helical polynucleotides (e.g. poly(rA), poly(dA), poly(rC), poly(dC), and poly(rU)) as well as those of natural polynucleotides (e.g. MS2 RNA and phi X174 viral DNA). The conformations of double-stranded DNA and double- or triple-stranded synthetic polynucleotides are not affected by the protein. Formation of duplexes, e.g. poly(rA . rU), is prevented by HD40 at 25 to 50 mM but not at 100 to 140 mM NaCl. The unwinding of the residual secondary structure of RNA and DNA by HD40 is not highly cooperative and has a stoichiometry of one HD40 per 12 to 15 nucleotides. The addition of HD40 in excess of 1 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides results in the cooperative formation of distinct bead-like structures along the nucleic acid strand. The beads are about 20 nm in diameter with a center to center distance of about 40 nm. The appearance of the beads is not accompanied by any spectral changes (CD and UV) beyond those obtained at a stoichiometry of one HD40 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Two single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins mCBP and mCTBP were identified by means of their binding to a potential recombination hotspot in LTRs of mouse retro-transposons. Both are nuclear proteins of 35 and 55 kDa respectively. mCBP binds preferentially to oligo dC, mCTBP to oligo dCdT. mCBP was purified and its cDNA was isolated and sequenced.  相似文献   

The binding of dimethyldiazaperopyrenium dication (1) with nucleosides, nucleotides, and single-stranded polynucleotides has been studied by photophysical methods. It has been shown that 1 may be a potential selective fluorescent probe for A- and/or T-rich polynucleotides. 1 efficiently cleaves oligonucleotides at guanine sites, under illumination with visible light, and therefore may be used as a sequence-specific artificial photonuclease.  相似文献   

p53 has been reported to inhibit the DNA helicase intrinsic to simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen). We found that inhibition is not restricted to T antigen, but also affects several other DNA and RNA helicases. Complexing of the helicases by the p53 protein as a possible inactivation mechanism could be excluded. Instead, the anti-helicase activity can be explained by our finding that p53 binds with high affinity to single-stranded nucleic acids and has a strong DNA.DNA and RNA.RNA annealing activity. We could also show that p53 is able to alter the secondary structure of RNA and/or to influence dynamic RNA-RNA interactions. These results, and the fact that the affinity of p53 to RNA is about one order of magnitude higher than to single-stranded DNA, imply an RNA-specific function of p53 in vivo.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell spread of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is presumed to occur through plant intercellular connections, the plasmodesmata. Viral movement is an active process mediated by a specific virus-encoded P30 protein. P30 has at least two functions, to cooperatively bind single-stranded nucleic acids and to increase plasmodesmatal permeability. Here, we visualized P30 complexes with single-stranded DNA and RNA. These complexes are long, unfolded, and very thin (1.5 to 2.0 nm in diameter). Unlike TMV virions (300 x 18 nm), the complexes are compatible in size with the P30-induced increase in plasmodesmatal permeability (2.4 to 3.1 nm), making them likely candidates for the structures involved in the cell-to-cell movement of TMV. Mutational analysis using single and double deletion mutants of P30 revealed three regions potentially important for the protein function. Amino acid residues 65 to 86 possibly are required for correct folding of the active protein, and the regions between amino acid residues 112 to 185 and 185 to 268 potentially contain two independently active single-stranded nucleic acid binding domains designated binding domains A and B, respectively.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S1 contains in its RNA binding domain four repeating, homologous stretches of sequences. Its functionally active mutant form m1-S1 [Subramanian, A.R., & Mizushima, S. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 4309] contains only three repeating stretches. In order to assess the functional importance of this repeating sequence, we cleaved S1 at its reactive SH group on Cys-349 and isolated a fragment (S1-F4) that has lost two of the homologous stretches but retains all other essential elements. We find that ribosomes reconstituted with S1-F4 instead of S1 are functionally active in translating poly(U) and poly(A) but totally inactive in translating phage MS2 RNA. The significance of this result is discussed vis-à-vis the initiation step in translating natural mRNA, and a functional role for the tetrarepeat of S1 is suggested.  相似文献   

W T Ruyechan  J G Wetmur 《Biochemistry》1976,15(23):5057-5064
The noncooperative binding of the Escherichia coli DNA unwinding protein to single-stranded DNA oligomers has been studied by means of equilibrium dialysis. Dialyses were performed under a number of solution and temperature conditions using oligomers of varying length and base compositions. The results of these studies, which include a Scatchard analysis of the binding, have allowed us to propose a model for the cooperative binding of the protein to single-stranded DNA. The results of experiments dealing with the interaction of the protein with single-stranded RNA are also presented.  相似文献   

