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The temporal profile of the phosphorescence of singlet oxygen endogenously photosensitized by photosystem II (PSII) reaction centre (RC) in an aqueous buffer has been recorded using laser excitation and a near infrared photomultiplier tube. A weak emission signal was discernible, and could be fitted to the functional form a[exp( - t/t2 ) - exp( - t/t1 )] a[\exp ( - t/\tau_{2} ) - \exp ( - t/\tau_{1} )] , with $ a > 0 $ a > 0 and $ \tau_{2} > \tau_{1} $ \tau_{2} > \tau_{1} . The value of t2 \tau_{2} decreased from 11.6 ± 0.5 μs under aerobic conditions to 4.1 ± 0.2 μs in oxygen-saturated samples, due to enhanced bimolecular quenching of the donor triplet by oxygen, whereas that of t1 \tau_{1} , identifiable with the lifetime of singlet oxygen, was close to 3 μs in both cases. Extrapolations based on the low amplitude of the emission signal of singlet oxygen formed by PSII RC in the aqueous buffer and the expected values of t1 \tau_{1} and t2 \tau_{2} in chloroplasts indicate that attempts to analyse the temporal profile of singlet oxygen in chloroplasts are unlikely to be rewarded with success without a significant advance in the sensitivity of the detection equipment.  相似文献   


We have re-calculated the self part of the density autocorrelation function Fs(k, t) (incoherent scattering function) for the binary soft-sphere fluid with a much longer molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation than our previous MD calculations, and with a larger system size (N = 4000) to a longer time window as well as to study a system-size dependence, if it exists. The full density autocorrelation function F(k, t) was also computed. It is found that all F(k, t)'s that we have computed in this work can be fitted over a wide range of time steps (at least over three figures of the decay) by a Williams-Watts stretched exponential function Fs(k, t) = A exp [— (t/t 0)β], where A, β and t 0 are adjustable parameters. Other significant dynamical behaviours were also presented in mean square displacements and non-Gaussian parameters for highly supercooled fluids with N = 4000. The present results are compatible to our previous computations with N = 500, but a significant size dependence is suggested.  相似文献   

In order to understand generally how the biological evolution rate depends on relevant parameters such as mutation rate, intensity of selection pressure and its persistence time, the following mathematical model is proposed: dN n (t)/dt=(m n (t-)N n (t)+N n-1(t) (n=0,1,2,3...), where N n (t) and m n (t) are respectively the number and Malthusian parameter of replicons with step number n in a population at time t and is the mutation rate, assumed to be a positive constant. The step number of each replicon is defined as either equal to or larger by one than that of its parent, the latter case occurring when and only when mutation has taken place. The average evolution rate defined by is rigorously obtained for the case (i) m n (t)=m n is independent of t (constant fitness model), where m n is essentially periodic with respect to n, and for the case (ii) (periodic fitness model), together with the long time average m of the average Malthusian parameter . The biological meaning of the results is discussed, comparing them with the features of actual molecular evolution and with some results of computer simulation of the model for finite populations.An early version of this study was read at the International Symposium on Mathematical Topics in Biological held in kyoto, Japan, on September 11–12, 1978, and was published in its Procedings.  相似文献   

Triticum timopheevii and related species T. militinae (2n=28, AtG) and T. zhukovskyi (2n=42, AmAtG), hybrids T. kiharae, T. miguschovae, the amphidiploid T. timopheevii x T. tauschii (all 2n=42, AtGD), T. fungicidum (ABAtG) and T. timonovum (2n=56, AtAtGG) were analyzed using the C-banding technique. Chromosomes of the Am and At genomes in the karyotype of T. zhukovskyi differed in their C-banding pattern. Partial substitutions of At-genome chromosomes and a complete substitution of the G-genome chromosomes by homoeologous chromosomes of an unidentified tetraploid wheat species with an AB genome composition were found in the T. timonovum karyotype. At- and G-genome chromosomes in the karyotypes of all studied species had similar C-banding patterns and were characterized by a low level of polymorphism. The comparative stability of the At and G genomes is determined by the origin and specifity of cultivation of studied species.  相似文献   

