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We have evaluated the feasibility of using PCR-based mutation screening for non-Jewish enzyme-defined carriers identified through Tay-Sachs disease-prevention programs. Although Tay-Sachs mutations are rare in the general population, non-Jewish individuals may be screened as spouses of Jewish carriers or as relatives of probands. In order to define a panel of alleles that might account for the majority of mutations in non-Jewish carriers, we investigated 26 independent alleles from 20 obligate carriers and 3 affected individuals. Eighteen alleles were represented by 12 previously identified mutations, 7 that were newly identified, and 1 that remains unidentified. We then investigated 46 enzyme-defined carrier alleles: 19 were pseudodeficiency alleles, and five mutations accounted for 15 other alleles. An eighth new mutation was detected among enzyme-defined carriers. Eleven alleles remain unidentified, despite the testing for 23 alleles. Some may represent false positives for the enzyme test. Our results indicate that predominant mutations, other than the two pseudodeficiency alleles (739C-->T and 745C-->T) and one disease allele (IVS9+1G-->A), do not occur in the general population. This suggests that it is not possible to define a collection of mutations that could identify an overwhelming majority of the alleles in non-Jews who may require Tay-Sachs carrier screening. We conclude that determination of carrier status by DNA analysis alone is inefficient because of the large proportion of rare alleles. Notwithstanding the possibility of false positives inherent to enzyme screening, this method remains an essential component of carrier screening in non-Jews. DNA screening can be best used as an adjunct to enzyme testing to exclude known HEXA pseudodeficiency alleles, the IVS9+1G-->A disease allele, and other mutations relevant to the subject's genetic heritage.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant myotonia congenita and autosomal recessive generalized myotonia (GM) are genetic disorders characterized by the symptom of myotonia, which is based on an electrical instability of the muscle fiber membrane. Recently, these two phenotypes have been associated with mutations in the major muscle chloride channel gene CLCN1 on human chromosome 7q35. We have systematically screened the open reading frame of the CLCN1 gene for mutations by SSC analysis (SSCA) in a panel of 24 families and 17 single unrelated patients with human myotonia. By direct sequencing of aberrant SSCA conformers were revealed 15 different mutations in a total of 18 unrelated families and 13 single patients. Of these, 10 were novel (7 missense mutations, 2 mutations leading to frameshift, and 1 mutation predicted to affect normal splicing). In our overall sample of 94 GM chromosomes we were able to detect 48 (51%) mutant GM alleles. Three mutations (F413C), R894X, and a 14-bp deletion in exon 13) account for 32% of the GM chromosomes in the German population. Our finding that A437T is probably a polymorphism is in contrast to a recent report that the recessive phenotype GM is associated with this amino acid change. We also demonstrate that the R894X mutation may act as a recessive or a dominant mutation in the CLCN1 gene, probably depending on the genetic background. Functional expression of the R894X mutant in Xenopus oocytes revealed a large reduction, but not complete abolition, of chloride currents. Further, it had a weak dominant negative effect on wild-type currents in coexpression studies. Reduction of currents predicted for heterozygous carriers are close to the borderline value, which is sufficient to elicit myotonia.  相似文献   

We expressed the skeletal muscle chloride channel, ClC-1, in HEK293 cells and investigated it with the patch-clamp technique. Macroscopic properties are similar to those obtained after expression in Xenopus oocytes, except that faster gating kinetics are observed in mammalian cells. Nonstationary noise analysis revealed that both rat and human ClC-1 have a low single channel conductance of about 1 pS. This finding may explain the lack of single-channel data for chloride channels from skeletal muscle despite its high macroscopic chloride conductance.  相似文献   

The result of a previous study showing an association between mental development and fragile X activity in heterozygous females is given further support by similar investigations of three additional kindreds. The increased frequency of demonstrable fragile X chromosomes in mentally retarded females appears to be due to an increase in the active fragile X while the inactive marker X remains at a similar low frequency in all heterozygotes whether retarded or not. The frequencies of the active fragile X separated the normal and abnormal subjects into two distinct populations. The suggested inverse correlation between the number of lymphocytes with detectable fragile X chromosomes and advancing age can be attributed to ascertainment biases.  相似文献   

Low-conductance chloride channel from skeletal muscle SR vesicles of the crayfish Astacus fluviatilis was incorporated into planar lipid bilayers and its basic characteristics were investigated. The channel has a relatively low unitary conductance of 26 pS in symmetrical 160 mmol/l choline-chloride. The dependence of the channel conductance on Cl- concentration shows saturating behavior with a maximum conductance of 37 pS and an ionic activity for half-maximum conductance Km = 75 mmol/l. The channel exhibits a complex kinetics with several modes of activity. Open state probability slightly decreases with the increasing absolute value of voltage. The channel activity does not appear to be dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions. The channel is effectively inhibited by DIDS, a stilbene derivative. The permeability properties of the channel are similar to the specific behavior of the "double-barrelled" channel from Torpedo electroplax described by Miller and White (1984).  相似文献   