The cold shock proteins are evolutionarily conserved nucleic acid-binding proteins. Their eukaryotic homologs are present as cold shock domain (CSD) in Y-box proteins. CSDs too share striking similarity among different organisms and show nucleic acid binding properties. The purpose of the study was to investigate the preferential binding affinity of CSD protein for nucleic acids in Philosamia ricini. We have cloned and sequenced the first cDNA coding for Y-box protein in P. ricini; the sequence has been deposited in GenBank. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analytics further confirmed that the deduced amino acid sequence belongs to the CSD protein family. A comparative study employing molecular docking was performed with P. ricini CSD, human CSD, and bacterial cold shock protein with a range of nucleic acid entities. The results indicate that CSD per se exhibits preferential binding affinity for single-stranded RNA and DNA. Possibly, the flanking N- and C-terminal domains are additionally involved in interactions with dsDNA or in conferring extra stability to CSD for improved binding.  相似文献   

The cold shock proteins are evolutionarily conserved nucleic acid-binding proteins. Their eukaryotic homologs are present as cold shock domain (CSD) in Y-box proteins. CSDs too share striking similarity among different organisms and show nucleic acid binding properties. The purpose of the study was to investigate the preferential binding affinity of CSD protein for nucleic acids in Philosamia ricini. We have cloned and sequenced the first cDNA coding for Y-box protein in P. ricini; the sequence has been deposited in GenBank. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analytics further confirmed that the deduced amino acid sequence belongs to the CSD protein family. A comparative study employing molecular docking was performed with P. ricini CSD, human CSD, and bacterial cold shock protein with a range of nucleic acid entities. The results indicate that CSD per se exhibits preferential binding affinity for single-stranded RNA and DNA. Possibly, the flanking N- and C-terminal domains are additionally involved in interactions with dsDNA or in conferring extra stability to CSD for improved binding.  相似文献   

Cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP) is a small single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein made of seven Zn knuckles and an Arg-Gly rich box. CNBP is strikingly conserved among vertebrates and was reported to play broad-spectrum functions in eukaryotic cells biology. Neither its biological function nor its mechanisms of action were elucidated yet. The main goal of this work was to gain further insights into the CNBP biochemical and molecular features. We studied Bufo arenarum CNBP (bCNBP) binding to single-stranded nucleic acid probes representing the main reported CNBP putative targets. We report that, although bCNBP is able to bind RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) probes in vitro, it binds RNA as a preformed dimer whereas both monomer and dimer are able to bind to ssDNA. A systematic analysis of variant probes shows that the preferred bCNBP targets contain unpaired guanosine-rich stretches. These data expand the knowledge about CNBP binding stoichiometry and begins to dissect the main features of CNBP nucleic acid targets. Besides, we show that bCNBP presents a highly disordered predicted structure and promotes the annealing and melting of nucleic acids in vitro. These features are typical of proteins that function as nucleic acid chaperones. Based on these data, we propose that CNBP may function as a nucleic acid chaperone through binding, remodeling, and stabilizing nucleic acids secondary structures. This novel CNBP biochemical activity broadens the field of study about its biological function and may be the basis to understand the diverse ways in which CNBP controls gene expression.  相似文献   

Structure of the Escherichia coli S10 ribosomal protein operon.   总被引:27,自引:13,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The complete structure of the Escherichia coli S10 ribosomal protein operon is presented. Based on the DNA sequence, the deduced order of the 11 genes in the operon is rpsJ, rplC, rplD, rplW, rplB, rpsS, rplV, rpsC, rplP, rpmC, rpsQ. The estimated transcribed length of the operon is 5181 base pairs. Putative sequences involved in ribosome binding are discussed. The DNA sequence data corrects several errors in previously determined protein sequence data.  相似文献   

Characterization of mammalian heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex protein A1 is reported after large-scale overproduction of the protein in Escherichia coli and purification to homogeneity. A1 is a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein of 320 amino acids and 34,214 Da. The protein has two domains. The NH2-terminal domain is globular, whereas the COOH-terminal domain of about 120 amino acids has low probability of alpha-helix structure and is glycinerich. Nucleic acid binding properties of recombinant A1 were compared with those of recombinant and natural proteins corresponding to the NH2-terminal domain. A1 bound to single-stranded DNA-cellulose with higher affinity than the NH2-terminal domain peptides. Protein-induced fluorescence enhancement was used to measure equilibrium binding properties of the proteins. A1 binding to poly (ethenoadenylate) was cooperative with the intrinsic association constant of 1.5 X 10(5) M-1 at 0.4 M NaCl and a cooperativity parameter of 30. The NH2-terminal domain peptides bound noncooperatively and with a much lower association constant. With these peptides and with intact A1, binding was fully reversed by increasing [NaCl]; yet. A1 binding was much less salt-sensitive than binding by the NH2-terminal domain peptides. A synthetic polypeptide analog of the COOH-terminal domain was prepared and was found to bind tightly to poly-(ethenoadenylate). The results are consistent with the idea that the COOH-terminal domain contributes to A1 binding through both cooperative protein-protein interaction and direct interaction with the nucleic acid.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of ribosomal protein S1.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The proton NMR spectrum of S1 reveals that S1 has considerable tertiary structure in physiological buffers, but more structural flexibility than normal for globular proteins. S1's NMR spectrum is independent of the method of preparation.  相似文献   