The frequencies of bases A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine), and T (thymine) occurring in codon positioni, denoted bya i ,c i ,g i , andt i , respectively (i=1, 2, 3), have been calculated and diagrammatized for the 1490 human proteins in the codon usage table for primate genes compiled recently. Based on the characteristic graphs thus obtained, an overall picture of codon base distribution has been provided, and the relevant biological implication discussed. For the first codon position, it is shown in most cases that G is the most dominant base, and that the relationshipg 1>a 1>c 1>t 1 generally holds true. For the second codon position, A is generally the most dominant base and G is the one with the least occurrence frequently, with the relationship ofa 2>t 2>c 2>g 2. As to the third codon position, the values ofg 3+c 3 vary from 0.27 to 1, roughly keeping the relationship ofc 3>g 3>a 3=t 3 for the majority of cases. Interestingly, if the average frequencies for bases A, C, G, and T are defined as , respectively, we find that is valid almost without exception. Such a characteristic inequality might reflect some inherent rule of codon usage, although its biological implications is unclear. An important advantage by introducing graphic methods is to make it possible to catch essential features from a huge amount of data by a direct and intuitive examination. The method used here allows one to see means and variances, and also spot outliers. This is particularly useful for finding and classifying similarity patterns and relationships in data sets of long sequences, such as DNA coding sequences. The current method also holds a great potential for the study of molecular evolution from the viewpoint of genetic code whose data have been accumulated rapidly and are to continue growth at a much faster pace.On sabbatical leave from Department of Physics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.  相似文献   

The expressions of Wolfet al. (1951) and Renkin (1956) for the kinetics of artificial kidneys are generalized to include the effects of filtration. IfB is the bath volume,b the relevant volume of distribution,f the filtration rate,t the time, andA 0,B 0,b 0 representA, B, andb at timet=0, then the plasma concentrationA is given by
$$\frac{A}{{A_0 }} = \frac{{B_0 }}{{B_0 + b_0 }}e^{ - \frac{{\left( {B_0 + b_0 } \right)}}{{B_0 }}\frac{{D_f }}{{b_0 }}K\left( {ft} \right)t} + \frac{{b_0 }}{{B_0 + b_0 }}$$  相似文献   

The intermediate scattering function G(K,t) for any polymer model obeying a linear separable Langevin equation can be expressed in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of its normal coordinate transformation. An algorithm for the extract numerical evaluation of G(K,t) for linear Rouse-Zimm chains in the presence of hydrodynamic interaction has been developed. The computed G(K,t)2 were fit to C(t) = A exp(?tA) + B, and apparent diffusion coefficients calculated according to Dapp ≡ 1/(2τAK2). G(K,t)2 was surprisingly well-fit by single-exponential decays, especially at both small and large values of Kb, where K is the scattering vector and b the root-mean-squared subunit extension. Plots of Dapp vs K2 in-variably showed a sigmoidal rise from D0 at K2 = O up to a constant plateau value at large K2b2. Analytical expression for G(K,t), exact in the limit of short times, were obtained for circular Rouse-Zimm chains with and without hydrodynamic interaction, and also for free-draining linear chains, and in addition for the independent-segment-mean-force (ISMF) model. The predicted behaviors for G(K,t) at large Kb (or KRG) was found in all cases to be single-exponential with 1/τ ∝ K2 at large Kb, in agreement with the computational results. A simple procedure for estamating all parameter of the Rouse-Zimm model from a plot of Dapp vs K2 is proposed. Experimental data for both native and pH-denatured calf-thymus DNA in 1.0M Nacl with and without EDTA clearly plateau behavior of Dapp at large values of K, in harmony with the present Rouse-Zimm and ISMF theories, and in sharp contrast to previous predictions based on the Rouse-Zimm model.  相似文献   

A way of characterizing cell size distribution in suspensions of single-cell microorganisms is suggested, based on the first and second moments around origin. Suspension density may be predicted on the basis of the mixing law and the density of microbial dry matter, for suspensions ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida lipolytica, andAspergillus niger. Newtonian viscosities were correlated using regression analysis by η=Aexp(BC m)exp(D/t); another correlation is presented for the calculation of surface tension in single-cell microbial suspensions. All the relations are valid in the range of concentrations up to 15% (w/v) and for temperatures between 15° and 35°C. The formulae presented may be used in other hydraulic studies.  相似文献   