Several mutations have been detected in the genes encoding the gonadotrophin receptors, and their phenotypic effects are observed in sexual differentiation, pubertal development and fertility of the affected individuals. Both activating and inactivating mutations are known for the gonadotrophin receptors. These mutations are rare, but they are very elucidating with respect to the details of gonadotrophin action, as well as clarifying the molecular pathogenesis of certain disorders in the development of reproductive functions. Proper diagnosis of these conditions by molecular biological techniques makes it possible to offer specific treatment for patients and proper counselling for patients and their families.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is essential for prevention of infection in vertebrates and plants and dysfunction of single components of innate immunity may provoke severe disease. Here we describe how mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene dysregulate a variety of components of the innate immune system in individuals suffering from the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis. In the airways of these individuals, functions of the mucociliary clearance system, cationic antimicrobial (poly)peptides and neutrophils and macrophages are impaired and inflammatory signal transduction pathways exaggerated. Consequently, chronic airway colonization with opportunistic bacterial pathogens develops and leads to life-threatening lung disease.  相似文献   

Gating of the muscle chloride channel CLC-1 involves at least two processes evidenced by double-exponential current relaxations when stepping the voltage to negative values. However, there is little information about the gating of CLC-1 at positive voltages. Here, we analyzed macroscopic gating of CLC-1 over a large voltage range (from -160 to +200 mV). Activation was fast at positive voltages but could be easily followed using envelope protocols that employed a tail pulse to -140 mV after stepping the voltage to a certain test potential for increasing durations. Activation was biexponential, demonstrating the presence of two gating processes. Both time constants became exponentially faster at positive voltages. A similar voltage dependence was also seen for the fast gate time constant of CLC-0. The voltage dependence of the time constant of the fast process of CLC-1, tau(f), was steeper than that of the slow one, tau(s) (apparent activation valences were z(f) approximately -0. 79 and z(s) approximately -0.42) such that at +200 mV the two processes became kinetically distinct by almost two orders of magnitude (tau(f) approximately 16 micros, tau(s) approximately 1 ms). This voltage dependence is inconsistent with a previously published gating model for CLC-1 (Fahlke, C., A. Rosenbohm, N. Mitrovic, A.L. George, and R. Rüdel. 1996. Biophys. J. 71:695-706). The kinetic difference at 200 mV allowed us to separate the steady state open probabilities of the two processes assuming that they reflect two parallel (not necessarily independent) gates that have to be open simultaneously to allow ion conduction. Both open probabilities could be described by Boltzmann functions with gating valences around one and with nonzero "offsets" at negative voltages, indicating that the two "gates" never close completely. For comparison with single channel data and to correlate the two gating processes with the two gates of CLC-0, we characterized their voltage, pH(int), and [Cl](ext) dependence, and the dominant myotonia inducing mutation, I290M. Assuming a double-barreled structure of CLC-1, our results are consistent with the identification of the fast and slow gating processes with the single-pore and the common-pore gate, respectively.  相似文献   

A study of the properties of conditional dominant and recessive lethals in Drosophila melanogaster has demonstrated parental effects in the inheritance and manifestation of these mutations. Maternal and paternal effects are present when conditional mutations interact with (1) one another, (2) the Y chromosome, or (3) chromosomal rearrangements, as well as (4) when the visual expression of a conditional mutation is inherited or (5) during the formation of morphoses (monstrosities) in mutant offspring. The maternal and paternal effects do not exclude one another: the same mutation can display both patterns. The characters manifesting themselves at late developmental stages (morphoses) are inherited according to a parental effect pattern. A general concept of the parental effect is proposed and its types are classified.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) has variable penetrance and phenotype. Heterozygous mutations in MYH7 encoding beta-myosin heavy chain are the most common causes of FHC, and we proposed that "enhanced" mutant actin-myosin function is the causative molecular abnormality. We have studied individuals from families in which members have two, one, or no mutant MYH7 alleles to examine for dose effects. In one family, a member homozygous for Lys207Gln had cardiomyopathy complicated by left ventricular dilatation, systolic impairment, atrial fibrillation, and defibrillator interventions. Only one of five heterozygous relatives had FHC. Leu908Val and Asp906Gly mutations were detected in a second family in which penetrance for Leu908Val heterozygotes was 46% (21/46) and 25% (3/12) for Asp906Gly. Despite the low penetrance, hypertrophy was severe in several heterozygotes. Two individuals with both mutations developed severe FHC. The velocities of actin translocation (V(actin)) by mutant and wild-type (WT) myosins were compared in the in vitro motility assay. Compared with WT/WT, V(actin) was 34% faster for WT/D906G and 21% for WT/L908V. Surprisingly V(actin) for Leu908Val/Asp906Gly and Lys207Gln/Lys207Gln mutants were similar to WT. The apparent enhancement of mechanical performance with mutant/WT myosin was not observed for mutant/mutant myosin. This suggests that V(actin) may be a poor predictor of disease penetrance or severity and that power production may be more appropriate, or that the limited availability of double mutant patients prohibits any definitive conclusions. Finally, severe FHC in heterozygous individuals can occur despite very low penetrance, suggesting these mutations alone are insufficient to cause FHC and that uncharacterized modifying mechanisms exert powerful influences.  相似文献   