Identification of single-stranded regions in Torulopsis utilis 5S RNA was attempted by the use of Nuclease S1, a single-strand specific endonuclease. When T. utilis 5S RNA was subjected to prolonged incubation with Nuclease S1, about 50% of the substrate 5S RNA remained as large oligonucleotide "cores." Such Nuclease S1-resistant fragments were purified and sequenced by column chromatographic procedures. These analyses revealed that regions around positions 12, 40, 57, and 110 are in exposed single-stranded loops at 37 degrees C and that regions around positions 12 and 40 are most exposed at 20 degrees C. These results are compatible with our secondary structure model for T. utilis 5S RNA (Nishikawa & Takemura (1974) J. Biochem. 76, 935-947) except that the 5' part of the molecule (from the region around position 22 to that around position 57) might have a somewhat looser conformation than our secondary structure model suggests. The implications of such results are also discussed in relation to the presumed function of the sequence C-G-A-U-C (around position 40) as one of the recognition sites for initiator tRNA binding on ribosomes.  相似文献   

Binding of the recA gene product from Escherichia coli to single-stranded polynucleotides has been investigated using poly(dA) that have been modified by chloroacetaldehyde to yield fluorescent 1,N6-ethenoadenine (epsilon A) bases. A strong enhancement of the fluorescent quantum yield of poly(d epsilon A) is induced upon RecA protein binding. A 4-fold increase is observed in the absence of ATP or ATP gamma S and a 7-fold increase in the presence of either nucleoside triphosphate. RecA protein can bind to poly(d epsilon A) in the absence of both Mg2+ ions and ATP (or ATP gamma S) but Mg2+ ions are required to observe RecA protein binding in the presence of ATP (or ATP gamma S) at pH 7.5. ATP binding to the RecA-poly(d epsilon A) complex induces a dissociation of RecA from the polynucleotide followed by re-binding of [RecA-ATP-Mg2+] ternary complex. Whereas ATP-induced dissociation of RecA-poly(d epsilon A) complexes is a fast process, the subsequent binding reaction of [RecA-ATP-Mg2+] is slow. A model is proposed whereby [RecA-ATP-Mg2+] binding to poly(d epsilon A) involves slow nucleation and elongation processes along the polynucleotide backbone. The nucleation reaction is shown to involve at least a trimer or a tetramer. Polymerization of the [RecA-ATP-Mg2+] ternary complex stops when the polynucleotide is entirely covered with 6 +/- 1 nucleotides per RecA monomer. ATP hydrolysis then induces a release of RecA-ADP complexes from the polynucleotide template.  相似文献   

The conformation of single-stranded nucleic acids tDNA versus tRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conformational analyses using the single-strand-specific nuclease from mung bean and restriction endonucleases have been performed on a series of DNA fragments related to the sequence of the yeast initiator tRNA(Met). Mung bean nuclease cleaves DNA fragments exclusively in some, but not all, single-stranded regions as predicted by RNA secondary structural rules. Comparison of cleavage patterns of yeast initiator tRNA(Met), tDNA(Met) (a DNA oligomer having the sequence of tRNA(Met] and the anti-tDNA(Met) (the complement of tDNA(Met] suggests that the conformation of the three molecules is very similar. Furthermore, both tDNA and anti-tDNA are cleaved by HhaI and CfoI restriction endonucleases at two GCG/C sites which would be in double-stranded regions (the acceptor and dihydrouridine stem), if the two molecules adopt the tRNA cloverleaf structure. On the other hand, minor cleavage products show that the core region, i.e. the extra loop area, is slightly more exposed in tDNA and in anti-tDNA than in tRNA. Therefore, we submit that the global conformation of nucleic acids is primarily dictated by the interaction of purine and pyrimidine bases with atoms and functional groups common to both RNA and DNA. In this view the 2'-hydroxyl group, in tRNA at least, is an auxiliary structural feature whose role is limited to fostering local interactions, which increase the stability of a given conformation.  相似文献   

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