 Chromosome pairing at metaphase-I was analyzed in F1 hybrids among T. turgidum (AABB), T. aestivum (AABBDD), and T. timopheevii (AtAtGG) to study the chromosome structure of T. timopheevii relative to durum (T. turgidum) and bread (T. aestivum) wheats. Individual chromosomes and their arms were identified by means of C-banding. Homologous pairing between the A-genome chromosomes was similar in the three hybrid types AAtBG, AAtBGD, and AABBD. However, associations of B-G were less frequent than B-B. Homoeologous associations were also observed, especially in the AAtBGD hybrids. T. timopheevii chromosomes 1At, 2At, 5At, 7At, 2G, 3G, 5G, and 6G do not differ structurally from their counterpart in the A and B genomes. Thus, these three polyploid species inherited translocation 5AL/4AL from the diploid A-genome donor. Chromosome rearrangements that occurred at the tetraploid level were different in T. turgidum and T. timopheevii. Translocation 4AL/7BS and a pericentric inversion of chromosome 4A originated only in the T. turgidum lineage. The two lines of T. timophevii studied carry four different translocations, 6AtS/1GS, 1GS/4GS, 4GS/4AtL, and 4AtL/3AtL, which most likely arose in that sequence. These structural differences support a diphyletic origin of polyploid wheats. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   

The Roginsky-Zeldovich (or Elovich) equation, which is −dx/dt=m exp (nx) (x=substrate concentration,t=time,m andn=constants), describes the kinetics of various biological electron and ion transport processes, and has been derived from the concept of charge transport across an activation energy barrier at an interface between dissimilar phases, driven by a difference in redox or ion potentials, with the simplifying assumptions that charge carrier concentration is constant, backward current across the interface is zero, and diffusion of substrate is fast. If charge carrier concentration is proportional to substrate concentration, then the kinetic equation is −dx/dt=mx exp (nx). If backward current is not zero, then −dx/dt=m 1 exp (n 1x) −m 2 exp (n 2 x), wherem 1,m 2,n 1 andn 2 are constants. Kinetic equations for interfacial charge transport in the presence of a significant substrate diffusion potential are also derived.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a continuous recycle reactor which efficiently performs emulsion type enzymatic reactions. The reactor column is filled with immobilised lipase and the reactions are effected by pumping the pre-prepared oil-water emulsion through the bottom of the reactor. A part of the product was recycled back and this type of recycling greatly improves the productivity of fatty acid compared to continuous once-through reactor without recycling. The recycle reactor could be continuously run for 35 days without decrease in conversions. The performance of the reactor was interpreted by a model and the theoretical conversion was compared with the experimental data.List of Symbols F AO mol/min feed rate - K M g/l Michaelis constant - R recycle ratio - r 5 mol/(ml · min) reaction rate - S 0 g/l initial substrate concentration - V max mol/(ml · min) maximum reaction velocity - V R l void volume of the reactor - x s fractional conversion - Standard deviation   相似文献   

The threshold for rotation about the yaw axis was determined for constant acceleration stimuli as a function of their duration in the range from 3 to 25 s. From the torsion-swing model the following theoretical equation can be derived: 1 $$a_{{\text{thr}}} = {C \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {C {\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - {{t_s } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_s } {\tau _1 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\tau _1 }}} \right)} \right]}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - {{t_s } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_s } {\tau _1 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\tau _1 }}} \right)} \right]}}$$ , where a thr=acceleration amplitude at threshold, t s =duration of the acceleration, τ1=time constant, C=threshold for very long stimuli. According to this formula the Mulder product (i.e. the product of the threshold acceleration amplitude and the duration of the stimulus) is constant for durations up to 0.3 τ1. The best fit of this theoretical function to the somatosensory data is found for τ1=14.5 s, and C=0.220/s 2. The time within the Mulder product is constant (about 5s) is doubtless due to the mechanics of the semicircular canals. For the oculogyral data a lower value of τ1 is found. We do not have any explanation for this lower value.  相似文献   

Methods for identifying germplasm carrying alleles with the potential to improve a particular single-cross hybrid have been proposed and discussed in recent years. There is a need for similar methods to be used in breeding crops for which pure-line cultivars, rather than hybrids, are the goal. The objective of this research was to develop a method to identify germplasm lines with the potential to contribute favorable alleles not present in a specified pure line or set of pure lines. Given a set of adapted pure lines (A 1, A 2 ..., A m) to be improved and a set of germplasm lines (P 1 P 2 ..., P f), the procedure consists of producing all f x m possible hybrids and evaluating them along with the parents. The testcross statistic T ij is defined by T ij=(F ijA j)+(1–) (F ijP i), where A j, P i, and F ij represent the performance of thej th adapted line, the i th germplasm line, and their hybrid, respectively. The statistic is the mean value of T ij over all adapted parents A j. If =(1/2)(1+d), where d = the mean degree of dominance, then T ij measures the potential for alleles from P i to improve A j and measures the potential for alleles from P i to improve the set A 1, A 2 ..., A m. Use of data on soybean and peanut hybrids published by other researchers suggests that the value assumed for d has little effect on the P i chosen. The ability of the T ij and statistics to identify germplasm strains carrying rare favorable alleles should be assessed in empirical studies.Joint contribution: OARDC (Journal Articale No. 161-94), USDAARS, Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Expriment Station (Journal Paper No. J-16109; Project 2985), and Agreculture and Agri-Food Canada. Salaries and research support for S. K. St. Martin Provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University  相似文献   