In the current work, 12 novel 25-hydroxyprotopanaxadiol (25-OH-PPD) derivatives were synthesized by reacting with chloroacetyl chloride. And their in vitro antitumor activities were evaluated on six human tumor cell lines by MTT assay. The results demonstrated that, as compared with 25-OH-PPD, compounds 4, 6 and 7 exhibited higher cytotoxic activity on all tested cell lines. Of them, compound 4 showed strongly inhibition against MCF-7, HCT-116 and Lovo cells with IC50 values of 1.7, 1.6 and 2.1 μM, respectively. The IC50 values of compound 6 against HCT-116 and 7 against MCF-7 were the lowest (1.2 and 1.6 μM, respectively). It was also noted that compound 4 showed a 20- to 100-fold greater growth inhibition than ginsenoside-Rg3 (an anti-cancer regular drug in China). In conclusion, the data revealed that compounds 4, 6 and 7 were potential candidates for anti-tumor treatment and may be useful for the development of novel antiproliferative agents.  相似文献   

Cryptic mutations are undetected base changes in genetic DNA (or hereditary RNA). Some kinds of base change are normally undetected; others may or may not be detected, depending on experimental conditions, procedures and genotypes. Cryptic mutations could affect gene conversion results because when heterozygous they cause mismatched base pairs in hybrid DNA in the same way as known mutations, but the experimenter is unaware of them. Cryptic heterozygosity will usually be much more frequent in heterothallic than homothallic organisms. The effects of cryptic mutation heterozygosity on recombination and conversion of known mutations are predicted with reference to co-conversion, map expansion and polarity. Relevant evidence is considered.  相似文献   

The localization of several GTP-binding regulatory proteins in teh apical membrane of intestinal epithelial cells has prompted us to investigate a possible role for G-proteins as modulators of apical Cl- channels. In membrane vesicles isolated from rat small intestine or human HT29-cl.19A colon carcinoma cells, the entrapment of guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiophosphate (GTP gamma S) led to a large increase in Cl- conductance, as evidenced by an increased 125I- uptake and faster SPQ quenching. The enhancement was observed in the presence, but not in the absence of the K+ ionophore valinomycin, indicating that the increased Cl- permeability is not secondary to the opening of K+ channels. The effect of GTP gamma S was counteracted by guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiophosphate (GDP beta S) and appeared to be independent of cytosolic messengers, including ATP, cAMP, and Ca2+, suggesting that protein phosphorylation and/or phospholipase C activation is not involved. Patch clamp analysis of apical membrane patches of HT29-cl.19A colonocytes revealed a GTP gamma S-activated, inwardly rectifying, anion-selective channel with a unitary conductance of 20 +/- 4 pS. No spontaneous channel openings were observed in the absence of GTP gamma S, while the open time probability (Po) increases dramatically to 0.81 +/- 0.09 upon addition with GTP gamma S. Since the electrophysiological characteristics and regulatory properties of this channel are markedly different from those of the more widely studied cAMP/protein kinase A-operated channel, we propose the existence of a separate Cl(-)-selective ion channel in the apical border of intestinal epithelial cells. Our results suggest an alternative regulatory pathway in transepithelial salt transport and a possible site for anomalous channel regulation as observed in cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   

Familial renal glucosuria is an inherited renal tubular disorder. A homozygous nonsense mutation in the SLC5A2 gene, encoding the sodium/glucose co-transporter SGLT2, has recently been identified in an affected child of consanguineous parents. We now report novel compound heterozygous mutations in the son of non-consanguineous parents. One allele has a p.Q167fsX186 mutation, which is expected to produce a truncated protein, and the other a p.N654S mutation involving a highly conserved residue. These findings confirm that mutations in the SLC5A2 gene are responsible for recessive renal glucosuria.  相似文献   

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