Limitations of existing methods to describe the bioavailability of dietary radionuclides to ruminants (the transfer coefficient and apparent absorption coefficient) have led to the alternative suggestion of using the true absorption coefficient (A t). Various approaches to estimatingA t for radiocaesium, involving the intravenous administration of a second isotope, are presented and discussed with reference to results from studies in which a range of radiocaesium sources were examined in sheep. Although estimates ofA t differed between the sources, they were reasonably consistent between measurement techniques. Those methods which involved the estimation of endogenous faecal excretion of radiocaesium could be used with previously contaminated animals and did not require continuous administrations of radiocaesium isotopes, but gave unreliable results for sources of low bioavailability. Methods based on estimating the turnover rate of dietary radiocaesium through blood plasma were sufficiently sensitive to measureA t for the range of sources studied. However, they require previously uncontaminated animals and continuous administration of both isotopes for approximately 7 days. Bioavailability is more effectively measured asA t than as the transfer or apparent absorption coefficients sinceA t does not incorporate factors relating to the metabolism of radiocaesium in the tissues of the animal. The results of these studies show that differences in transfer coefficients between sheep and cattle and between sheep of differing ages are not due to variation in absorption across the gut. The potential for applying these approaches to other radioactive elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of various convective and temperature regimes on heat production, evaporative heat loss, and thermal resistance were studied in deer mice,Peromyscus maniculatus. Heat production (measured as oxygen consumption) increased with increasing wind speed (V) and decreasing ambient temperature (T a), except atT a=35°C which was thermoneutral for allV from 0.05 through 3.75 m/s. Evaporative water loss ( ) increased with increasingT a, but wind had little effect on except at highT a. In the absence of forced convection, the animals' total resistance to heat transfer (r t) was high and stable atT a below thermoneutrality. However, at highV ther t increased steadily with decreasingT a. Although deer mice rarely experience high wind speeds in natural microhabitats, the convective regime is nevertheless important in determining rates of heat loss, and must be considered in studies of ecological energetics.Symbols and Abbreviations A animal surface area - HP n net metabolic heat production - EHL evaporative heat loss - MHP metabolic heat production - r t total resistance to heat transfer - r ext external resistance component of rt - RQ respiratory quotient - pc p volumetric specific heat of air - T a ambient temperature - t b body temperature - t e operative, or equivalent blackbody temperature of the environment - T sk skin temperature - T es standard operative temperature - V wind speed - oxygen consumption - carbon dioxide production - evaporative water loss  相似文献   

A number of effects of weak combined (static and alternating) magnetic fields with an alternating component of tens and hundreds nT at a collinear static field of 42 μT, which is equivalent to the geomagnetic field, have been found: activation of fission and regeneration of planarians Dugesia tigrina, inhibition of the growth of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice, stimulation of the production of the tumor necrosis factor by macrophages, decrease in the protection of chromatin against the action of DNase 1, and enhancement of protein hydrolysis in systems in vivo and in vitro. The frequency and amplitude ranges for the alternating component of weak combined magnetic fields have been determined at which it affects various biological systems. Thus, the optimal amplitude at a frequency of 4.4 Hz is 100 nT (effective value); at a frequency of 16.5 Hz, the range of effective amplitudes is broader, 150–300 nT; and at a frequency of 1 (0.5) Hz, it is 300 nT. The sum of close frequencies (e.g., 16 and 17 Hz) produces a similar biological effect as the product of the modulating (0.5 Hz) and carrying frequencies (16.5 Hz), which is explained by the ratio A = A 0sinω1 t + A 0sinω2 t = 2A 0sin(ω1 + ω2)t/2cos(ω1–ω2)t/2. The efficiency of magnetic signals with pulsations (the sum of close frequencies) is more pronounced than that of sinusoidal frequencies. These data may indicate the presence of several receptors of weak magnetic fields in biological systems and, as a consequence, a higher efficiency of the effect at the simultaneous adjustment to these frequencies by the field. Even with consideration of these facts, the mechanism of the biological action of weak combined magnetic fields remains still poorly understood.  相似文献   

Single-cell force spectroscopy was used to investigate the initial adhesion of L929 fibroblasts onto periodically grooved titanium microstructures (height ~6 μm, groove width 20 μm). The position-dependent local adhesion strength of the cells was correlated with their rheological behavior. Spherical cells exhibited a significantly lower Young’s modulus (<1 kPa) than that reported for spread cells, and their elastic properties can roughly be explained by the Hertz model for an elastic sphere. While in contact with the planar regions of the substrate, the cells started to adapt their shape through slight ventral flattening. The process was found to be independent of the applied contact force for values between 100 and 1,000 pN. The degree of flattening correlated with the adhesion strength during the first 60 s. Adhesion strength can be described by fast exponential kinetics as C1 [ 1 - exp( - C2 ·t ) ] C_{1} \left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - C_{2} \cdot t} \right)} \right] with C 1 = 2.34 ± 0.19 nN and C 2 = 0.09 ± 0.02 s−1. A significant drop in the adhesion strength of up to 50% was found near the groove edges. The effect can be interpreted by the geometric decrease of the contact area, which indicates the inability of the fibroblasts to adapt to the shape of the substrate. Our results explain the role of the substrate’s topography in contact guidance and suggest that rheological cell properties must be considered in cell adhesion modeling.  相似文献   

Decompositions of amorphous cellulose induced by cellulases of Trichoderma reesei were evaluated from gradients at zero time of exponential functions which were fitted to nephelometrically measured values of turbidty of incubated solutions of cellulose [turbidity = A × exp (B × t)+ C [A, B, C = constants, t = time]]. Synergistic enhancements of decomposition of amorphous cellulose resulted in the range of 300 p.c. whenever of the two isoenzymes of cellobiohydrolase I of Trichoderma reesei (CBH I, being an exo-glucanase) one was incubated together with one of the isoenzymes of CBH II (being really an endo-glucanase). Accessibility of amorphous cellulose to enzymatic decomposition being calculated from the fitted function by the term (A/(A + C)) × 100 [p.c.] resulted for the CBH I isoenzymes and for the CBH II/1 in the range of 27 to 38 p.c. of the total substrate. Incubations of CBH II/1 in with CBH I/1 and CBH I/2 were followed by increases of accessibility to 85 and 87 p.c., respectively. CBH II/2 by itself caused a substrate accessibility in the range of 80 p.c., which increased to 96 p.c. when it was incubated together with CBH I/1 or CBH I/2. Amorphous cellulose dispersing activity (ACD activity) being evaluated from the fitted function by the term (A + C)/(Ac + Cc) × 100 [p.c.] (Ac + Cc × control turbidity at zero time) was not increased when a CBH I isoenzyme was incubated together with a CBH II isoenzyme. EG I, a convetional endo-glucanase from Tr. reesei proved not to act synergistically in any case when incubated together with one of the CBH isoenzymes. On the contrary, EG I turned out to act antagonistically to CBH II/1 and CBH II/2. Results can be interpreted as an exo-endo-synergism taking place between C1-specific exo- and endo-glucanases.  相似文献   


Previously, we have reported that the coronary reactive hyperemic response was reduced in adenosine A2A receptor-null (A2AAR?/?) mice, and it was reversed by the soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitor. However, it is unknown in aortic vascular response, therefore, we hypothesized that A2AAR-gene deletion in mice (A2AAR?/?) affects adenosine-induced vascular response by increase in sEH and adenosine A1 receptor (A1AR) activities. A2AAR?/? mice showed an increase in sEH, AI AR and CYP450-4A protein expression but decrease in CYP450-2C compared to C57Bl/6 mice. NECA (adenosine-analog) and CCPA (adenosine A1 receptor-agonist)-induced dose-dependent vascular response was tested with t-AUCB (sEH-inhibitor) and angiotensin-II (Ang-II) in A2AAR?/? vs. C57Bl/6 mice. In A2AAR?/?, NECA and CCPA-induced increase in dose-dependent vasoconstriction compared to C57Bl/6 mice. However, NECA and CCPA-induced dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? was reduced by t-AUCB with NECA. Similarly, dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? was reduced by t-AUCB with CCPA. In addition, Ang-II enhanced NECA and CCPA-induced dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? with NECA. Similarly, the dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? was also enhanced by Ang-II with CCPA. Further, t-AUCB reduced Ang-II-enhanced NECA and CCPA-induced dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? mice. Our data suggest that the dose-dependent vascular contraction in A2AAR?/? mice depends on increase in sEH, A1AR and CYP4A protein expression.


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